Variety (May 1918)

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16 VARIETY BILLS NEXT WEEK (JUNE 3) la Vaudeville Theatres (All houses open for the week with Monday matinee, when not otherwise Indicated.) Agencies booking the houses are noted by single name or Initials, such as "Orph," Orpheum Circuit; "U li (), M United Booking Offices; "W V M A," Western Vaudeville Managers^Asso- ciation (Chicago); "P," Pontages Circuit; "Loew," Marcus Loew Circuit; "Inter," Interstate Circuit (booking through W. V. M. A.)j "Sun," Sun Circuit; "A H," Ackerman & Harris (Si.n Francisco); "P II," Pnntages and Hodklns (Chicago). Theatres listed as •'Orpheum" without any further distinguishing description are on the Orpheum Circuit. The maimer in which these bills are printed does not indicate the relative importance of acts imr their program positions. * before name indicates act Is new, doing turn new to vaudeville, or appearing In city where listed for the first time. New York PALACE Fklln & Green Sophie Tucker Co "The Submarine" McKay & Ardlne Jimmy Hussey Co Scabury & Shaw •Bernard A Treminl (formerly Bernard A .Tanls) Maxlno Br oh A D The Flemings ALHAMDHA (ubo) •Clark & Bergman PtBtcl A Cunning Nonette DeLeon A Davles Walter Brower Ed Morton Oarclnrttl Bros •"Olives" COLONIAL (ubo) •Clara Morton "Mar via Wireless" Hugh Herbert Co Mchllnger A Myers Marie Fltzglbbons Farrell Taylor 3 •Burt Earle Co Edward Marshall •Pennane A Shelby RIVERSIDE (ubo) B Clayton Co Jaek Wll«nn Co "Night Boat" Arnaut Bros Fink's Mules Stanley A Blrnes (One to All) ROYAL (ubo) Elizabeth Brlea •"Where Things Hap" Watson Sinters Bernle & Baker Joe Browning Ed Howard Co Hamilton & Barnee Evelyn A Dolly •Monroe & Grant 81 ST ST (ubo) Rock A Drew KharuiUin "Courting Days" Gonne & Albert Col Diamond & Dau 2d hair Whitney's Dolls Harris & Lyman Larry Rcllly Co H Hendler Co James Wntts Co BOTH ST (ubo) Allison •Irene Myors Harry Otbbs Co Joyce Went & M • "Now-a-Days" Corelll A Gillette •"Blrdland" 2d hair Odon Frank Carmen •Imperial Quintet Barnes & Robinson J as It Gordon Co Stewart A Donahuo Stewart Sisters AMERICAN (loew) 3 Herbert Girls Jack Roddy Royal Oascoynes Barker-Lueky-Gordon Taylor A Corelll Lawrence Brooke Co Miller Callahan Boys (Two to nil) 2d hair Sellg & Leo Sertho'H Dogs Gallagher A Mulvey Mlroslava A Serbians Morley & McCarthySIs "Could Thin Happen" Friend & Downing (Two to fill) VICTORIA (loew) La Palarlca & Partner Gray & Byron Vlollnnky Frazer-Bunco-Hardy Marlotte's Mannlklns 2d hair LaBelle & Lillian Leonard & Willard Dave Thurshy Bcdlnl's Itevuo GREELEY (loew) Zlta Largay & Sneo Cotho Payton Co Armstrong A Ford Mlroulava A Serbians 2.1 hair Chvo A f'hyo Hello Oliver Gray A Bvrnn "Cloaks A Suits" Fraier-nunee-Hardy Miller Callahan Boys DELANCEY (loow) Alfred Farrell Co Gallagher A Mulvey Cunningham & Ben pet t Golden Bird Nat Carr 2 Bryants 2d hair LaViva Nippon Duo Marlotte's Mannlkips Saxton A Clinton Corse Payton Co Barker-Lucky-Gordon (One to fill) NATIONAL (loew) Darto A Silver Mabel