Variety (May 1918)

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VARIETY TREMENDOUS SUCCESS FRANK JEROME and CARSON EMILY "NIFTY VAUDEVILLE BREEZE" Opened ;il the Victoria Palace, London, April 22nd. Now touring Moss Empires and booked for a return tour. London Address Care of WALTER BENTLEY 122 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W. MARGIE SMITH and ETHe\. LE CLAIR I,, 11■.- ■ r \- a A.t. "I'.Fr.cP" and Slim" |u JoHN HY.MAS Direction. ROY Ml.'RPHY O. K. SATO COMKUY jrr;f;i.KR 1 I , - i, •, :, ,l \ .-hi' \ il ; «-. A xi' •>' ~" v •'' r ,;. • , , . VII v ■ i k t i- an- l.-.'l' . W bat l' ,, . ,,. ,■:. \\ I mi is ''•»' v " inviili. \\ |. ; I I . :;i , i ',„ t > !>' is V> l> IlllU'll lllliclli T. i III' 111; i -■» 11 i ii ;i: 1.. . ,1 \\ ' ' ( ' \ 1] ' '! 'i ! I '■' '111 ill '•■ ■• ■ •• •■;'■.■ I'.' i '.,-■ I:..if'.Hi'-. l::ts Ii'it ,; t f . r ■ - ■ r t. In Tin- i nt <■ n- t ,,l ■ .,, •. , ? ;. ,\ i": . (! r. ■ •■ !.•■ wever. I.ieiif • ','• ^ ■:;■■!; yl I'lym:- Corps <■!' |-. ;. . .; .;,. •' :.• ;rn::i I' h'' ;i' : • -11* i • ia and w '' ; : . • . ■ :■ t (. ; ci:y <!i«>; ■;»fl ' bomb-.'' ,,, • i <"; lit. ; ■■.:-:t'. ;i hi Til ., , , i n |. i • i'pr. ■ i 1 .■iruiir I" r: <<• u. ,i . -!. :i;. :.' in '■' ,il' ■in 1 11 < :!"M S of ip \|,M1' :';.■ :i i.. r • ;i' th«' vari"U 111 • 11 si i ri.;i of <11s:11 ■ t n . • i . ;-, I ■ I 'I ''■•in ].,,, ,i iiM-ii luil. 'i' Frank Smathi rs. chairman ,,t t ,. .;.;,;,. cn'i 'ii Hi' ■■ ill :i :i interview .....'!. ■. ■ i . . • r ;i! i i r' \';i i i i; >'• -t< i nay. T> (■],.'■■: '■ ''• '. I " ' I ' a :• U l.i- :.T li.'-ri ari'i ;,'.' .;,.'. ■ . .:. ;■■ - ..-nil i- ■ . "1 ih«- '. .i la • ; !.,!'•■ i ' ':'!• I ' i| 111'- < 'JIM " i i '.; . : :i! i'.n "ll I . I'l ■..,•■'- ' '■.:.' i . I ' ' ' win I !.,t. i i'l..! i ;i In iill I :i' ■. . i.. i : ' ■ • ' i !, i : • • n . i i: • ' . • ■ . :,■! ' h- :r ,i ■'.-••.nit- BOSTON. Il.v I IN I.IIHll*. , ;• i i ! i i i.' i • 11 n. I..i r ' : . mgr. ; ng'-nt. I i , • • ", i ! . .:; I !•«.'.» r. in i» to - hoW i . . ■ ; ■ . i:;::i. t '■«. ..' !i> r a.- - w;is !..•.:, • ■ ■ : ■' 1.1 ,; .t a ;.;.. n< >•. Th' r»' : - - -.<. ■! ■ i : ca pn'-it v as ; . ' i." V > . 'I I,' I, ill i.S .'...:..- i a ■ oi'ii <!y. Tin' ; • ' • ■ . i In- 1'i'i.v with , ; • •■ ■ 'I . r■ f ii.i'i'.vt <] Iiy I !,.■ . ,| i ,;. . : ■ I ! '\ ut hi l' . < 'olurnhia i ■ : -.-. i .; •.. >i < '!.- n. < onii'M"'' a 11 : ■ • • ! ' 11r r' «■<■ | ' mil. !. tl,. r old ;c '. -. i ii i ' .11 Mil' huii,'' (!. .! -.- • '. • : ,n:- tho'li/li I his • i, -.'. ■ ■ r ■ ': t .' a i 11 -orai' ' ,i i ,.;.-■■ wi n id he a < - I !■■■ a .'a iii. \ lin i ,•. ■ • -a " id'- Part I'.i ." I. I !• . Th- h'lll- ■: i: ' ;• i !> ;■ a Ar'/ ".: .' . p , ■ ■! a a ".1" i.' - i . ■, • i ■ ' 11 • . i riiah i < ., i . I.' . ' I i l.'i'K-li 'if ■'-.'