Variety (September 1918)

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r^RI'ETY ^ A. ,:Kea(!iiky . ;?®l9Ei6l always;, prefers ' brand naw-'raoaey. (He 111® th® smell of the rafat.) Teiede, o, “ sa—Emersrs, (!«b 3 RepMe • Get. 7*~Cs!oalal, Aiues, 0« “ l4~H!epafifona, Cl^'sJssHl " 2I--8hca’e, SuGMs « 2g_igfica's, TcreBl® fJoy. 4~0pen ’.i; V/ee?! Nov,' li, earn e» tSio Orahsam Wrealt at Bliwsuk^ until wmA may 4 at l^vt Orteana. ; ; : 31® snd E-IAHIAN , ; ■ ■ . ■ ;:'mBECTiow ^ HOKMAM JEFFEHES WWUIB A eOBB> (CctttfaveA) V I*R> nerw, Snawa s / d«ir to &m Half tfay (S«stoS3cs 3 „ to hl9 firltinfl. To era!! a bUidar nsast to know Or richur. but unto the end The humhieat iog X qro? Imaw Wan to tho man wbo loved him true. ‘“fh®. ffflii . , ■ tb® AJ.. 0. Mfi*® »ais^ OSWALD ARE ^SUBE-RRi 'coMsisfEwr'Hir EVeByWHBRE fll.vmys WCrIKIKC I i . > „P. 8.—newaro of Ooo. ' ’■'-if- I i, \ tToward, of Howard aad •*” , ... 'W lioc3. Ho is o irradUcal loScr. Did you CTor see a banjo-flyf gea^s8iiBBkpi^ a^t^a i Bi |O p !Maag^ «A1) LIB SAUCE” Bsh.—Any wall todoyf • CbrtS,—(Two lotlcraj ono ftoia tho "Variety," with statomont erwJoBed, the oUror from Sister Ifcimyi Of Kenny and HoUls, tha nradnated barbera. Bo&.—Woll, blcts Moilier Ktany's lltOo heart; what (loca aha sayf Ci«ls.-**Sh9 eays; ‘TIsre’a a few utm for your sd to ■y.tricty.' If EOOiS, lei! your trkaiat If sot, tell mt'.. ■ . ,. Be|.—I«jt mo mad th® gags. Don't W* oar friends: tou laoUmr, - -- ; Ciirla.----I(ct ’0 put tho eass to and soo-lf thay hnocS 'OM for a goal. Hero goes. Bob.—What Is tho holgSit at oainouflarof Ciirla,--! don't bnow. Whatf Bob.—Twin bods. Chris.—Well, that didn’t go so b^; hem'fi an- other. How does tho now draft Jilt ycaf COT IT DOWM, 8OV0, IT’S RUBNINO TOO LONOI „„„,..'3daUo nio dsnoo." BEBHLER 6. JACOBS, Chicaoa ROJF & CURTIS, kKv Ycrfi ENAFF mi COENALLA1 KIHQ'5.jST, tOUIB HIPP, AbTOfl, ILL. | Sept. 28-®fKy!aad, Baltliaer®^ And 12 more weeks of the Beltb time to follow; and Uien for tke Orpheum time, 3an. 5. PAUL and MAE NOLAN Beobed thes© two Agestss NOIMAM JEFFEEffiS FEANl DONHELLY CHALEOLOGIST ©f fflie Marf Birection, MABSMAL FOCE Bejiresentatlves: American: SAM BAEBWITS 14S3 Broadway, - ' New Torb. ■ ,. Enropeant JULIAN W¥LIB! B, Lisle S&, London. W. €., t. At wbat Altiipdo would an Aviator bavo to drop a Blank Cartridge In order to make a boio on tho deck of*a ' Bsitlesbip 7 Ans/~ChtUicothe—. DINGLEY and NOETON DIBECTION '■ ‘ LEVY & JONES Wow Playins Loew’s American. m fm mi €EA& BISMAU^ ilYAOT SiS Tills V/esk (Best. fS)—lyrls, HaiaSItes, OsnJ' (TEEBY and LAMBEET) sp s!d@ pleEtY busy Pbone, 9400 Bryani; JOHN P. .HANSEN jia iwv,„ CO WSTBAtIfflV SLANG HA® \ ■ '^:wnShL!B.' AUMET jnd llCHE PiguE^s talk, and a well c'orsetsi one is a megaphone. i» DOLLY Life on an Ocean W^vef Life on the Bounding Deep; The Sentry informs me I snore so loud My Shipmates cannot Sleep. As we have learned to speak !f~rthe. glossary for nse in translation. "BonnloboBkertarts"—3Pr^tyiln0‘Blrl8. ' 'TTou’nj balmy"—Yott'ia crazy. "Hod ms on toast”—Got my goat 'TOu'll get what for*’- aU that's ooming to yon. .‘DUghtor," "vraator"-A buns. ■ "Striko me ptoki"—I’ll bs darned. "Fair dlnkum, I'm Btlff"-^ure enough. I'm broke. "Qta^am"—TJmbrallA ^ . "ZkiP^Brard. ; "Cold-footer"—Slaoker, act MGM IN A MUBIUAL PMI^ASf A BreeSb tkom tho land &S Dlret^on, awl CARRIE LILLY UmECTION LEVY & . JONES Moss .Cirenit, — j Pailln® SiM BM.T ' 'si ' DALE AND ' BUNNY BURCH MDE - BERT BOOKED SOLID 11 “Waiting”for Her” ■ ■ OEPHBUM dSCUIT ' I | ‘n — ■-■-=-=r=~--n II ns-POILIJ-iis BO OESd SOhlD ALP. T. WILTON V w«-ty \ VPEAWflNOe \ \ Now W|Vu.« BfhUf SHOW. (JM stum.) fflStW:«|flt.-eoRKI/flSpr IN A VAll^ OP BOINGi .'. • BOOKED Dircctiohi SAMUEL BAEEWITE BOOKED SOLID. ' -I..OEW--ANB.-.FAN1AU1S 49 WESES BLANSET CONTRACT MAKING THE WORLD SAFE FOR AGENTS fb» Dainty bglltb Wire a» m# DicecUon, M. S. BGNTHAM CUTE CLEVER CLASSY