Elaine Fox A Ingraham "Wedding Annlv" O'Neill A Walmsley 2d hair Von Cello Co Tyler A C roll us Dena Cooper Co Cranston A Lee Temple 4 LINCOLN (loew) Alberto Bogard A Nlcoll Dena Cooper Co Saxton A Clinton Kuma 4 2d hair Zlta Largay A Snee Raymond Wylle Co "$1,000 Reward" Nat Carr Harishlma Bros ORPHEUM (loew) LaBelle A Lillian Carberry A Cavanaugh Annette Dare "Could This Happen" Temple 4 Zertho's Dogs 2d hair Tosar Chappelle A Stanette Norlnc or Movies Kelso A Frances "Wedding Annlv" Clark A McCullough Wyoming 3 BOULEVARD (loew) Chyo A Cbyo Montrose A Allen Raymond Wylle Co Arthur Havel Co Cranston A Lee 2d halt Wonder Act Allen A Stone Saxton A Farrell Royal Gascoynes AVE B (loew) Goldle A Mack Kelso A Francis Harris A Manlon Darto A Silver 2d hair O'Neill Sisters Annetto Dare "Our Boys" Barnes A Smythe Randow Trio Coney Island BRIGHTON (ubo) Jagg Nelson McM Dla A Chaplow Maud Earle Co Mofifi A Frye (Mark A Hamilton Willie Weston J B Hymer Co Stella Mayhew 3 Ankers HENDERSON'S (ubo) Eddie Foy Co Frank Stafford Co Leonard A Willard Edna Aug Al Abbott Tex MeLeod Page Hack A Mack Brooklyn. ORPHEUM (ubo) Christie McDonald Co Relnle Davles Gilbert A Frledland Bert Baker Co Helen Trlx A Sis Kenny A Nobody Juno Salmo BUSHvflCK (ubo) Van A Schenck Rooney A Bent Ray Samuels Smith A AuRtin Lloyd A Wells A A G Falls (One to nil) BIJOU (loew) Von Cello Co Sellg A Leo Norlnc of Movies 'Cloaks A Suits" ("lark A McCullough Wonder Act 2d hair Alfred Farrell Co Mabel Elaine Cunnlnghan A Bennett Arthur Havel Co O'Neill A Walmsley 3 Robins DE KALB (loew) Belle Oliver Tyler A Crollus "$1,000 Reward" Friend A Downing Harishlma Bros (One to fill) 2d half Pescl Duo Carberry A Cavanaugh Wood Mel A Phillips Kuma 4 (One to fill) FULTON (loew) 3 Robins Dave Thursby Leonard A Willard Allen A Stone Ergottls Lilliputians 2d half 3 Herbert Sisters Bogard A Nlcoll Vlollnsky Montrose A Allen Armstrong A Ford PALACE (loew) Randow Trio Ed A Irene Lowry Baruee A Smythe (Two to fill) 2d half F A M Britton Billy Olason Barbler Thatcher Co Millard A Marlin Welch's Minstrels (One to fill) 2d half Al Tucker 3 Musketeers "Oh That Melody" Annlaton, Ala. LYRIC (ubo) (Same 1st hair bill plays Lyric, Mobile. 2d hair) Rita Gould Demarest A Doll "Lonely Soldier" Alex O'Nell A Sis Texas 4 2d half Espe A Dutton Barber A Jackson Modeste Morenaon Stevens A Bordeaux "In Bad the Sailor" Atlanta, Ga. LYRIC (ubo) (Birmingham split) 1st hair Herman A Shirley Orth A Cody "Sunnyslde or B'way" (Two to fill) GRAND (loew) Arthur Turelll Elliott A Mora Norah Allen Co Park A Francis Concentration Co 2d half Chas Ledegar Fay A Jack 8mlth The Prefeeslenale* Original Heme CONTINENTAL HOTEL LOS ANGELES and SAN FRANCISCO Bhanley and Fames* ("Fifty-Fifty") WARWICK (loew) Swift A Dailey Barbler Thatcher Co University 4 Hall A Oullda (One to fill) 2d half Williams A Mitchell Willie Solar Golden Bird (One to fill) Akron* O. SUM'T BH PK (ubo) Louise A Mitchell Jordan A Lovera McCarthy A Faye "Childhood Days" Ward A Van Skating Vonuses