Variety (May 1918)

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VARIETY 17 8 Rosellaa Marie ft Billy Hart 2d half Hagan-WUeon-Hannon Great Howard Fox ft Ingraham Kate A Wiley (One to fill) Honetoa, Tex. PRINCE (hp) Stelner Trio Lawrence Johnston Countess Verona Owen ft Mooer "Zlg Zag Review" MAJESTIC (Inter) Manklchi Troupe Kerr A Weston Asthetlc Dancers Olson A Johnson Wilfred Clarke Co Stan Stanley Co The Vivians Indlanapolla LYRIC (ubo) Cliff Bailey Duo Williams ft Held "Lots A Lots" Adolpho Willie Bros Jacksonville, FU. ARCADE (ubo) (Sunday opening) (Savannah split) 1st half McCormack A Doherty Julian Hall Ed Reynard Co Cooper ft Rlcardo Montambo A Nap Joaaatovra, Pa. MAJESTIC (ubo) (Pittsburgh split) 1st half Veronica A Hurlfalls Rehn A Fitch Frank Oaby Ned Norworth 3 "Vacuum Cleaners" Kaaaaa City* Mo. PANTAGES (p) (Sunday opening) Anderson's Revue Topsy Equestrians John A Mae Burke The Lelands Joe Reed Kaoxvllle, Tenn. BIJOU (ubo) (Chattanooga split) 1st half Alice De Garno Wilton Sisters Rhode A Crampton Bert A Hazel Mann "Somewhere in Fr" Lancaster, Pa. COLONIAL (ubo) 2d half (30-1-) Curtis A Gilbert Johnny Johnson Hugh Blaney Emmy's Pets Little Rock, Ark. MAJESTIC (Inter) Rae E Ball Billie Reeves Co Herbert Clifton The LeGrohs (One to flll> 2d half Odiva (Four to fill) Loa Anajdcs ORPHEUM Ruth St Denis Co Llora Hoffman Co Andy Rice Aerial Mitchells Helen Savage Co Edwin Arden Cb Elisabeth Murray Co Haley Sisters PANTAGES (p) dangler's Dogs Bellclalr Bros Elizabeth Cutty Jos B Totten Co Mary Norman Al Noda Gulllana Sextet HIP (a&h) Ives Farns A Leahy Harry Mason Co Argo A Virginia Gellis Troupe Doyle A Wright Flo Adler Co IiOnlnvllle FN FERRY PK (orph) (Sunday opening) I ft B Smith McShane & Hathaway Rev Gorman Rodqulrz The Sterlings KEITHS (ubo) (Nashville split) 1st half Northlane Rlano A N Eleanore Cochran Co Mile E Francis ft Arabs (One to fill) Macon, Ga. GRAND (ubo) (Augusta split) lBt half Fenwlck Girls Johnny Eckert 3 6 American Dancers Monroe A Magulre 8 Eddys Madison* Wis. ORPHEUM (wva) Geo A Mae LeFevre Jean Barrios "Cranberries" Bison City 4 Lucy Gillette 2d half Parker Bros Boothby ft Everdeen H A E Conley 4 Buttercups Apdale's Circus Memphis ORPHEUM (ubo) Lewis A White "Bride Show" (Three to fill) 2d half Dolly Richards Genaro A Gold McMahon A Chappell Gargalls 3 (One to fill) LYCEUM (loew) Walsh ft Lawrence Burke Toohey Co Memford ft Thompson Clark's Hawaiians 2d half "La Pettite Cabaret" Perkoff A Gray Arthur Sullivan Co Columbia City 4 Milwaukee PALACE (wva) (Sunday opening) Parker Bros H ft E Conley Wallace Galvln "Here ft There" Alice Hamilton Robbie Gordone 2d half Fredericks ft Van Marshall ft Covert "Cranberries" Hiflon City 4 Lucy Gillette (One to fill) MlnneapoUa PANTAGES (p) Tudor Cameron Co Galcttl's Baboons DeniBhawn Dancers Billy Elliott Woods Mel ft Phil Reddington ft Grant GRAND (wva) Dolphlne ft Rae Kingsbury & Munson Strand Trio Mme Lotta Co (One to fill) PALACE (wva) Slgsbee's Dogs DeVoy ft Dayton "Fountain of Love" Wells ft Crest •Aeroplane Girls Montgomery, Ala. GRAND (ubo) (Sunday opening) (New Orleans split) 1st half Fred Elliott Schoen