Variety (September 1919)

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■ m -r 1 f i*i ill =.»i ~Ttl VARIEtY THE GREATEST NOVELTY SOHG EVER WRITTEN WHEN TONY GOES OVER THE TOP A POSITIVE MOT—STOPS THE SHOW COLD MORRIS MUSIC CO. NEW YORK CITY 145 West 45th Street PHILADELPHIA Room 301, Keith’s Theatre Bldg. CHICAGO Grand Opera House Bldg. BOSTON 230 Tremont Street ST. LOUIS 823 Holland Bldg. MINNEAPOLIS'^" Room 6, Lyric Theatre Bldg. Moatambo N Montgomery L 8 Montrose & Allen Monty Lou Moore Billy Moore Fred Moran & Wiser Morrell Maudle Morreey T P Morrette Sis (0) Mortimer Robert Morris & Sherwood Morton Qoo ■ Mowatt Tom (O) Mulrey Jay Mulvey Ben Mumlord Bd Murdock Japle Murll Miss I Murphy Mrs A Murphy Babe Murphy Bob Murphy MyrtlB Newman Ralph Newman Wm Newmans (0) Newton Billie Noble Herman O’Connell Hugh O’Donnell Ohas (0) Oldham Clifford (€) Olds Orton Sam Palmore Lew (0) Parke Bmlly Pate Myrtle Patterson Bobbie Patsy Leah (0) Paulette Louise Pearson Harry Perclval Mabel Perkoff Arthur Perry Qeo Phllloot Marg Phillips Robert Potter Hay (0) Potter Wm Pratt H Scott A Wallace (SF) Seoklnger Miss P . Seldlea HaiW Sellgsoa Maurice Selble & LUlte CO)‘: Shaefer , Sbahler Fred Shaw & Campbell Shae P I- Sheeban Jack Shelley Eflle ' Shepard Sam Sherwood Arthur Sherwood Marie Shilling Shirley Rita Sbtrll Rives Simpson Nance Skipper Kennedy (0) Smith Frank Smith & Kaufman Smith Mrs 8 . Stafford Harry Stanley Babe Stark Cliff Stephen Murray Sterling Kathryn Stockbam Bdlth Stoddart Mrs Stone Miss H Stone Pearl Strength Jules Stuart Austin Sturts M Sullivan Frances (0) Sullivan Jas Sully Bstelle Sussman Lillian Sutton Brad Swain Hal Swift Fred W GOOD COMEDIAN, Also CHORUS GIRLS Can use musical comedy people at all times. , 508 Putnam Bldg.,New York Reeves A1 30 Oayety Omaha Neb T'Gayety Kansas City Mo. "Roseland Qlrls” SO Lyric Dayton 7 Olympic Cincinnati. “Sight Sews" 80 L O 7 Oayety"St Louis. "Social Pollies” 80 National Winter Garden New York 7 Trocadero Philadelphia. “Social MaldB” 80 ^yety Pittsburgh 7-9 Part Youngstown 1-12 Grand Akron O. "Speedway Girls” 30 Oayety Mlntfeapolla 7 Star St Paul. . “Sporting Widows’’ SO L O 7 Orpheum Pater- son. “Best Show In Town” 80 Corinthian Rochester 7-0 Bastahle Syraonse 10-12 Lumberg Utica : N Y. ■ "Orientals” 30 Garden Buffalo 7 Empire Cleve- land. T Tnito Tatsn Tate Otto (C) Taub Max Taylor MIsa A Taylor Blva Vera & Wilson (0) Vert Hasel (O) Tice Lillian Tracy Roy Tucker CO' Turple Albert “Blue Birds” 80 Epgelwood Chicago 7 Crown Chicago. "Bon Tons" 80 Casino Brooklyn 7 L 0. “Bostonians" 80 Oayrty Montreal 7 Empire Albany. "Bowerys’* 30 Orpheum Paterson 7 Majestic Jersey City. “Broadwhy Belles” 80 Victoria Pittsburgh 7 Penn Circuit “Burl^ue Review’’ 80 Majestic Jersey City. 7. Peoples Philadelphia. ' “Burlesque Wonder Show” 80 Peoples Phila- delphia 7 Palace Baltimore. Md. "Cheer Up America" 30 Palace Baltimore Md 7 Oayety Washlnston D C. "Follies of Day” 80 Empire Newark'7 Casino Philadelphia. "Follies of Plraeure’’ 80 Empire Hoboken 7 Star Brooklyn. "French Prollce” 30-1 Cort Wheeling W Va 7 Victoria Pittsburgh. "Frolics of Night” 30 Lyceum Washington D C 7 Oayety Philadelphia. "Girls de Looks” 80-2 Park Bridgeport 7 Co- . lonlal Providence R I. “Oirls from Follies" 80-1 Watertown. 