Variety (May 1918)

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VARIETY a CAN YOU IMAGINE THAT? DOHT TELL NOftUt>oy I told yv folks; BUT WHEN My MOM GOES OUT SHOWN', My POP HANQS ME ON THE LINE TO Dfty. My POP MINT SOT NO TIME TO TAKE CAftE O 1 kids, he's so Busy PRACTICIN* AN' STUDY! n'. THATS WHy HE'S SUCH A GREAT BIG HIT AT ReiSEMweeeR's * 4- VoPtvtL-TWAr<K "Evans ♦♦♦ The Pint Six* Pair JOB LAURIE and BRONSON Af/W IrV/Ztf U///./. ftCtCNOU/LSD&i? AND CQGGECT /9a/ E&GOQ possesses /)A/ GSSFT THAT A?/?/T£<S Foe G-fcEATA/est). JACK TERRY and hit troupe of famous milk list- eners. We challenge. Friers' Club wtU elwers reeeh see. MAS E8TELLK AUBREY and RICHE Playing; TWoll Theatre, Sydney. Anstrelle RICKARD'8 CIRCUrr We ha?e erldently puMd the Australian board of censorship and feel honored to be the lngplimtlon of this Tone: Changeless your purpose and thru all the yean To reach the top In play and work you'fe etrlfen; Nor turned tilde dismayed by childish feara; Nor once lost eight of the reward, the beaten That oomea to each who dally does and knows That to the one persistent In the course A sure reward Is waiting, for the Judge ne'er shows Partiality, but to the one who perseveres, awards the prize without remorse. —JOHN T. W0R8LEY. WORK OR FIGHT It appears to me that some actors who did not expect to work next season will work. It also appears to me that some actors who did not expect to fight next season will fight. Most of the double acts (especially hus- band and wife teams) will do both. JAY RAYMOND A Representative ef the Bense ef Mir RepreeentatiTe, FRANK DONNELLY of the house of NORMAN JBFFKftm Billy Beard "The Party from the South" as Re-engaged Principal Comedian with Al. G. Fields' Minstrels Season 1911-19 (Past few weeks la Vaudeville; trying eat material for next sea- son.) Hotel Aster, New Yertu New PETE MACK SIMON AGENCY PAUL AND MAE NOLAN Playing down South for Jule Delmar Week June 17 back to Bush wick, Brooklyn Booked Solid by the Famous Philadelphia Agents NORMAN JEFFERIES FRANK DONNELLY P. 8.—It's a little warm down here; otherwise It's O.K. New Act for Next S easo n Is "Ose" PAUL AND CHARLEY ARLEY « That's what they aU say. "A Regular Act" New with Raraam et Bailey's Clrcas. Direction: ■astern. Western. YATK8 * RARL FRED DUPREZ Did yon see the plctnre of my young hopeful In this periodical a little while ago? Well, his little sis- ter arriTod on May 14. Oh, yes, wo are doing? well. Hope to h a t e enough for my own troupe one of those days. SAM BAERWITZ I4 ?£73 CO a SUCCESS Loew has Us. United wants Us. BO O d M GO Gft n W. V. M. A. wired Us. fapj Pantages wrote Us. §§ Pat Casey sent for Us. SUCCESS DOLLY BERT GREY and BYRON Vincent and Carter la "POLITR NONSENSE" W. V. M. A. Direction, HARRY SPUNOOLD MORE MAHONIGRAM8 the Pea ef BUI Msheoey. of Brady see Mahoaey. American Aotors who have graced the d re ss in g- rooms In some of the small time the atres will feel thoroughly at home In the "DTJOOUT8" OVsTR XHBHm There Is no troth In the rumor that all the Chorus If en who are sent to France will be pot In canton- menu al LILUs* end NANCT. Bayonet wounds wul new fu 80LOUER. He Is used to 'CUTS. the AOIOB- Hello. Bill and Joe. We are on the bOl Wttn Fanny and Kitty, and they are doing an awful top. At no performance hare they taken more then ELEVEN B0W8I Our Idea of the best ad lib. trio In show easi- ness: JACK MAO KB. ALF GRANT and JACK KKNNET. JIM and MARIAN HARKINS Direction. NORMAN JEFFERIES During the HOT WEATHER We have to get used to SMELLING SALTS! Come out of your Hop, Son, You follow this picture! TOMMY RAY "The Singing Fireman" Moss Circelt. Direction. LEVY A JONES '"-■■'"■"^■'■■■"'■^"■■■■aMawjM No CARD PLAYING ON OUR SHIP! The Captain is always sitting ON THE DECK DAVE THURSBY Loew Circuit. Direction, LEVY eV JONES NEWELL MOST "Two Bright Spots 4 * W. Y. RL A. aad U. B, O. HARLEM OPERA HOUSE NOW RETURN ENGAGEMENT TWO HOBOS ALEXANDER and FIELDS Direction, MORRIS & FEIL ROXY LA ROCCA Wizard of the Harp IS DOING A NEW ACT "Cussedness *» At the early age of fl«n months. Oswald starts t b 1 s cuaesdnM* while on tour with the art. Hla favor He pastime was chewing up powder puffs and rouge- paws. Onoe. when we returned to the dressing-room (after the fourth show. T txdlrre). he had demolished a bunch of ostrich feathers from a hat. torn out the crown, and sat grinning at us. with the brim of the hat around his "The dirty pee!" RAW80N and CLARK "Oswald's Folks" Ted and Corinne BRETON "On the Boardwalk" UNCLE SAM'S ACTORS Direction, Redpath Lyceum B —AT LIBERTY— "Al" Blackface Comedian (MIN8TBXL SHOW Preferred) Cae Do lad l ass aad Danes— Specialties— Double CyabaJs. "Al" Material—Wardrobe the Good Dresser on and off No Cigaret t es or other Hahtto— Salary your malt—State all in first letter or wire (prepaid) to "JACK" ELLIOTT Hlppodrogao, Yoaapetewa. 0. Hello "51" KNAPP and CORNALLA Next Week—"Somewhere la aa Atlantlo Port" Pauline Saxon ■AYS I used to thlak I Meet get But aow I'm gettlag I'pj Jest as happy any l_ I litre so grandly la at> ■led. Mr. and Mrs. EDDIE ROSS Summering at Hillsdale, Mich. 5 ALFRED and her SYMPHONY GIRLS, aaoistod by "GERANT" Conductor Featuring; the RAINBOW GIRL _. In Norelty Dances E^S 41 *"*. " ■'< " ■» «*•*•*• Mack j Western* C. W. Nelson. u. R. O. BL FLO BRENDEL - BERT In "Waiting for Her" Direction. H. BART McBUGB ■RHKbA JUraric Bits Or VeesAwaiTY K ■ (J A i - N A DELE JAJOH iredln PHP PL* A GRBXNWi PLR A G "ALL GIRL RBTUar Porseaal Plreotloa. M. L. aniiMWAL»