Variety (September 1919)

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B O Valento Bros Stonx City, la. "An Artistic Treat” OKPHBUM (wv«) FALACB ’Iwva) (Sunday opening) Viola JKnapp Co Time & Tile Gay £ Ollrose Cahill £ Romalno Chief Little Elk Co 5 American Girls Maybolle Phillips Jessie Hayward Co Coclle Trio Marlon Weeks 2d half Jessie Hayward Co Willing £ Willing Marion Weeks Owen £ Moore Hobt Everest 'Eskimo £ Seal 2d half (Two to fill) Monroe £ Grant Salt Lake Tracey Palmer £ T ORPHBUM Lieigh DeLacey Co i (Sunday opening) Johnson Dean Revue HUe Dazle Co Page Hack £ Mack Gilbert £ Frledlander (One to fill) Kennedy £ Rooney hmiI orp'heuw (Sunday o PANTAGBS (p) ~ j Galettl's Babboons ^ RelaiSton A Grant Oeo£Mlel Eastman Trio Stephens San Antonio, Tex. stone £ Hay ROTAL (hp) Crewell Fant Walsh £ Bemtley Larry Comer Denny £ Dunlgan « Betfcleh Landers Stevens Co OEW r Simpson £ Dean n > Herbert Lloyd Co 2d half Smith £ Austin (Same as Sacramento Holmes £ Wells San Diego PANTAGBS (p) Mahoney fi Rogers Anderson £ Rean "World In Harmony” “Ocean Bound” "B^hlons do Vogue” Biddle Ross HIPP (afih) Betty William Johnsons £ Johnson Lalttte Davis Stroll Trio Stanly Qalllnl Co 2d half Peat £ Stevens Alf Rlpon Roxanna Fredericks £ Van Denny fi Morrlsbh San Fmndaco ORPHBUM (Sunday opening) Mack £ Ijockwood BTsher £ Hawley Mellette Sisters Creole Fashion Plate Heras £ Preston Julius Tannan Albert Verchamp PANTAGES (p) (Sunday opening) Euma 4 J Flynn Minstrels P Dassl Co Fennell fi Tyson Empire Comedy 4 CASINO (a£h) (Sunday opening) Enos BVazere Pickett £ Plunkett Tom fi Pearl Almond Moore £ Grey Ward Baker Co Burke £ Lee Lipton’s Monks HIPP (afih) Voltaire Lloyd Green £ Bailey Herbert £ Lee Shaffer Leonard £ F The Zellnas Savannah, Ga. BIJOU (ubo) (Jacksonville split) 1st half Hawaiian Duo Florence Rayfleld "Between Trains” Howard fi Sadler Potter £ Hartwell Schenectady, N. Tf. PROCTOR’S (ubo) S Lachman Sis Flagler £ Malta Louis Brocades Kaufman Brothers ! Palfrey Hall £ B 2d half Adlon Co Kharnum Bert Baker Co Wilton Sisters Eight Dominos Scranton, Fa. POLI'S (ubo) So. Bead, lad. ORPHEUM (wva) (Sunday opening) Carletta LaPearl £ Blondell 'Leila Shaw Co Jarvis £ Harris "Colour Gems” 2d half Geo £ Mae LeFevre Hal Stephens ‘ Stone £ Hays Crewell Fanton Co Larry Comer So Bethlehem, Pa. LOEW (loew) Dartos Annete Dare R C Faulkner (One to fill) 2d half ' Kimball £ Kenneth (Three to fill) PALACE (moss) Amanda Gilbert Lee £ Bennett Old Homestead 5 2d half Dunham £ O'Malley Grace De Winters Royal Gascoignes „ Spartansbnrg, S C. . ..aRRIS (ubo) Elkins Fay fi E (Four to fill) 2d half Rubin £ Carlotte Harry Bond Co Juliet Dika "Courting Days” (One to fill) Spokane PANTAGES (p) "Oh That Melody" Mr £ Mrs N Phillips Swartz £ Clifford Kinzs Nan Gray Springfield, IlL MAJESTIC (wva) (Sunday opening) Aerial Bartletts Ed Farrell Co 4 Buttercups Jas H Cullen Great Golden Tr (One to fill) 2d half King £ Brown Wilson £ Van •Lawrence Grant Co Nick Hufford Samarofl £ Sonia (One to fill) Springfield, Mass. PALACE (ubo) The Hennings Horn £ Ferris Mr £ Mrs Sy Payne Gray £ Byron Lydia Barry Burns £ Ardlne 2d halt W Hale fi Bro Brown £ Demont Byron Totten Co Ferraro £ Tabho Harry Breen ' Tom Brown's Review BROADWAY (loew) Morton Brbe McDonald £ Cleveland Chisholm fi Breen Chin Sin Lioo (One to fill) 2d half u Manning Sis