The Billboard (1920)

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VARIETY n "Wlnton Bros . . DeMlchelle Bros Fred Kellr CASINO (afth) (Sunday opening) "Hun Chasers" Nestor's Sweethearts Kip ft Klppy Bale "Wilson O'Rourke ft Atkinson . HIP (a&h) (Sunday opening) Seymour ft Dupree Walter Baker Co The Zelllnls Jarvls ft Gaffiney Hartelle 8 Dennis Sisters Savannah* Ga. BIJOU (UDO) (Jacksonville split) 1st half Sterling Rose S Oeorgle Immett Holliday ft Neville Harris ft Lyman Misses Chaltonte Schenectady, IS. Y. PROCTOR'S (ubo) J ft A Keeney Bd Morton Diane ft Rubinl Farrell Taylor Co - Johnny Clarke Co 2d half Red ft Blondy Edna Luby R H Hodge Co Kilkenny Duo "Miss America" Seraaton, Pa, POLI'S (ubo) (Wllkesbarra spilt) 1st halt The Dartos Lexey ft O'Connor CappB Family Hilton ft Rogers "Rlalto Review" S eattle ORPHEUM (Sunday opening) Bore's Celebrities Springfield* O. SUN (sun) Angell & DeYoe Paul Bauwens O'Donnell ft Blair Briscoe ft Rauh Arco Bros 2d halt Mansfield ft Riddle Raines ft Goodrich Belgium Trio (Two to nil) Stockton HIP (afth). Peat Stevens Oehan ft Cohan Joe Barton (Three to fill) 2d halt (Same as Sacramento 1st half) Superior, "Wis. PALACE (wva) Ware & Marvin Sidney Taylor Co (Three to fill) 2d halt The Totos Murphy ft Lackmar 7 Serenaders Dot Marsell (One to fill) Syracuse, N» Y. CRESCENT (ubo) H ft E West McNally & Ashton James Orady Co Aus Stan Stanley Co (Two to fill) 2d half Swift ft Daly Alice Manning Nippon Duo Hadji Sambola Co (Two to fill) '» TEMPLE (ubo) Harmon & O'Connor Tllyou ft Ward R Hodge Co Sylvester ft Vance "On. Manilla Bay" 2d half S Lachman Sisters Charles Rellly ImhoB Conn ft Coreene Howard ft Ross Brsndel ft Bert Leipzig Tvette ft Saranoff Emerson ft Baldwin Losova ft Oilmore PANTAGES (p) "Oh Charmed" Bailey ft Austin Sherman Van ft H Regay ft Mack Hill Tivoli ft Hill Sloox City, la. ORPHEUM (wva) Turner A Grace Mahoney ft Rogers Lehoen ft Duprece "Camouflage" (Two to fill) 2d halt Nora Kelly Brown's Highlanders Jack Qoldle Willie Bros (Two to fill) South Bend, Ind. ORPHBUM (wva) (Sunday opening) Artolse Bros Lilian Kingsbury Co Sen Fran Murphy Choy Heng Wa Tr (One to fill) 2d half "Vanity Fair" Spokane PANTAGBS (p) Worden Bros • "Revue Bouquet" T P Dunn Wm Plemmen Co Holmes & LeVere "Barefoot Bey" Sprlnefleld, III. MAJESTIC (wva) (Sunday opening) Tyler ft St Clair "Yankee Princess" 2d half The Florenls Mowatt ft Fuller FitzaluimoDB & Nor- mand June Mills Dedle Velde Co Springfield, Mass. PALACE (ubo) 8 Sports Walsh ft Edwards Chas Edwards 3 "Garden Belles" Val A E Stanton Louis Hart 2d half Frawley ft West Flatter A Malta Dlnkins McCarthy A E Walter J Scanlon Moon ft Morris McKay's Revue B'WAY (loew) Melva Sisters Calvin A Thornton *"Any Couple" Zuhn ft Drels (One to fill) 2d half Homer Romalne Bdah Peldridge 3 Chas Mack Co Hawthorne & Anthony (One to fill) Paynton Howard ft L Fields Keane ft W Johnny Clarke Co Tacoma PANTAGES (p) "He's a Devil". Mller Packer ft Sell Jackie A Billy The Norvellos Wheeler ft Potter "Red Fox Trot" Terre Haute, lad. NEW HIPP (wva) (Evansvlle split) 1st halt "Mimic World" Toledo KEITH'S (ubo) Glrard's Monkeys Fred Allen "Some Bride" Chief Caupolican "Petticoats" - Adolphus Co JAM Harklns 4 Bolses Toronto HIP (ubo) The Sheldons Olathe Miller Co McCarthy A Levering Marie Russell (Two to nil) YOUNOE (loew) Gordon A Gordon •M Prince A Girls Jimmy Brltt Douglas Flint Co Friend & Bowing •Glnllanl Quartet Trenton, N. J. STATE ST (moss) Nolan & Nolan Fay A J Smith Jack Marley Gold Reene & Edw 2d half A Gilbert F Fay ft Jazz Band (Two to fill) Troy, V. Y. PROCTOR'S (ubo) Vim Beauty A H Charles Rellly