Variety (May 1918)

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VARIETY 27 row In the balcony and part of the gallery* !■ not sold out way in advance. So good baa the company drawn tbat telephone reservation! for tickets have been discontinued. The top price ut night lb 75 cents and there la Bald to bo a disposition on the purt of the com- pany's owners to raise the ante to $1 down- stairs. The company on the whole la well bulauced and deserves the patronage It la re- ceiving. Frank Wilcox, the leading man, would do well, however, to drop bis forehead- clasping stunt that he pulls in every pro- duction. The high cost of living hit the film fans here another Jolt this week when a general increase of prices, ranging from one to two cents in the smaller houses to five and more in the larger ones, went Into effect. The unuouueemeut was made In most of the housed by notices flashed on the screen und In othera by lobby placards instead of through the news- papers. At the Strand, tho city's largest pal- ace, where the screen notice said that a raise in prices was Inevitable because of "increase in all exhibiting costs," it wus explained that the exhibitors have agreed to adhere for the present to a stipulated price scale. The smaller houses have added, In practically all cases, enough to carry the ticket price to "even money." This will virtually eliminate pennies from the patron'a change, heretofore made necessary through the Government war tax. The Wharton Picture Corporation at Ithaca will finish work on "The Eagle's Eye," its war-time serial, in another week, Theodore Wharton says. According to the present plans, the plant at Kenwlck Park will be kept busy all summer after a short rest following the conclusion of the serial. There are 20 episodes in the serial, seven of which are yet to be shown. The new pictures will be started in June and will have different casts. The present cast, including Marguerite Snow and King IJaggot. co-stars, finish their con- tract with the serial. They will not remain with the Wuartons this summer. The Star, Dlnghamtnn, will open in two weeks. Manager Kornhlite states. The houso will have a tilm policy. A summer vaudeville season was Inaugu- rated at the City opera house at Watertown .Monday. W. Scott Mattraw is the munager. The bill will be split and two shows will be given daily. Five to seven acts, a feature tilm ami a comedy. The summer policy was started on ^hort notice, but is drawing well. Enid Miami headlined the llrst half and scored a hit. '•Chinatown Follies." a musical tab, is the feature for this last half. P.icyclc thicv;n arc* giving the managers of the Majestic and Amusu, Elmira, no little trouble. Patrons having their wheels in front of the hou.-cs ilnd. after the show, that they have been "borrowed." From one to three cycles are reported missing nightly, but the polieo do not .-Hem able to catch the guilty parties. Elmira film houses co-operated with the War Chi-st Committee during the past week. The theatres u-mM three films, booked through the War Chest Committee. Two summer stock companies In this vicinity used Hoy Atwell's "Here Comes the Bride" as their which- this '\..k. The Kuick- bocker Players staged here, Atwell's home town, while the Empire Player. 