Arthur DeVoy Co Flske £ Fallon Nat Carr (One to fill) Springfield, O. SUN (sun) Oliver Severn 3 (Wilkes-Barre split) Manning £ Hall 1 Bt half Tojettl fi Bennett Dunbar’s Darkles 2d half Lehman fiGalllnacamp ^ixle Serenader To Fin Harmon £ O'Connor Johnnie Clark Co Seatlle ORPHBUM (Sunday opening) A Rash Cip Whipple fi Huston Lelghtners £ Alex HstW'Cushing'’’ Rev Frank Gorman Aub Creightons Jas J Morton PANTAGES (p) Worden Bros “Retue Bouquet" T P Dunn Wm Flemen Co IlolmoB £ Le Vere “Barefoot- Boy" Wood Young £ P Knight’s Roosters Stockton ORPHBUM (30-1) (Same bill plays Sac- ramento 2-3; Fresno 4-0) 1st half) Syraense, N. Y. TEMPLE (ubo) Cycling Brunettes Edna Luby The Belldays SSSioSV™' HM-n^UiBin (0., t. a J Singer £ Dolls S(*enck . FIngla £ Malla Howart Rovuo EMward Esmonde Co 2!}^®*" Kaufman Brothers Clara Howard - « Delmore £ Kole CRESCENT (ubo) fon? to*«m Mc(3arthy £ Levering ^ COSMOS (moss) Qeorgallls Trie Jack Alfred Co PANTAGES (p) "Ob Charmed” Bailey £ Auetln Sherman Van £ H Regal £ Mack Hill Tivoli fi Hill Olathe Miller Co Green & Parker 4 Fujiyama Japs (Two to fill) 2d half The Sheldons Olga £ Jack Woods Geo Leonard Co Conrad £ Mayo (Two to All) Terre Hant^ Ind. HIPP (wva) (Evansville split) 1st half Tlie Florence Zeno £ Mandel “The Lemon” Trovato •Ching Ling Toye Co Toledo, O. KEITH’S (ubo) 3 Maxims Alex McFayden Coakley fi Dnnlevy Rajah Harry Green Co H fi A Seymour 3 De OnzoB (One to fill) Toronto, dm. SHEA’S (ubo) "Suffragette Revue” Loney Haskell Ethel Hopkins A1 £ F Steadman Moss £ Frye 3 Kanes Ramsdell & Deyer ^ ; HIP (ubo) Swift £ Daly Bob H Hodge Co Alice Manning La Follette Jones £ Johnson (One to fill) YOUNQH (loew) •’’Birds in Dreamld” Belle Oliver “Largay £ Snee COSMOS (moss) Piccolo Midgets Tyler £ Crollus Oallerina Sisters Lane £ Plant Bon Bens Waterirary, Conn. POU’S (nbo) W Sale £ Bro Brown £ Demont Byron Totten Co Harry Breen liouls Hart 2d half Gerbme £ Allhright Nash £ O’Donnell V fi E Stanton Ward fi Pryor Three Mori Bros (One to fill) Waterloo, la. MAJESTIC (wva) (Sunday opening) Monroe & Grant Frances Dyer Mayor £ Manicure Bin Robinson . Viol-Inn 2d half Nelusco £ Herley Nadell £ Follette ' Tate’s Motoring Jno Geiger Aeroplane Girls - WUkeis-BBrre, Pa. POLI’S (ubo) (Scranton split) let half Prawley £ West Sydney A Townley Lawrence fi Edwards Belle Montrose Winnipeg: ORPHBUM IBiva Tanguay Jas C Morton Co Vokes & Don Amoros A Jeanette Priscoe Helen Gleason Co Sherman was Wrong” •Weir & Temple •G fi M LeFevre .Trenton, N. J. TAYLOR (ubo) 2d half (26-28) Beth Chains Stork £ Link McCormack £ Wall T Moore fi Co Bowers Walters £ C STATE ST (moss) Harding £ Co Lucky £ Burns Dunham & O’Malley Peter Platlnoff Co , 2d half Bartello fi Co Knowles £ Hurst Maurice Samuels Co Troy, N. Y. PROCTOR’S (ubo) McRae £ Slegg McLoughlln £ Evans Clayton Macklyn Co Wilton Sisters Eddie. Borden Co Stella Mayhew 2d half 3 Lachman Sis Harvey De Vera 3 The Belldays Edna Luby Louis Brocades Burns & Prablto Palfrey Hall & B Union HIU, N. J. LINCOLN (ubo) 2d half (26-28) Stan Stanley 3 Greenlee £ Will "Blow Your Horn” Wallace fi Holl - Lawrence Bros £ T Uficn, N, Y. COLONIAL (ubo) The Sheldons Paramo Ed Esmond Co Kilkenny Duo Clara Howard Ford fi Urma 'mere, TW.UKS. Mm'.’