The Billboard (1920)

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VARIETY 23 ^OOK! Now .Playingi.Hkrlem Opera; House,. New York (Sept. 19-22 !) it: "L0OKUSOVER" K/ml^ln. 1, • lLiJL§ . In "LOVE. AT FIRST SIGHT" 'Directioii 9 BURTONS DUDLEY OBITUARY. Madge Carson, wife of Pat Carson, and best known as.a stock character woman, closing recently with the Jack Lewis Players, died suddenly Sept. 1(5 in New York, following the bursting of a blood vessel in her, head shortly after going onto the street from, her hotel for a walk to the stores. Her demise came after a week's illness, Mrs. Carson being unconscious most of the time. _ A husband survives. George Dixon, formerly br 1 -Mason and Dixon, in vaudeville, died recently at Colfax, Cal. He was 60 years of age and born in Buffalo, N. Y; News of his death was received by his former part- ner, James Mason, at Buffalo. Mason and Dixon traveled "widely and Mr. IN LOVING MEMORY OF MY FATHER EDWARD r. inglis Who departed this life Sept. 17th, 1918. May hit sou) rort In peace. His Son JACK INGLIS Dixon lived for several years in Paris, where he married. He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Michael Millard, of\ San Francisco. v '" - Colonel O. G. Staples died Sept. 8 at the Thousand Island House, Alexan- dria Bay, N. Y., of which the deceased was the owner. Col. Staples at one time owned the old -Albaugh - Opera House, later Poli's, Washington, D. C. He had extensive business interests. Thomas Usher, long known as an or- chestra leader and formerly on the SERVICE CASUALTIES Casualties in the Berries, affecting theatrical people, era published as re- ceived In the "In the Service" depart- ment ef VARIETY, weekly, usually found on Page 8 of the current Issue. board of control of Musical Union No. 310," died of heart failure, last week. .Mrs. Delia Pitcock, proprietress of the Albany Hotel, Pueblo, Colo., died Aug. 18. The deceased was known to many theatrical folk. Chloe Martin, a member of Mile. Berri's Models, playing the Ackerman- Harris Hip circuit in the west, died in San Diego, Cal., Sept. 13. Louis Ostland, camera man of World Pictures, died in Los Angeles, Sept. 9, as the result of an operation for appen- dicitis. The father of Clark Brown died Sept. 16,at Garden City, L. I. WANTED BLACK AND WHITE DROP or any Suitable for Cabaret Scene In One. Write HARVEY and DE VORA TRIO 806-Putnam Bids'., New Yerk IS THE BIG SENSATION VAN and SCHENCK ARE SINGING AT THE RIVERSIDE THIS WEEK AND NEXT 207 West 48th, N. Y. PUBLISH IT KERRY MILLSJnc LETTERS When seaolns for nail to VABORT, address Mall Clerk Where C fellows utune, letter Is la Variety's Chicago ©*"««• Where S P fallows name, letter Is In Variety's San Francisco Office. , Advertising er circular letters will not be listed. , '. ^. P following name Indicates vestal, advertised eace only. •: H«a following name indicates regls- Questlonnalree. Griffith Jos A Halstenback Edw Wllbert L A A Adair Janet Ahrens Jobn Alarconwlth • Llta Allen Flo Allen Frank Andersion Scharlotte Arapoboe Dan Armento Paul Arthur Dot Astella Dan Astella Dell Aster Edith Atwood Vera Aubrey Wilson Auston Mrs J Autrlue Harry Avery Faith B Banks Geo Barksdale Grace Barney Chas Barrett Vera Bates Dot Beasley June Bell & Opal Benedict Rose Bennett Mrs C Benson Harry Benson Rusty Benton Freemont Bergere Miss Bernard Felix Blron Alfred Black Rose Boudler Paulette .Boyle Jack Boyne Hazel Brldgett Madlsohn Broske Herbert Brown Geo Brown Hazel Browning Edith Bryson Jas . Buch Bros Buckley Mrs Jerry Buckner Burnedette M Burnetttj Camllle Burnetto Evelyn Burns Harry Burton Richard Cagwln Mary . Carey Jas Carlson J W Cavanagh Mrs Earte Cavarly Gladys Celeste Grace , Cheslelgh Mae Clare Ida . Coffinan Jerry Cohan Chas • '■ Coleman Claudia Coley C A Collins Marty Coulee Ethel , Cook Emma Cooper Harry Cornell Ed' Cornell Frances Coudray Peggy Creighton Fred Creigbton Jim Cronnln Mme D Daley Jack Daniel Lola Darling Bobble Davis Ben . . Davis Essie ■ . Davis Genevieve • Davis Hal ; Deane Clifford Deane' Cliff DeCoe Harry DeCoursey Alfred DeGrant Oliver DeGroft Mrs B Delmar Flo Delmar Harry DeMllle Qoldle DeWlnters Grace Diamond & Boyne Diamond Miss 0 Dietrich Jean Dietrich Roy Dillon Lillian Dixon J Duckson Evelyn Dockstader Eleanor Donhoee Mrs Donlta Miss Donovan Fannie Draper Bert Drew Beatrice DuFell Frank Dufty H Dumltrescu Mlttu Duncan Lillian Duncan Sammy Dunham Walter Dunne Jos Duval Mrs J Dyer Fred E Earle Dot EarleiMae Earl Phylies Edwards Jas Elliott & Nell • Ellis Nale Emerson Of Emerson Jas Espe & Dutton Estello Eliz Evane Barbara Evans Jas Evans Teddy Evers Frank F Fagan Noodles Fay Anna Fay Eva Fields Blllle Fields Kean & Walsh Figaro Jack Flint Geo Foley Jim Foley & Onell Ford John Ford Mnrg Forrester Frank "Thank You" WANTED AT ONCE HIGH CLASS Novelty Acts Sister Acts Dancing Acts Jazz Acts Prima Donnas and Soubrettes Also Beautiful Chorus Girls for New York Revue Apply R0EHM& RICHARDS 216 Strand Theatre Bltfg. Broadway, at 45th St. New York City Fox Marie Foy Harry Frances Beverly French Ortha Franks Jessie Frawley Paul Freds b Primrose Friend & Downing Fullen Chas ' 0 Gallagher Daisy Gangler Jack Gay Trio Gilbert & Clayton Gllll Clltt Glenn Myrtle Gordon Helen Gordon Marie Gould Venlta H - Halbach Mrs Winifred Hale Frank Hall May Hamilton Harry Hannon Win Harris Geo Hart Hazel Harvard Mrs C Haywood Ella Helmnr Lou Hendrlks Miss , Hendrlsh Herman Sam Hewitt Mildred Hlbbitt Billy Hlgley Eall Hlller Frank Hlnea Cissy Holbrook Flo Hotden "Marie Howard Virginia Hughs Flo i J Janice May Jackson Jacob Jackson Jean 6 Babe Jarvts Jean Johnson Mrs Ed Jones Will Jordan Irene Joseph Mrs M K Kail! David Katll Louise Kasbner Fay Kay Clause Kaymnre Hazel Keane John Kifefe John Keene & Walsh Kolley Slause Kelmers Kennedy Beulak Kennedy Jack ftES H mi m ma -laps mm : |M m "■ 9 tSwSm sin ■ ■■>?WwimwMam