Variety (September 1919)

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I N E R S BEST PLACES TO DINE AT IN THE BALCONADES—THIRD FLOOR The Most Nmel Idea Emt Arranged Artisls’ Representative Dine in the Tents of Generals Pershing Hit the Soda Foch, Haig, Diaz, Albert and O’Eyan Water Canteen RESERVE YOUR TENT THONE COL. 9900 Booking Exclmively “THE RBNDHETOIJB OP TDATBICAL’S BliT’ Lunch 60 Cents/If at PPA ^ Diner$ 1.00 I || || | |l| 108-110W.49diSt TJlt/AJl ft Ur DEW THE BEST ITALIAN DINNEB IN THE CTIY SATURDAYS and SUNDAYS $1.0G BrrBRt IMS MEW Y(M CITY iBor™ PELHAM HEATH INN Pelham Parkwajrt at Baatehestw AYeaaai and BLOa^M HEATH INN Herrick Bond. Lrnbraak, L. L Vnedsalad la OaUlae and Berrlea. Open AH Year Under dHraetten of H. & 3 , Snuldnd Oiphemn Circuit W K M A Phone, Wirc^ Write or Call Room 616, Crilly Bldg. CHICAGO 35 South Dearborn St. phone central 7966 H. HICKS & SON 557 Fifth Avenue, at 46th Street HAVE A LmLB FBUIT DELIVaUB TO TOUR BOMB OR YOUR FRIENDS-TARB IT TO TOUR WW-BND OUTING In the Heart of the Hotel and Theatre Dbtrict Popular Ptkes/or Professional People ^ Of especial interest to those soon to play Philadelphia is J the opening of the new Chiri Restaurants! Here Real Food, prepared by Real Chefs, served at Really Reasonable Rates for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. No Music, Fads or Frills. Just food and Everything TAe Bat. 132 South 15th St. (5 p«) 124 South 13th St. Frank Atkins’ tabloid, by Charles Alphin, which appeared at the Casino last week, will be discontinued. The principals and chorus. Including Phil Rock, principal comedian, will bo retained tor Alphln's new show, "The King of Slam,” opening next week on the one- nlghters In California. ATLANTA. LYRIC (Hugh Cardoza, mgr.; U. B. O.).— First half: Perrera Sextet, Dean and B. B. Brown, Htnlel and May, "Childhood Days." LOEWS GRAND (Ed., Schiller, mgr.).— Norman, Howard and Jenkins, Jewett and Elgin, Quigly and FlUgerald, "Telephone Tangle," Fox and World, ATLANTA (Louis Hasse, mgr.).—"America's Answer," U.' S. propaganda picture, opeaed week’s stay. CRITERION (Willard Paterson, mgr,).— Big business with "Stolen Orders" last week. This week, Constance Talmadge in "Sauce for the Goose," picture. FORSYTH (Hugh Cardoza, mgr.).—Playing Paramount picture. This week, 1st half. Marguerite Clark In "Out of a Clear Sky." Dorothy Dalton in "Vive la France," last half. /Hank Cassidy, mgr.).—First half, Mary Plokford In "Johanna Enlists." Last half, "The Girl of the Qolden West,” picture. BONITA (George Campbell, mgr.).—Musi- cal tabloid full week; three 'changes of pro- gram; getting big soldier business. ATLANTIC CITY. This week the Apollo and Globe offer split Weeks In. billing their attractions. The Globe has for the first half Nora Bayes in "Look Who’s Here." The last half will be devoted to “I. O. U.," a new play. At the Apollo Margaret Anglin has "Billeted” for the first three days, to be followed by "Come Out of the Kitchen," which claims the original pro- duction and cast. The only advance bookings are at the Apollo, next week (30) la "Miss Blue Byes,” a new musical play, and tho last half, "The Boomerang.” In the new W. A. Brady play at the Olobo on Thursday and entitled "I. O. U..’’ Mary Nash and Jose Ruben are featured. 