1 - at the Lum- bers I'tiea. offered it as their third week's attraction. The Empire Players, headed by Miss Mason and Mr. dilbert, are drawing well, and tin' Luiuberg is building up a strong "steady li-t" of season subscribers. Phillip J. Crntlle, formerly of Fox Film here, has earned his first -promotion j n the Navy after being away from Syracuse Just Just saw V. CHANDLER SMITH Went over the Act she wrote for us And it's a Pippin. If We can't make the big Time With Her Novelty Song and Stage Craft, We Quit. MORETTE SISTERS RESTING AND REHEARSING IN CHICAGO two months. He Is now storekeeper, third elass. He entered the service March 23 an seaman, second class. The Richardson, at Oswego, Is showing pic- tuns this week, and the chances are that a film polley will bo followed through the sum- mer. Following the close of the burlesque season, the Kichnrdson last week turned to mush al comedy tab. New Chaplin comedies are being featured. Through the showing here of "The Un- believer." the Edison film, produced in co- operation with the United States Marine Corns, the new Syracuse Recruiting District of the Marine Corps went over the top In Its orive for l."in men during the month of Mnv. Owing to the red tape In getting the new dis- tent under way, recruiting was not started until May 1.1. In less than ten days 102 re- cruits were accepted. "The Unbeliever" Is I'roin a hook written by Mrs. Mary Raymond Sliiiman Andrews of this city, and held sway it the Strand. REX (W. P. DeWees, mgr.).--Clara Wil- liams in "Carmen of the Klondyke." DOMINION (J. Mulr. mgr). Madge Ken- nedy In "The Fair Pretender." COLONIAL (H. Quaglloltl. mgr.). Florence Reed in "Today." OLOUE iW. P. Nichols, mgr.).- Sessile Ilayakaua in "Midden Pearls" and Charles Chaplin and Fatty Arbuckle In "The Round- ers." MAPLE LEAF. Klalne IPtinmer dcln in "The ( 'o-respntident." IIIIOAHWAV. "Aladdin omd the Wonderful Lamp." PRINCESS. KITS1LANO and FAIRVIEW. Films. The light o\er the old PantageH theatre and the ri -,ht to use the name Pantages has been seltleil by the court ruling that the lessees can in no way use the name "Pantages" in connection with Pantages' former house. The lessee, of the old house have announced that t hey will appeal the case. The vaudeville bi'l offered nt the Templft hi re for the last half of last week again -nfTered from an elimination. Alls and Dell. hilled in "Cimnie de-Peer." were dropped and an IrKh comedian substituted. Thp bill on the whole was below par, Harry Ward nnd Harriett Ravmond scoring the only real hit. Evidently the management doesn't fancv "Salome" dances. Recently a musical tab playing the Temple bad Its "Salome" Improq- • ion cut. .lohn Regav and the Lorraine SIs- (• rs. appearing the last half of last week, w.te billed to give the vl Inn of "Salome" as a bucv dance Thev didn't. VANCOUVER. NO inakc-ii[> jM>i>oninef! 1 Nire, ^rati- fying .sa/c, AM:<M KM', is whal you 6lioul<i use ;tl\\.i\- to remove niakr-np, 1)im aii.-:- il k««. -j»s llic -kin in good condition. It lias been famoc; lor \<*ars as the foremost product of its kind. For the make-tip l>o\ 1 and 2 ounce tubes. Also in Vz and 1 11). cans. ALBOl.EXE is sold hy drufixisls and dealers in make-up. Write for free sample. cKESSON & BOBBINS Incorporated Manufacturing Chemists hat. 1833 91 Fulton Street - New York nv ii. i». \H\viiHitm. KMI'lll'^S (On. R Howard nmr.l. ITih \\'"|; of Knipre^s Stock product ion« Current o 1 ''-rini' i ' TMavTh inu'H." featuring Kdythe 1'lliotl in the had. PusinesH very i:ood. L'T. ■'Tin- W'iitiitu" of Ituhara Worth " WI'MI-: (Vic. Scott, iiisr.l. Dark hast att r.iet i"te- \v< re Mamie A da it"-' and Cyril M.'iidc. w!..» n laved here la^t week. Moth did ;■ toil in! -ine >■■;. Maude \dant-; cave only one evetiii: ' perfoi -iirtiice ;irt• 1 a special matinee, the hi,ei;e » einc --.o'i I '.ut \'d policy has horn an- nounce.