The Billboard (1920)

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30 VARIETY 3r®E$ih fllilli IliP *»{ ;.i i :« S| 1 Adorable in "CAMP," by JEAN HAVEZ Sept 16—Orpheum, Brooklyn. Sept 23—Alhambra and Royal, New York. Sept 30—Keith's, Philadelphia. Oct 7—Keith's, Washington, D. C. Oct 14—Riverside, New York. Oct. 21—Bushwick, Brooklyn. Thank you, MR. DARLING World'* Largest Cat Price Baggage Dealer WARDROBE TRUNKS Every Hake "Llkly" "Indestrneto" "Bal" "Hartraann" "Murphy" "Taylor" Every f Size Half Regular Prices! $18.00 Hotel Steel Clad Trunk S9.78 25.00 Fibre Theatre 14.50 38.00 "Taxi" Wardrobe Trunk I9.S0 40.00 Full Size Theatrical Wardrobe... 24.75 50.00 XX Fibre Combination 27.50 60.00 Guaranteed "Indestrurto" 34.50 76.00 "Dreadnaught" Wardrobe 42.00 An enormous selection of high grade Trunks, Bags, Cases. Leather goods and travelers' outfits. EDWARD CROPPER 208 West 42d St. Phone: Bryant 8678 NEW YORK Van Aken Alex VanAken Anna. Van Cleef Irene Vane Sybil VanHorn Jean Vann Helen Verga Nick Varnon Cissy Verona Countess Vincent Elinor Voss Judith W Wallace Hester Ward Larry Webb Vevene Wellman Emily Wheeler Dick Whitehead Ralph Whittler Robert Willard Tom Williams Dot Williams F O Williams Peggy Wilson Sophie Woods Joe Wood Mary Wood 01! ie Wylie Raymond Young Cy Young Lillian Young P Young Robert BLANCHE ALFRED and her SYMPHONY GIRLS, assisted by "GERANT" Conductor Featuring the RAINBOW GIRL In Novelty Dances Direction, HARRY SHEA WANTED LADY TRICK -BICYCLE RIDER or good Comedy Man, to ride freak wheels, to loin recognized act. Wire quick. ~ W. t., 817 Eighth Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. WANTED Comedy Acrobat FOR STANDARD ACT Address Witt CARtO, VARIETY, New York City THE BURTON 1421 Montgomery Ave. Philadelphia, Sept. .16, 1918. Dear Lester, With trampoline out of act, closing the show, I did not go as good as at the Palace last week. Of course, this is three-a-day and it makes all the difference In the world, so I Just put on the old baggy suit, combed my hair a la Raymond Hitchcock, and I was the same big riot I always am. Yes, I have to keep up my reputation;-managers expect me to stop the show every performance, so I just have to do it. ■* Manager Wegefarth and a couple of the acts and I are going to put on a W. S. S. act here Friday night. We are going to get the audience to come on the stage and buy the stamps. ' < We all hide the egg at the above address (Campbell's) and stretch there, too. Tell all the boys to boost the N. V. A. billiard club. Get Cue Club cards from Mr. Chesterfield at the N. V. A. Kindest regards from May, and remember us to nice MORRIS 4% FESLv. YOUR LOVING AUDIENCE DAISY STAN STANLEY HECTOR DOWNE Originator and Producer of the VERSATILE SEXTETTE "A combination of novelty singers and jazz" This attraction is - OPEN FOR OFFERS For Productions—Vaudeville and Cabaret HECTOR DOWNE Phone Columbus 5327 Every member in deferred classification. 