Variety (May 1918)

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18 VARIETY LETTERS When •ending for mail to VARIETY, •ddreu Mail Clerk Where ('. follows nunie, letter Is in Variety's Chicago Office. Where S V follows nuine, letter Is in Vuriety's Sum Friincisco ofllce. Advertising or circular letters will not be listed. I* following name indicates postal, advertised once only. Ilcg following name indicates regis- tered mail. (lurNtlonnalrc* Griffith Job A H HalsUubucb Edw A Zwlnglc Z Tnul Abbott Grace Abdul! Hilly <P> Aekley Florence Adams Pillle R Adams Gus Adams Hex Adams \V A Adonis Ahearn ("has Alberni Louis Alexander Gladys Allen Heat rice Allen Frank J Allen Fred Anier Melody Girln(O) Ames Floreneo Andordon Step Andcr-on Miss G Andrews Fred Andrews Mabel L Angelus Trio (C) A rm In Walter Armltngc Sonla Armstrong Lucille Artols Mtb W Arven II Ashley H«'*tfT Aubrey U A <C> AiiHtln Mr & Mrs E D Ilarber Jane Purke John F Breakaway Uarlows Darnes Coralyn F Barnes Kthcl Barnes Mrs G E Barnes Gertrudv Baron Lconorc Barry Pauline (P) Beban Mae Beer Flo (P) Belyea Thelma Bennett Geo B Bernle Mrs R Biegert Mildred Blaek Kdw (C) Blaney 11 F Blondell Kd (SF) Bond Harry A Boyle Jack Braldwood MarJ (C) Druz/.cl Dorothy Brei n Harry Breen Thomas (P) Urlghtons The Brooks Celeste (SF) Browning Tod (SF) Brown Seymour Browne Mac Bruee Kmlc Burke Eddie Burton Marie Bushel 1 May Cameron Catherine Campinarrl Co (SF) Carbrev Mrs J Cardo John Carey .lames T ( 'arli ton Miss K Carpenter Irving Carson Margaret Carson Pat <C) Carter Sunshine Chalnnr Morris (P) Chaplin Leah Cherry James Chick Frank .1 Claire Doris Clare Aliee II Clark & Adler Clark loseph Clark »v Lcvero Clayinn Margaret (C> Clayton Margaret(SF) Cleveland Pitbo Clifford <"al M Clifton .1 til in Clinton Helen Clinton Si ter ; Cllve ,v Miss I) Cllve V E Cochnui K I-" (C) Colin Geon-e (Pi Collins & ||;, r( Coiiddin.' C Cotto I'lo,. Coyne Pen Cram l\imily Crawford Edna A Cronni'i Morris Cull. II \ ]| Cullen Frank I) Darling l»l\ie Darling Frank N Darling Miss F Daun MIbb Davis Albert Davie Edw B Davis Genevieve Day Marlon Dean Laura Dean Mrs P DcBar Ethel DeCoe Harry (C) Deeley Ben DoLone Muriel DeMaco J A K Do Mar Rose Dcmarla Amy Devaul Jean I )eVoy & Dayton Diamond Carlena Dix & Dixie Dodge Wm J Dohurty Isabelle Dolly Ilablan I lonlon Viva (Reg) Donovn Walter (C) horaldina Douglas H DuBarry Emma Dudley Alice (C) Duffy J II Dunbar Chas DuTeil Frank Du/.an K- Chapman E Karle Ralph, Kilmunds Rena (C) Kilwards Cecil Eilwards Eddie (C) Edwards Sarah Fglln l.oretta Elliott Dell Elliott Jas I'Iimv Petty (C) Emerson C W En tt Hugh J English Mae V Erlco Joe Ernie & Ernie F.-merald Edna Evans Edna EvaiiH Harry Faye Kitty F.eley Mlckle (C) Fenner Geo Fcrlngton * Cornell Finney Earl O Finlay & Dorothy(SF) Flnlny Vera Fit/.patrlck Jack (P) Fit/.simmona Mrs Wm A Fletcher Jessie Ford Ray Ford * Urraa Forre-t Amy Francis Beverly Francis Ortha Frank Max Franklin Ruth Frazer Arthur Frnzior Billy I'red Trio Fredericks John Freeman C J Friendlv Sid Fukushi Y (P) Fuller Miss J (C) Gallon Mrs J Gardner George Ga i ovlles Mm P Ga'-kill Clarence Gaimtf .1 M G "it Louis II G a ry * rthur G rry E lith c.