| \ , ■! I '■!' the ^ll!ti!M( r lM<*i:i:i NT. ( I. \ IIm lein. iiilt. I Mark. POYW. irha-\ K. Royal, hilt. I. This horse, rortie-rly the old Pantneos lvalue, has been e\tensj\ civ reTno h h rl and will play mirdcal <• I"- dy. On the L'lth ami 'J."ith "May IMossoms" will h- i>resetitcd by loeil talent In aid of the p,..i <"f..^H. up thi> 'JTih ihe I i mi V,,^\ Musical eoniedv eointiany will open in ".lice- In Hotio lulu" and will play an Indefinite cimnceiiicnt of tnusie-il stock ol'teriims. They will eive three shii'As daily. It Is the "anc cotiipimy which ree.'titlv idaved at the Columbia, Oak- Ian.1. ORPHU'M>. I'illin:.' mL'r. ) Carter l»e II i.iii and Flora Parker, with IMwin Weber at tie- piano, h'adline in exc-dhnt fashion, and ice. i\eij i'(,f»d r-ceiition. (!l<n Anders A> fn are I'e.iMiied in 'The Honeymoon." vivy :'o<nl . Kut'i I'ml'l. e\c(-lh'nt ; N'orton and Mel i.-<tie. coed; V Ivla aiol l'.ra/.illan Nuts, scored hit: Mack and Williams, well liked; Finm, 'Viintse carlo mist. cIcvit. Attendance rood. I'.W'TAOF.S iCeo It. P. nmr. I. The x I l.i ii* if l!i in- t..|i co .'1 hill; liono\an and i.e. unni], 11 < i ii 11 d . (', i j v Wo. n| '.\ ,i i il and Ci •■■!■ r • 'etch ■■T;i.. Cri«es." wll liked : Ah \ .'i.dr-a. -cored. Alevand r Pros and F^elvn u .n favor. Al o last ip. ode of ihe "Hidden I la i;d ." s.rial. C.ood,. < cor.FMlMA (.1. Mcfjm en m.r ) l-'ii- • h'lf- "Ihe Honor System" Fa t half: Ki- i '■.!,>' t i n •■].,• t We Forcer." This hou e ha- di ' 'MiiMie.; P.- policy ot -. audevillr ami fea- in'c hi!':--- and will phi- film only durin 1 ,' ih-' "tiiincr months ...... ..... .. ii ... .... ........ Madame .Melba has arrived In this city and will .sail In n lew days for Australia. Itoboi t Alhon. who I'l-celitlv (dosed his hIocU (ompaiiy- al Fuci tie, Oregon, will Join the Fmpres.s Stock Company shortly. Howard Kussell. u yv-.w Vaiicouvi-r la\orlte, ha- hit the Finpiess Slock and will be suc- ceeded by Jerome Sheldon, who opens wnh the company May UTth in "The WinnitiK "' Faihara Worth," playing Juvenile partH. Funti ii placed Moore and (ierahl on the enr- t. id orpbeum bill. The latter, although billed, did not play, and althmmh Fuiik. who came from Seattle, opi-m-d on Monday with the .•how he did not appear at the TueHday- i!n e. only si \ ads coinprisilie, the show. tin i! 11 e. only S i \ . i e I s C. > 111 p Venn and Mandell have been added to i a ni anes show. The I!. C. M ilioli.-t i onfereiic' in this city has" pass, d a ii.oluiion eoaden.nini/ t'e > c.-il!<i| l.i\ity of the Provincial lioaid of Cin •us ami the class of play; which they allow i • 'limy also favored showing motion pill ures in t lie schools. Stalling May L'lt the h.ea! pi-lure hoiisi • are i-itiir- ill' public pay the pro', incial amuse- '. ■ i;i lav .... ;ley claim that they e.iu.i-.t i-oa 11 niie i n hii' im s if t • pay t he ' a \ t leu; WASHINGTON, D. C. Ily II V It Ml i: mi: \ KIN. h I '. I I 11 S i 11 o!: i a d S 1 1 o h h ■ 11 s, n i K r. >. ■ - !-'i ii i ;-'ih'.i. Li; ; lli-njian Timber^ and v ioh i <; ,i I . ; A I ll< i man, fair ; Ida M ■■> i' 11; t. I -a 11 h . r I , Ihi. n illi.isiiii and Co. ..a "'Ihe Suhiiia r:a«', " eh vi-r : Mack 1 ' ' \ i'.' ' nt. ■ \< e| lei.! ; A u 11 a lian ■ Cr« udi- l o i o ,.,,. 