Variety (September 1919)

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li VARIETY . BRILLIANT Bnappy, the triumph was absolute and nobody blamed the old man tor throwing out bis chest a bit and talking about them at the conclusions of his . old specialty. But the old sure-fire bit of the back kick that comes from an unknown source to the great bewilderment of Ma was missing Monday night. Perhaps ma’s anatomy Is getting tender or Pa is getting rough. Clara's single started the Mortons going. She went over as neatly as ot yore and her “pep stride*’ might well be carried farther in livening up her act. Brother Paul with his wife (Naomi Glass) went big, but the real riot came when Sam and Kitty plodded on. The “band’’ they received must have warmed the cockles of Uielr hearts and when they pulled Martha and Joe on the stage about 15 minutes later they received another ovation. The six real Mortons took the last bow, the absence of Mrs. Paul being'un- fortunate. The bouse Tuesday morning pulled some display advertising in the dailies on the triumph of the Mortons and the bouse, with a medlcore bill, will apparently wind up the week to capacity. Tozart, a lightning artist, opened with a novel setting but with a poor act for Its kind, but his last stunt of blocking in a red, white and blue patriotic poster from a full length picture of a woman was sure fire and put him safely over. Clara and Emily Barry went only fairly, their unison singing at entrance handi- capping their later comedy stuff considerably. Bryan Lee and Mary Cranston in "A Brittany Romance” turned out to he rather crisp, al- though his gage about “Guess I tapped the wrong keg,” after having milked in pantomime an imaginary cow and drinking the keg, might well be barred as a rather coarse bit lor a family house. Charles Olcott went well, al- though the wonder is that bis ten-minute trav- esty on comic opera has not played Itself out before now. Florence Roberts and Co. In “The Woman Intervenes” ran smoothly, being an ideal type of “puchless playlet" which does not drag. The Koban Japs closed with a short and snappy, offering, with a really sensational close,' a bicycle on a foot balanced pole being ridden upside down in the vicinity of the flies, the rider standing on the pedals on bis hands. BOSTON (Charles Harris, mgr. j agent,' U. B. O.).—“Mode^ Love’’ was featured on the film end with a vaudeville bill, including Mario and Dully, Scott and Kane, Tom Brown, Moon and Morris, and Harry Antrim. BIJOU (Ralph Gilman, mgr).—^Pictures. Fair. BOWDOIN (A1 Somerbee, mgr.; agent, U. B, 0.).—Pop. Fair. ST. JAMBS (J. E. .Somes, mgr.; agent, Quigley).—Vaudeville included the Klncalde Kilties, Cromwell and White, Youna Novelty Japs, Jeanette and The Earls the first half with the film bill headed by "The Source.’’ Big. GLOBE (Frank Meagher, mgr.; agent, Loew).—Pictures. Good. ORPHEUM (Victor J. Morris, mgr.: agent, Loew).—Snappy bill. Including the Melva Sis- ters in a novel musical act, Vance and Allen, Dave Thursby, Tom Davies and Co., Zbun and Dreis, Ara Sisters. Film bill beaded by Doro- thy Dalton in “Vivo La Prance.” Excellent. SCOLLAY OLYMPIA (James J. McGuln- ness, mgr.).—Pop. Good. "To Hell With the Kaiser” strongly featured in advertising. GORDON’S OLYMPU (Frank Hookallo, mgr.).—Pop with film bill headed by Alice Brady in “The Death Dance.” PARK (Thomas D, Sorlero, mgr.).—Pictures. Good. SHUBBRT (E. D. Smith, mgr.).