2-8 Os- wego 4-5 Inter Niagara Falls N Y 7 Star Toronto. "Oirls from Joyland” 30 Star Brooklyn 7 Olympic Now York. "Oirls of U S A” 80 Star Cleveland 7 Empire Toledo. "Golden Crook" 30 Gayefy Buffalo 7 Corin- thian Rochester.' "Pace Makers" 30 Oayety Baltimore Md 7 Ly- , ceum Washington DC. ■ “PaHs by Night” OQ^Crown Chicago 7 Oayety Milwaukee. ’ "Parisian Flirts” 30 Worcester Worcester Mass 7 Oayety Brooklyn. Winners” 30 Trocadero Philadelphia 10-12 Broadway Camden N J; “Pirates” 30 Oayety Louisville Ry 7 Lyceum Columbus O. "Puss Pubs” 30 Oayety St Louie 7 Star A Gar- ter Chicago. "^zzle Dazzle” SO Star Toronto 7 Garden Buffalo. "I^cord Breakers” 30 Penn Circuit 7 Oayety ■Baltimore Md. - "Star A Garter” SO HurUg A Beamon’s New York 10-12 Park Bridgeport. "Step Lively O.'rls” 30 Columbia Netv York 7 -Empire Brooklyn. Sydell Rose 30 VSayety Toronto 7 Oayety Buf- falOL “Tempters” 30 Star St Paul 7 Oayety- Sioux City la.. "Trail Hitters” 80 Olymplo New York 7 011- more Springfield Mass. "20th Century Maids" 30 Oayety Detroit 7 Oayety Toronto. Watson Billy 30-2 Bastahle Syracuse 3-5 Lum- berg UUca N Y 7 Oayety Montreal. Welch Ben 30 Columbia Chicago 7 Oayety De- troit. White Pai 30 Century Kansas City Mo 7 Stan- dard St Isiuls. Williams Mollle 30,..Jacques Waterbury Conn 7 Hurtlg A Seamen’s New York. "World Beaters” 30. Lyceumi ^ Columbus 7-8 Cort Wheeling W Va. ■ CHICAGO VARIETY’S CHICAGO OFFICE, Majestic Theatre Bldg. , Jack Hollaway has Joined the “Pleasant Inn," a musical tab. R Rabinovich J Rae A Wynn Raymond Qeo Reid Qeo Renwiok Rena Rice Andy Rico A Warner Riley Joe Robinson Steve Romanos Ronaud Earl (0) Rozelloa Ruesell Flo Runyan Helen (0) Ryan Dolph Valll Muriel (O) Van Aken Alex Van Aken Anna Van Oleef Irene Vane Sybil Van Horn Jean Vann Helen Verga Nick Verona Counteea . Vincent Bllnore Voss Judith "Grown-Up Babies” 29-80 Grand Terro Haute 1-5 Majestic Indianapolis Ind 7 Oayety Louisville Ky. Hastingra Harry 30 Orand Hartford 7 Jacques Waterbury. "Hello America” 80 Oayety Kansas City Mo 7 L O, • "Hello Pareo” 30 Oayety Sioux City la 7 Cen- tury Kansas City Mo. "High Flyers” 80 Majestic Scranton 7-8 Arm- ory Binghamton 0-12 Hudson Scbenectady NY. ' "Hip Hip Hurrah" 80 Empire Albany 7 Oayety Boston. Howe Bam 30 Casino Philadelphia 7 Miner's Bronx Now York. "Innocent Malde’’ 30 Oayety Brooklyn 1 Na- tiond Winter Garden Now York. Irwin’s "Big Show" 80 Miner’s Bronx New York 7 Casino Brooklyn. "Jolly Girls” 80 Neeblt Wilkes-Barre 7 Ma- jestic Scranton Pa. Kelly Lew 80 Empire Brooklyn 7 Empire New- “Liberly Oirls” 30 Colonial Providence R I 7 Casino Boston. "Lid Lifters" 30 Oayety Milwaukee 7 Oayety Minneapolis. "Maids of America” 80 Oayety Washington D C 7 Oayety Pittsburgh. "Majesties” 30 Empire Toledo 7 Lyric Dayton. Marlon Dave 30 Oayety Boston 7 Orand Hart- ford. ' „ - "Merry Rounders" 80-2 Park Youngstown 3-6 Grand Akron 7. Star Cleveland 0. "Midnight Maidens’’ 30 Empire Cleveland 7 Cadillac Detroit. Onyety,.Phllad 7-0 Broadway Camden 10-12 Camp Dlx Wrlghtstown N J. "Military Maids” 30 Standard St Louis 6-7 Grand Terre Haute 8-12 Majestic Indian- apolis Ind. “Million Dollar Dolls” 30 Olymplo Cincinnati 7 Columbia Chicago. "Mischief Makers” 30 Howard Boston 7 Worcester Worcester Mass. "Monto Carlo Olrle" SO Qilmore Springfield Mass 7 Howard Boston. "Oh Oirls" 80 Oayety Boston 7 Columbia Now York. Salto T Saunders Georgia Saunders John Bautley Joseph Saxon Chas Saxon Pauline Saxon Terry (0) Saxon Tresaa Schoenberger R (0) Schrawn Clara W Ward Billy (0) Ward Larry Wellman Emily Weir Phil (0) Wheeler Dick Whitehead Ralph Whltyler Robert Willard Tom Williams Dot Williams F 0 Williams Peggy Woods Joe • Wood Ollle Wright J F (0) BURLESQUE ROUTES (Smt. 30 and Oct. 7.) “‘Ameficahs*'' w-1 *"Amdry ' ■B'lngliamt<)n""2-5'' Hudson Schenectady 7-8 Watertown 9-10 Os- wego 11-12 Inter Niagara Palls N Y. "Auto Girls" 4-0 Broadway Camden 7-10 Camp Dlx Wrlghtstown 11-12 Orand Trenton N J. "Aviators” 30 Cadillac Detroit 7 Engolwood Chicago. "Beauty Revue” 30-8 Camp Dlx Wrlghtstown 4-6 Grand Trenton 7 Empire Hoboken N J. “Beauty Trust" 20-1 BOrChel Des Moines la 7 Oayety Omaha Nob. Behman Show 80 Star & Garter Chicago 6-7 Berchel Dos Moines la. Flo Jacobson (Wttmark forces) has re- ceived a lieutenancy as an instructor of me- chanics and motors of the automobile squad now stationed at the municipal pier. Susan Given, local society girl, baa been engaged by A. Washington .Pezet -for the Great Northern Players, giving tabloid stock at the Hippodrome. Harry Santley, general assistant to Frank Q. Doyle and booking manager In the Loew western offlcee, la now connected with the Schallman Bros. Deeplte cold weather business was good at the Hagenbeck-Wallace circus at Grant Park, proceeds of which are to be devoted to the Stage Women’s War Relief. MAJESTIC (William O. Tiedale, mgr.; Or- pheum ).