■ r ■ ::.a i'i- II"'. i' I'n won u iri ■ ! '.. ! ". I? i-■ mi' 1 . •■ '■ . r. tlii - ■ . •- .i.. I.- Wi! THE FAYNES Touring South African Theatres CAI.K IN MONTftEAI. Tizoune and Effie Mack A'Jfi THFIP WHIfHWINO T.IHL* H ■.<• '•>' i!' ! lli'li Sunii'irr V,ni n ;it Ao.iln \ !■'■' '/ AIMF 7 Y. Nl« Y«ak NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS B. F. KAHN'S STOCK BURLESQUE CIRCUIT A NEW SHOW EACH WEEK IN EACH THEATRE UNION SQUARE THEATRE WIS 1 ::?. Sii v., k I?f\J I IITC TUI? ATDF ,19th Street and 1 ULiLlllllO 1 XlEii\ 1 ItJCi Third Avenue, Hrom TEMPLE THEATRE SSir."'ilfi.^T'- NATIONAL WINTER GARDEN K.\". - .. A £E: VX y., fc Others to be announced soon. Eight weeks in Greater New York next season. Hook np with a success—either to operate your theatre oi furnish you with LIVE WIRE CLEAN BURLESQUE Addrens all communications to Jq> # _[* # fV J\ f| |\ Union Square Theatre. New York LOUIS E. BILLY B. DeGODFREY and JOHSTON Hlack Fact' Comedians in Their Novelty Act, Trying to Make the House. I iicicr llii'i r Original Street (jir Srcnr to explain tin* story. A laii^hinn liil. So .lillercnt Ironi nthrr acts.--VAHIKTY. in. rhiti- - - i ay in hi-- ini|>i uuiptu revue r> a i - oi i. ii . i aarait* r ot act prccedingf II. Ii.ul a s|..i ininl (i|i|i(jnmiity in his ruvue, v.hi'U .■ (iii-- u: tde ln'st wi- hiivc ever seen. \. :■ . jt.i ; i. i ; ,1(1- c!()!-' (1 ih«? show. l;u. To.\ (iiiarlc- Harris, oiRr. ; agent. U. i: < i. i. •" i lie iindcH Awakiiiiiijj'" (tllnin Hi. •. ai;i|i \ ill. headed hy the. LovcuberK ' ••! . tin' otln r a-t including Tracey and M. l,i a|.. Kay and I'aK.tna, three Alexan- d : an.i tin ( oakiey and buuleavy com- i •!.>■ lii.iiil" i Kaij h (lilmaii. in^r. ; ngent, U. 13. '■ !'!"!!:••■ »." «y ■••lletit hn.~ine.TS. liuWh'il.N ( AI Si tie i tier, iiikt. ; agent. U. i. >> . ■ II:. ('ii -.'■-." IMaying the Game" i ni ami th. laf: t ejiinjdi' In "The \\ or.-..n: in th«« W < t>." Al <> using several '..-:..'. \ 111.- ;i> t-. l l\\li;s i.ld i ;h lin iiiuiii, mgr. ; agent, l.. ". i. la.i 1 M. Ad u:is ai.d Ins company of :.i I..:.! !'•.■ \ .i': ■: ■ v 11!« » n t • rtalnmeiit with in'i .• I iiiiiedy. O'her acts are Wood. : ,' .i :.<1 rinili|i>. :'.i.\toti and Farrell, I- '. I' in ;.i.d lin kii' II. 'The Reason Why" . li • in i . i.l.i )l:i: i i rank Me;mlier, mgr., agent, I i. a I ,i • a |i< i/iain of idiotoplays this -.. ■ i . !■' ii,;' la.iris ;t l^g l.alure. Have billed I.. I.ifil. AiiK-rian, I'ln* Man from i' ■ ' • <l la " aad ' "I lie I looi walkir." < i.: I'l 1 1)1 M i\Mni .J. Morris, m-r. ; agent. I... a ■ I., adur.' vaudeville feature in the 1 •:•', llia.-i -! Ki:i;l,'' the oilier acts in- I i. o:. a:,. I U'alil, Jnldie Foyer. '■; .■■•• I'.'-.. I li'.i nioii and Thornton and ! W i: *i.:i I : . M i I in- ■ The Man Hunt" ' *. * * * i ' i » . ■■••■'. ,\.\\ 'M.VMI'IA ' 'am< .1 MrUuinoss. it, H. ;! 