Variety (May 1918)

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VARIETY 23 Augusto It Iorio & Sons Manufaetarer* of the BMt Aeeordeoe* In Hi* World Spool al for Piano Koy* S Prince Btrcot NEW YORK CITT frrfjTjr Vl „ III 111 GuerriniCo. Manufacturer* of High Grade Accordeons 277-279 Columbus At*. San Prancloco Awarded Gold Medals— Crinva. Italy: V.-V. 1. E-. San Francisco, and Han DleKO. Beautify Your Face You muit look good to make good. Many o< th« "Profession" havo obtained and retained better parti by having me cor* rrct thrlr featural Imperfection* and re- move blcml.ho*. Comultatlon free. Fee* reasonable. F. E. SMITH, M.D. 347 Fifth Ave.. N. Y. C. (Opp. Waldorf) PLUSH DROPS—all sizes and color*, K'ulHuatf stu^i' Ht'ttnitt. Ps.s\ terms and rental*. BEAUMONT SCENIC STUDIO 935 Market Street. San Francltco. Cal. A # LEWIS j"^g Export Operators and ^ <"£ a &&* Assistants in V^A attendance. 4r*~--c> 128 W. 45th St.. New York ««,t> * T Telephone: Bryant 3618 "° SHOE SHOP Est. 1880 EXCEPTIONAL VALUES IN PUMPS. COLONIALS. OXFORDS 154 W. 45th St.. New York Past of If way Opp. Lyceum IMPOUTED EVENING COATS! Ft S.ili ' \.-\\ ! Sr en ISi'.iii'itiil Inii'iirtiMl Conts - i;\.ii'ii.. Ai'i-;i it .Ml S|«ir:. .M;i'.|ili>s in M\lo .ili.l la:Ci:.i!. Silll..! In tll'l lnr.'.s el I'll.M STMI nr l»l!.\M X'l'lf AtTUKSS I mi» s-ililc lo duplicate in this lilt I > - I e-i . .-i-ii.n liaiVrul. ;1"'\mii_ fi'ScM. cXipliM'e w..i ki,i.iii-i,r. Will '■!■!! ••'! 1 < -r tin' I'M'-c ef ••ii' 1 A.l.l:..-.s Box 8H. VARIETY, New York. ACCOMPANIST u.iii'iil li'. ';!'!• -.:ii .r alH'ii! t" m.iki' tliive itii'i.T 1..-5' tear. \'\ ,-■ I .,l'i.- tn f-ll ■ < t T ;. ] || iliinn„' «■): :i 11 ^ ■ >. .\il.ln-,s Singer. VARIETY. New York FOR SALE OR LEASE Modern theatre, newly equipped scaling over 1'lflO, :ii|.i| '.iMe !■ I ;i'l an. - i.l •-11■ AV lill-aln >.s. lm'.iti il l: ••!" I. "' I i -' ' ', Hi I ill <|. i'.v ii'i.u II (lis Hi.'. Clrvdaii'l. p. r : ai 11 ■■u:.r s ei.iuanini. ale with r.HAS. H. MILES. Miles Thiatre. Cleveland, 0. REDUCE YOUR BUST 11. •: n '.' ' ■ ! ,,!,••. :n : u,i'|;s with cue j;ir (if < OSl OHES1TY (REAM. I'\ ■ . ..:! A!'^. '.I'. i» lui i inli-^s Iii'ilc'i's fat dll'. i..:: ■! "!. I...;. \ ■■'.::'. .::j im l::i- • :: u.l!,; er |'\| li : ' . i'|. lis ill'i. < ll,i\i' »111 - li'...;.'- 1 . ' .1 Pi li. ill ill'I ■w • • T • i - -1 ■ Ptl'C. |ins' i.u'l. .*; "ii CiiiiL' & Ciirrle. 2MII Avrnuo G. Brooklyn. N. Y. Pamahasika's Pets On a i Mi' uf Or I'r.V | want f-«- I. .i 111 • - lailv nr imm'Mi'- in in ■■■ IhimI i i| - i.i.'h < ■ I. i s •* a' • r:i <• i ■ >ii It r«! s. cuts utiil riiniiJ,r\ m Will iii.sulir I»vimtih fn reliable j.artv. \'«n. -a i all :. I!. a.I ;;.:::,:•; .\i. J.. J 1 \ K.\!R!MI.I. Sti.i- fl i'.i M;l a. I'i Want , I Hnltnul man and |i'i'<r\ nan; n: -.