Albany, N. Y. PROCTORS (ubo) Mang A Snyder Blssett A Scott Rice A Werner Margaret Young Ed Lee Wrothe Co Gould A Lewis Regay A Lorraine Sis 2d half Richards Harrison A Burr Three Kelos Plsano Co Marie Russell "Sea Wolf" Alexandria, La. RAPIDS (ubo) Chas Semon Mr A Mrs Emmett Mayme Gehrue Co Kljlyama (One to fill) 2d half Alf Grant Lambert A Fredericks Fred Roberts Variety Dancers (One to fill) BEAUREGARD (loew) Jack A Forts Grace DeWlntcrs Hooper A Burkhardt CaHtilano A Zardo Chin Sun Loo Co 2d hair Scabury A Prlco Nada Kesser Jewell A Jewell O'Connor A Dixon Raskin's Russian Rev Allentown, l»n. William Cutty Imhoff Conn A C Holmes A LaVoro McCloud A Carp Resista Angruata, Ga. ORAND (ubo) (Macon split) 1st hair Nolan A Nolan The Bandys Arthur Pickens Co Edith Clifford Co Kremka Bros MODJESKA (loew) Chas Ledegar Faye A Jack Smith Holmes A LaVere McCloud A Clark Resista 2d half LaToy's Models Lee Tong Foo Hall A O'Brien Austin Stewart 3 "Midnight Rollickers" Bakersfleld, Cal. HIP (aAh) (2-4) Connors A Edna Dunedln Duo Lewis A Raymond (5-6) Minnie Burke Boys Willis Hall Co Steve Stevens 3 y (7-8) Hlckey A Cooper Kabln A Eugene Frank Colby Co Baltimore MARYLAND (ubo) Simmons A Bradley Alton A Allen Chas Irwin Halllgan A Sykes Lillian Fitzgerald Mr Moore Herman Tlmberg Co HIP (loew) Ed A Ireno Ijowry Loonnre Slmonson Dorothy Rogers Co Art Smith Welch-Mealy-Montrose (One to nil) Battle (reek. Mich. BIJOU (ubo) Jack Lavier Clover Leaf 3 Perelra Sextet Byal A Early Miniature Revuo 2d hair Kills A Ellsworth Ray Conlln E. HEMMENDINGER 4d M , E °J} M Y y R R K CET Jewelers to the Profession LIBERTY BONDS ACCEPTED Tel. Jets §71 Martha Hamilton Co Dale A Burch (One to fill) Belleville. 111. WASHINGTON (wva) Fredericks A Van Stone A Manning Makers of History 2d hair Nadje Smith A Kaurmann Walker A Texas Blnsrhaaaton, N. Y. STONE (ubo) The Parshleys Steven Oreen (One to fill) 2d hair Zelaya McDev Kel A Lucy . (One to fill) Birmingham, Ala. LYRIC (ubo) (Atlanta split) 1st hair Raymond Wllbert Sinclair A Gasper Joe Bernard Co H Cleve A Miss D Venetian Gypsies BIJOU (loew) Billy Kinkald Peroff A Gray Arthur Sullivan Co Columbia City 4 "LaPetite Cabaret" 2d half Arthur Turelll Elliott A Mora Norah Allen Co Park A Francis Concentration Co Boaton. KEITH'S (ubo) Mclntyre A Heath LaBelle Tltcomb Co Frank Dobson Co Ethel McDonough Spencer A Williams Rath Bros Rome A Cox Mcintosh A Maids The Brlghtons ORPHEUM (loew) The Newmans Deltght-Ethel-Hardy "Polly's Punch" Wilson Bros Fred Thomas Girls (One to fill) 2d half Burkes A Kendall Follls Sls-LeRoy Mr A Mrs 8 Payne Browning A Dawson Those 5 Olrla (One to fill) ST. JAMES (loew) 4 Roses Thornton A Thornton Jackson A Wahl Eddie Foyer McClellan A Carson 2d halt WInton Bros Broughton A Turner "In Wrong" Con Conrad Old Homestead 8 Bridgeport, Conn* POLI'S (ubo) Skating Bear Vincent Kelly Jessie Haywood Co CAM Cleveland Alia Moskova Co 2d hair 3 Texas Cowboys Ames A Wlnthrop "Nowadays" Adrian Darrls Bros PLAZA (ubo) Morton A May El Cota Tracey A McBrlde "Chinese