ft Walton "Children of France" Fay Cooleys ft Fay Davis Family Montreal SOHMER PARK (Sunday opening) The Duttons Thomas 3 Bullet Proof Lady Prevost A Goulet (Ono to fill) LOEW (loew) Bernard ft Merritt Green ft Pugh Grlndell ft Esther Maurice Samuels Co King & Harvey Hubert Dyer Co Naehvllle, Tens. PRINCESS (ubo) (Louisville split) 1st half Sterling ft Margarlte Lewis & Leopold "20th Century Whirl'' New Haven, Conn. BIJOU (ubo) fl Texas Cowboys Gaffney ft Dale Gertrude Arden Co Alls & Dells Darras Bros 2d half Chief Tendchoc Vincent Kelly Cavanna Duo Louise Dacre "Chinese Follies" PALACE (ubo) Adams ft Mangal Hobson ft Beaty Nana Joe Cook Parsons ft Irwin Making Movie Stars 2d half Skating Bear Jo8slne Haywood Co Sam Hearn Hamilton & Gordon Making Movie Stars (One to fill New Orleana PALACE (ubo) (Montgomery split) 1st half Gliding OMearas Dawson Sis A 8tern Edward Lynch Co Pletro "Magaslne Olrls" CRESCENT (loew) Seabury ft Price Nada Kesser Jewell ft Jewell O'Connor A Dixon Raskin's Russian Rev 2d half Billy Klnkald Walsh ft Lawrence Burke Toohey Co Momford ft Thompson Clark's Hawaiians New Rocaelle, N. Y. LOEW (loew) O'Neill Sisters Nick Verge "Our Boys" 2d half Ed A Irene Lowry Loney Nase Harris A Manlon Norfolk, Va. ACADEMY (ubo) (Richmond split) 1st half May Wood International Revue Cahill A Romaine Barder La Velll 3 (One to All) Oakland ORPHEUM (Sunday opening) Wilton Lackaye Co Harry VonFossen The Belmonts Taylor Trio Girl ' from Milwaukee "Naughty PrlncesB" PANTAGES (p) (Sunday opening) Chandler ft De Rose Sis "Heir for Night" LaFrance ft Kennedy 4 Meyakos Orren ft Drew Jue Quon Tal Og-den, Utah PANTAGES (p) (6-8) Mary Dorr Hager ft Goodwin "Fall of Rheims" Gilroy Haynes ft Mont "Cabaret DeLuxe" Kahler Children Okla. City, Okla. LIBERTY (hp) Harvet Trio Eileen Fleury Lee Hop Co James Thompson Co Tyena Japs Paterson, N. J. MAJESTIC (ubo) 2d half (30-1) Lady Alice's Pets Fred Norman Ryan ft Joyce Williams Co Philadelphia KEITH'S (ubo) "All for Democracy" "Motor Boating" T Roy Barnes Co Dooley ft Sales Santos & Hayes Holmes ft Buchanan Brown Sisters 3 Bobs Hanlon ft Clifton WM PENN (ubo) 2d half (30-1) Nichols ft Wood Jessie Haywood Santley ft Norton 7 Bracks KEYSTONE (ubo) 2d half (30-1) Regal ft Mack Lander Bros "Over the Top Girls" GRAND (ubo) Queenle Dunedin Man Off Ice Wagon Bobbe A Nelson Bobby Heath Revue Santley A Norton Radla Jazz Band ALLEGHENY (ubo) Aus Creightons O'Donnell A Blair Jas Lucas Co Will Ward A Girls (One to fill) Pittsburgh SHERIDAN SQ (ubo) (Johnstown split) 1st half Wellington ft Sylvia De Witt A Gunther Harry Bresford Co Murphy A Mecban 3 Sports DAVIS (ubo) Duprco A Dupree Walters A Walters Avon Comedy 4 Hooper A Marbury Williams A Wolfus Josephine Victor Co Al Herman 4 Readings HARRIS (ubo) Adlon Co Tiller Slaters "Ankles" McLaughlin A Evans 6 Va Steppers Lennett A Sturm (Two to Oil) Portland. Me. KEITHS (ubo) Lloyd A Fuller Brent Hayes Columbia ft Victor Hunting ft Francis Milton Pollock Co Llghtners ft Alex Portlaad, Ore. ORPHEUM DeHaven A Parker Moore ft Gerald Ruth Budd Valyda ft Bras Nuts Norton A Melnotte "The Honeymoon" Mack A Williams PANTAGES (p) Coleman