Variety (May 1918)

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VARIETY OOH LOOK MBwmTwwsH IS SINCM* S«M4S AND WITT*! *; Ifj OVER vqoevtt. omtenotf- wx*#k bvans • New Yerk—1 JOE ALEEN LAURIE and BRONSON The Pint Sice Pair f F/NE with All. THF RCTOGZS," Sfitfr a WGU- KNOWN KBlThh tAMhCrBfZ; Vou Seer I Hf\\t£TH£E£ CHILD&BH OP IAY OWN" AtO/tOLOOUt$T~ JACK TERRY Thia Week appearing before Baron Eyeland with hia treape ef enthromorphlc shad- roe absorbers. Prlare' Club will alwaya reach see. AUBREY EtTKLLI RICHE Son** and Dancea Norel and ExclneiTe. Preaantlnc their up- to-the-minute Vene- tian feeture. an ex- citing eloQuenoe In Bleak and White. Playing Rlchard'e Circuit. Australia Every dog has its day. Every cat has its night. And every actor has its split week. There's "cents" in advertising, but there's not much "sense" in my ads. JAY RAYMOND A RepreeenUdre e>f the Hoeee ef Mirth Representative, FRANK DONNELLY of the house of NORMAN JgPFK R IBg Pre neTer heard what the wild warea were sayinjr, bat Pve eften llatened te the •train of the milk. Billy Beard PAUL and MAE NOLAN Direction* NORMAN JEFFERIES PAUL CHARLEY ARLEY That'e what they all ear. "A regular act" New with Barnnm * Bailey's Or YA A BAAL FRED DUPREZ Says: After taking a look at the women these days, a man always wonders why they ever im- agined they need- ed bustles. ••"•SAM BAERWITZ u « Bn ^^ NewYerk DOLLY GREY and BERT BYRON J VINCENT AND CARTER IN "POLITE NONSENSE" W. V. M. A. Direction. HARRY 8PINGOLD Aerll a-Mey I—BIJea. WeeeeaekeL R. I.: Hay 2-4— Seeete. Pawtveket R. I.; May I Peic.iteaer'a, WU- ■lastee. Dei.: May IS-IS—PalPi, New Naves, mea.; May IS-la—Palate. aerleffleM, Mas*.; May RMS-- PeU'e. Seraatea. Pa.; May 23-2a—Pell'*, Wflkea- Barre. Pa. JIM and MARIAN HARKINS Direction, NORMAN JEFFERIES We Sent a CARD BOY in search of AN ACOUSTIC After traveling from one to another He Returned with a Long Iron Pipe, Of Course We seat It beck at there was no HINGE ON IT MONTROSE and ALLEN Leew Circuit Direction, LETT eV JQfOB. Penr Hears After Beta* INOCULATED A Sailer at Sapper tamed deathly Pale; One of his Mates, noticing this, saidr "Hey, Mickey, If you faint, kin I have YOUR DESSERTr Pass the Salt, Peter! NIXON and SANS Leew Circuit. Direction. LETT A JONBS. FENTON and GREEN Yon cent feel e hereefy. Newell and Most, who have been here before with musical shows, delighted with an offering labeled "Synco- pated Songs and Steps." Miss Most has a decidedly original manner of getting her numbers over, and Win. Newell contributes a bit of dancing you will enjoy.—Pert- land "Arrue." MORRIS & FEIL OFFER THE ORIGINAL BOX CAR DUO ALEXANDER and FIELDS Allan "ELMER and HORACE" IT. II. (). TIME "DOGS* ear I am a Rome ear I as ••ear" I Ted and Corinne BRETON "On the Boardwalk** UNCLE SAM'S ACTORS Direction, Red path Lyceum Boreas KNAPP and CORNALLA TbU Week {AarU »)-Leew*e, Menifee. Cat. Neat Week (Ha, 6} Leew*e Theatre Mentreel, Canada Pauline Saxoo SAYB Some people speak of happiness As something strange and deep: But aU the Joy I each day Is Just to eat sleepl BLACXPACE EDDIE ROSS Peatared Neil O'Brien ^nrci ALFRED end her SYMPHONY MlftLaV "GERANT" Peatarinc the RAINBOW In Nevetty Daaeas Direction i Baa tar*. Peter Maefti C. W. N " XL BRENDEL - BERT la "Waiting for Her- Direction. H. BAST M.MDOM "*» JlRTBTIC Biv* Or Versatility A DELE JASON Featnred In PEPPLK & GRBKNWALD*B "ALL GIRL REVUE" Psrtonal Olreetlee. M. L. QRIENWALD