Variety (May 1918)

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VARIETY £«*** WARNING! ^(Jrf^uso — *nd. • • John ffcj LEARNING TO SIN<* MAf^FtATS DONE 9f VAUDKVIUM Ot*§CTiCN-VRAM* EVANS. RelMnweber*! Revue, New York—Indef. JOE The Pint Six* Pair - ALE EN LAURIE and BRONSON EDWARD MARSHALL Chalkoligist DIRECTION ALF. T. WILTON JACK TERRY and his famous gas chewer. la he i man or crepe-de-chene? I Friars' Club will always reach me. ■Al AUBREY ■I TCH RICHE Sengs aad Daa Novel aad Exelasive. dune eta BUei aaa Playing Richard's Clr Ircalt. Aaetralla Billy Sunday must be "well heeled," to say nothing of the souls he has saved. JAY RAYMOND A Representative of the Hease of Mirth Representative, FRANK DONNELLY of the house of NORMAN JKPFRRIKS 4 Marriage is llhe a velame yea reed aad thea pat down. Bat love la llhe a circalatlag library. Billy Beard l*rn :; il Conn >li \n aj <; n-i t» Minstn !a ■ i'KTE >M' k A . Kern H< ;> . SIMON AGENCY MAHONIGRAMS By BILL MA HONEY of BRADY and MAHONKY The yearly number of "8T0LKN BOWS" In reode- rllle would carry a crew of SECTION HANDH from Now York to Ran Pranrlaro and bark again ten Umes If applied to running a hand ear. A United States Army Officer, formerly an AGENT. In tending a dispatch to the Bear through force of habit marked It COLLECT. I'll claim they're all nlftlea. and will appreciate another batch of same. Beat to Joe and yourself. BUI. Yours Always. JIM end MARIAN PAUL and MAE NOLAN Diractlon, NORMAN JEFFERIES HARK1NS PAUL AND CHARLEY ARLEY That's whet they all say. "A Regular Act" New with Bernem Jfc Bailey's Clreae. Direction: Weetern, Eesterm. YATES A EARL FRED DUPREZ Says: Some men can get familiar to anything even water. SAM BAERWITZ"?£ Vara May 20-22—Poll's. Wllkei-Barre. Pa. May 23-25—Pell's. Scran ton. Pa. Direction. NORMAN JEFFERIES If the u (nited) don't vant her LOEW vants her! DOLLY GREY and BERT BYRON -POLITE NONSENSE" W. V. M. A Direction, BARRY 8P1NGOLD Is your Local Board PAGING YOU? slso Why do Actors who Own Autos (?) Wear Fur Lined Gloves during the Winter? ANSWER.—To Keep their hands warm. WILLIE SOLAR Leew Circuit. Direction. LEVY Jk JONES If You Saw A Left Handed Sailor Wearing a Derby With a Satchel IN ONE HAND And a Tonsil in the other, What Would the Grip Contain? ANS W ER.—P or t holes. The VAN CELLOS Loew'e American New Direction. LEVY A JONES WM. NEWELL and ELBA MOST are possessed with much cheer- fulness which be- comes contagious sfter a short while. Their numbers ore put over in a decid- edly wholesome and original manner.—Omaha "World-Herald." Now finishing our ,15th Consecutive Week's Work for U. li. (). First open date, July 8. THE TWO HOBOS ALEXANDER and FIELDS in A Breeze of Aristocracy Direction, MORRIS & FEIL ROXY LA ROCCA Wizard of the Harp Thinks ARM and VIRGINIA Do a Greet Act Oswald Cera RAWSON and CLARE Variety. New York Ted and Corinne BRETON "On the Boardwalk" UNCLE SAM'S ACTORS Diractlon, Redpath Ly B BOB KNAPP and CHRIS. CORNALLA Pauline Saxon SAYS I wouldn't trede my humble piece For ell the weelth the world coald pay. And from the way thine* look rtcht Ifs Jast as well I feel thet way. Mr. and Mrs. EDDIE ROSS Summering at Hillsdale, Mich. BLANCHE ALFRED and her SYMPHONY GIRLS, aeaieted by "GERANT" Condacter Festering the RAINROW GIRL In Novelty Dancee Direction: Eastern, Peter Mack: Western* C. W. Nelson. V. B. O. EL FLO BREMDR- BERT "Waitingr'for Her" Direction, H. BART McHUGH KdWH9KR<£? IftTsaTIC Bi*9 Of VtsUAVILIVY P«i A DELE •JASON Featured in PEPPLE A GREENWALD'S "ALL GIRL REVUE" Portontl OlrwXvA. M L. URIIMWAi.0