ft Ray "Peacock Alley" Diana Bonnar McConnell ft Simpson Gaston Palmer Bob Albright Providence, R* I. EMERY (loew) Wlnton Bros Broughton A Turner "In Wrong" Con Conrad Old Homestead 2d half 4 Roses Thornton A Thornton Jackson A Wahl Eddie Foyer McClellan ft Carson Reading-, Pa. Marie Stoddard Gordon Eldred Co Viola Lewis Co Clayton (One to fill) 2d half Francis ft Eldon J C Lewis Co Weber ft Elliot Welch's Minstrels (One to fill) Richmond, Va. LYRIC (ubo) (Norfolk split) 1st half Marjorle Dunbar Armstrong ft Klass Sis Agnes Chappilin Co Moore ft Whitehead (One to fill) Roanoke, Va. ROANOKE (ubo) (Charlotte split) 1st half The Waltons Hackett ft Francis Fremont Benton Co Big City 4 The De Bars Rockford, 111. PALACE (wva) (Sunday opening) Apdale'B Circus Boothby ft Everdeen Klngebury Dano Co Shelton Brooks Fern Richelieu ft F 2 half The Hennlngs Jean Barrios Rawson ft Clare 4 Marx Bros (One to fill) Sacramento, Cal. HIP (a&h) (Same 1st half bill plays Stockton 2d half) Miller ft Rainey Dalley ft Berlew Hoosier Trio 7 Kidding Kids Eddie Clayton Fulton Mack ft F 2d half Johnson Dean Revue A ft D LeRoy Cecil A Mack Frances Owen Co Leon Domlque Petite Troupe St. Louie ORPHEUM Bessio McCoy Qo The Sharrocks Leo Beers Al Shayne Wntta Gould J C Nugent Co Reed A Wrights Sealo FRST PK (orph) (Sunday opening) Be Ho Gray Alfred LaTell Dave Roth Dutll A Covey Alex A Doc Lamb EMPRESS (wva) Eddie Winthrop Kulolla's Hawaiians Buch Bros (Two to fill) 2d half Adonis A Dog Baylo A Patsy HouRch A LaValle FAG DeMont Marcelle PARK (wva) •1 Kawanas Hope Vernon •"Oh Girls" Al Shayne Equillo Bros 2d half Bergqulest Bros Stone A Manning Harry Langdon Co Chan A Mad Dunbar Lohse A Sterling GRAND (wva) Lou Huff Marie King Scott Chase ft Latour r Ioleen Sister* "Tick Tock Olrls" 8KYDOMB (wva) Nadge Johnson Bros ft J Walker ft Texas 2d half Nip A Tuck Marlon Glbney Musical Fredericks St. Paul PALACE (wva) (Same 1st half bill playing Palace, Su- perior, Wis., 2d half) Prince Trio Raines A Goodrich "Don't Lie to Ma" •"Reel Girls" 3 Theodores 2d half Aerial Eddys Cal Dean Girls Ben Harrison Co Klutlng's Animals Salt Lake PANTAGES (p) Frank Morrell Drew Pates Co Early ft Lalght Singer's Midgets LaFollette Trio Musical Maids Ian Antonla, Tex. , ROYAL (hp) Ward Bell ft Ward Shrlner ft Herman Leroy Cahill Co Fennel 1 A Tyson Malvern's Comlques MAJESTIC (Inter) Bell A Eva Alex MacFayden Earl Cavannaugh Co Sergt V Gordon Mr A Mrs J Barry Adelaide A Hughes San Dlea-o, Cal. PANTAGES (p) Lew Wilson Fisher ft Gil more "Nation's Peril" Madison ft Winchester Degnon A Clifton "Wedding Shells" HIP (a&h) "Good-bye Broadway" 2d half Clay ft Robinson Artols Bros Holmes ft HolllstOh 3 Shannons Bert Shepard Tiny May Circus CP KEARNY (afth) Larneds Gaynell Everett 3 Delton Mareno ft D Wright ft Walker 3 Altklns Variety Trio 2d half "Good-bye Broadway" San Frandeco ORPHEUM (Sunday opening) Sallle Fisher Co "No Man's Land" Julie Ring Co Dooley ft Sales Kathleen Clifford Toney A Norman Sheehan ft Regay Cole Russell ft Davis PANTAGES (p) (Sunday opening) Fan ton's Athletes M P ft Harmon Musical Nosses Wright ft Davis Mercereau Co Gordon A Gordon