—A tragedy at the first Monday show. Orace Mafcia liowie eopranolng, delivered the beet cello music available in these parts, while Elsa Ryan amused in her one-act comedy, en- titled "Peg for Short." The sketch was writ- ten by Dion. Tltheradge. It le a clever little thing, and eo Is Elsa. She le ably supported by Rodney Ranous, who doesn't overplay an explorer-adventurer-author, one of the hard- est roles than can be handed to a male actor. Following the Bketch Miss Ryan made a little curtain speech which was as good as the sketch. And then ebe offered to donate 85 to Bome charity in payment for having to listen to her speak. She called for volun- teers to get the five, and It was duly turned over to the Stage Women's War Relief. It’s a good stunt, this paying the audience to listen to speeches, and should be taken up by authors and after-dinner speakers. Bert Melroee, next, piled up four tables, one on another, then put a chair on top of all the tables, eat on the chair, teetered, and finally fell off. The audience howled. Elizabeth Murray was handed a great bou- quet of flowers after her true and time-tried CORRESPONDENCE Unleaa otherwise noted!, the following reports are for the carrent wedL Marshall Montgomery lost his trunk and was forced to eliminate hie ventrlloqulal offering, eagerly awaited by the audience. Montgomery came out In street clothes and contented him- self (but not the house) by offering a few gaga and hie 'Whistling specialty. He was given applause for what he might have done If his trunk had not been lost. The show opened with Gaits Brothers, who advertise - thomsslveE-as bevlng ■ “entertalaed' ovfls= a 4iun.r. dred thousand wounded soldiers In England"; they entertained a bouse full of healthy civ- ilians with their unusually good stepping. Their big number la a fast and mighty synco- pated clog. Lawrence Grant and Co., In the Greenwich Village Theatre sketch? "Efflclenoy,” thrilled the audience with the picture of the mechanical soldier created by the mloplo vision of German science. They cheered feel- ingly when the creature of the, court eclentist Blew the head Hohenzollem with his steel hands. A couple of Eleas followed. Elsa Rueg- ger, with. Edmund Lichtenstein oondpotlng and offering, “Says I to Meself, Say I, Says I,” and her bit of the chorus girls bewailing the loss of their Johns on account of the war registered specially well. La Bernicla, a youthful ballerina, toe-danced for the closing, assisted by a couple of good-looking young white women and an Indian lady who played the harp. The act Is well set and merits a more 'advantageous position. Sming, ,,,,.,,,RALAC.E..(.Qrphcun>,;,.J^ A singing and dancing bill that whizzed along with almost no flat spots. The audience worked hard, and show-stoppers were born on the spot with every second finale. i ll-i i-.i li The Taylor Trio opened with extraordinarily novel and neat work on the wire, an act of .skill and fleet dexterity. Quinn and Caverly, a duo slightly miscast for first class vaude- ville, followed. 'With hokum that wouldn’t know its own father because It Is eo ancient, with naval uniforms, a Yank eubmarine set, the Stare and Stripes In view, maudlin threats against the Kaiser In a parody at the end and