. A' ftfoMovS' 'BaTlet' Shaw £ Campbell Morris £ Campbell Wilfred Clarke Co Eddy Duo Lou Holtz HIPP (afih) Rose £ Rosanna Rae £ Faulkner Reckless Duo (Two to fill) 2a bait" ' Harrison £ Burr "Love Farm” Darrell £ Edwards Cycling Brunettes (Three to fill) Ynneonver, B. O. ORPHBUM "On High Seas” Mibbgs Campbell A1 Herman PANTAGBS (p) B £ H Gordon Jue (Juon Tal Barney Williams Co Navasser Girls Selina’s Circus Worcester, Hass, POLI’S (Ubo) Hector Eddie Healy Josephine £ Brooks V £ B Stanton Scamp £ Scamp 2d half McRae £ Clegs Barry Girls McDonald £ Rowland Lydia Barry Grey £ Old Ross PLAZA (ubo) Canarls £ Cleo Barrett fi White Bessie Mack Co Ferraro £ Tabbo Four Mosconls 2d half Dancing Cronins Horn £ Perris Mr fi Mrs Sy Payne Wood £ Wyde Yonkers, N. Y. PROCTOR’S (uho) Bob Tate Co Billy Kelgard Jolly Wild fi Dunn (One to fill) 2d half Belle Sisters Bennington £ Scott Inman £ Lyons "Mr Proxy” •7 Glasgow Maids York, Pa. OPERA HOUSE (ubo) Wilson £ Moore Honeyboy Minstrels Nelson £ Castle Eddy 3 (One to fill) 2d half Lawrence Bros fi Th O’Brien fi South Qlrle Lloyd fi Whltehouse RJalto- r (One to fill) Yonnsstomi, O. HIP (ubo) Bert Wheeler Co Olga LaRoy Lyton Co Maurice Burkhard Mazte King Co Adele Rowland Co Leo Zarrell Co (One to fill) OBITUARY. William Morse, known as “Black- face Billy Morse,” died of pneumonia Sept. 23 at Stern’s Sanatarium, New York, after an illness of only a week. The deceased had been with “A Night in the Trenches." He was 31 years of . age. About three weeks ago Mr. Morse was mistaken by a New York police officer for someone the officer was looking for. Before.explanations could be made Morse had been roughly handled. This, however, it is stated, had no bearing on his illness, con- tracted later. Marie Sorine, a Spanish girl of con- siderable beauty, and one of the best side-show freaks because she was arm- less, died at Coney Island ten days I IN FOND RWMEMm tAltfCR ^ ■ I MR. BROWN I I Father of Clark Brown I ■ W^ pazaed away Sept 16 th, 1918 . I ■ Princess Theatre Staff ■ —— (Montreal) ■ ago of pneumonia. She was 30 years of age, and was appearing at the Island in Sam Gumpertz’s show. She was formerly with the Barnum & Bailey Circus. In addition to her arm- less condition and good looks she drew .attention by her ability to write with her feet. Alfrad D. Holman, aged 65, died Sept. 21 at his home, 572 Talbot street, ^ndon, Ont., following a lingering illness, coupled with a stroke of paralysis last week. Mr. Holman was a member for years of the Holman Opera Company, organized by his father, deceased, and had appeared in many operas over the U. S. and Can- A t sm-vived by one son, Arthur A. Holman, now in Chicago, and con- nected with theatricals. Thomas R. Prior, prominent western showmM, died at Venice, Cal., last week. The deceased for several years managed the hig beach amusements around Los Angeles and had control of the Ferns Wheel at the Columbia Exposition. The wife of Verne Hardin Porter died last week in Los Angeles after a lingering illness. Verne Hardin for many ywrs was associate editor of the Green Book magazine. Tha mother of Frances McGrath died I My Devoted Hnsband and Pal I I FRANK E. BAMBARD I I Who passed away Sept. 27 th, 191 ^ I ■ May bis soul rest in peace. I ■ Hla Wife ■ |___MAmEjy. BAMBARD | of a paralytic stroke while with her daughter in St. Paul. The deceased was 63 years of age and lived in Hobo- ken, where funeral services were held. nrfi* Bobby Ryles of the Will King musical comedy company, San Francisco, died in that city Sept. 22. ■ “®*Bor of Bernard Wheeler (Wheeler and Potter) died at her home 925 Robinson street, Danville, III., -'V-:- r-.