Variety (May 1918)

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24 VARIETY The Oayety since the close of Its burlesque season 1b running pictures. "The Beast of Berlin" at present. Falrmount I'ark finished one of the best weeks for amusement parks In Kunsiia City for several yours. Very large crowds were In attendance all week. Electric Park, Kansas City's leading amuse- ment park, opened thin week to two over- flowing throngH. Schooley's Follies featured. Swimming, dancing and various attractions. Lucille of the Enchanted Isle Is a new at- traction. The addition of the two Eastment sisters to the follies marks for better enter- tainment. MILWAUKEE. Ily I\ <i. MORGAN. DAVIDSON (Sherman Brown, mgr.).—Gov- ernment film, "Pershing's Crusaders," full wock ; June 2, film, "Tarzan of the Apes." MAJESTIC (Jumes A. Illgler, mgr.; agent, Orph.).—Belle Baker, De Wolff SlBters, Venlta Gould, Porter J. White, Bob Hall. Val and Ernie Stanton, Four Hartford*, Derkln's Ani- mals. PALACE (Harry E. UillinRH, mgr.; agent, W. V. M. A.).— Vahinnvii Cypsws. Wanzer and Parker, Kitamura Japs, Billy Klllott, Marshall and Covert ; last half, Lillian Kingsbury and Co.. Shelton Brooks, Fern, Richelieu and Fern, Thrco Vagrants, Ferguson and Sunderland, George and May Le Fevre. MILLER (Jack Yeo, mgr.; agent, Locw).— Senator Francis Murphy "Madam Drone's Seminary," Finly and Hill, Mahoncy and Rogers, Gruber's Animals, The Bartlnos. SHUBERT (Harry L. Miuturn, mgr.).— Harry L. Mlnturn Stock players, "Alias Jimmy Valentine" ; June 3, "Cheating Cheaters." OAYETY (Charles J. Fox, mgr.; agent, American).—"Puss, Puss, Puss." June 3, supplemental stock. EMPRESS (Walter C. Scott, mgr.).—Stock burlesque. The premlero of "The Girl He Left Behind." Radph T. Kettering's new drama, will be given by the Harry L. Mlnturn Btock players at the Majestic the la«t week in June. George Washington Hall, one of the oldest active circus owners In the country, died at his home in Evansvllle, Wis., on May '20, at the age of H3 years. He was the first man to take a tent show to Central and South America. Vaughn Morgan, Juvenile man of the Harry L. Mlnturn stock players at the Shubert, was tendered a benefit May U4 at the night per- lormance of "Charley's Aunt," he leaving at the end of the week to report to a draft board In Seattle. <^ This Is the final week of big vaudeville, the Majestic closing the season at the end of the current week with Belle Baker In the elec- trics. Beginning Monday, June 3, the stock players at the Shubert will move In for a summer run. The Palace and Miller, the W. V. M. A. and Loew booked houses, respect- ively, will defy warm weather. Matt Kolb and his organization have movod into the Empress for an Indefinite run of stock burlesque. In the forenoon of May U5 a public drcsB rehearsal was given, proceeds going to the Red Cross. NEW ORLEANS. Ily O. M. SAMUKL. PALACE (Sam Myers, mgr.).—First half. "Somewhere in France," Six American Dan- cers. Barber and Jackson, Sosman and Sloan, Mario and Duffy. "Firebrand," film. Last half, Mayme Gehrue, Variety Dancers, Kajlyama, Charles F. Semon. Hugh J. Emmett. CRESCENT (Walter Kattnian. mgr.).