Variety (May 1918)

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28 MOVING PICTURES NEWS OF THE FILM WORLD Carl Larmmlc has returned to New York after a hIx weeks' trip on tho Coast. .TokIh SedKwkk. Trlanule. has Joined the Keystone Comedy forces. II. MeRao Webster, confined to his bed for th-j past three week?. Ih ugulu at work. Edna Goodrich has begun work on "The Gadabout'' (Mutual). Reginald Darker will direct Ceraldlno Far- rar for (Joldwyn. Thomas Dixon Jr., will shortly have ready for production The One Woman." Goldwyn's "Jnnn of IMattsburg." fitarrlng Mabel Normand. will have a private showing in Washington June l\. E. J. O'Donnell. who for six months past has been In exploitation of the Fox sales de- partment, severed his connection Saturday. In making the first of tho Fred Stone 111m subjects, Stone Is expected to ha\e Umnt o* the "shooting" done in the west. Jane and Katherine Lee have completed their latest, a patriotic picture entitled "Do- ing Their lilt." Hugo Hamlin ("The Four Hnmllns") will bo starred In the Gwendolyn Films produc- tion "For Pear Old Glory." Pathe'a next serial, following "House of Hate," will be 'Hands l'p." taken from a story written by Gilson Wilkts. Craig Hutchinson has been assigned, to directing Lyons and Moran in Universal comedies. Jesse J. Goldberg of the Sherrlll Amuse- ment Co. is in San Francisco In the interests of his Arm's picture, "My Own U. S." Jack Warner, special representative of tho feature "My Four Years In Germany," Is on the Coast in the interests of his picture. Sandy Roth, formerly of the Fox Studios at Los Angeles, Is now the amusement man- ager at Mare Islnnd Navy Yard. "The Natural Law" was sold for Cuba by the J. Frank Ilrockllss. Inc., to the Central America Film Co. Hopp Hadley has a new picture ready for the market. "The Lost Chord," renamed "A Cinema of Symphony." Goldwyn has decided to give up its studio at Fort Lee. All future productions will be made in California. Tln-rerta Maxwell Conover. who ha« been a prominent legitimate actre-s since the days of August In Daly, has been signed by World Film. J. Warren Kerrigan has recovered from the broken leg which he sustained last August and is again at work nt the Faralta studios In Los Angeb'H. "The Yellow Ticket." with Fannie Ward la the lending role, will be released by I'nthe .Tune 2. The fli.t showing in New York will be at tho Rlalto. At the reque«t of the Campaign Committee of the Canadian Red ('rnpp, c.oldwyn has for- warded nine prints from ".Joan of IMatts- burg." The M. P. Sales Corp. of London ha- pur- ( based the Knulisli rU-hts m "My Four Years in Germany," paylne. it Is claimed here, $".<».- INN). Aubrey M. Kennedy announces that the In- augural picture :it the Sympbonv. Uroadway and '.*.",th street, New York, will be the "l'n- i hastened W«'m;in." ^tiirrim: Grace Valentine. I'rerl Dahnken of the firm Turner K Dahn- kell. Sittl Franei en. vi-ited I.e.- AnL'eles l;i>-t week td eonfer \siili ('li.irhs (" 11.-11■ Iii i on the !•• I. ;!.-■.■ of 111" latt' I'.-. ' ' eo||i| 1 • li ■ t life W'li. n .I,e k Pbkford euli t..] his director, William l». Taylor, was ■bifted to the n-w Mury Pickford subj«(f. 'Mow Could You, .(can''' slated for P'li;i'o June "•'!. <". H. Itrhfnl, for the j,a t year general publicity agent for Triangle, re-ii'in-d la^t week to necept a po-ltion as msti-in r> pre- ventative of the "l.adi's" World." The next (ifhiial I:i • t i h War idetun- to »><• r,a,.:,- (1 | tliroiiL'b P;ith-- will P.- "With the hiitttTs arel Mine Sw-'prs In the Daneer Zoi:e," June !» The Star, t'n' pr : :;ii' al ;ii"!re lioi ■(• in Pini'l'.aui'on. N t • • l *:»- r«::o\a'.d ard a n< w vpifMNi ( ,r:-:in in f n!! ■ >1. U wi'l r. •■;■< u \\r!i N(.rni:'. T.i 1 madg" in ' I •> l.uv Annie" In \\ Mi.:ni:-l:t M.i"m f" K"; • :' .lulian ih>. s not appa'-. <]'■•I'i'e p |. i|| i,, ill.