—“Maytime” still running strong. COLONIAL (Charles J. Rich, mgr.).—“The Follies” opened Monday with the usual whale of a business. Newspaper comments laid stress Tuesday morning on the chlffoned limbs and the absence of the famous lack of clothing which has always been such ar drawing card tor the “Follies” in the years when the young men were in college rather than in the (PGQCilOS* PLYMOUTH (B. D. Smith, mgr.).—“Friend- ly Enemies” going like a house afire wltii some especially agressive advertising being cleverly bandied. WILBUR (B..D. Smith, mgr.).—r“Oh Lady, liSdy,” fair. MAJESTIC (E. D. Smith, mgr.).—“Experi- ence” on last week to lair business, with Thurston, magican, underlined for a fortnight. PARK SQUARE (Fred E. Wright, mgr.).— "Parlor, Bedroom iai Bath” doing nicely, the spice making it an especially good drawing card these days. TREMONT (Charles J. Rich, mgr.).—Leo Ditrichstein opened Monday in “The Matinee Hero.” Excellent bouse opening night and the new show took unexpectedly well. HOLLIS (Charles J. Rich, mgr.).—Third week of May Robson in “A Little Bit Old Fashioned." Fair. CASINO (Charles Waldron, mgr.).—Lew Kelly in Jack Singer’s “Welcome to Our City.” Big. GAYETY (Thomas H. Henry, mgr).—MoUie Williams Show. Excellent. HOWARD (George B» Lothrop, mgr.).—“The Innocent Maids,” supported by a house bill. Good. The Henry Jewett Players opened their sea- son Monday night with “Never Say Die.” There will be a repertory season of 36 weeks at $1.50 top and the support of society patronage being sought. Jack Donahue, of Donahue and Stuart, feat- ure dancer of the “Kltchy-Koo” company tnat closed here last week, was tendered a banquet at the Georgian Saturday night by a mob of his old pais in Boston beaded by Harry Mc- Cormack, a well-kown newspaper man. Laurette Taylor opens at the Hollis Sept. 30 in Happiness.” buffalo' n. y. BY L. B. SKBFFINQTON. SHUBERT-TECK (John R. Oshel, mgr.).— Henry Hull in “The Man Who Came Back.” MAJESTIC (Peter C. Cornell, mgr.).—Cyril Maude In “The Saving Grace." STAR (Peter C, Cornell, mgr.),—Yhe Knlck- • erbocker' Players in “The Brat.” SHEA’S (Henry Carr, mgr.).—Nan llalperln. Riding School, Natali and M. Ferrari, Yates and Reed, Foster Ball, Maurice Burkhar, Four Holloways, Weber and Ridnor, McRae and Clegg. GAYETY (R. B. Patton, mgr,).—Billy Wat- son and “The Beet Trust.” GARDEN (Wllllnin F. Graham, mgr.).— “The Aviator Girls.” LYRIC (Charles Bowe, mgr.).—Slayman All Arabs, Angeles La Croix and Co., Conrad and Saunders, Garlan Trio, Rene Long, Port and De Lacey. OLYMPIC (Bruce Fowler, mgr.).—“Little Miss Up-to-Date,” presented by Menlo Moore: Harry Brooks and Co. in “The Minstrel Man,” Spanish Goldlnls, Edna Reming, Clark Trio. ACADEMY (Jules Michaels, mgr.).—^Acad- emy Players in “Devil of a Time.” HIPPODROME (Harold Franklin, mgr.).— First half, “The Hun Within”; second half. Marguerite Clark in “Uncle Tom's Cabin." STRAND (Earl L. Crabb, mgr.).~:Plrst half, Nazlmova in “Toys of Fate”; second half, Viola Dana in “Flower of the Dusk.” Floyd Gibbons, the war correspondent, will lecture in Elmwood Music Hall Sept. 24. The Garden theatre has started Sunday con- certs, two each Sunday, at 2:30 and 8:80.' The rest of thq week the house plays bur- lesque. Buffalo Lodge, No. 23, Elks,*baB taken Shea’s outright > for the evening performance Sept. 30, when all money realized from the auction sale of seats and boxes above the price paid for the show wiU be turned over to the lodge’s war activities fund. In addition to the regular program of the house, a number of features of local interest will be presented. DETROIT BY JACOB SMITH. TEMPLE (C. G. Williams, mgr.; 0. B. 0.).