CASINO (a&h) (Sunday opening) Bell ft Grey Gertie DeMIlt Saxon Trio DeLea ft Gruna Clarence Wilbur Rodoo Revue HIP (afth) (Sunday opening) Glenna Hill ft Bertlna Romano DePace Opera Co Collins A Wllmot Gabbys A Clark Four Seasons Savannah, Ga. BIJOU (ubo) (Jacksonville split) 1st half Plant A Mann Field Kenne A W Edward Esmundo Co Briscoe A Rauh Mario A Duffy Schenectady, N. Y. PROCTOR'S (ubo) Rouble Sims Holllday A Willctto Hal Stephens Co Bessie Browning Boyarr Co 2d half Shell's Lions Kathcrlne Murray Hans Robert Co W Westony Erlcson A Girls Scranton, Pa. POLI'S (ubo) (Wllkcsbarro split) 1st half Henry's Pete Embs ft Alton Nine Kraiy Kids Howard ft Sadler Emerson ft Baldwin Seattle ORPHEUM L Cavanaugh Co Whitfield ft Ireland Arnold ft Taylor Rajah Co Marie Nordstrom Margot Francois ft Part Gordon ft Rica PANTAGES (p) "The Follies" Geo M Roeener Leonard Brown Co Beeman ft Anderson Henry ft Moore Snartanhnrajt S. C* HARRIS (ubo) (Greenville split) 1st half Billy Llngard Nancy Fair Davy ft Pals Ben Smith "Jasiland Follies" Spokane AUDITORIUM (orph) (l-4> (Same bill playing Tacoma, Tacoma, 6- 9, opening Thursday night) "Camouflage" Carl McCullough Hahn Weller ft O'D Gardner ft Hartman Edwin Stevens Co Davis ft Pell PANTAGES (p) "Reel Guys" Chas Althoff Harry Olrard Frank LaDent Sullivan ft Mason Springfield, Maee. B'WAY (loew) Pescl Duo Chappelle ft Stanette Frank Iyn Wilson Co Wood-Mel-Thllllps 2d half Alberto Burns A Foran (Three to fill) Blonx Olty, la. ORPHEUM (wra) (Sunday opening) Newell A Most "Meadowbrook Lane" A Robins Golden Troupe (Two to fill) 2d half Wurnelle Van A Vernon "In the Zone" College Quintet Burdella Patterson (One to fill) Superior, Wle. PALACE (wva) 1st half Aerial Eddys Cal Dean Girls Ben Harrison Co Klutlng's Animals (One to fill) Syracuse, N. Y. TEMPLE (ubo) Bert Wheeler Co Katherine Murray Werner Amoroa 3 Hans Robert Co W Westony Shell's Lions 2d half Three Romanos Frank Ward Holllday ft Wlllette Hal Stephens Co Bessie Browning Prosper ft Maret CRESCENT (ubo) Billsbury ft Robinson Morris Whitman Co Grace Haxzard "Mme Butterfly" (Two to fill) 2d half Carle ft Dnez II ft A Scranton (Four to fill) Tarn ma PANTAGES (p) "Atlantic Review" Donovan A Lee II O Woodward Co Alex Bros A Evelyn Alexandria "Oh Papa" Terre Haute, ln<l. HIPP (wva) (Sunday opening) Aerial Butters CAM Dunbar Bruce Durfett Co Otto Bros Mile Berrl Co 2d half .1 Kawanas Eddie Winthrop •"Oh Girlie" AK Rlpon Tennessee Ten Toronto HIP (ubo) Ball Bron Co MrMahon Sinters Boston A Vaughn J<>annetto Chi Ids Ross A Ash ton Brown's Mus Review YONOB (loew) Wlnchell ft Green "Petticoat Minstrels" Sampsel ft Leonbard • Tom Mahoney Dawson-Lanlgan-Cov (One to All) Trenton, N. J. TAYLOR (ubo) Bell ft Wood Fox' ft Mayo Isabelle Miller C ft M Cleveland "Now a Days" Troy, N. Y. PROCTOR'S (ubo) Rlohards Harrison ft Burr Three Kelos Plsano Co Marie Russell "Sea Wolf" 2d half Rouble Sims Bissett ft Scott Ed Lee Wrothe Co Margaret Young Yvette ft Saranoff Gould ft Lewis Boyarr Co Union Hill, N. J. LINCOLN (ubo) 2d half (30-1) Oraoe Ellsworth Black ft Tan Tom Nawn Co Roes ft Bell Scranton ft Scranton Utlca. N. Y. Carlisle