- iniitiary. Julian directed tin- f:!'u which |,;i ; H'Mh '"i|<- ford featured. The picture Is released June 3. Charles Ray Is missing around the Coast studios of the Artcraft, his absence being due to a "vacation" which Ray Is said to have cnrned through a lot of hard work. The new featuro that Ella Hall is working upon in California has had no title selected. Her last picture, "Which Woman," is marked for general release June 10. Doris Kenyon's second picture produced by her own company will be from the story by Louis Joseph Vance. The title Is "The Inn of the Hlue Moon." The release date Is to be announced. No title has as yet been chosen for the latest Theda Bara picture at present named The Message of the Lllllee," which J. Gor- don Kdwards has been directing at the Fox Studio In Hollywood, California, The owners of "The Last Raid of Zeppelin L-LM," who endeavored to distribute their two-reel feature on a state rights basis, have turned their picture over to the General Film Co. for distribution. "The Man from Nowhere." a Blue Ridge drama, featuring Ned Flnley and Marion Henry. Is the firth Ned Flnley production for Cicncral Films. It Is to be released in the near future. Pathe's next three releases will be : Bes- si•■> Love, "A Little Sltser of Everybody," June ::<). Gladys Hulette and Crelghton Hale, "An- nexing Hill," July 7; Frank Keenan, "More Trouble." Julv 14. Five World pictures are scheduled for re- lease during the month of July in which liarbara Caotleton, Madge Evans, Kitty Gor- don, Carlyle Blackwell and June Elvldge are starred. Carmel Myers* next effort will be "Why Not?" which originally was purchased by the Mayfalr Co. for the exploitation of Peggy 11.viand. The film will be directed by Elsie la no Wilson. II. II. Kester of Pittsburgh and Frank J. Howard of Boston have been added to the Advisory Hoard of the United Picture The- atres of America. This board consists of i xhibitors from all sections of the country. At the Famous Players, Fort Lee studios, l."ia Cavalierl has started work on another production, entitled "A Woman of Impulse," which will be released immediately following Love's Conquest." Press agetits are apparently as changeable as the colors of the chameleon. Bristol left Triangle Saturday. Burrelle, formerly of Tri- angle, is now with the First National Exhib- itor-*' Circuit, being connected with the adver- tising and press department. Robert Thornby has been engaged by the Fox Film Corporation as director. He is al- rcady at work at the California studios on Gouverneiir Morris' story, "You Can't Get Away With It," in which Jewel Carmen will be featured. Al. Nathan, handling the Broadway, is not only looking after tho general booking of the house since taking hold of It for the Universal, but also has been entrusted with all the ad- vertising and publicity for the films playing the theatre. Franklyn Farnum will shortly terminate his contract with the Universal, his time expiring at the close of his present feature. "The Cup." This Hluebird title by the way will likely be (hanged as there was a play produced of that same name. The big new Stratford picture house, Pough- K» • psie. N. Y., which has been a "bloomer" sun-' opening and which for a time ran wild with its "o\crhead," is reported as being In the winning column at last, the bouse being •'■in in connection with the Liberty at that place. After a long absence from film work Grace «'u:; ird is back in harness. "Twill be recalled thai Miii,. months ago MLs Cunard married i'« pli Moore, the youngeHt of tho Moore hf.thirs. She is now working In a film under • be--. |.h de Crasse, entitled "After tho War," which will lie liuishcd this month. Ih it I: ti ill--, general press representative, ''■'' "" 1'itrova Film Co., and who also has I" • n booming the Sawyer-Lubln "specials," li■• add'd a new line to his work for tho M.rinre-: Inc. Funis Is now titling the last o' 11.-- I'd i ova subjects and his success has ••-uii.u in hi- being given the ni-xt of the IVf rova f« aturcs. Tiavir.- Vale has commenced the direction <>:' "hi t Sylvia." the working title for a new VoiM r. ha e, with Barbara Castleton r.nd ici.iniy Hiii'.- in the lends. Mr. Vale Injured l.i !<;t aim recently but has recovered. Mr. Windoin Is complrt,ng his flrat direction for 'be Woiid, with The Apcparance of Evil," Miring Jui... Klvldgc. OBITUARY H. Percy Meldon, known as the dean of all stock directors, died at midnight Monday in the Mercer Hospital, Tren- ton, N. J., of a complication of diseases. While known to everybody in the show business as Percy Meldon, his real name was O'Hara. He entered show- dom as an actor and for years was a famous leading man. Among his early connections were in support of Madame Modjeska and Edwin Booth. Years ago he married Ida Adair, a leading woman, who later died. Mel- don was with Clark Brown's Montreal IN LOVING MEMORY of My MOTHER Known to tho Profession as MARYETTA UART Who died Jone 1st, 1917. May she be seated at the right hand of God. WILL H. PHILBRICK stock for seven years, but this past winter had been director of the stock at the Trent, Trenton, N. J. Mrs. Josephine Bishop, age 