Imperial Quintet Fields Keane ft W "Miss America" Leonard ft Wlllard Ford ft Urma Co 2d half Sylvester A Vance Tom Nawn Co Tllyou ft Ward "On MRnlla Bay" Nellie V Nichols Tronoll Duo IJtlea. N. Y. COLONIAL (ubo) Swain's Animals Mabel Hamilton Duval ft Symonds Josle Heather Co H ft G Ellsworth Better Bros (One to fill) 2d bait 0 ft J Woods Jerome ft Albright "Children of France" Burns A Frahlto (Three to fill) Vancouver, B. O ORPHBUM A Kasch Ballet Whipple A Huston Lelghtners A.Alex Plstel & Gushing Rev F Gorman Aus Crelghtons Jas J Morton PANTAGES (p) "Help", Police" Cameron Gaylor Co Detective Keane American Hawaiian 3 Kremka Bros Victoria, ». C. , PANTAGBS.XP) ^OHve*" ,S Britt'Wood .'.".'";, Octavia Handsworth Co Foils Sis ft LeRoy Zeno Dunbar ft J "Waco, Tex. ORPHEUM (hp) Alexandria Moore ft Rose- Alex Bros, ft Evelyn Donavon ft Lee "Peacock Alley" Washington, D. 0. KEITH'S (ubo) Theo Kosloff Co "Best Sellers" Janet Adair Co 'Stephen D O'Rourke Bob Hall Collins ft Hart Harris ft Morey Robbie Gordons COSMOS (moss) Weber ft Elliot Mr ft MrS Claire Royal Gasooignes Arthur RIgby "Little Burglar" (One to fill) Waterbnry* Conn. POLI'S (ubo) The Hennlhgs Merrllees A Dorla Burns A Ardlne Payer Ftnley Co Lydla Barry Grey ft Old Rose 2d halt Whiteside Sisters Walsh A Edwards Shannon ft Annls Nevlns ft Erwtn.. Le Grohs Bachelor's Romance 'Waterloo, la. MAJESTIC (wva) (Sunday opening) Goldle ft Mack Cooney Sisters Hombarg ft Lee C Hanson ft Village 4 Robt Everest 2d half Hughes Musical Duo George ft Tony Leigh DeLacey Co Big City 4 Johnson Dean Rev Wflkea-Barre, Pa. POLI'S (Ubo) (Soranton split) 1st halt Dancing Cronlns Dolie Sisters Frank Gonroy Co Frank Gaby Ernie Antonio 3 Wilmington, Del. GARRICK (Ubo) Petrol! Co Doris Dare "Playmates" B Heath Co Kalmar A Brown Kaufman Bros si- Jean Duval Co Winnipeg ORPHEUM Walter C Kelly 'Married via Wire" Dickinson ft Deagon 3 O'Gorman Girls Sylvia Loyal Co Prosper ft Maret Gallagher ft Rooley PANTAGES (p) Tom Edwards Co The Youngers "The Owl" Manning Keeney ft K Reyes ft Oaynor Girls STRAND (wva) Johnny ft Wise Cummlngs A Carroll MoWms Stlendal A B Arista Troupe * 2d half (Same as Ft William 1st half) Woonsoeket, R. I. BIJOU (ubo) Evelyn ft Dolly Donlay T Roberts Palfrey Hull A B 2d half LaPolitta ft DeBarr Eddie Healy Fern Bigelow ft K Worcester,, POLI'S (Ubo) Stewart A Cumberly Brown Campbell "A L Shannon A Annls Moon A Morris Osakl A Tail 2d halt "Birds of a Feather" Dave Jonson Gray A Byron Rehn A Pitch Herbert Ashley Co PLAZA (ubo) Sherwin Kelly Craiy Quilts McKay's Scotch Rev Flager ft Malta Mang ft Snyder 2d half Vanie ft Allen Shirley Sis Burns ft Ardlne "Garden Belles" (One to fill) Yonkers, If. Y. PROCTOR'S (ubo) "Sultan" Ben Smith (Two to fill) 2d halt Lawton Mack ft Redding Armstrong ft Ford 8 Black Dots York, Pa. OPERA HOUSE (ubo) Jaok ft Forls "Perhaps You're Right" Billy Gleason (Two to fill) 2d half Roy La Pearl Ben ft Hasel Mann Nature's Nobleman (Two to fill) Youngatown, O, KEITH'S (ubo) Teohoro'a Cats Adams A Griffith Rice A Werner Man Off Wagon MoDevitt Kelly A L Jean Adair Co H A A Seymours Ben Beyer Co Parts ALHAMBRA Fred Lindsay Sam Barton Purcella Bros Flying Banolas AlphonBe Ranoy Faton (Monkey) Olga Morselll Arizona Trio Remain Nolset Kllly Crenelle Merlel NOUVBAU CIRQUE Jess Pedersen Plssluttl ft Lola Maurice Chevalier Bijou ft Antonio Mltzordo Jap Tr Sisters Males Leon Rogee Terplschore Chas Pllne Jack A GIgl Ovaro CABARET OSWEGO STIRED UP. Syracuse, Sept. 18. The Oswego Society is all stirred up because one of its leaders was denied the privilege of appearing: in the pro- duction of "The Flying Prince" at the