— First half, Fred La Relne and Co., Harmon and O'Connor, Norton and Noble, Sherman, Van and Hyman, Bell and Carron, "The BllndnesH of Divorce." film. Last half. Chin Lun Soo, Castell Duo. Grace De Wlntros, Hooper arvl Durkhardt. Jack and Forris, "Be- lieve Me, Xantlppe," film. DIAMOND (R. M. Chisolm. mgr.). —Mor- ton's "Kentucky Belles," Yaeger and Kent. Bust and Metcalf, Keenan and Willis, Olym- pic Comedy Four, "Whlthvr Thou Goest," film. STRAND (Maurice Barr, nuT). "My Four Years In fJcniwiny." ALAMO (Frank Sanders, mgr.). MeCor- mlck and Wlnehlll. Ethel Schutta, who appears at the head of her own musical « om< ily company, opened an indefinite engagement at the Columbia Sun- dny. Ed Schiller Is making an Inspection tour of the Loew southern house's. The Liberty, the new picture theatre being built next door to the Orpheum, will give ItH first day receipts to the Red Cross. An organization appearing In the local "Jazz" houses called the "Winter Garden Girls." advertising an admission price to nil of ."> cents, has Joel Alson at the hend of the company. The Diamond show of la^t week was hardly prepossessing, hut the management promises to put Its best artisth' foot forward for the current period. Mrs. Arthur White, wife c-f the manager of the Orpheum, has been 111, but Is now re- covering. W. V. M. A. EXCLUSIVELY U. B. O. EXCLUSIVELY IN NEW YORK The "Live Chicago Agent" ARRY ^#V. SPINGOLD ANY and All Acts Desiring Time in the West . Communicate with me At Room 903 Palace Theatre Building, New York ORPHEUM EXCLUSIVELY INTERSTATE EXCLUSIVELY respite for two years, unless there is Federal interference. PHILADELPHIA. By JIVEMLE. II. F. KEITHS (H. T. Jordan, mgr.).—The humor of Trlxic Friganza's songs, chatter and <lancing, and her heroic efforts to enliven her audience, with a terrific storm raging out- side were not entirely lost on Monday night's audience despite the fact that there was not as much response as the act deserved. Triple is a real worker for the cause of amusement, and Is certainly "doing her bit" In this offer- ing, to say nothing of the strenuous few * minutes of acrobatic dancing Indulged In by Max Weily, who, with Mallssa Ten Eyck, ap- pears with MIbh Frlganza doing a pretty dance number, while the buxom comedienne makes a change of coBtume. Under ordinary condi- tions. Miss Friganza's act ought to be a riot, but the storm had the people so thoroughly scared Monday night that even her gymnastics failed to get Its full worth. Miss Friganza's bit with the bass viol Is funny, and she Is surely ns welcome as ever as a headllner from the musical stage. There were several other good sized hits on the bill. Will J. Ward and IIIh Symphony Girls Bhared a goodly por- tion of the applause honors, and with a better .s. -lection of Hongs could get more. There seems no good reason for Ward using so much of the Irish songs. A llttlo more of the more up-to-date "Jazz" stuff would help consider- ably. The same goes for the Irish reel at- tempted by one of the girls. Ooorge and Dick Rath were big winners, and deserved all the recognition received, for their hand-to- hand routlno Is about the best we have seen. They really do few tricks that are new, but put a finish to their work that shows their class, and they have a closing trick that Is a gem. Frank Crumlt, n clever fellow with stories and a couple of Instruments, made good easily. He slipped over something In the shape of a ballad that was all wrong for him, but did so well with his other material that one might almost forgive the ballad. Mullen and Coogan have freshened up their eccentric comedy with some new material, retaining only a few of the best bits of the old act. Their "nut" stuff is laughable, and they do well with it, besides adding Coogan's dancing bit which Mullen burlesques for plenty or laughs. The present act is much better than the other one. The old act of Tom Smith and Ralph Austin is wearing well, giving the show a good laughing hit which did a lot to enliven the first half. Blasett A Bestry did very well with their varied stepping, follow- ing the dancing of Evelyn and Dolly, a couple of girls, who dance with and without skates. Jewell's Mannikins, in "A Circus Day in Toyland," did unusually well in the closing spot, holding in a good percentage of the house seated and finishing to a liberal hand of applause. Pathe Pictures opened. ALLEGHENY (Joseph Cohen, mgr.).