•••malT'e Flo (C) C'l.l.s Miss II c : '.-<<n Hardy Gib on Scott r.l'lert Mnn fC) '' " ert Mrs E C\... r ("■••(' ( (') Go r Ihvl (P> Co'.] n Mis-. B Co' ' in'th Eugenia Gel'i'on fit't'(. G< rdon Phyllis Gor'T-M Fueene F Gou!. t».> Nfnn Gr. cp Wm p (P) Gr.'V Trlxle Griffith Jo- A fP) G.u.l.T Carl II II Matin Icon I la I ,\ Francis ' la!k ini's Hall ronndv Tr Mall G.-o p" Mall llav .T lla'l. n .l.-ii k M'lliday T Maniilten II ; ' in I'toii Irene 11- r oiirf Daisy Marcoutl Elizabeth Manly Frank (P) Harlan Kenncth(Reg) Harrington Hazel Harris Geo (C) Harris Valle E Harrlnon C A Hart Miss D Hart Hal Harvey Jack Hualem Haiel Hawl Frances Hoaly Nell Henrietta France* Henry & Lazell Herbert Artie Herman Johnny Herman Sam P Hlckcy Chas (SF) Hllden Sylvia Hlllebrand Fred Hill Ackerman (C) Hochman ft Fleuz Hoffman Frances Hoffman Len Hoist Margaret (C) Holt Air Howell Ruth Trio Howitz Arthur Hufford Julia Hurst Frank Hutchlns Dick (Reg) I Intropide Josie Irwin Lillian Jackson Jerome Jennings & Barlowe (C) Joan Miss II Johnson A R Johnson Kid Johnson Walter Jones Mrs E Josephs Mrs M K Knne John Kay Claude Ka> more Hazel Keech Mr Keefe Chas Keene Lillian Kellar Imparl Kelly Jno S (C) Kelly Thnnka Ed (C) Kelly Lew Ki ndrlck Miss J Kennedy Nat K-yes Ralph Klmura V (C) King Cecil King Hal King Harry J Kings Four Kltley T E Klelnecke August (C) Knletel Beatrice Knox W C LaDlnnch Ellz LaCoste Mrs H Ladean Sis LaFavor Ida Lamb & Lamb Lambert Happy J Lumbert Nathalie Lambert Jack (C) LaMert Lou LaMont Francis Lampini Bros (Reg) Lane Ted Langdan Cela (C) LaPlerre Margaret LaPonte Miss M (C) LaRue Ethel La Rut; Evelyn LaRue Max LaSalle Babe Lnurson H Lavarne Carrie La Vnlle Chas (C) LuVelle Katbryn Lavender Mrs W N La Vine Arthur (C) La Vino & Inman (C) Law Walter Leach Hannah (SF. Lenvltt Katbryn LeBurton Irene Leigh Teddy . eighton Chas (SF) Lemke Ann Lenard Marie Leonardo Mona LeRny ('has Leslie Fannie Lewis Henry R Lewis Jack Lewis Sid Llnd Lillian Ldtlejohns (Reg) Littleton Wm l.lovd (has (C) Lloyd Miles In k. '.Emina (SF) l.orimor Polly Louis .l;i--k E (SF) l.ovejoy Mildred Lovctt Bessie J.ubln Lew (C) Lucas John Lusby Ruby ..uxaune Mile (C) L\ ons * Yosco (C) • Lytell W H Mabel ft Wolfe Macdonald Etta Mack Bunny Mack Eddie Mack J C Mack Taylor (C) Mack Jim Mack Mae L Mackenzie R C Mahoney ft Rogers(C) Maicr Hazel (C) Malcolm Babe Mangean Troupe (C) Manners Harry Manning Leo Mantell Len A Mantilla RoBlta Manton T (P) Marlon Bert (C) Marlon Sabel (C) Mariott A Q (P) Martoll Thomas Martin J A Marx Arthur (C) Masculin Roy (P) Mason Evelyn . Maurice Ada Maxims Four May hew Miss S (C) Mayo Beth Mayorga Louise Mayos Flying McCree June McDonald Christie McGeorge Georgia McGinnls Mrs F M<Guirc Stan (SF) Mcintosh Sadie MeMann Harry .'•!■■ Mastus Max McXisii Frank Me.idr Ralph H Meib-i Paula Melvorn Babe Melvin Paul Miniman Ruby Mcrritt k Bridwell " '■• vers Louise Miller C H (C) Miller Harry Miller May Millman Dolly Mills Jack Mines Miss V Miorana. Victor L Mitchell Edna (P) Mo ran Hazel Moran Wm Moran & Wiser Morgan Mr ft Mrs J (P) Morrell ft Yaeger Morrettl Helen (C) Morris Sam Mortimor Bob M Morton Ethel Moss A O Murdook Catherlne(C) Murphy Agnes Murray F Murray Paul J Musette Mae N Nason Dorothy Nelson Eddie (SF) Nelson Carolyn .