Variety (September 1919)

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r i MM VARIETY till i ?/. ' V \'., FOR YOUR W m ■> > jlv /I' ur I m iforSB by OUSKAHN EGBERT VA1S.AI*STYNB |*>| HAK iJUTi the ba*gle call, The call to arms for Lib er> ty^ the bU’gle call^ The call to those who stay at hohie them-one and arc sol'diers They go to fight for you and me Tho’ you may nev er cfoss the foam He ■ roes we will find them Ev ^ ry moth-ers Keep Old Glo.ry wav • Ing Proud-ly up a • >•1 S ^2 i:ss: ssz.szarsr: ORIGINALLY SUNG son bove— , We must get be • hind Pray-lng work-lng sav 'Till their work Is For the ones you AT THE Copyngbt MCM3CVI1I by JEROME H REM1CK& CO., New York 4 Detroit PROFESSIONAL COPIES, ORCHESTRATIONS, BAND ARRANGEMENTS, AND CHORUS SLIDES For YOUR BOY AND MY BOY RE^Y JEROME H. REMICK & COMPANY NEW YORK 219 Weit 4atb Stroet MOSE GUMBLE, Prof. Monagtr DEVRorr DICK.WHiTINa, 187 Wolt Fort Str#9t CHICAGO HARRY WERTHAN. MalMtto Theo. Bldg. BOSTON OHA8. RAY. 228 Tmaoilt S&Olt. PITTSBURGH JACK NEEDHAM, KouliMB'e Big Store PHILADBLPBU E. J. MCCAULEY, SI BMtb 8tll Strait ATLANTA lUMA DORE YOUNG, Ml FIMrSB Bldg. PORTLAND. ORB. H. F. L'ANBLAISE. 822 Wubtngton 8t MINNEAPOLIS ROY OILBERT, Powen McroanHIo Co. SAN FRANCI8CO FORD RUSH, 888 Market Strait LOB ANGELES JAMES RAYMONU, 822 South