11, .ti ml of Ala ka" (film • i :,,::. hio. laiy ."^ a c t owns end Wiilnir ■i •'(. .~ i \ lioval llu ,ir j , ("ook nnd • . ■ ■ II :d, !:-'!n::i,' .':. i.u.: .. • •. < il.V \1 I'I N i Hookallo. \:',.| '•:. All I'Kiaiy" llllni). head- ' '■ Li < ' , . .-'i11« \ i11«• a ei s inelnde Hlioda i..i ''■.. •' • tial |)im, Niviiih and (lor , • ' ■.■!•:,., \|.,na :::;■! ('(.-. ' l: ;■; < i • ■ -i:. - \>. . : "i iero, m::r. I .--"The l:-i '■! ' I'ay hay" and "Ked I '•: i • o: tin he '. ! I ' I'! " i . I I ' 'mil ii. rir-r. i. Hark this ii.'- ■ a: ■ !■ mi- la t Sat urday with ■• !..■:■- I.iiiy." ■! 'i :■ il' i I l i !' I i Smith, hut. I. This h '.-,.■■' •'. . ; '. Tie M mi W'lo ('.iiii>- I!<((k," I ■ ' '' i • im d i >■[• i hi-- •■' a on for .a ' > -. Mi I.. • ii In i ■" .-i \ month-. \V!!.!!IT: (!■:. I). Smith, msr').-"High and I »iy,' a new comedy, opened at thl9 house Monday in^lit to a hig hoii.~o. It is a new ei.nn dy in ilie F; t ^t, but was christened in i(i« k in St. Loui- Last season, and the re- (. ptioii it re eived there encouraged the pnii-ois W. 1'. Orr and J. M. Welch, to trot ii mi to the big time. Received good notices. I is the prohibition theme for material. IKKMOXT (John II. Schotffel, mgr.).—It would appear that a summer Reason of musi- cal comedy is going to be a reality here, Judg- ing irom tlii* way Mit/i Hajos iu the latest Savii^e show, Head Over Heels," got over at iiii- limiM' at the oj/t-ii ;Pii; liist Saturday. It is oi the sort that would get by for a summer • i en. In ing sprinkh'd^-opionsly with com- .ilv ;iiid ha\ing a tlr-t grade female star. Has in a plot the arrival in this country of an Italian aerobath troupe, headed by Mltzl, who c :. arching for ;i lo^-t lover. She has plenty of opportunity to kIiow her acrobatic l e 1111 e Ii i ■ i e -. roi'LKY (II. \V. I'attee, mgr.).—Thla house •will le ojien during the summer months. Has lor an attraction this wck "Arms and the (iirl. ' ;i ISclgian w;ir comedy. It will tie fol- lowed by sevi ral shows based more or less on llu- w.itld war. TkK.MiiXT TFMIMJ-:. — Packing the house u.Mi fli Tard'-i "My Four Years in Ciermany." (\SI.\0 (Charles Waldron. m:;r.).— Wal- .: rim's, own ( l,nw, tin 1 Ko tonian., is at the ! 11 • i. • i ■ tlii wick. HAYKTY (Thomas II. Henry, mgr.).—Mol- I,' W'il !ia in'? • how. HoW'AKIi i?;..,:;.;. F. hothrop, mgr.).-- \ i( ini'v (I i i I' I'urle: (jiK- Co. V\i!^'i'i(' M-: I) Smith, mcr.).--"Hearts o: iiie WhiiiI" imw i,ii tin !-ev nth week to ex- . : i ion;: I 'y 1, i : bu- im- s. !'. r* \\''.'-:'!!'-c!:. w):o ''or 'Mn^ *i|iie has been i i '.ml to 'Mob" en at Keith's theatre. i I:.' 