\-lson Wllda Newport Hal Nichols Howard Niisen Lewis Noel Frances Nolan LoulPa Nolan Mildred (C) Nolan Mildred Noll Sam Norman May Norton* F L Oakland Dngmer O'Connor Wm o'Laughlin May Oldham Cliff L (Reg) oldham Daisy W(Reg) olds Florence (Reg) o.Nell Dennie <>«akl Oskomon Chas Park, r M (SF) Perry Charlotte Patterson Rurdella Paulctte Louise Pendleton &■ Pendleton Pereira Paoul Perry Harry Phelps Frank Phillips Mr A: Mr? N Pierce Miss R Polok Alexander Pope Henry A Poshay Robert Pullen Chas L Purcella A Ramsey Qulntrell Fred Raffln Alf Ramey Marie Ramsey Musette Ray Harry Raymond Chas Rays Helen Reaves Roe Redding Edwin Rclchardt 81s Reilly Happy Reser Blanche Reynolds Pink Reynolds Willard Rhoads Florence Rice Helen C Richards Eunice Richards Julia Richardson Martha Richmond Dorothy Riley J ft A Ring Julia (C) Rivers F Roberts Richard Robertson Elsie Robey Edw Rodenbeck Edythe Rogers Marjorle (C) Roman Hughle (P) Rose Ethel Rosenthal Maurice (SF) Ross Eddie Ross Fred H Rowan Gerald Rowland Adele Rulley Miss L (P) Rung Dabelle (C) Russell Robt H Ryan Maude S Sadler Win (Reg) Salisbury Endora Snmoya Sr Samuels Rae Sams Pearl Sawyer (Jeo (C) Schacffcr Sylvester Seymour Hilda Sharpe Marguerite Sheldon Bcttlna Sherman 6 DeForrest Shermons Two Shirley Sisters Simon & Rose Simpson Nance Skclly James Sloan Flo Small J Smith & Austin Spear Frederick Special M E Spellman Jeanette Sprague A Frank Stanley Stan Stare Elmer Stelen Sammie (C) Stephen Murray Stepper Vic Sterlings The Stewart Jean Stewart Walter Stlrk Elsie- (P) Stockman Edith Stoddard & Haynes Strength J Stroud Trio (C) Strong Nellie Sully Estelle Sweeney Jack Takaori B S (CF) Talmadge Sue Tavares Virginia Taylor James Taylor Triplets Tenney Bob Thaw Betty (Reg) Thlel Anna Thorns Marjorle Thomas Bert (C) Thorndyke Mabel Tldmarsh F (P) Tracey ft Carter (SF) Trendel Al (C) Trennell Anna Trix Helen Trout Arthur Tucker Cyril Turner Fred Turner ft Grace Valerio Clement Valll Arthur (SF) Vanorden ft Vallows Vardemann Vurdon Vera Vert Hazel Vert Hazel (C) Vivian Anna Vogt Eddlo (C) W Wagner Wm Walker Raymond Walker Herbert (C) Wallace Harry A Walsh Lorctta Walshax Harry Walton Beulah Walton Evelyn Walton Lottie Ward Mrs (Reg) Ward ft Van Ware Jane Warren Ruth Watson G & S (C) Watson Lillian Watson ft Little Webb Amy Weber Betty Welly Max Weir Jack Wei«er & Reiser (P) Wellington Dave West Marion Weston Willie (C) Weston Florence Wheeler Richard White Mazie White Walter C Wilbur ft Lyke Wilde Mr ft Mrs O Wllkins Marie Willard Janet Williams Dot (C) Williams Hattle Wllllums J ft G Williams Marlon Willing Benny Wilson Miss B Wilson Peggy Winchester Ed Wolford Darry (SF) Woods Bertha Wood Miss D Wood Ruth Wood ft Wyde Woodward Fred (SF) Worden Harold O Worth E Worth Madelyn Wylle Raymond Y York Chick Young Elsie Young Mr ft Mrs O Young P H (P) Young R Youngblood Wilson Z Zarnes Casper Zwingle Paul BURLESQUE ROUTES (June .'» and June 10.) Lehman Show '.', Gaycty Buffalo 10 Casino Itrooklyn. I'oii Tons" ."» Empire Newark. •■p.owirys'" .'