Follies" 2d hair Petroff Lisle A Harris Alls A Dells "Beach or Walklkl" Buffalo SHEAS (ubo) Pass Show or Vaud Milton A DeLong Sis Rives A Arnold Nclla Allen Franklyn Ardcll Co (Two to fill) flu He, Mont. PANTAGES (p) (1-4) (Samo bill playing Anaconda 5; Mis- soula 0) "An Arabian Night" Hallen A Hunter Misses Parker Crelghton Bel A C Sully Rogers A Sully PANTAGES (p) "Handicap Girls" Ward A Cullen Howard A White Hoyt Hyams 3 Patrlcola Archie Onrl Co Calvary ORPHEUM Sarah Bernhardt Co Low Madden Co Demarest A Collette Marion Weeks Albert Donnelly Camden, N. J. TOWER'S (ubo) 2d half (80-1) Lane A Plant Burke A Burke Jimmy Lucas Bobby Heath Co Charleston* 8. C. ACADEMY (ubo) (Columbia split) 1st half Merle's Cockatoos Frankle James Elm City 4 Mack A Earl The Piquos Charlotte, N. O. ACADEMY (ubo) (Roanoke split) 1st half Canarls A Cleo Walter Weems SoBman A Sloane Herbert's Doga (One to fill) Chattannogta, Tenn. RIALTO (ubo) (Knozvllle split) 1st half "Pretty Baby" Chicago MAJESTIC (orph) Grace LaRue Julius Tannen Leona LaMar Montgomery A Perry Swirt A Kelly Bob Hall Basil A Allen Libonatl "Beauty" NORTH HIP (wva) The Brads Bobby Henshaw Kartelll Hampton A Blake Navassar Girls Ray A Emma Dean Diaz Monks BAH Skatelle LaCosta A Clifton Tates Motoring Hughes Troupe (Two to fill) McVICKERS (loew) "Mile a Minute" Creamer Barton A 8 "Pretty Soft" Capt Bealey Henry A Adelaide Cortcz Trio Fagg A White The Hasklngs (One to fill) Cleveland KEITH'S (ubo) Claude Roode Moon A Morris Helen Ware Co Ben Deeley Co Norton A Lee Paul Decker Co Blanche Ring Co Olga Mishka Co (One to fill) MILES (miles) Hill A Ackerman Kane A Leonard Casson A Sherlock Sis Grant Gardner Sextet De Luxe Burns A Lynn Colombia, S. C. PASTIME (ubo) (Charleston split) 1st hair Irene Trlvette Martin A RublnJ Maud Muller Bowman Bros Florenz Duo Dalian, Tea. JEFFERSON (hp) Harry Sterling Homer A Dubard "Girl at Cigar Stand" Canfleld A Cohen Roscoe's Royal 9 MAJESTIC (inter) Brodean A Silvermoon Mitchell A Mitch Santl Foster Ball Co Bert Leslie Co Florenze Tempest Co Pal Hall A Brown Davenport, la. COLUMBIA (wva) Wurnelle Van A Vernon Neal Abel 4 Marx Bros Co 2d hair LaPearl A Blondell Mrs Wm A McGuIre Shelton Brooks "5 or Clubs" (Ono to fill) Denver ORPHEUM Margaret Edwards "Exemption" Gwen Lewis Tarzan Jnck Clifford Co Dingle A Ward Haruko Onukl PANTAGES (p) Yucatan Chung Hwa 4 Mack A Velmar Russell A Byrne Strength Bros Dew Molnen. In. ORPHEUM (Sunday opening) Loney Haskell "In the Dark" Peronne A 01 Ira* Dugan A Raymond Blossom Seeley Co LaZler Worth Co Detroit TEMPLE (ubo) Kalmer A Brown Maryland Singers Burns A Frablto Bradley A Ardlne Doc O'Nell Jennings A Mack Eddy Duo Harms 3 REGENT (miles) (Orpheum Detroit split) 1st hair Sen Francis Murphy Five Borslnls Jan Rublnl C Monroe Co Dunbar A Turner Rosamond A Dorothy ORPHEUM (miles) (Regent Detroit split) 1st hair Kitty Francis Co Schwarz A Clifford Donal Sisters Gorman Bros Rae A Wynn Reno Dnlnth GRAND (wva) (Same 1st hair bill playing Orpheum, Ft Williams, Can., 2d hair) Althoff