—Ann Healey and Roy Montgomery, with their "Jazz Band of Five Gafoolas," headline the bill this week and have the following support: J. C. Mack A Co., Jack Alfred A Co., Al Tucker, Seven Maxuma Japs and the film feature is Jewel Carmen in "Confession." COLONIAL (H. A. Smith, mgr.).—"Over the Top," the big war picture, with Sergeant Guy Empey in the principal role, is headlined as the Memorial Week feature. The vaude- ville bill Includes O'Donnell and Blair, Marie Lo and Co., "The Dancing Dolls," Tabor and Green and others. KEYSTONE (M. W. Taylor, mgr.).—Harry Stewart and Girla in a lively musical tabloid is this week's feature. Others are Frank Stafford ft Co. In "The Hunter's Game," Sandu Brothers, Regal and Mack in "The Hook Shop,' Jessio Standlsh, Hanlon and Ward and the film feature is the seventh chapter of "The Woman in the Web." NIXON (Fred Leopald, mgr.).—The Guy Tho cabarets of thin city were saved last week when tho Legislature voted "wet" on the liquor question. It means an alcohollo THE NEW YORK STUDIOS "SCENERY OF DISTINCTION" HAVE NOW ESTABLISHED A SPECIAL DEPARTMENT FOR VAUDEVILLE ACTS SCENERY, PROPERTIES, VELOUR, SATIN AND OTHER FABRIC CURTAINS AND SETTINGS ARTISTICALLY PRODUCED. MR. FRANK CAMBRIA, our Art Director, Is well known for his Original Stage Settings and Modernistic Creations. THE MOST COMPLETE STUDIOS IN AMERICA AND EQUIPPING 80% OF THE "BIG TIME" VAUDEVILLE HOUSES. LET US 8ERVE YOU. OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL ON REQUEST OP POSTAL OR PHONE. Phone: Greeley «Mf 328 to 332 West 39th St (At 8th Ave,), New York City Empey war picture. "Over tho Top." Is head- lined this week with a vaudeville bill of fire acts. NIXON'S ORAND OPERA HOUSE (W. D. Wegefarth, mgr.). —A snappy musical comedy called "Going Some" Is topping the bUl this week. Others are Franklyn Ardell A Co., Alfred A. Parland, Lydell and Hlffins. Violet McMillan, Francis and Ross and motion pic- tures. OLOBB (Sabloskey * MoQulrk, mgrs.).— "The Bungslow Girls," headed by Eugene Emmett, Is the featured act this week with the following supporting bill: Peggy Worth, Lillian Mortimer In "How to Manage a Wife,' 1 Royal Gasooynes, "Circus Day In Toyland," Malloy, Kehoe A Co,; Kuter. Claire and Kuter; Great Glrard, Stephens and Nugent, Emma and Effle Elliott and motion pictures, WILLIAM PENN (G. W. Metxel, mgr.).— Johnny Johnson A Co. are headlining the bill all week with "On the Shrewsbury." The first half also Includes Frank Milton and DeLong Sisters, Claude and Marian Cleveland, Lane and Plant and the film feature Is Rex Beach's "Heart of the Sunset." Jessie Hay- wood A Co. In "Air Castle Kate," and other acts, with the film feature, Constance Tal- madge In "Up the Road With Sally." BROADWAY (Chas. Shlsler, mgr.).— The headline offering for the week is "The Merry- Oo-Round," with Mabel Walser and a big company. Others for the first half are De- Lacey, Rice A Co.; Jack Rose, White Step- pers and the film feature, "Woman and the Law." The additional vaudeville bill for the last half has Phyllis Gilmore and three other acts and the film feature Jewel Carmen In "Confession." CROSS KEYS (Sabloskey A McGulrk, mgrs.).