-r r... 'v-.-. The father of Arthur Frazer (Frazer, Ounce and Harding) died in Brooklyn Sept. 17. ^ The mother of Lou Payton (Payton and Hickey) died suddenly in New York last week. NEW ACTS. Billy Hart and His Circus Girls. I Jack Boyle and Kitty Bryan, two-act. ’ _ Serg. Christman, regularly enlisted in the Service, novelty act. Chalmers and the De Ross Sisters, piano and singing (Charles Pierce). Fay Bain ter is planning a vaudeville plunge, 'tis reported. Fred Fenton (Fenton and Green) with Sammy Fields in blackface. ‘‘Perhaps You’re Right," ten people (Greorge Choos). • “Lay On MacRluff,” by James Horan, three people (Lewis Leslie). “Love and Kisses,” nine people (Marty Brooks). “Oddities in Minstrely,” girl act, with seven girls and two men. Davis and Fitzgibbons (Lew Fitz- gibbons), two-act. Monte and Avis (formely Monte and Ridnor). West (formerly Lambert and West) and Rita Mack. Leon J. Bamberger (Fox Film Corp.) left Sept..23 for Camp Greene, N. C. Raytnond and Roberts (formerly Roberts and Hill), two act. The Century Revue,” with four men and four women ([Harry Weber). Lar^ Comer, single, at the Ameri- can, Chicago, this week. Webb Sistejrs (with the “Darlings of Pans last season) in vaudeville as a “sister act.” “The Submarine Spy,” with three people, produced by Max Spiegel (Arthur Klein). “Monday Morning,” with eight peo- ple. Hal Newport is featured (Bert La Mont). _ Gus Edwards with four girls, includ- mg the Furness Sisters, opening ia October (Harry Weber). ’ * Ben Deeley with Barbara La Mart and Joe King in revival of Deeley’s bell-boy act (M. S. Bentham). Martha Russell in “Junetime.” Three people. Flo and Edna, new sister team (Roehm & Richards). B®ii Walton (Walter and the Evans Girls) now with May Francis, (for- merly Kelso and Francis). George Spink and Ellen Tate (Mrs. Spink) reappearing in act called Songs Now and Then.” Joe Webb (Webb and Burns) and Tony Martin (formerly with A1 Shayne), two-act. VOLUNTEER SHOWS. (Continued 8.) Booth, of the company, opened the performance by singing the national anthem. U. S. Army General Hospital, No. I, New York City, Sept. 20: Solly Cohn and Joe Santley, Dunham and Ed- wards, Vivian Holt and Lillian Rose- dale, Harris and Morey, Dorothy Toye, Jimmy Lucas with Billie Frisch, Polly Moran, Prince and Butt, Halsey Mohr and May Field. Ellis Islan^ Sept. 21: Rae Mann, Bradley and Brown Duo, Jimmy Clark and Co. cV- I’ General Hospital, Fox Hills, S. I^ Sept 23: Halsey Mohr and May Field, Toby Claude, William Smythe, pottle Dimples and Baby Behan. Maude Raymond, Rae Mann, Polly Moran’ Astor Sisters, Willie Weston. U S. A. Embarkation Hospital, No, 3, Hoffman Island, Sept 23: Bill same given same day at the U. S. Genera! Hospital. t 7 iP‘ Army Debarkation Hospital, Ellis Island, Sept. 24: Con Conrad, • MrSs ..Tgm. .Lewia, Dottie., Dimples, and^ S Behan, Jack and Dora Crisp, Polly Moran, Lillian Bradley, Musette, Halsey Mohr and May Field U. S.Army Embarkation Hospital, No. L Hookben, N. J.; Katherine Bradley and Adele Brown, Eugene Klausman, Bernard Tno. George Nagel, “Pay As You Enter” Co., Mabel Rivers Schuler. Paisley Noon with Eddie Moran.