Variety (May 1918)

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VARIETY All Our Boomerangs Are Patented VAN Patent No. 1,245,279—November 6, 1917 ELLE World's greatest boomerang experts; bird and animal imitators NOW Belle makes the world ring with laughter and Van brings loads of new tricks. Return Engagement Davis, Pittsburgh Imitators Beware Direction—HARRY WEBER K- ll'V s .';• i'.' 1 .i I'p'!.- n nose : i r i • 1 ]ili ; .-. and lie places Ins datnai'is a; * _ "in. C i|-p Kri'i! Kiinpf'.ii Abbott, former motion picture •!■!«-« i•»i- in tlir studio of Maud David- so:i 1-• i •■ v ' i) i- now in till- plintn-.'.raphlr divi- .sn.'i hi' tl;.' Avia'loll Corps overseas Was Sell ;.;: !v v. ■ :'.'.::■!■■■! :«. 'eu wrrks a no. 'I'lic Mhaiiihra lull room :it Loo'T's inw Cf. >:c. nf I' m1. ()!• m" t' m • Uliodi' Island down tin- I ■: i y ■' -1111 .:::•■ f ;i lull ■ • :in lit : < s- >rt S. opcm d l.i.-t S.Lt'inl.'N . ■ \ i 11 i! i t with a good crowd. ROCHESTER, N. Y. '! ' ■ Ii' roll- ■ if "( I'Wid Ct iciolls \ "III:! I,.''. .- • r i ■ I I'm ■>fliy Mori Iiii-t ii'Mtid a hippy ].}■ ■. I ! , ■fi' w !:• ; Ho Miinli.-iM ;m Pla v is 1:1 (i ■ • 1 n i 1 t!. if C'V.' li'.idnr: woman M inlay ;it t'., t . v ■ .ii'i !f : Mlard.'d tl:.' 1 lave'" ;i lii'.- .:■•>., i-i r ■■ .t ■,■ to 'iP I'odiK ■■ > 1 i ■ - r -. Moitiiin.' II! i :.,'. i;;'ll 1' Hi W to loin] theatregoers. I »111 - i : : -: i!:i- : ' ' v !•• k \";iU'.'1i:i ii Clas.-r :i u ■ I Ii;- ■•!■■',:■.> : :! • i ■ ' • I :| 'A ol|d- I'l'll I 1 V i lit I'll -t i" " I'.i , ; ' v i -:.u,' -•!' i ha' III'.' "|i| \Vw V ■!:;;,! ;■' • • 'A' y ' >.,w" ]'.■■< " I! 11 .:•■!« ■ ;i I : • I, t ■.-. ,• •, 1,,, : | m 'id •■■'ii ■ Tin p;i ft i «- < 11 ■ l f I. ; . • •:. . -.. i : i . |. n t • \ :i.a uf Mi I lolli-r by 1": ■ i I ' ' 11 '.■ ; i I ' ■■ I ;i:i -i r n>" 11 i.iiiv 11 : i —i lead'' .i ■:■■!'. ' • ! ■ . ■'!!'■ I'" tlii-- wc ';. i; . i i ■ , i , | , 1 ' ■', '; I'll '1'. .'.'. 'I ( 'if. 'I :t ]•: I Ii' I • ! i ■ I' ■ . i;' i I,' I • . . i ', ■! t ' i • ■ 111; i' ■ ? i. 111 ■ I ! i ' ' ! I m'. '!' v l..f ' 'mi ■■!' lep't -I'lit :i lii i: ■ I ' ■ ■'. :■■ ;li' .' in-1 a I I'll in -il I ' i.u i! l..."l. Huh' has I ■ i ■ .. ■ i ■■ i ■ •■: ! ' ;'...!»■.■ in ji- il'v ! , • I ; ■ ' : I i ■; i \\ ' h i i" c l'i ii m| !l ' ■ Mm' ' ; • : Mi ' i . ol' i ; n- \ • I: ■ n: '■■■ ■ i'i ■ \ ■ ■ t . ,,| ! .. \ i.i I ::c\v hoow..^ to i, ■•.'," ■ ' i ■ \ :.i ,: r ' mi 111.'. I ^ '..i r I' r ''or thi 1 ' r!v '''C - , . . ., ' " I ' ,!;..!■■■• jni| i 'i W *i I || \'i U . ..'i :';,■ r I ',., >•::,, , If. ha;; I I . : . ■ i,, !: \'. , I u :; i •' 1 i;, ' l : 11 \V. ■;. i .i \.-\v Y'M I. --a i. r''i i ' III I' i ! la At I I .. i « I'll; '.'. ■ :,' to ! ' I ;■ i a to - . • !■ :' ' i' ' I.i ' w i '.. ti ;• I I "! '• ■ : II' : I i . i ! in I *. I I 11. 'v ' , I . : l ; oiM \. •■.a." i !•■' ill tun I.' I- in .!!■: •■ K" .'i : ■ "i: and •' ■ ■\ \ . I. i a ' ■ ' : i ' I". i \•■:. ha • ...ii !., !!,. I.i: a! ufa.::: a :, : h.iS !.. . a ;..'