11. ■I. lb will give ;:ll his time to INERS AKE-UP HKNHY <. . M1MKH. Inc NOTICE FOR EUROPE Players in Europe desiring to advertise in VARIETY, and wishing to take advan- tage of the Prepaid Rates allowed, may secure the same, if at the time of mailing advertising copy direct to VARIETY, New York, the amount in payment for it is placed in VARIETY'S credit at the PALL MALL DEPOSIT AND FOR- WARDING CO. Carlton St., Regent St., S. W., London For uniformity in exrhnnve, the Pall r..all Co. will accept deposits for VARIETY at four shillings, two pence, on the dollar. Through this manner of transmission, all danger of loss to the player is averted; VARIETY assumes full risk and acknowl- edges the Pall Mall Co.'s receipts as its own receipts for all money placed with the Pall Mall to VARIETY'S credit. other interests. Morton Hirge. connected with one ol the lot al papers, has accepted the po- ll ion at the vaudeville house. The circus is in town this week, accom- . anied by the iiMial inclement weather con- lit ions. Mi srs. Ashlay, Hull and Nagle, who have taken the leaning positions in "The Man Who (line Hack since the *how struck this city -evi ral months ago, all played the part at di:i. ii nt performances this week. Hull and Xaule are at Concord, Mass.. with one of William A. Hrjuly's picture companies which c engaged in lilming "Little Women." Plans are well under way for the national lm-iuie expo ition which will be held under the ..u-piec.s of the National Motion Picture Ind-.Mtry and the Motion Picture Exhibitors' laauue ii Aimiica in this city from July 13 to "'». .lay P.. I!i ntmi, for many yea re press repre- sentathe of the Hollh, Colonial and Tre- im-iii tlaiitr--. and also the Park before it abandoned the legitimate field, died at his home in Win. In. ti r Saturday night. He had been ill for the pat lour years, but remained in ;ieti\<' duty as city t ditor of the Boston It hi- i i|t. ii. was abo press rcpresenta- ti\e (,: the old Ho-t'Mi Mm eurn He was Aiel\ known throughout the theatrical pro- : i -mil CINCINNATI. Ity II i:\lll \ . >» \ltTIN. !" a p" i- i-'i.illy cond'ieted drive, to start In , i-i. ;!'.d < * *: • t: i i *. i -» through .Inn^. Lucille l \\i. ice former Mi t ropolitan Opera slnTtcr, .' ' II luak. vii al tour of l\i ntucky for the I" m lit <ii the Ked Cro s. She was born flt lliiii-ed be.rg. Ky., nnd is a sister of Paul I"m . Cincinnati artist. Sho will sing In 10 e: ' ,. ::!!<! tOWHS. I., h .in.'. inan.i"i r of the Ca-ino. Jnckson- \'■'<'> ;. nnonne, s that beginning June 1 that iuiii .■ u ■ 11 ' ■!< moli -h.-.l. to make way for a '.;• * • ?. ■ ..•!'. ui'li a -. afing eapaeity of 1.000. i"' • n. v. c kki will md <?-.o.i*mi. * While the I'lilibn i b' mi - ire ted .loid will reopen the I.,I ■:!>" .:!■! 'ii'-'-i-r the c.isjno's programs th. I'e. "Wlen Hi- P.nvs Come Heme." a poem wrlt- '■ n by lnliti May. late Sen fary of State, has hi i I'll to inn le by William T. Porter, a 'I'lic okk;i.nal ;i n (! i AMOTS TECHOW'S CATS IIL.nDLKSO.VS. (ONKV ISLAM), THIS VVKKK (May 21) Direction, LOUIS SIMELMAN