340 West 56th Street, New York City BURLESQUE ROUTES (Sept. 23 and Sept. 30.) "Americans" 23 Majestic Soranton 30-1 Ar- mory BInghamton 2-5 Hudson Schenectady "Auto Girls" 23 Gayety Philadelphia 3-5 Broadway Camden N J. "Aviators," 28 Empire Cleveland 80 Cadillac Detroit. "Beauty Revue" 26-28 Broadway Camden 30- 3 Camp Diz Wrlghtstown 4-5 Grand Tren- ton N J. "Beauty Trust" 23 Star & Carte/ Chicago 29- 1 Berchel Des Moinea la. iBehman; Show 23 Olympic Cincinnati 80 Star & Garter Chicago. "Best Show In Town" 23 Gayety Buffalo 30 Corinthian Rochester. "Blue Birds" 23 Cadillac Detroit 30 Engel- wood Chicago. STRAND BLDlG 47fflSTSi>Bway: ROOM 213 New YorK THEATRICAL PHOTOGRAPHER ORIGINALS REPRODUCTIONS Lobby Displays in Water Color and Oil SPECIAL RATES FOR SEPTEMBER If Quality and Price are Inducements, we will be sure to please yon. WRITE FOR PRICE tIST CARLO HELEN x CASETTAandRYDELL IN A SERIES OF ARTISTIC DANCING Loew Circuit Direction/ MANDEL & ROSE BILLY EVYLEEN PURCELLA and RAMSAY JUVENILE AND SOUBRETTE WITH MOLLIE WILLIAMS GREATEST SHOW FURNITURE CASH or CREDIT OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 O'CLOCK WBITB FOB NEW i0-PAOH C/gAWQVB AND 18-PAGB SPECIAL BALB CIBCU1AB B-RO0H OUTFITS GRAND RAPID8 FURNITURE $275 8-RO0M PERIOD APARTMENT 9706 VAtUE $585 APARTMENT WITH PERIOD FURNITURE VAtUE $868—NOW $375 fi-SOOM PERIOD APARTMENT 91,000 VAtUE $750 Valne $100 9150 9200 93(0 9400 9S0O Deposit $10.00 816,00 $20.00 $30.00 $40.00 $50.00 Weekly $2.00 SIM $2.S» $3.08 94.00 9S.0O Professional Discount of 15% Off for Cash Larger Amounts up to $5,000 Terms apply also to New York State, New Jersey and Connecticut Wo pay freight and railroad fares. . Delivered by our own motor track. "Bon • Tons" 23 Miner's Bronx New York 30 Casino Brooklyn. "Bostonlans" 23-25 Bastable Syracuse 26-28 Lumberg Utlca N Y 30 Gayety Montreal "Bowerys' '23 L O 30 Orpheum Paterson. "Broadway Belles" 23-24 Cert Wheeling<*W Va 30 Victoria Pittsburgh "Burlesque Review" 23 Orpheum Paterson 80 Majestic Jersey City. "Burlesque Wonder Show" 23 Majestic Jersey City 30 Peoples Philadelphia. "Cheer Up America" 23 Peoples Philadelphia 30 Palace Baltimore. "Follies of Day" 23 Empire Brooklyn 30 Em- pire Newark. "Follies of Pleasure" 23-26 Camp Dlx Wrights- town 27-28 Grand Trenton 30 Empire Hobo- ken N J. "French Frolics" 23 Lyceum Columbus 30-1 Cort Wheeling W Va. "Frolics of Night" 23 Gayety Baltimore Md 30 Lyceum Washington DC. "Girls de Looks" 23 Hurtlg-& Seamon's Nev York 3-5 Park Bridgeport. "Girls from Follies" 23-24 Armory BInghamton 25-28 Hudson Schenectady 80-1 Watertown 2-3 Oswego 4-6 Inter Niagara Falls, N Y. WANTED! Mediums—Juveniles Ingenues Sonbrettes—Good Chorus GirUu 40 weeks play or pay contracts. M. THOR S08 Putnam Bids., New York City WANTED AT ONCE YOUNG LADY to do modern dancing—one dance, fast one- step—for big vaudeville act. State weight, salary wanted. Send photo. Wire or write. CHAS. AHEARN Next Week (Sept. 22) Orpheum, Jackson, Mich., and Majestic, Kalamazoo, Mich. "^•^ r x .K ^nx-. ' ^m^mi ri^m M m