.;. '. < :;, :| ' ';: ' Sunday FRANK DOBSON .M;i\ .'7 Slum's. Ti.mute Canada June :< -Krlth's. Itnxtnn. Mui. .Inn*' Pi Itiwoah'. New *nrk More to follow June IT 1'ii.shwii'k. KriKiklMi - 24—JtritMiton Heach. New York July 1—Atlantic City. N. J. Hate tlKtied with B. A. ROLFE and C. B. HADDOCK, to be FEATURED for two yean In a new Motlral Hevue. l'laylm V U. (>. Tbanka to MAX HAYES Mtiry (lillinnn. 1- -ycur-.dd daughter of Mr. and Mrs. TIioiikis S. Cilli^ni. of this city, has In in cir-':im'd hy :i l.os Aimrh-s picture cuin- pany to play child parts in tilni. Last \V. din -day was Hall and-Hat day here, and William I!. '.McCallum. i:ianai:cr of Fay's theatre, assembled a foriiiidahh' array of tahnt from the local theatres. < seortiiHT them to r.a-chall I'.i I h. tlnie to y. i'. e stimulus to the film! which is I', inn cull, c.-d to puridiast; I'.i i halls and hats ior the Anarican troops in (In- camps and over eas. The e\nt was laruely planned to he a tribute of the playera of tin stane and the ball clubs t • the American Sammiis. but it came within an ace of lv. iliK a trai;»Mi> wloti one of she bail playe's was struck by a bo'ii of Ji^h.t;;:::-. t >::'.' of (!!» queerest I'latiUs linlitnuu: i\er playeil (X I lllTi d When I-- Idy I Idly, one of the best liiiown hall piayii:. ::i tin- iHiiiiry, a f-irmrr manager of the Uocli.-tir (dub and at present captain and shortstop of the Newark (dub. w,i- knocked insensible. Only a miracle saved anotlur player from beim: kiihd by the same sliock 'I'ediiy Cather. Me was standing with Ins aim draped over Molly's shoulder and jiist iiiiio\e| it at the moment thai the I...It .>-i ruck. Ibdly is now in a hospital lowly iv- • e i rin-. I ii' - 1 .ill play. rs. .\iaiianer Mi-'.'al- luiii and his art: as, and citizen who had part in tin event, had just retired from the lndd as a liail storm bti;;t over th.e lot. Molly and t 'at !;<r pan .--< I t ■ ban against tin- iMiliiii; ;is the hail was loll iwi'il by treiinudiUs I'a Ins of liL'h! niim and a delude of water w' ' n the bolt hit them. SEATTLE. Ilv \\ \l I lit 11. I!! It I ON Llllli' i Walt, r Owens I'.u ;d- Mpie ("ninpany, ii.'.l lop am .--. i'M\' In-. |h ('artel in.-.r.'. Sixth Week of \init. i . ;;•!■ ('otindy. in "Mile-;i Minn:. I/;.. ('; il. r in the t:t!e role add«Ml |.. i ;.o;.iil i I'll • . (her:;e Whit. has uood eon i' • I > p.. 11 . I'll K i' . M.i.i! < i ' i diner. Ted t .! ri i:.: 1^. Ividie Mam-. I'.i. niche (Minion 1 , I'laie ili.iMi an I i)~ ;ir Cier.itd |'li a --e in cotl- :■> r . 11 i "I ■ i'.u ;n ilv hi i iin ;. WII.Ki-:.-" i I '..mi It". Wurlcv inur. i. ll'Jth wi k oi 'In Wilkin' IMav'fs le'e in nr.:iiiatic '•.,;. (',-(, 11 u ■'!". | v. .in M i! !i-r and ot her and 1'oitiantl. will be the cities Id the North- west to have Wilkes tdock. '1 he Temp!., and IJoyd (loor«c choruses from «';imp Li wis and the crack .'With Infantry band Mom that cantonment, «ave a concert hi !'•■ S;it unlay. 