The Billboard (1920)

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i . *- -■ * i^^^s^epswifH ft;(jH|p^P^^^^l^#fS^^^g^S|S^tM : * VARIETY AftE'A£UftfrfW£| COMSISTENF ■■HIT I , <eVERYWHims| """"" rnnii,..,.., .infr UwYjiW OTALKOLOGIST Direction, MARSHAL FOCE *t.-^£Ji'-V.^r : -.' A.'.:K«Mttfcky.< Closer . atw&yp ! '< prefers..' brand naw"' : raeH®y. (He IIKjbb •! the smell.of the taint.) I m J ■'.' -.;/: Saltan I L LI CARD I-1 f he Fattf ftem : .' the SontiVV/ " BrtMlialVCtaMfflaB.' Shurs SftaSSi^ ' ; . Itateni Bat, '•. :■■;•■.■■ \- ..smm :Mmm , Sept. • 88-®srylaad, Balftaire... Mfci' ;And 13 more wee&a of i&e /Keith - time to foUwf andthen for ■•'the ■ Orpheum time, Jan. 5. / PAUI» and MAE Booked by these tw» fessoas- PMtedelgbia Agents*.- NORMAN JEFFEBIBS FEAN1 DONNELLY -.,": '- '■'■'■■ tefcapKaltfe't, Teteito, 0, - - ■■"■- ", " ■.■©J—EMpms, .'flnwM- RssWs ''■-.■ Oat/ 7—Csloslat, Akron, 0* -■.-:.- " : I^HIssgoflraaa, Clewlattd i :■ ■■'" 21—Shea's, Buffalo . ■ • ■ •■•..■ "' '28-4hat'ii Toronte' ■ ' *, '■.:t2m ' 4~0pen >...■;. :---?»v .„f8d,8o»,'ll,;«i9 os the Orpheam CJreoft at .Hliw>okas until «MHiy4 at New Orleans.■■-, ' snim& MAmm BISECTION , ' mm JEFFEfflKg Wlzaid of the Mm ".':.:■'; (TBBST and .< LAMBERT) ' Heap side plenty busy Phone, 9400 Bryant Australian slang MAS HHBLLE'. As we hay© learned to speak it—the; glossary for ose in translation. "Bonnlo boaltertarls"—Pretty fine "stria, '"'-'■ 'TTou're balmy"—You're erazy. "Had mo on toast"—Got my goat '■you'll eet what for"—All that's comtartd yon; . "BlisUet," "vraatar"—A buns. ■ —: "Strike me plnkl"—I'll be darned. "Pair dinkum, I'm stiff"—Sure eaougb, I'm broke, "Qlndiam"—UmbieUa. "Zir—Brard. ; "Cold-footer"—State. etov jSBMmmmmtmimsmsmmm Beprewntattrasif; "American:/ SAM BAEEWITg : 1493 Broadway, . New York. ■, '"-■, Europeant JTOAN WILIE 5, itisio et» London, ; WV.\<j»' jfc /If It 'take*'' 8- Men' At wfcst, Altitude woald an' Aviator have ■■to drop @- Blank Cartridge ■". In order .to mike a hslo on the deck of • a ' BsttlMBlnT ■ ' AnayM-ChlUlcothft-^ DINGLEY and NORTON DISSECTION "LEVY-ft JONES Now Playing Loew's American Figures talk, and a well corseted one is a megaphone. DOLLY/ Life on an Ocean Wpve,' Life on the Bounding Dee?.;. The Sentry informs me I snore so loud My Shipmates cannot Sleep. CARRIE LILLY direction LEVY ft.JONES Moss .Circuit, AN© IN A VA11E1Y OF DOINGS ■ :'/. . BOOMS SOOD . Direction, SAMUEL BAERWIf Z S®^SSftSd^S^ffi«S^^S^s§!i^ ;RL£y> ci/iKU.7 \ NewWjtu.' BELLY: ••'■ ANDv,;; BUNNY BOOMED SOUD ORFHEUM CISCUIT MAKING THE WORLD SAFE FOR AGENTS BOOKED SOLID. 40 WBBES BLANSET 'CONTRACT ^OBW-^.AIJP^PAN^ACi'ES--"---^^^^^ CLEVER CLASSY /*• v. n '.:•■ «s»tlau^) If» : ftBMT. ; S«<wa; -• V ■ dot .toVtfmr ." 1 Half mr d«rotlM tofel9 Waafl. , TO aeek A Under B4W ■ to Snow Or rliSior, but onto. 1 tho end She humblest dw I e»er knew Wan to u» man WW loved him tru®, HOT AI n . VUff'/i'I«l#. ■, P. 8.—dewaie of Geo. Howard, of Ho*«rt Ad Hoes. He is 4 prabUea)' r lokw. Did you ewr c«e a banjo-fiyf . M AD LIB gAtJCE" B*.—Aw mail todwf Chrt8.-rTwo letters; one flrora the "Variety," fftib ilatemeat:' ewaosed, the othar from Sister Kenny, of;i JCmny «>d aolUi,'th#jf»duat«d barbers. .■.-,: ..j. -Bob>-WeUt Mtis ^8«» Kenny's UKJ0 hmtt;: what doe« ahs sayr . . ■'. :j:6Sirls.- i -fflho"tsys: •'SeiB'a .a.,feir~RM>' : ''fbr yott*'' : ad in "Variety.' K good, tel!.your.frleadsf'if-not,; fefll tw,".. -■•*■-,„„, . BoU.— Let,; km 1-ttad tha Eftgs. Don't friends; Ml mother, sut the g*g» In and so; kn«*'an for a. g»at Hera uots. Bolj.~Wliat is the height of «amouflagaf .. Chrta.—1 don't fenow. Whatf .Bob.— /Sviin boda. Cfirle.—Wdli that dldu't go »o bid:. fians'S ia- Sffi^.i 5 0w .*** tlwnw draft Jit yo»» COT IT DOWN* B0V8, IT'S RUMim TOO LOHQ! BESHLER a JACOBS, Cfeloaao *.-«- . -SfiSP & CUBTI$, New-.YeiS--,■.-■■',■ SNAFF aMd CORNALLA J KfrMQ^^ST, L OUIS HIPP, At*T$f4, "Tk UVUBOS: IN "O^QI ffBB .iwrar fell CHA& -BEMAlim BBfAW SIS fs We«k'-(Sept. ffl)~!*HB, Haailto^'oMt^ 10HM -P.'/MMSBN AMB OOl Sit A Breath fe@a «i® itosi #f Bs&sma DlroetloQ, HUGaiSD sal @Mf3^ i ftratlM SiKist • 'SI FEEICINB ? ' nW*WT!SSCSi!73»aS8CK» AJN£»: ■nHn nw Birettlea, BOOEBD SOLID ALF. T 9 WILTON ' "^@rf«:.tes'sa*f^4«a« ! fi>'^-tSi'is v ;05i"f^ ff>» Dainty bglltb Wire Astm Direction, M. S. BENTHAM . j 'j