11 t i o 11:',. i -\'im\\ |. (William Fowler. mur. ».-- I' 'a T : t «in -toil "I'm. rod," pat Info play '•< ■' ■' i ' y K iw.ii'l Ii. Ko e, opi-ni'd Monday i. -it. I'i;i. A.- ci ) il. Siold rd Taylor, mcr.).— I i> a it.\ . I i. ■ l ■;■!■ \ . I 'ni,a it '., • eipiel to "Ivv i ■ i .■..'■. , ' ; ■ : • d S a to I i.v to ( a pa it y . i'Ol.i S i lam. : larioll, mcr.i. "What 1 ■■ 'I 11.• la.. : «;ir | | n, ■ ' p : . Mark Swan, ' ■ ■ ' i . ■ 11;' i a > . I. i\ \. * \ Many I ,i I ..-. hit ». 'Maid t < \ m ■ i 11 . ■ ' o. \:« »s . i: p., \ !., w i.i. m.-r i. "The I:.-- ' I' I ''\ . S :;- "' I'll- I'.O'. I '.[■. e K(, e|| , , ■ 'and., id ho, ! i a ,,., ; . e,| p. „. . .f Mnriay .; ■ :. m * i l.< 'IV . <■< il.i MIMA ■ l.a« i. n. e Meat ii loci-. ■ M.r."!■ i:ie flark in "l'rupe!la." hrsf i ■ ': V. a'l ,, -■ p, id in •■]',. :p ye Me, Xantlpp.," ' ' :.d hall Mllms). BILLY GLASON H I T OF THE SHOW Eligible for the Big Time Variety Hays: III I.I.Y CLASON struck liomo with the American atnlicncc um! walked iiwn> Willi the bit of the cvcillliK. lie is n llrst rate entertainer and eligible for the big time. Clipper Hays: IEII.I.V (il.ASON is n wrsutlle rn- h rla im r, eipiallv al lomr in comedy aid in palho. ami bis inipcrsoiui- lioiis. riiii^iiK'. from that of ail effemi- nate r.-crint recitinu bis nmhllloiis el'.orls to become a ll^bter, to the pnlriollt* appeal to all to "Ho Some- thing." were tboroimhly convincing. He opened with a Ircncby song and was forced to finish with a comedy hit In the same dialect: with several Komi sbrics, a fiimiv dance, and bis Hebrew character hit, "I'm In I>)vc," scored to the full limit of hows and recalls. Telegraph HayH: IHM.Y ril.AHON. American The- alre. This > • unit; man evhbnt'v hns taken a number of successful come- dians as bis model. There were sil«- iiestions of Willie Weston in his work. even to some of the material used hy that well known artist. His routine ran Ihe canuit of stories, S"iiKs and recitations mid autism* which we coin f« r the nonce. In oilier words, ' be pranced up and down the stage bkc a iminber if other nctorn, who slill think tbat a Highland fling Intro- duced like -I victim suffering from SI. Vitus dance Is productive of biii'diler. It Is, hut inly over the small time. Hut we have hopes that Ihe patrons of those houses will some • l:>» relorm. TIIKY I.IKKH HIM HFKK IMMKNHI.I.Y. HIS RECKPTION IIKIN'f: TIIK HICHiKHT OP THE AITKKNOON. A PATRIOTIC: FIN- ISH hwof<;ht FORTH RPI.KNDII) RFSI'I.TS. I'or certain pop houses. Ih minutes. JOE >r1Cir\EIS, my agent. HayH: The h>--,t :•.•! I've ;.'.,(, Can nlway* depend upon Ii ; mi t. "hold his own." *v hit n i\crv bill. What more can vi u w ish for? Hilly (Mason wayn: Will) nil I he ilirf. Iltrown ;il nic hv Ihe Tide),'r,i(ill's crilir Itc must tell Ihe Intlh: i. c . I was the hit of the show: THAT, nllhouj'h he didn't like miv nil iiersunnlly, the Al'DIKNCK went wild over it, so, therefore, what l»e Ii' es ni' dislikes dncsn't count. In re ".-ml to Ihe material I use and which he said In-longed H> Willie W'esloii. will viv |hat the parody on "The lace on I hi- |{.ir Ihioin F'loor,*' which he was written by Lew l^'own, v.ii to me and T have used s.mi . |,,r almnt two years. If I w«)fd ; |i| v , .dlui- eoiiiedi.'ins that isn't »'^ f Milt if it.-- work is like SITf- C'ESsri'!. ''Median.; Iheti some day I HI I I essful, loo. BILLY GLASON