'I he Arena was transformed Into a huge io|I r skat in.; rink this week. The l.nvb stud Lake Musical Comedy or- :• ;:.i;i/:,'ion opened at Greene Park, Camp I., wi,. Saturday, in The Time, the Placb r 'l 'I" Cirl." with a Company of thirty-flve i-'ooie. The house has a seating capacity of -'■--.. an! w;i> built by ('assiday and McKee, lac-!::.! -howma". This company ha« the lesr , iiorus seen in this section and Is better :, ii'ii the average two dollar shows sent out ■ • urn New York and Chicago. The l'niver-ify of Washinpton Dramatic iav, rs may present their production, "Fan- s First IMay," at Camp Lewis, next week. W Iki r X Cro\e will have a stock organ- ■•-■''' at l:, •in;; i ( a::;.da ), opening Juno 10 ': a s m 111111- r season. ia t' r M Treflry, former city editor of the '•"a". mii i Canada i .lournal, i-. th<^ new I'an- 1 - man ,li r in (hat city. George Calvert, ' ■'"'• r for I'm for the past year and a '■. •■::<• I.eeii transferred to the Vancouver n' a a<f William M.ater s, enlc artist, Empress the- : "e V.iiioi'uit. IP ('.. reported to his draft I'id at Mount Vernon (Wash.) this week ■Mid \v.:-: jdaee.1 in class l-.\. '''re.tor A.ddi on l'ift aunounces that the v -'i'l.i l'i.iy. r will be seen s,nn In the fol- 1' wit: ' pro luction - : "The Claim." "A Scrap o Paper" "Playthiimsr" "Good Gracious ' ' !"'b, lie." • Cpiain Kldd. dr.," "Twin P ■ '! "The Ceiintr^' Hoy" and a repeat of ■*'"■' " K<-> !o Pahlpiife." The organization i i.o'.v i." it - 1 PJth week here. SYRACUSE. II. . Pll'i I \ V . I \ I la ' \\ i m:i| .-, i oini-dy . Seven I ';■'. " < a ri i 1.1 o : i ' ::, a ('a pa i t \' bu - inc-s. I' \ I M'i: M! P. i .1.. . ; h \ Mull. r. int'T. >. - •_'.'. I he i;.n|io I;■ \ i. v. w:'d w. t exhibit ion '.■adl u( d -^'': • i ■ 1. • > :':.'.w and pro\,d a thriller. ■■ '. i ■' \ bu . ie ■ \im.\\ m ■■.mi. W. I.. ;. r. nii;r. I. — Holler -!v '■ in ■-■ a ': i rnei n ;•<<■] . \ i n in'a, "! Ml ' I.I M i .lay I la,: Hut, |. I-'ir t Wt ek o' el:ai •■ i i oin vaiubville to a straight plr- ' ; : ; i y P \- I :.a i ri e;i !,• in "Wit bin the Mill Pack. I' • i in In '-Hi, '■ WMi.. IPothefs co:,t. mplate i Mciiilini; ii i aa in i : m 'i k th' M i' in xt fall to ^ix • 'I., in tl..- X'onhwe t. in addition to '.\ .' ■■ • l.o i • i a -• a 11 |e ;i nd Salt Pake ^ P i niiil. ;■.- t i ii.. I that Spokane, Uutte it* riu:si i:u n. n \n\. l-?M 1*1 1:1-: iFram-P IV Martin, m gr.).— Pia'ih we. k of Knickerbocker Plav(.'rs, pre- ■ '"in:. IP re Comes the Bride." Next," "The i'ii' i "t h ("hair." WIKTIVM. The Wietintr closed Its legltl- ' "' ■' on on Monday niKht when "Lord ie 1 Pads M:.;y" was presented by an nil - ' m lit. !',u inc-s was excellent, and only ■ne 'op ;;al!iry how-d vacant seats. P v "i \ P.l.l': (Stephen Ftastable, mgr.).— I I'lF'L 1 I'M PLK i \lbert Van Auken, mgr.).— \ ainb villi Fir-t half, two aetH, old to loc;il \ Midevil'e tans, were on the bill—"Motor Poatin-;" which was headlined, and "The Pmo Mov. rs and the Actress." The two best luie.'.i- on lb" bill were us. d to open nnd eio e. The Shirley Si-tcrs, a better than aver- ■".