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WSBmi ' - v ,.- i 32 VARIETY if : IfJKJ''.- ■ f .J'. SI'. ftp 1 , K i; Si, :i ?ili§llfiiil B. F. Keith's ircuit United Booking Offices * (Agency) A. PAUL KEITH, President £. F. ALBEE, Vice-President and General Manager FOR BOOKING ADDRESS S. K. HODGDON Palace Theatre Building New York City Feiber &Shea 1493 Broadway (Putnam Building) New York City BERT LEVEY CIRCUIT of VAUDEVILLE THEATRES ALCAZAR THEATRE BUILDING SAN FRANCISCO ^aa M aa M aj^—1^——i— Harry Rickard's "fivoli Theatres,*™ And AFFIU ATEDCTRCmTS. INDIA wdI AFRICA Combined Capital, f3.00O,«0O HUGH D. McINTOSH, Governing Director Begistarod Cable Addroas "HUGHMAC," Sydney > Head Qffloa, TIVOLI THEATRE, Sydney, Australia American Bepre»entatlTe,NORMAN JEFFEREES R»»l EitatoTrurt Bldg., PhlluJtlphla" FULLER'S Australian and N. Z. Vaudeville Oowrnlaa Dlnetor: BEN J. FULLER BOOKINGS ARRANGED Vw ill Mtllaa bin Bta VnuuUw and Yaaat&nr Areata t Waste** TaadarlUt Mara.' iiu, (Ebleat* "Girls from Joyland" 23 Empire Hoboken 30 Star Brooklyn. "Girls of U S A" 23-25 Park Youngstown 28- 28 Grand Akron 30 Star Cleveland, 0. "Golden Crook" 23 Gayety Toronto 30 Gayety Buffalo. "Grown up Babies" 23 Standard St Louis 20- 30 Grand Terre Haute 1-5 Majestic Indian- apolis Ind. Hastings Harry 23 Caalno Boston 30 Grand Hartford. LA oews Enterprises General Executive Offices Putnam Building Times Square New York JOSEPH M. SCHENCK General Manager J.H. LUBIN Booking Manager Mr. Lubin Personally Interviews Artists Daily Between 11 and 1 Acts laying off in Southern territory wire this office. Chicago Office: , - North American Building ' B. S. tVIOSS President General Executive Offices: 72? SEVENTH AVE., at Forlyminth St. M/D? SIMMONS General Booking Manager ARTISTS can secure long engagements by booking direct with us The Western Vaudeville Managers' Association MORT SINGER, General Manager—TOM CARMODT, Booking Manager Majestic Theatre BuiMIng CHICAGO, ILL. "Hello America" 23 Gayety Omaha Neb 30 Gayety Kansas City Mo. "Hello Paree" 23 Star St Paul'30 Gayety Sioux City. "High Flyers" 23 Nesbit Wilkes-Barre 30 Ma- jestic Scranton Pa. "Hip Hip Hurrah" 23 Gayety Montreal 30 Empire Albany. Howe Sam 23 Empire Nawark 80 Casino Phil- adelphia. "Innocent Matda" 23 Worcester Worcester Mass 30 Gayety Brooklyn. Irwin's "Big Show" 23 JaoqueB Waterbury Conn 30 Miner's Bronx New York. "Jolly Girls" 23-25 Broadway Camden 26-28 Camp Dix Wrlghtetown N J 30 Nesbit Wil- kes-Barre Pa. Kelly Lew 23 Columbia New York 80 Empira Brooklyn. "Liberty GirlB" 26-28 Park Bridgeport 80 Colonial Providence EI.