< i Mini/ man learner, nut In the fit .i * t Wardrobe Prop. Trunks, $5.00 Big Bargains. Have been used. Also a few Second Hand Innovation and Fibre Wardrobe Trunks, $10 and $15. A few extra large Property Trunks. Also Taylor and Bal Trunks. Parlor Floor, 28 W. Slst St, New York City. SEE JAMES MADISON before June l.Sth at 1493 Broadway, New York, iilniiit arts ymi wish him to write for you during his annual Summer stay in Sun Fran- r i sc«». E.GaliziABro. Greateot Frofeoalooal Acoordlon Manufac- turer* and Repairers. Incouin&rable Hpoeial Work*. New Ids* Patented Shift 215 Canal Street N. Y. City Tol. Franklin 091 TENNEY Go t" the fr«»nt. "Fire" a Tenney uet ut General Mnnugor and Major Audience. They'll surrender when you capture applause. It will put you in command for the march to Headline. I'm camping at l4!):i Hroudwuy, New York City. NYltfwuK, T<dephone, or Sigmil me now. Cincinnati Southern Railway trustee. This versu was written by Hay while he was Secre- tary to President Lincoln und published In Harper's Weekly, In 1804. It goea: "There's a happy time coming, When the boys come home ; There's a glorious day coming When the boys come home. We will end the dreadful story <)l this warfare dark and gory In a sunburst ol glory, When the boys come home." Herman Dellstedt, Cincinnati bandmaster, arranged the music for bands und orchestras. Alter a thrilling escape from the Coving- ton, Ky., Jail, James Lawler und Put Kear- ney, bandits who shot and killed Andrew Nordmeyer. Covington picture theatre pro- prietor, were recaptured several days ago. iiulh were under sentence of death. They buwm! their way out. Kearney was rear- rested just outside the jail, but Lawler es- caped lo Ciueiuna'i. lie was fiuul-iy Jouuded up in a cottage in Avondale, a society suburb, where he had taken refuge. Kor live hours police pumped lead into the house, and Lawler fired hack at them, without anyone being In- jured. 1'Mnally, by means ol lormuldehydc, thi y "gassed" him and he staggered out of the building und was overpowered. DETROIT. Ily JACOB SMITH. TEMPLE (C. C Williams, mgr. ; U. B. O.). — Julius Tannen, Avon Comedy Four. Hnrre Beresiord & Co., Eddie Borden, Mystic Han- son Trio, "Over the Garden Wall," Frisco, Three Mennett Sisters. MILKS (Giis Greening, mgr.).—Foy Toy & Co.. Hayworth Troupe, Carl AL- Inez, Victoria Trio, Du Vul & Slminoud-', Williams & Daisy. OKIMIKUM (Tom Ealand, mgr.; Loew, agt.nt). -Capt. W. I). Bealey, Sextette De Luxe. Hums & Lynn, Hill A: Ackerman, Gard- ii'T <<• Revere and feature picture comprise first hall of week. Second half Is same ns lirst half at Regent. REGENT (Rod Waggoner, mgr.; Loew, agent). -Sorrento Quintet, Hal Langdon Trio. H. F. Roberts & Co. in sketch, Foley & O'Xeill. Casson & Sherlock, Donald Sisters and feature* picture, lirst half. Second half is same as Orpheum lirst half. • OPERA HOUSE (Herl C. Whitney, mgr.). -'•Restitution. "■ motion picture. Starting June .'{ Opera House will show four weeks of gland opera by Hnston English Grand Opera Co. headed by Jo-cph Sheehan. Then back to motion pictures lor balance of summer. CAYETY (J. M. Ward, mgr.).— Ilurle«quo. «'\DiLL\C (Sam Levey, mgr.).