■'■ daininu' and ^inulni^ bit, opened. The Po.\ a i r Co.. i:u-:i;in singers nnd dancers— LORING SMITH (Formerly Smith and Flail) \ ii \v w it h "l,i':i vc It to Jan**" Co. < itirnKO indefinitely. Miiniijrement, ELLIOTT. COMSTOCK A GEST easily th" per of those showing here this year .loed. The ru.-h on the part of those in the audi.'in e to have the theatre to catch trolley- marred the act for tho-o down in front who could v.lit. Marie Knsst II, pleased. 1'ilix Ilcrnard and .lo^e Termini in a musl- cal nuinber u r o over wadl. CKF.SCi:.\l' (William Prown. mer).— \ and. ville. Fir t half. Mon Alphon^o Zelayc, piani-t. featured, and scored a genuine hit. Se ond honors to Kddie Girarl and Co. In a variity skit with at: Fast Side atmosphere. .IiiUL'ling Lawtou. dr. w good applause. Others on bid war a Hall Brother- and Co. in comedy pantoininc; .haniiitle Child-, character itn- pi r^onator in song, and Brandon and Taylor. All uncertainty a to the «oimmcr policy nt The Ciescetit ended wlnn Manager William Brown announced that beginning dune .'! and continuing for ten weeks, the house will offer "Big Time" summer vaudeville. With the chan-re will come a reduction from three to two shows ,i day. Seven acts Instead of tho present six will l»e on each bill together with a film program. Tie matinee will start at 2.1 .*» and the evening show at H. All seats will he reserved and on sale In advance. At present no seats arc reserved. The first ten rows downstairs will command the same price as box cits. ,'i."i cents. The old prices will re- main otherwise. The bill will remain for the entire week. inst< ad of the present split-week program. Saturday and Sunday. Instead of the customary continuous performance, there will be three shows. The Crescent's an- nouncement leaves the summer policy of four bnal houses still undetermined. The call to the colors of Manager Sam LcMire of tho Wietlng, now at Camp Fpfnti. may affect the unmier plans for that bouse. LcMlre'tj suc- i e-sor here has not been announced. The Wieting Is a Shubcrt house. The Basfahle, the local burle (pie theatre, the old Grand. dark for months, and the Temple, the other vaudeville houses, are yet to announce their uiiiiiKT plans. There will be ep'ht more weeks of sum- mer st,„.k ,, f f^ 0 Km pi re unless the present plans go amps, |t |s reported. The Knicker- bocker Players are now In their eighth week of their third season, and business eoiitlnue» excellent. There is s^ar^Hy a performance that the house, with the exception of the last TANEAINi "KEITH'S NATIONAL THEATRE. Th* TANEAN BROS., who worked la M*r*rar» Wi-rt> the real hit of the •how. The exhilarating llTellntwa of their ant. the clrrer dialiiirue and Uic ee»»ntrlc uiualraJ atunta wore irreatly enJovMl." —Louisville "Event■■ Poet." May S. "The lauKhlnu hit of the bill at Ketth'e National wu reeietered ky the TANEAN BROS., laat night, a team of blackface oomedlant and nniatHaaa" —LcejtovMIc "Hmtt," Hay I.