ft Thorne Monarch Comedy 4 Molly King (Four to fill) 2d half Mang ft Snyder Shirley Sisters Bert Wheeler "Stockings" (Three to fill). Vancouver, B. C. ORPHEUM Wellington Cross Frances Dougherty Eddie Carr Co Barry ft T*yton Stewart ft Mercer Black ft White PANTAGES (p) Simpson ft Dean Herbert Lloyd Co Sol Derns 3 Gibson Olrls Walsh ft Bentley "Over There" Victoria, B. C. PANTAGES (p) Dancing Olrl of Delhi Alex Gay den Co Pat Barrett Rose A Ellis Zeno ft Mendel Joe Roberts Waco, Tex. ORPHEUM (hp) The Kuhens Jarvis ft Harrison The Frescotts Wllklns ft Wllklns Mennettl ft Sidelll MAJESTIC (Inter) (2-3) (Same bill playing Austin 4-.%) Cycling Brunettes Cept Barnet ft Son Carlisle A Rojokt Great Lester Harry Green Co Bancroft ft Broske Reynolds ft Doncgan Waaklnntoa, D. C. KEITHS (ubo) Trlxie Frlganza Co Wyndham ft RubeQ Ave ling ft Lloyd Bennett ft Richards Minnie Allen ft Sis Wm Ebs Kirksmlth Sisters Emmy's Pets Wllkeebarre, P*. POLI'S (ubo) (Scranton split) lBt half AllanBon Sweeney A Rooney Chas Withers Co J C Mack Co Chief Elk Co Winnipeg STRAND (wva) Cook A Hamilton Monarch Dancing 4 "Days of Ixmg Ago" , Carson Bros 2d halt The Fostoa B A V Morrleey Ray A Roberts Torcat's Roosters PANTAGES (p) "Temptation" Eastman Trio Ross Wyse Co "Finders-Keepers" Cook A Oatman Curtis Csnlnes Worcester, Maea. POLI'S (ubo) "Suffragettes' Rovue" 2d half Stone ft Boyle "Just Girls" C ft M Cleveland Parson ft Irwin Alia Moskova Co PLAZA (ubo) Stevens A Lovojoy Emma Stevens Van A Carrie Avery Lawrence A Devanny Four Bards 2d half Morton ft May Sharp ft Gibson Oertrude Arden Co La Tour ft Gold' Nana Wrisratstown, N. J. ARMY (ubo) The Seebacks Al Tucker "Count ft Maid" (One to fill) 2d half Millard ft Merlin Roy La Pearl "Fortune Teller" (Two to fill) MARRIAGES. T. Joseph Donovan, of Lawrence. Mass., to Marguerite W. Haskell, of Cambridge, Mass., at Portland, Me., May 28. Both are members of the King Musical Company, at Greeley's Portland, this week. The bride was in vaudeville, with the Haskell Sisters. Jane Mullaney (sister of Rose) to William Leahy, of the New York City clerk's office, two weeks ago. The bride has been in the box office of the Manhattan and 44th Street theatre for Morris Gest. Ada Billsbury (Billsbury and Robin- son), in New York May 21, to Sergt. Edward J. Altschaft, stationed at Camp Green, Charlotte, N. C. Louis R. Lurie, part owner of the Rialto theatre, San Francisco, to Miss Babette Joan Greenbaum, in that city last week. Monte La Clare (La Clare and Tan- ner) to Eva Shatkin, non-professional, at her home in Providence, R. I.. May 27. Lillian Hackett (4 Valdarcs) to James W. Brady (non-professional), in New York May 23. Klsic Wilson to Nat Wixon, both of Harris and Proy's "U. S. A. Girls" Co., in Moose Jaw, Sask., Canada, May 14. BIRTHS. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Stevens, at their home in New York, May 22, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Tudor (Tudor and Stanton) in Indianapolis, May 25, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Royal, at the St. Francis Hospital, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., May 12, son.