. Palace Baltimore Md 10 Gaycty Washington D. C. iiiilo America" '.\ Columbia New York 10 Columbia New York. Irwin's Big Show" ."5 (Vino Philadelphia 10 Empire Newark. •Social Maids" :; Gaycty Washington I) C. "Sporting Widows" :; Hurtig &■ Seamon's New > ork. • :-tep Lively Girl.-" .". Gaycty Detroit 10 Gay- cty Buffalo. Willi;.ms Mollie '■'< Casino Brooklyn. CHICAGO VARIETY'S CHICAGO OFFICE, Majestic Theatre Bldg. I.on Cantor purchased a la w Kissel car last \vt i k and will motor to N«-w York. He will In ai-c niipiinii'il by Siil Krenm-I. '.'areas Loe-.v has enicri"! suit against D. ' Wi-nn r, inanaL-er of the Gary. Gary, lml.. for S P".".."•". I'M bookings and cmnmis Ions. Johnny Friedman, producer of various Chl- im i ac:s. has leit the town for Coney Island. N V.. to manager several concessions for Syd Gi.|i:|'erl .'.. Willie perver had his car stolen from In !'r lit of the Empress last week. It was dis- covered lati-r at a distant point wrecked. The loss was fully covered by insurance. Willie will pilot a new car next week. Roger Graham, local song publisher, hai been helping the local Red Cross drive. His Jazz band and ten ilngeri took possession of Roger's corner at Randolph and Clark, and syucoputcd countless dollars into the fund. Mrs. Con Deeley (vaudeville) Is suing her husband for divorce, charging cruelty and In- toxication. The hearing is set lor June fl at Wuukegan. She asks custody of the two chil- dren. Charlotto Whiting held up the traffic at Clark and Madison during the Red Cross drive last week. She hopped a chair and sang for the crowds while the street cars, autos and other traffic waited patiently. The little ar- tiste was complimented by the Red Cross committee for her splendid work in tho cam- paign. will Chicago broke all records with the "Out There" all star Red Cross production at the Dlackstone May 24 and li"». The income from three performances, although the returns have not >ei bix-u definitely tabulated, exceed STo.WtH). All fourteen stars were present nouiued. At the first performance, of programs, uutographed by the oi the *ast, brought $10,200, which tablishes a record. The last bidder as an- the sale members also es- got the piuMi.iin, und the names of the other donors were placed on an honor roll. In addition to the Red Cross play, the- atrical interests did wonderful work in the local Red Cross drive, bringing warm en- comium from the committee in charge and the Chicago press. Blanche Ring, in town with her husband, Charles Winninger, who is playing in the Cohan Revue, did splendid work. She spoke every night before various organizations In behalf of the Red Cro s. At the Ilehman *«how which played the Star \- Garter last week. Lou Kelly, recently re- turned from London, made a speech which iittid several hundred .dollars. William Ho he oi tile theatre also did some good work. There was a big parade of chorus girl* from the show on Madison and Halstcd siieits. ()\<r $IJmni was gathered on a huge American Hag carried by tike girls. Lillian Steele, Frank Mclntyre, Nellie Ni hois, chauni cy ()1 ott and dozens of other- toiled In every spare hour to help swell the receipts. Al'DlTORHM ill. M. Johnson, mgr.).