—Burlesque. GAKRICK (Richard H. Lawrence, mgr.).— Monstelle stock in "Daybreak." ADAMS (Russell G. lVarce, mgr.; Kunsky). Tar/an of the Apes." MADISON (Thomas I). Moule, mgr.; Kunsky i. •True l;lu<\" l-'ox-Standard, with William Earnum. MA.IESTIC (M. W., mgr.).—"Over Du Top." second ffcik. Rig business lirst Week. MROADWAY-STRAND (Phil Glelehruaii, ni'-r. I. "D. Luxe Annie." s.J-et picture with N'oima Talmadge. tllobc theatre. Grand River and Tnmbull. ha; 1,, en leased to Men Cohen and Herman Warni!. who aDo operate the Rex and ' 'nii -. mi:. .hie nptner ha- ha-e.l the .N «v| theatre lot avenue. on MOUNTAIN PARK CASINO IIOLYOKR. MASS. Nearly every theatre In Detroit boosted "Fill the Flag." the official song of the Detroit Patriot ii Fund. INDIANAPOLIS. Ill Will. II *»IITII. Charles W. Stroh. of Crawfordsvllle. has just completed the work of remodeling and redecorating his house there, known ns tho Art. The enst w;is ."flJHMt. IOHT8 Union Suits, Symmetrical^ and Theatrical Supplies Write for CaUloerao No. V-S. Walter G. Bretzfield Co. 1367 Broadway (Cor. 17th Street) NEW TORE Dollie Spur, of Marion, who now controls all three houses in that city, the Royal Grand, the Indiana and tho Lyric theatres, has just closed long-lime ennfraetH with the World Film Corporation for service runs. Dan Griffiths, of Imager, is erecting a new airdome in that city which is expected to seat •J.immi. This is the only airdome going up in Indiana. Arnold Brothers, of Kokomo, owners and matiai.ers of the (Jrand there, have taken over the lens* ol the Isis from Ralph Moslman and will operate both hou cs umh r their own man- agement. W. H. P.rcnner. a prominent hotel man at W.nchester. has bought the lease of the Cozy of that city from R. T. Moore. MACK, The Tailor 1582-1585 BROADWAY (Opposite Strand Theatre) 722-724-726 SEVENTH AVE. (Opposite Columbia Theatre) NEW YORK CITY Twenty-two of the Canadian soldiers who are in Indianapolis to assist In th« War Chest Fund campaign, were guests of the Park theatre one night this last week, when a special Rathe li Im depleting events In Eng- land was shown. The Canadian contingent sang a number of national airs. VELVET DROPS All sire*. Mental* and omt term*. E. J. BEAUMONT 248 N i w " t Y Q S t,, c l J t, ^ Bumpus Rehearsal Hall Rent by Hour or Day 245 Wrst 4«th Street. New York "The Kaiser, the Beast of Berlin." shown two solid weeks at English's, played to the heaviest patronage of the season. Thomas Davis, of Tipton, has taken over the lease ol the Habit in that city. He has re- modeled the house. COLUMBIA STUDIO 1 *"<«»"«"* new Ton* city Mnnoloiom*. RkrtrJins and Acta written. Photoplay* rertseri. SPEAK WITH US OVER THE WIRE VANDERBILT 30S8 J. W. Boehm has purchased the Gem at Cambridge City and will open it under the name of the Grand. Beginning Sunday of this next week English's will show Guy Eiiipey's "Over the Top." During the showing of "l,»st We Forget" nt the _ Park last we.