Variety (September 1919)

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Years. Keith’s Royal, New York, This Week (Sept. 23) THE GIRL WHO DELIVERS SONGS (She’s So Different) BootexI SoUd U. B. O. Direction, MAX HART Keith’s Alhambra, Next Week (Sept. 30) barely naesed. They need an eon and Inez Plummer, In Paul Dicl{ey^~“The Lincoln Highwayman,*’ furnlehed the bill’s in Harrie, the elongated and ekotch; very speedy, melodramatic and grlp- comedlenne whose voice is un> ping, with a surprise kick at the tall—the !fora Bayes’ and whose form Is old kind, where the supposed bandit turns ce Charlotte Greenwood’s, the out to be the secret service inan. Went big. a getting Its -money back. Miss Shelton Brooks, the Chicago entertainer and a terrific bit with her measured song writer, drew next to closing on this rical diffidence and spanking brilliant bill, assisted by a fat colored gent anging melodied lyrics across. named Ollie Powers. Brooks is true to the ' clear enunciation, repose and traditions of his race in metho.d and mate!- fits anywhere. rial—all darky. His nlggerlsms tore off loud d Ball weren't a bit afraid to laughs. His songs yanked the hands to- loro songs. Ball’s lovable per- gether and kept them biffing, and hie slow, Maude’s easy delivery, together draggy dances with Powers beating the life r of Bali’s newest songs and out of a snare drum, unmasked a battery of )S, took the pair handily to the applause. . I they put over a sweet and Sterling Marguerite Trio, a misguided com- I "Boy o' Mine,’’ a mother song pany which tries to do something out of its e resonantly sung by Miss Lam- class, closed. The opening is in "one" with mezzo. Ball shook the house the man and both girls singing and dancing. If It Takes Ten Million More," Neither can either sing or dance, and this is challenge to the Hun. after vaudeville’s best has sung and danced Kane, a pretty but masculine through a whole bill. Then one of the girls une Edwards and Peggy Smith, comes back and shrieks a number and dances one of the bill. Their set is a i h chorus or two of it. The whole house, sntal conceits and futurist color what was left of it by then, merely smiled. girls are exquisitely trained. When the act did go into full stage and 1 vivacious. Du Kano is grace- show its trapeze and bar work, its real busl- ome to the feminine clan. He ness, everything was floating smoothly, when r remarkable ekating dance in the misdirected soubrot again stepped in and would bo stronger if he didn’t began to cavort.. There weren’t 20 in their for it is' more notable as a seats when the drop came down. This is t is as an imitation. Sidney a case of a typical dumb act committing sul- Lcts) followed. William L. Gib- clde trying to be musical comedy. v Lait. BURBANK (Chas. Onken, mgr.).—Vaude- ville and pictures. LOS ANGELES Julia Blanc has retired from the “Up in the Air" cast. Bessie Tannehlll succeeds her. Things must b^ looking up for (be local Pantages. The exterior of the house nas been refurnished. VARIKTY’S . LOS ANGELES OFFICE PANTAGES THEATRE BUILDING ORPHEUM (Chas. E. Bray, gen. mgr.; agent, direct).—23, Mile. Dazie and Co., re- peated successfully; Lina Reggiana. pleasing; Barto and Clark, clever; Maria Lo, good pos- ing turn; Willie Solar, funny; Kennedy and Rooney, entertaining; Cole and Denehy, got laughs; Gilbert and Friedland, held over for third week, hit. PANTAGES (Carl Walker, mgr.; agent, direct).—23, Blackface Eddie Ross, scream; Andbrson and Ream, prejtentious; Bert La Monte, pleasing; Mahoney and Rogers, well received; "Fashions de Vogue," good; "Ocean Bound” (Joseph Phillips), fine act for women. HIPPODROME (A. L. Bernstein, mgr.; agent, Ackermann-Harris)—^23, Selblna and Glovlnl, got away nicely; Harry Reynolds, applauded; Fletcher and Terre, hit; "Days of Long Ago," got over big; Laymon-Cruzon & Andelon, received applause; Bernard and Myers, filled nicely. MOROSCO (Donald Bowles, mgr.),—"Mary’s Ankle" (first week). Dave Manly Is handling the business affairs at the Burbank Theatre. The Mason is enjoying a period of dark webks. It is doubtful if vaudeville will be put into the Majestic. ' Sometime ago it was announced that the Western States Vaudeville Associa- tion had taken over the house, but so far noth- ing has materialized. Cullen Landis, formerly film player. Is now with the Morosco stock. Alonzo Price, who staged "Up in the Air," has left for New York to assist Arthur Ham- merstein in the production of his musical play. “Somebody’s Sweetheart." Molly McIntyre Is en route east. She has been succeeded as leading woman at the Mo- rosco by Florence Malone. Here’s That Big New York Production By STEPHEN S. CHAMPLIN NEXT WEEK (Sept 30-2) PROCTOR’S 5TH4VE., New York MANAGERS INVITED Direction, to see Holman’s New Act THOS. J. FITZPATRICK