'The play Is'an adaptation of a picture called. "Tho • Cheat," originally written by Hhotor Turn- bull. The dramatic version had the collab- oration of Willard Mack. The play had a spring tryout. An luterestlng experiment was tried here last week, when tho Colonial and Virginia booked "The Prussian Cur.” The former house Is under management of the Stanley Company, and the latter is booked by It. Comuinatlou advertising was used and a sim- ilar scale of prices. With the arrest of Jack Kerscbner, bis wife, and Mary McOurk in Philadelphia by Atlan- tic City detectives, tha police believe that a number of robberies last summer at vari- ous seashore resorts will bo cleared up. Ac- cording to the police the Kerschners and Miss Mcuurk lived - In a bouse on Connecticut avenue, this city, which bore the sign, “Actor’s Retreat," but which really was the rendezvous of a gang of shoplltters and other petty thieves, it Is claimed by the local sleuths that when they raided the place last Thurs- day they found several thousand dollars worth of goods identified as taken from stores along the Boardwalk. "Denny” McGowan Is dead. With him died tho secret of the preparation of the terrapin dinners for which ho was famous for years. He died last night at tho home of his daugh- ter, Mrs. Samuel Young of Atlantic City, death being due to Infirmities of- age. He was 88 years old. A divorce was granted Monday in Phila- delphia to Mrs. Ada Hetherlngton Lucas ■ Patterson Latham from Dr. Harry Elllngs- worth Latham, a dentist. Mrs. Latham Is the daughter of Albert O. Hetherlngton, former President of the Civil Service Commission, and she baa divorced two former husbands. She is well known in Atlantic City, where she attained fame for her skill on roller skates and acted for a time as Instructress at a shore rink. The Steel Pier further cuts Us schedule of attractions for this week with the departure of the minstrels, of which John Murphy Is tho manager. Tho Pier programs now consist of films and Leman’s Symphony Orchostra. BO^N. By LEN LIBDEJY. KEITH’S .(Robert..,G„. Lawim. ..mgr,.;, .agent, . U. B. 0.).—’‘An Amorlcah Acb’ absolute sur- prise of the season In local vaudeville. Tues- day morning tho town was talking about It and a sell-out for the remainder of tho week was assured. The act Is running smoothly despite the heavy scenic Invcetlturo and tho numerous sets. Nearly all the other heavy war acta that have hit Boston have not hit just right for varioits reasons, which made “■An American Ace’-’ seem all tho better In comparison. A mediocre blit supported the feature production, with Eddie ' den having things all hts own wav wiHi ““‘.wraefy act. which caught th^ house always a Boston favn taklnit*^nur**««*^*^’ ®*'’tng short numbers bfc‘“ Mm“S Z° If “ heS*^ their*'ct’cftod“duo'1( Wn’r-ssfi. 'z sari'™”' win Penollled In lei O’Olli ‘a "Da * S: went over falriv waii the bill Ii£m “if**' “ •‘cavy’^position ^tejopathlo" message from the lloT®of‘ BOSTON , (paries Harris, mgr. ■ agent Fa?r.'^°^ ^”“'*’** Oilman, mgr.),—pictu BOWD()IN (A1 Somorboo, mgr. ' agent £■„ P- ^ T . Hlncald Kll los" headed . b“uBlno“ss‘. ““ C 8T« sFAMlSS (»J, ft, SoniGfl tnc?r » nn QatSley) .-^Vaudeville topped by Miss iS film. Oaron, and the Bennett Sis Oood^^^ (Prank Meagher, mgr.),—Plot T ®ttPHEUM (Victor J. Morris, mgr.; a Loew).--Suappy hill bonded by Nat Carr' w5ii tat’c’flas and wont oxceptlo' well Monday matinee. Kathorlna Conata' and her Seven Dancing Girls, another 6 UCG 08 S; alno ChiBholm and Uroon SCOLLAY OLYMPIA (James J, McC ness, mgr.).~"Tho Onlllaux Case," film 'A.; heavy response .for those vvlio— cx'jm something spicy. Vaudovlilo: Musical 1 goniory Troupe, South and Tobin, "Pui Piiyton and 111' GORDON S OLYMPIA (Frank Hook mgr.).—Him, Vaudeville; International J tho Concertos, Wyoming Trio, Put and P Houlton, Mack and Piigllo. PARK (Thomas D, Sorlero, mgr.),— turos. Big. 8HUBEUT (E. D, Smith, mgr.).—"J time," third month and still going big.