81, widow of Charles Bishop, the comedian, died May 27 at the Forrest Home, Holmes- burg, Pa. Services were held at the Home. As Jennie Parker she appeared for years at Ford's, Baltimore, and was later a member of the Edwin Forrest company. The deceased is survived by two brothers. One is an artist in Los Angeles. The other is in New York. Mrs. Bishop was one of 11 members of the family of actors who live at the Home. Antonio Pubillones, the best known circus man in Mexico, died May 26 in Mexico City. Until lately he has had a clear field in outdoor amusements in Central America, but Santos Artigas has been figuring strongly with the past three seasons. It is understood Pubillones' widow will take over the management of the show, which opens its season around the first of November at the Payret theatre, Havana, Cuba. Col. George Washington Hall, the oldest living showman in the world, dice at Evansville, Wis., May 20. From the age of ten until he retired a few years ago he was continually in the circus business, first as an employee and later as owner. Col. Hall had been associated with all the noted show- men. Max Dow, the Hebrew comedian of Dow and Dale, died May 25 at Hazlc- ton, Pa., from acute indigestion, at the age of 33. He had been in vaudeville about 15 years and at one time was of Dow and Dow. Burial was held in Philadelphia, the home town of the deceased. Daniel Butler Fearing,, a former mayor of Newport and a member of the Lambs and Players Clubs, died at Newport Beach, R. I., May 26, where he had gope to take part in a musical festival for the benefit of the Red Cross. Death was due to apoplexy. John A. F. Freeman died at his home at Somervillc, Mass., May 25. He con- ducted the Tromont, in Taunton, for many years. George E. Fox died at Battleboro, Vt., May 25. The deceased was one of the oldest theatrical managers in New England. Janet Mary Wesley Lamb, daughter of James K. Wesley and Janet White, In Tender MEMORY SIDNEY GERALD From his loving and sincere friends Paul Nevins and Ruby Erwood died at her home, Connelly, N. Y., May 23; age, 18 years. James A. Brown, brother to Bene- dict Brown, died May 16 in Spring- field, Mass. The mother of Rose Bernard (Wald- ron's Bostonians) killed in a tornado at Boone, la., May 21. KATTERJOHN DIRECTING REID. Monte Katterjohn's first job for Paramount will be the new Wallace Reid subject, "In the Source," which is said to represent one of Katterjohn's best screen ideas. The Reid subject will be released the latter part of June. "The Border Legion" Finished. T. Hayes Hunter has finished a seven-part special production of Zane Gray's novel, "The Border Legion," in which Blanche Bates is featured, sup- ported by Hobart Bosworth and an all-star cast. As yet no definite re- leasing arrangements have been made. Will Star Dorothy Gish. Los Angeles, May 29. Dorothy Gish is to be an individual I aramount star commencing Sept 1 withdrawing from D. W. Griffith's stock organization. This is regarded as a promotion and special scenarios will be secured for her with a view to giving more scope to her screen possi- bilities. It is quite possible that Griffith will take personal charge of the direction of Miss Gish's special features. In any even it is understood he will exercise a friendly supervision over them. Mrs. Corley Goes with Select. Mrs. H. W. Corley has been engaged by Vivian Moses as his assistant in the publicity department of the Select to replace George Landy. who enlisted in the army and is already in camp. Mrs. Corley was formerly a render in the scenario department of the Universal. NEW INCORPORATIONS. A. M. S. Producing Co.. Manhattan. Producing play "Another Man's Shop*" ?10.0no. li. White. M. Klein. A. Werner. :»2 W. 11 fith St.. Now York. Criterion Coneennlonn Corp., West Ny- ack. Rocklnnd Co., publle amusement park. $75,000; F. O. flrimmor, C. C. Lamm. (I. K. Myers, SufTern, N. Y. I.unn Derby Co., Prooklvn, public shows ami amtispmpnts, *!">noO- H F riiilbln. S. V. (lardtifr. J. C. Ram'sav,' 220 W. 4LM strppt. Now York. Helen Keller Film* Corp., Manhattan. $10,000; E. I.plbfiipd. F. T. Miller, C K l''anl<haup<T. 107 W. 44th street. New York. PRODUCTION ENGAGEMENT. Verne Mosconi has been engaged for Sam Shannon's "Nic Nacs." The girl is but 16 years old and a sifter of the Mosconi Brothers. She dances as do her brothers and the brothers cheer- fully admit their sister is a great little dancer, so great they have never cared to have her in their own act, as she might "show them up,"