— Rooney & Bent, Fradkin and Miss Jean Tell, Mazle King, Chris Richards, Edith Ciifford, Everests Monkey Circus, Holliday and Wil- lette, Frank Shilos. ORPHEUM (Tom Faland, mgr.; Loew).— Old Soldier Fiddlers, Gilroy, Haynes and Mont- gomery, Bert Draper, Dellte, Ethel and Hardy, “Sherman Was Wrong,” sketch, Hudson Sis- ters. MILES (Gus Greening, mgr.).—Lawrence Johnstonn, Gladys Gillen & Co., Kimball Broth- ers, The Four Cuban Atblets, Vivian and Ma- gel, Chaplan and Wells. GARRICK (Richard H. Lawrence, mgr.).— “Maytime,’’ second week. Next, “Kiss Burg- lar.” OPERA HOUSE (A. H. Warner, mgr.).— “Country Cousin.” Next, “Hamilton.” GAYETY (J. M. Ward, mgr.).—"Golden Crook.” CADILLAC (Sam Levey, mgr.).—“Paris by Night.” Henry Santrey, booked indefinitely for the Regent, is conducting Victory Singing this week. Santrey is drawing down $200 per week. Union musicians have been granted an in- crease and under the new scale will work 51-2 hours per day at the theatres. This is a half hour less than last season. \ “Salome,” Fox production, opened Indefinite engagement at Adams theatre Sunday. “The Great Love" was held over for a second week at the Washington. Fred M. Shafer, manager of the Liberty, has resigned to manage the Academy of Music. New York, for William Fox, All open time at tlie Powers, Grand Rapids, has been leased to Charles Seaman, of the (^n- . Bolldated 'Theatres, Inc, MONTOAL. By ARTHUR SCHALER. HIS MAJESTPY’S (Edwards & Driscoll, mgrs.).—“Eyes of Youth.” Next, "A Tailor- Made Man.” PRINCESS (Abbie Wright, mgr.; agent, U. B. 0.).—"Children ot Prance”: Nellie V. Nichols;. “Corner Store”; Loney Haskell; Moruk Sisters; Van Brothers; Ernie and Ernie; Ramsdclls and Doyo. 'To packed houses. LOBW’S (Ben Mills, mgr.).—Wilson Bros, headlined; Gulilinl Quartette; “Don't Lie to Mama”; Praise; Meryl Prince and Girls; Billie Burke, in “Pursuit ot Polly. House al- ways packed. , Several film houses have decided to increase the price five cents which will include the War Tax. The lmperi«(l and Loew’s would not raise. The St. Denis is about to reopen, it is said, about Oct. 1. No policy reported. Loew’s numo mentioned. The Empire will not opeif this season. Sohmor Park is open on Sunday only now with six acts. Dominion Park closed Sept. 15, two weeks later than usual. \ The Montreal Stage Employees’ Union asked for a $3 a week Increase which they received. The Rialto, which changed hands about every three months since It wae biillt, has once more changed, this time Instead of pic- tures and stock burlesque. It Is playing Yid- dish plays at 10, 20, 80. A new organ is going to be installed at Loew’s theatre In a few weeks. NEWm'EANS. By O. M. SAMUEL. ORPHEUM (Arthur White, mgr,).—Unfor- seen Incidents mliltatod against the hill Mon- day evening. The Flemings, billed, were drafted from the stage at Ihe Orpbeum, Mem- phis, Sunday. Pope and Uno hurriedly open- ' “3 fleftt (UnittiirlltUin" little Jerrp Qllir nmullrnt mutt luitl) llin iiigymt nnirn 3n Vauiirutllr SHreritmt, 3. Kuufman KEITH’S ROYAL, NEW YORK, NEXT WEEK (Sept. 23 ) The acme of light comedians That youthful couple The dainty ingenue LOU JEAN Catchy Songs and Artistic Dances Direction, HARRY FITZGERALD m i ; i i- U, Ifi i