—A musical tabloid called "Oh, You Devil," la presented by Herman Becker A Co. as the headllner for the first half. Others are Phyllis GTllmore, Knapp and Cornelia, Claudia Coleman, George and Lillian Gordon. Barnold's Dogs. Last half—Harry Padden A Co. In "The Mixed Romance," Emily Smiley A Co. In "Aren't They Wonders," and others, with a change of motion pictures. PITTSBURGH. BY ROBERT A. SINCLAIR. ALVIN (Tunis Dean, mgr.).—Grand opera at popular prices. Good houses. DAVIS (Harry Davis, mgr.; U. B. O.).— Fine bill to good business. Bessie McCoy, top line. Swor and Avey, amusing. Frank Ward, novelty. Elsie La Borger and dogs, clever. Three Rubes, humorous. Van and Bell, funny. Clara and Emily Barry, good. Maxlne Bros. HARRIS (Charles Preston, mgr.).—Another clean bill. "At Roeky Pass," feature. Ber- tram May and Co., Frank Sherman, Kalma, Three Norrls Sisters, Vanola Melburn, Bobby Boyce, Mantilla and Warden. SHERIDAN SQUARE (J. Hooley, mgr.).— "Bon Voyage," Roode and Frances, Ryan and Ryan, Irene Trevllle, Louise and Mitchell. Last half, Venetian Gypsies, Garbrey and Cavenaugh, Wheeler Trio, Bert Wilson and Co., Marie Fltzglbbon. KENYON (Thomas Kenyon, mgr.).—Mans- field Bros., Dancing Relders, Scott A DeBreon, Hastorio, Mabel Ellsley and Co., Lew Haines, Wiggins Trio, Cycling Jacks one. Clifford R. Wilson, manager of the Lyceum, announces Improvements and redecorating. The top price, formerly 75 cents, will be raised to $1 next season. Dobbins Bros, are building a new picture theatre at Wilson, Pa., to be known as the Rialto, with a seating capacity of 600. Geo. Bury has purchased the Variety the- atre and the Comique adjoining at 1716 Reaver avenue, North Side. He will build a n^w palatial theatre to seat 1,200 people on the joint site. Another film theatre is being built at Am- bridge, Pa. John R. Reynolds, formerly manager of the Alvln, may manage the Pitt next season. PROVIDENCE. BY KARL K. KLARK. SHUBERT MAJESTIC (Col. Felix R. Wen- dleschaefer, mgr.).—Lyric Musical Comedy company in Its third week offered "A Ha- waiian Follie." Summer musical stock con- tinues to go fairly good here. OPERA HOUSE (Col. Felix R. Wendle- schaefer, mgr.) .—Lieut. BUI O'Hara. 24th Canadian Expeditionary Forces, in his lecture, "Tommies, Tank and Trenches," is describing his experiences in the battles of Ypres, the Somme and Vimy Ridge before fairly good houses, afternoon and evening. Lieutenant O'Hara was formerly of the New York Giants and the Toronto Maple Leafs (baseball), and Is familiar to local baseball fans. KEITH'S (Charles Lovenberg, mgr.).—"In- side the Lines" by the Albee Stock company Is going well. EMERY (Martin R. Toohey, mgr.).—First half of week bill headed by Mlroslava and Serbian. Others are Friend and Downing; Eddie Heron and company; Mabel Elaine; Chappelle and Stenette ; Van Cello and com- pany. Last half: Phil Adams; Herman Meyers and company, in "The Fascinating Flirts," headllner; Mellvllle and Evelyn Philips; Josephine Saxton and Jack Farrell; the Pesce Duo; Dlcknell, Thomas and Syl- vester. FAY'S (Edward M. Fay, mgr.).—Blgham's Athletic Girls as feature; "Ten Dark Seren- ades" ; Oeorge Stlllwell and company; the Heeler Trio; Hazel Breens; the Aldo Duo; Theda Bara In "The Soul of Buddha" (film). COLONIAL (J. F. Fair, mgr.).—House con- tinues dark. STRAND (Charles H. Williams, mgr.).— Marguerite Clark In "Prunella." A copy of J. Hartley Manners' "Out There,"