-k. Rita Jollv. t. who played the siellar role, app.artd in person. lame D. K-uii'dy, of Indianapolis, has l—eu appointed a.- manager of the Alhainbra. one of the Barton a. Olson houses, to succeed Edwin Booth, lorner manager, who resigned a few Weeks :i:;ii to enter the Service. George T< in 11. of Crotln is\ i||e. owner and m.iii.i-a r ol the (>ld Grand, has nvcinl ; ( new hou e in that city, to l,e known as the New Grand. The Old Giand is to be ilo.,i|. Chase Oille i,i Elweod, has disponed of "" .--'!;•• r!i. i to .1. .1. Paul, who will take over 'he i.l : M ■■ Itl.l li."! :•• lla tit Ol t la bullae. : - 'I'. I '•■ ' h i ii. of Earti'land. e\|.. ( ts to ojiea i'''- 'iew ice.itre thi \Mi|i wiin |'o\ standards I" ' li ( aci| ai'.a hen ■ i oiidiiet.,] j ri |, : 'h-niap-d -i i.. iai . a W'i t'f■■ .t fund of s;; " "• loc il Hi. all. h., • al! sillecr lln d 1(H. i" I c-nt. to t 111' r .|i|,la •;. The Circle theatre Nntliliin too large or amaM for ua to handle tn the SCENIC LINE Rtiiireatlrtn* end estimate* rliferfullr siren. DE BERRI SCENIC STUDIO 922 Weat Monroe Street CHICAGO. ILL. Phone: Hay market 21 St WARDROBE TRUNKS 8PEC {or L the U,lt PROFESSION AT % TRICES Many Bargain* In Second Hand Wardrobe and and Property Trunk* P. KOTLER, 570 7th Ave. Phone: Oryant 873C Near 41st St. WANTED \ ;i! |« .,1 in.' m.iiiu lii<!i. ., lailll tin; :11-.' ||,C (lull -illiiNn I mmm'M. h. I'||,„ :ithcllixl|i,' Call (itlH"»» of THE DAILY REPORTER. 1180 O roailway. Now York and Kejtii s were the lir t to "go over tho •op with lull sule-cript ioiic OPENS JUNE 10 fiOnil Ar'TQ DFSIRINO THE MOST \n\rvtr / »^' * ► » fiEAUTIFtlL WEEK IN ALL VAUOrVII LF rOMMUNICATF WITH FRED J. SARR, DO ITTNAM BUM;. ^ G. Blacker, ot Indianapolis, ban been appoii.'-d lu.ina. i i ol the Star and MrTuliat Ian hi i. by Prank Kemhu a h. owner, to Bucceed D..iiy II. I'.ok. who n signed home time ago to ;otu ' he n r my. KANSAS CITY. Il> II \ltOI.|l \. 11)1 KM \ It I . -'■ •' I. a . ol il,.- c.irdei, thi'iitre. nth ■■:.«! M.i... :;..: , *; r , : \ Ktl - d yesterday by ; '" : I ' -le i w :,. r to th. Id' hauls K Flynn ''' : II. ■'" ' ii I hi |e ees will devote tllO : M ; -ou ■ 'o pi' tui. oh Iv lor the jircunt. ! '■'' •' ■' ' i • I '•' d :-' pt. I. The nvi rage yearly I ,:t.,l 1 .'."limn. SJ.IMMI Will I. .xp-nded |n II ■.; • i'. ■> • i .' i i i n 1111. ■ 11.11. I v. 'i . I;• -ii w '.li < I" '■ |,,-ol ably the most i in Pan a City ||,| M week. CORRESPONDENTS WANTED VARIFITY wants enrrcspondrnts, newspaper men prefiTrcd. Address VARIETY, New York i , i .i.i 'A ' I. I'' ■ V .- ( (.'If a i I.. •::■!. ' I'll lnii,:- Jiown lit tho icwhtlt I'M . riilc, ll'M met. ■' ' i; ; i '\ i ' I ■ v lar*.- aidli nee, . Spc- "• !:■•• ' .'■> '■ I" ■ en,i a re. .•■..■|f V to nr- ' ! ' ' ' ' '■ , ' 1 '- "■ •" "les helm? run '• ir. at aP n :• ,;,,r p.-j forrnances. 1 ' ••"i-r. < •" ;.- hMi.fii at the Cnyety, ' • ■ I'' ri'l.ilK e lo |,.. , ,,„. „ r ,. ( ] ny jjjg ■" ,:,; ' '■ 'haei.r. added eonsidprably to ' ■'•■ L..I; .: City (junta.