Sisters Maldle DeLong 4 Kings (Two to fill) 2d half •3 Sports A A G Terry Homer Llnd Co (Two to fill) Eaaton, Pa. Greenley A Williams J C Lewis Co 3 Musketeers (Two to fill) 2d half William Cutty Frances Kennedy Clayton (Two to fill) E. St. Louie, Mo. ERBERS (wva) Bergquiet Bros Wheeler A Potter Fort Worth, MAJESTIC (Inter) Norman Telma "Janet of France" Lucille A "Cookie" "Bandbox Revue" Vardon A Perry Lasova A Oilmore Fresno, OaL HIP (aAh) Hlckey A Cooper Babln A Eugene Frank Colby Co Otto Koerner Co Brown A Jackson Steven Stevens 8 2d half Carlotto Weir Temple A Dacey Rlnaldo Duo Murphy A Lochmar 3 Morlarity Girls Knights Roosters Grand Raptda, Mich. RAMON A PK (ubo) Retter Bros Winona Winters Mystic Hanson 3 Beatrlca Morell 6 Kelly A Galvln Van A Belle Great Falls* Mont. PANTAGES (p) (4-6) (Same bill playing Helena 7) "Hoosler Girls" Green McH A Dean Great Richards D A A Wilson Jimmy Dyons Dura A Feely Greenville, 8. Ct GRAND (ubo) (Spartanburg split) 1st half El Rey Sisters Flora Starr Flanagan A Edwards Swor A Avey Jonla A Hawaliang Hamilton, Ont. LOEW (loew) Smlletta Sisters Jeanne Chabot A Dixon Doris Lester 3 Jos K Watson Geo Primrose Co Harrlabur*;, Pa* Francis A Eldon Roy La Pearl Frances Kennedy $14^Skl00MtHSBft«' 6 Nlaates ftesi All Theatres OvsrietUat Oeaflral Fa* $16°^$IITE$»KI? Centlitlss of Parter, Bsfreea aatf ■aid Lliht. Airy, with All Inerevnaeats REISENWEBER'S HOTEL 58th Street aid Celrahis CWe New Yerk City Smith A Kaufman Asahl Troupe 2d half LaErama Hope Vernon Hopkins & Axtelle Makers or History Edmonton, Can. PANTAGES (p) "Quaker to B'way" Emily Darrell Co Marion Munson Co Coacla A Verdi 3 Bartos Al Wholman Elmlrn. N. Y. MAJESTIC (ubo) Shirley Sisters Zelaya McDev Kel & Lucy (One to fill) 2d half The Parshleys Steve Green "Pay as You Enter" (One to fill) Fnll River, Mann. BIJOU (loew) Burkes A Kendall Follls Sls-LeRoy Mr Ai Mrs S Payne BrownlnK & Dawsou Those ."> Girls 2d hair The Newmans Drlinhl-Ethel-Hardy "Pollys Punch" Wilson Bros Fred Thomas Girls Flint. Mlrh. PALACE (Ubo) 2d half Krlso Bros Clover Lear 3 Walter Nealand Co Zrlglers & Ky 5 (One to fill) Ft. AVIlllnni, (an, ORPHEUM (wva) 1st half The Fostos B A V Morrlsey Hay tt Roberts Torcats Roosters Making Movie Stars (One to fill) 2d hair Imhoff Conn A C Marie Stoddard Making Movie Stars (Two to fill) Hartford, Conn* POLI'S (ubo) Cavanna Duo Louise Dacre Robert H Hodge Co Ames A Wlnthrop Imperial Quintet 2d hair Adams A Mangal Hobson A Beaty "Suffragettes' Revue" PALACE (ubo) Petroff Sharp A Gibson John R Gordon Co La Tour A Gorld "Beach or Walklkl" : 2d hair Hector Tracey A McBrlde "Dreamland" Joe Cook Four Bards Hattlenhnra*. Mian. CANTONMENT (loew) Belle A Caron Norton A Noble Harmon A O'Connor Fred LaRclne Co Sherman Van A Hy 2d hair Jack A Forls Grace DeWlnters Hooper A Burkhardt CaHtilano A Zardl Chin Sun Loo Co Hasleton, Pa. FKELEY'S (ubo) 2d hair (30-1) Juliette Bush I^eonard A Whitney Ashton A Ross Hcnec Family Hoboken, N. J. LOEW (loew) Hunter A Fidler The Steppers Billy Olason