— "Over the Top" (film) with Arthur Guy Em- pty < 1st week >. MLACKSTONE (Harry J. Powers, mgr. ).— Dark. COHANS GRAND (Harry J. Ridings, mgr.). - George M. Cohan Revue ; smashing hit (Lid week). COLONIAL (Norman Field, mgr.).—Thcda Para in "Cleopatra" (fllhi) (let week). COH MPIA (Frank G. Parry, mgr.). -"Step Lively Girls." CORT (P. J. Hermann, mgr.).— William Collier in "Nothing Put the Truth" closes ( 1th week). June L\ Marie Cahill in "Just Around the Corner." ENGLEWOOD (J. I). Whitehead, mgr.).— Dark. EMPIRE (Art Moellrr, mgr.).—Durlesque stock with Sam Michaels. GARRICK (William Currie, mgr.).--Manche Hates and Holbrook Plinn in "Getting To- gether" ; big (I'd week). GAYETY (Al. G. Hells, mgr.). -Dark. ILLINOIS (Rollo Timponi, mgr.).—Dark. LA SALLE (Nat Royaler, mgr.).—"Leave it to Jane" terminates its wonderful run of LS weeks. House will be dark for two weeks. June 17, "Oh, l/ook !" with llarrv Fox. NATIONAL (John Pariett. mgr.).—Dark. OLYMPIC t Abe Jnc >hs. mgr. >.- "Hearts of the World" (film i ; capacity (ilth week). PALACE (Earle St' ward. mgr.). -'Doing Our Pit"; good i'.UI week). PLAYIIOl SE (Guy Hardy, mgr.). -Nazi- nun a in "Revelation' (film* i.'Id week). PRINCESS (Will Singer. mgr.).—"Over There' (."Id week). POWERS (Harry J. Powers, mgr.).-•"Sick Abed" (.'Id weeki. House will he dark a week, to be opened up June !• by May Rohson in "A Little Old Fashioned." STAR Ai GARTER (William Roche, mgr.). - "Pest Show in Town" clos,< s the si-awm liufe. STI'DEIIAKER (Louis Judah. mgr.). Jack Norworth's "Odds and End- of PUT"; good business (.'Id week i. WILSON AVE.M E (Mitchell" Liealzl, mgr.). Summer stock. WOODS (Joseph mgr.; Homer Puford. bus. mgr.). Sam Pernard and Louis Mann in the hit of (ho season, "Friendly Enemies" (Pith week). MAJESTIC (William Tisda'e, mgr.; agent, otjiheum; rehearsal !i.;:oi. -An extraordinarily in. ritorious hill, with e\«iy artist doing his or !'• f I it to round out an entertainment that is clean, switt and artistic from start to finish. La \ i en and Cros-, large acrobats, kidded the • net by ;-|i|>i ai ing in hurlesi|ue Drutus and I'iic.-Jir outlits (the Cae ar a nance!) and do- ing miraculous balancing .stunts with the aid e: a wire. The in. n are excellent satirists. L. o Peers. Immaculate, and John Drewisb, .-triiles on alter the acrobat;, ungloves and un- caaes him-eli with aplomb and nonchalance. ga/.es ai his watch with an "I guess I can give em a few minutes" air, Fits down nt the piano, plays a few bits, sings a couple of iriinhi rs. and in the mid lie of one piece sud- il. nin.inl.i'r- thai he has an appoint- in. Tit. looks ; ,t his wit' h. gloves and canes liim-cli once acain and e\iu with eclat, sang roii. ennui and everything. Mr. Peers was V"<l 'iked, particularly by the ladles. One oi 'h. most delightful act ; u vaud.vllb —Pert E; linar and Jessie Prow i, - held the No. .'{ •;et. and how they held it '. The vlsuallza- lien of the child':; dream of Mother Goo-e i- a whimsical,'iitil idea, and it Is car- rhd out with sympathy and sweetness and no end of ability. In the first number Miss Drown steps out