Variety (May 1918)

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48 MOVING PICTURES COAST PICTURE NEWS. 11 ¥ HV\ I'ltirE. Tod n r ownlriK, one of the beat known di- rectors In the biiHliH'ss, baa been engaged by Universal. Chtst Witney hnn finished his first picture since returning to Griffith. It Is called "The Enemy Within." nnd w;ih given a pre-vlow at Pasadena tlie other night. Cuddles Kdwards. of th" Gu? Edward* Hevue, has li<>« n signed by Lnsky. The T T . R. Naval Itcscrvp Hand appeared at the Klncma three performances dally last week. Harry Mestayir Is considering another flyer Into the movies. Mi-siayer celebrated hla tenth anniversary the other night, nnd as tin Ih the symbol of this event he bought his wife a Ford. Will JefTries has joined the "Eat and Grow Thin" club. Wm. Heaudlne N the only remaining mem- ber of the Triangle Directors' Assn. Jean Hersholt, the character actor, is seri- ously HI at a local hospital. As a pastime Bert Lytell is writing stories for Metro. Teddy Sampson has been signed to play opposite "Smiling" Hill Parsons. George linker, director general for Metro, Is alowly recovering from an attack of appendi- citis. Oeorge Ilehau, sunburned, but happy, has returned from the desert wastes of Arizona, where he stained the final scenes for his first photoplay under his own direction. Harry Northup is playing a brief engage- ment with Metro. Harry Farnsworth Mncpherson, who has been assistant dinctor for Uaby Marie Os- borne, has gone to New York. Francis .1. Hawkins, general manager of the Ilaworth Pictures Corp., left this week on a tour of the western exchanges. A uroup of photoplayers raised $."»<).r>u for the Red Cross on a recent voynge from San Francisco to Ix>s Angeles. Those taking part in the entertainment were Max Asher, Jack Weatherby, Mrs. J. A. Home, Jack Pierce, J. Jjiidwig and H. Russell. It was announced from Universal City that Carl Laemmlo will remain hero two months. Edna Earl, the eastern society girl, who came here incog to play In pictures, has been engaged as leading woman In Monroe Salis- bury's next Bluebird production. The Hayakawa Co., with William Worthlng- ton directing, will return thiB week from San Francisco. Jessie P»oothe, scenario editor at Paralta, has left that concern. Arthur Shirley Is organizing a company to exploit Marie Pinzon Edwards In pictures. She is the girl acquitted recently of the murder of State Senator Henry H. Lyons. Reeves Fason is preparing to start work on another outdoor story for the state rights market. Rex Ingram has Joined the colors. NOT SHOWING JOLSON PICTURE. Tin- incomplete police film with Al Jolson the principal player, made by Vitanraph was .shown at the police per- formance of "Sinbud" at the Winter Garden Saturday nijjht. The final scenes were not taken for the picture. It was reported following the exhibi- tion the picture would be withdrawn from public distribution as there ap- peared to exist a misunderstanding re- garding it. The Vita intended dis- tributing the lilm, giving 40'.; <»f the proceeds to the 1'olice Ilenevoletit Fund and retaining nil'J for itself. It was Juboti's first picture posing. Jolson aL'.ain stepped torth as tin- life saver of the Winter Garden's vaudeville coin ert last Sunday. The bill \\ a > off so far «»f "f" that comment^ lbw all about the lnmse. J.olson was passing the theatre on his way Irmn till- N. V. A benetit a! the I I lpl>odlonie whi n he • a a - dragged back stage. He Marie 1 <uit b\ teliillg the audience It wasn't 1;' s t an!t ! he -In iw \\ a s fad. N. E. EXHIBITORS ANGRY. I'ost.m. May 15. A icil;n;.' a.g.iiiist the First National is ■, cp"iud tl lough New ICngland, held by exhibitors over the recent release of the Chaplin comedy, "A Dog's Life." The Gordon Brothers of Boston have the New England territory on the as- signments by the First National for its subjects. Exhibitors of this section are reported having received the impres- sion that each would be the only one in their respective towns to first show the Chaplin. They were given no written assurance, but are said to have secured an inference that such would be the case, partly through the price charged for the subject. When general release day arrived all exhibitors nearly were found to have the Chaplin on exhibition, and it was followed by considerable feeling. Wilton's Going to Marry. Carey Wilson, executive manager of the First National Exchange, is re- ported marrying a young New York girl (non-pro) May 20. Wilson does not deny he joins the benedicts' ranks on that day. NEWMAN IN ENGLAND. Dwight L. Newman, one of the best known American "travelogue" lectur- ers, arrived at an English port last week. He was accompanied by a cam- eraman and motion picture camera, the first to be allowed through the Allied lines since the war began, with the sole exception of D. W. Griffith. Mr. New- man will not obtain war pictures, his bbject being to register life far back of the lines—to show the industrial conditions. What Sign Will You Put There? GOING in for pictures this summer? What kind of pictures? Are you going at it right, by booking shows that will bring big crowds—shows that will establish your house as the best in town? If you're a first-class showman, you're after the real money. When you announce that you are showing paramount ^Uricrajfi ^Pictures " Nationally Advertised you reach out and pull into your theatre the hundreds who know the quality back of Paramount and Artcraft Pictures; you get the people who are eager for the chance to see these productions. That's the way to get the real money! Take no chances. Give them what you know they want. The prices are right. Ask your exchange about them today. * Cparamcuinl I*. FAMOUS PLAYERS -LASKY CORPORATION •^ == 5?~ t m —7* ADOLP11 ZUKOR Pres JESSE L.LASKY Vtot Prvs CECIL B.DE MILLE DirectorGeneral '*Wjp™?& -"NEW YOR^ J <L -^MMMt*.