Richardson Theatre Monday night. Soldiers of General Hospital No. 5 objected to the woman, whose name is withheld, because her husband, a former officer in the United States Army, is alleged to be a pronounced pacifist with no Liberty Bond or war chest contributions to his credit. Adeline O'Connor, a professional from New York, was' brought to Os- wego early in the week and rehearsed for the part. She has been with a number of good road attractions. Tannehill-Conoly Camp Show. Frank Tannehill and Joe Conoly are producing a musical show to play the cantonments exclusively. In November Tannehill goes to Los Angeles to put on a comedy drama in which he is financially interested. The new Maxim's show opening next Monday will have Veronica and the Gossler Twins among its principals. Some of the road houses around New York shut down tight last Sunday, while others kept open in a way, but did scarcely any business. Ethly and Addison Fowler, at Baron Long's Ship cafe, Los Angeles, for a run of 50 weeks, are coming east, for the first time. They are dancers and have been called "The Castles of the Coast." Paul Corvin, formerly of the Clifton Trio that had to disband owing to one of its members being drafted, is al Sennett's, Bronx, where he has or- ganized a trio composed of Jim O'Brien, Harry Walken and himself. Fannie Brice, who was leading in "Why Worry?" when that- show stopped after one of the season's short runs, may return to "The Mid- night Frolic" on the Amsterdam Roof. Miss Brice was there in the summer. Earl Fuller has four orchestras in the Rector's places. The downstairs orchestra at Rector's, with 12 pieces, is led by Joe Samuel; the upstairs (ballroom) of nine pieces by Mike Special and there is a Jazz combination in the same room, of five pieces. Ben Selvin is the leader of the other Fuller • orchestra of seven pieces at the Moulin Rouge. Guyon's Paradise in Chicago; one of the largest dancing establishments in the world, opened its 1918-1919 season Thursday, September 19, after being closed for nearly three months. Ex- tensive alterations were made to per- mit of larger dancing space and the installation of new features. In its new shape the hall can accommodate 7,000 dancers and 1,000 diners at the same time. Proposals to install soda water foun- tains in the restaurants when prohi- bition takes effect in this country are being made by manufacturers of the fountains to restaurateurs. At the fountains if employed very fancy mixed soft drinks will be served if the Sublic takes to this form. One of the roadway cabaret restaurants is said to be figuring on putting in a fountain this winter to accommodate men in uniform. . The new revenue law about being completed by Congress doubles the cabaret tax. The law legally "sets" 20 per cent, of the check as the admission, or to be so regarded. This is as at present, but the new law states that 20 per cent, of the admission is to be collected, whereas now it is 10 per cent. In other words a $10 check would be regarded as including $2 admission and. 20 per cent, of that would be 40 cents. At present the tax on a $10 check is 20 cents. George Grundy, who was compelled to relinquish his lease of Grand Cen- tral Palace through the taking over of the edifice by the Government, is negotiating to assume thelease of the St. Nicholas Rink, now being managed by Cornelius Fellowes, Jr. The bonus mentioned in the taking over of the present ice rink is understood to be $20,000 a year for ten years. If the deal is consummated, Grundy plans to have roller skating in the basement and dancing on the pres- ent ice skating floor. The Brooklyn Ice