Variety (September 1919)

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SING AND SELL BONDS FOR YOUR BOY AND MY BOY y VARFETY 4 “REMICK” song HITS TWO WONDERFUL SONGS One by LEE BOBBRTS and J. WILL CALLAHAN Writers of “Smiles” The other by EGAN & WHITING—^writers of “Mammy’s Little Coal Black Rose/’ etc. / jggggk 4 Music by' LEES. ROBERTS The Cyclonic Song Hit Lyric by ^ J. WILL CALLAHAN Here is a soiig that brings joy to a weary heart— that fills to o’erflowing the bosom burdened with war-time anxiety. A song that hits on all six cylin- ders of musical success—^for here is music with a capital M—the singingest, smilingest song sensation in a month of Sundays. A success? Well—you should smile. The greatest fox trot ever written. m and My Boy You’d do anything In the world For Your Boy and My Boy, wouldn’t you? Certainly! . - men learn and sing the new timely song, “FOB YOUB BOY AND MY BOY,” by Kahn and Van Alstyne. A song ^th the wonderful patriotic thrill that will fill your soul with th^ lire of Victory. Bememher when our boys at the front hear that you are singing this song, it will he like a ray of sunslilne from home. We are receiving the endorsement and co- operation of the Publicity Managers of the Twelve Federal Beserve Dis- tricts on “For Your Boy and My Boy.” A1 Jolsou Is singing it cv^ per- formance at the Century Theatre, New York. The Idea song for the Liberty Loan Drive Sept. 28th. Put it on right away and be right. ITl Love You ^hen We Went to '^\ “Absence makes the heart grow y\ fonder” “Distance lends enchant- ment to the view,” and all other V \ aged axioms are translated into a newer, more modern meaning in this supreme melody. A song that starts a sob—and ends it just that quick. A song that chills and thrills— and, “Though J' ;t good-bye kiss bic^ks my heart, remember this”—sing this song today and learn the sequel to this heart sob. A song with the bouquet of roses—a song that should be on everyone’s lips before the season ends. By EGAN & WHITmG' Writers of “Mammy’s Little Coal Black Rose,” “And They Called It Dixieland” and “Tulip Time In Holland.” More for Losing You Awhile Sunday School By KAHN & VAN ALSTYNE 5^ o A song of school—and the Golden Rule. A song whose every note flnds quick accord in the pulse beat and heart throb of childhood memories. A c}ose-up of the day when you were an innocent cut-up, Bui, hero is the chorus—it’s easy to read and worth reading: When your pa was preacher and my nia was teacher, We went to Sunday School. Over my little hymn book I’d look at you; I caught you peeping, too. When my dear old mother said, “Love one another,” It seemed like a wonderful rule; Vi^ And you’re sweeter today than you were, dearie, When we went to Sunday School. A song that will make them stop, Ipok and listen—that increases the heart throbs and makes the eyes glisten. CK & COMPAN^^^ NEW YORK CHICAGO J. H. REMICK & CO., 219 Wert 46th 8t. J. H. REMICK & CO., Matertlo Theatre Btdg. DETROIT BOSTON J. H. REMICK & CO., 137 Wert Fort St. J. H. REMICK & CO., 228 Tremont 8t. PITTSBURGH MUSIC DEPT., Kaufman't Ble Stem PHILADELPHIA J. H. REMICK & CO., 31 South 9th St. ATLANTA J. H. REMICK A CO„ 801 Flatiron Bldg. PORTLAND, ORE. J. H. REMICK & CO.. 322 Waihington St. SAN FRANCISCO J. H. REMICK & CO., 608 Market St. MINNEAPOLIS MUSIC DEPT., Powert Mercantile Co, LOS ANGELES J. H. REMICK & CO., 622 South Broadway