Rink on Bedford avenue is to be converted into a storage warehouse; Healy's on upper Broadway is devoted to pictures; the ice rink at 181st street is undergoing remodeling whereby the present entrance will be converted into stores. After visiting out-of-town one might change an opinion that New York restaurant men are the only ones who have bulged out their menu card prices to the bursting point. All over it's about the same.' with the out-of-town- ers, however, taking the lead "from New York, Up-State last week three hotel proprietors in one city were called be- fore the local food administration arid fined $50 each, with a more severe penalty promised if they did not stop Erofiteering. The food administrator ad ,in figures where the hotels had charged 900 per cent, profit on two items of vegetables. "Vanity Fair" opened at Rector's (downstairs) last week. It's a very dressy revue, of several principals and girls. The dressing compares with the elaborateness of the same thing always specialized in in the other Rector's floor entertainment, at the Palais Royal. The costumes for the ensembles are striking. It's quite the best show in this respect that Rector's has given. Otherwise in playing and principals there is nothing exceptional. La Sylphe the dancer is in the lead. Others are Mabel Jones, Kosner and O'Dette, the Mertons, Gloria D'Arcy (who leads several numbers, including "The Amer- ican Jazz," the big number of the show, that also has a girls' jazz band with Delphi Daughn as the dancer and the Brady collie dogs taking part); the Sheldons, Kitty McLaughlin and Ar- ture Lugaro, besides the chorus girls; Carol Hayden, Grayce Hall, Ruth Townsend, Elsie McMillin, Marguerite Thomson, Madge McCarthy, Jeanne Voltaire, Lucile Gordon, Helen Walker, Marie Williams, Betty Stone, Ara Mar- tin, Christine Palfy (the latter four with the collies). NEWACTS. Marie Walsh and Irving Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. William Lawrence in sketch, "A Week End Trip." Geo. Felix and Clair Palmer in "The Girl Nextdoor." Leroy, Talma and Bosco, with 15 people. Eva Puck, with Elmer White (for- merly Abbott and White) at the piano, Darrell and Edwards, formerly Tower and Darrell (Aaron Kessler). Harry Gibbs and Edna Colwell in sketch. • Harry Fidler, formerly Fidler and Sheldon, single. Annette Kellerman contemplates re- turning to vaudeville with a big act. The Three White Kuhns are return- ins to vaudeville as a trio. The Stowaways," musical comedy, 9 people, with Ed. West and Paul Paulis (Bert La Mont). . "Hands Across the Seas," with 12 people, including the Lovenberg Sis- ters and O'Neary Brothers. "Sliding" Billy Watson (burlesque) and Joe F. Willard in military travesty, with three people. Ben Bernie, single. Formerly Bcrnie and Baker, with Mr. Baker ordered to report. "Blow Your Horn" with Kirt Vance and Josephine Taylor (Herman Becker). "Six International Tourists" (for- merly Lasky's "Six Hoboes"), (Jack Henry). "The Heart of Annie Wood," a "flash" drama, with five people, with- out carrying electricians. Polly Moran, for the past three and one-half years princial comedienne in Keystone pictures, returning to vaude- ville. Al Reymond (formerly Raymond and Caverly) and a company of five, in the John B. Hymer sketch, "From Denver to Frisco." Mr. Raymond will play a Hebrew character in the skit. Andre Sherri is putting on a new musical playlet called "Hats, Bonnets and Chapcaux." Hattie Lorraine is in the lead. Others are Perle Frank, Jack Cragin, Lois Arnold, Gabrielle Gray. ■mmm IS life Wm fan wSh ffl- H-i ■m M alii w ■JR.., H ■wm $3Ww5 '■'ftsr c i ■Mm w if H ll PUR