Variety (September 1919)

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/ X. VARIETY 37 ya AND Jas. Original novelty dancing act At KEITH’S ALHAMBRA (This Week) S^pt. 23 HOU. "miM>4VEm FURNITURE/ CASH or CREDIT OPEN EVENIK6S TILL 8 O’CLOCK WBnS. rOB HBW 80-PAQB OATAIOOOB AND IS-PAOB SPmAL SALS ClBCmAB Lorger Amoanta np to .11,618 Temu^ apply alto to New ^ork State, New ieney and Connecticut Wo ev ^eat laO niinoO laroo. Donwrod oar owB owtor trook. WANTED FOR FRANCE ' ■ -. / • Folies-Berger^ Olympia Music-Hall, Paris, in connection with other vaudeville houses, RAFAEL BERETTA, Director Offering contracts for six weeks with option passages and transportation paid and advance money upon request. Address ali inquiries to ROGER TOLOMEI, 1493 Broadway, Loew Offices, New York City. CARLO HELEN CASETTAandRYDELL Loew Circuit IN A 8BB1EB OF ARTISTIC DANCIN6 ' Dir^tion, MANDEL & ROSE Martin and Webb, Joe Rome and Tlllle Oox, Bud Snyder and Joe Mellno & Co., and Madge Kennedy In “Friend Husband.’’ Last half, Harry Langdon & Co. heads a bill of .five note and the film feature, Geraldine Farrar In “Tbe Turn of the Wheel.’’ CROSS KEYS (Sabloskey and McOulrk, mgre.).—First, half George Primrose & *Co., Bokert and Parker, Lottie Williams, Harry Fry, Durkin Sisters, McClellan and Carson. Last halt, “Bon Bons,’’ a musical comedy, and four other acts. BROADWAY (Ohas. Shlsler, mgr.).—^Flrst half, "Violets,’’ a musical farce; Harry Bachelor, Kitemura Jape, Rives and Arnold; film feature, "The Hun Within.’’ Last half; William Shilling & Co. In "On the Western Front,’’ Durkin Sisters and three other acts and the film feature, John Barrymore In "On the Quiet.’’ ter, ventriloquist, pleased; Arthur Pickens and 06., did well; Frances Kennedy, next, big hit; "The Only Oirl," boiled down version, liked; “Tank act," went big; Love and Wil- bur closed. . - ' T TT HARRIS (C. H. Preston, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).—Good bill. Wheeler Bros., opened, good; Milton and Rich, fair; Jeseie Parker and Co., good; Symoo, marlmaphone, excellent; Arthur La Vlno-^and Co., venr good; Sam Harris, liked; Sterling and Lake, pleased. SHERIDAN SQUARE (J. A. HMley, mgr.; agent. D. B. O.).—First half; "BxempMpn" (headlined), Lewis & Norton, Julian Hall, Wilbur & Lyke, Bennot Slstere, Offlolal w^ar fllma. Last half; Six Tourists (headlined), Bell Montrose, Plnard & Dudley, Smlletta Sla- ters, Jeanne, "The Engle’s Bye” (fltas). ALVIN (J. B. Reynolds, mgr.).—“The Cop- perhead.’’ 80, "Rock-a-Bye Baby." NIXON (Harry Brown, mgr.).— The Canary.’’ 80, "The Country Cpuslm’ pm (’tom Bodkin, mgr.).—"Ob Boy! 80, Bertha Kallsch In "The Riddle Woman.’’ LyCBUM (Cliff Wilson, mgr.).—Fay Court- eney In “Lilac Time” (second week). DUQUBSNE (Bob Evans, ^ mBT.).—‘ The Queen of the Movies” (second week). 80, GAYETY (Columbia burlesque, H. Kurtz- man. mgr.).- "Merry Rounders.” VICTORIA (American burlesque, J. Jones, mgr.).—"The Record Breakers. 80, "Broad- ^^CADBMY (Ueo. Jatte, mgr.).—Stock bur- lesque—“Yankee Doodle Girls.” K. & K. (Michaels, mgr.).- Manale Weir Players and pictures. The Kenyon hae Installed a new booth and picture machine, adding the latest releases to their regular program of eight acts. Pir^BURGH. DAVIS (J. P. Harris, mgr.; U, B. 0.).— On a bill topheavy with muslo Sergt. Bowman and Oorp. Shea, Tank Corps, next to closing, were one of the two bright spots. The other was Frances Kennedy. After offlolal war films the 'Geralds opened with a clever instru- mental turn followed by Conley and Webb, another musical act, which y>nly passed. Lea- PROVIDENCE. By KARL K. KLARK. ^ _ SHUBERT MAJESTIC (Col. Felix R. Wen- city for the fourth time and with fair proa- pects of making good. . _ — ^ OPERA HOUSE (Col. F^lx R. Wendjesohae- fer, mgr.).—"The Kaiser Be Damned,’ adver- tised as not a moving picture. It isnt. Tls called a play and Is showing each day, not before crowded houses, however. "Hearta of the World," film, coming for return engage- ment next week, KEITH’S (Charles Lovenberg, mgr.).—Chil- Bon Ohrman, first local appearance, goes well as headliner; “Tbe Decorators,” Julia Nash and C. H. O’Donnell, Lillian Fitzgerald and Clarence Senna, Williams Bbs, “A Study in Sculptures," Clara Thropp and Co., Armstrong and James, Tbe Ferarros. EMERY (Martin R. Toohey, mgr.).—Charles Mack, headlining, first halt; Hawthorne and Anthony, Strassler’s Animals, Bdah Delbrldge Trio, June and Irene Melva. Last half; Ara Sisters, Dae and Neville, Zubn and Drels, Dave Thursby, Scamp and Scamp. PAY’S (Edward M. Pay, mgr.).-"Young Punsters’ Quintet,” Prank Reno and Co., "Winged Wonders,” ’Thomas and Nicholson, Harry Talllfaro, The Dunlaps, ■ COLONIAL (Robert J. MacDonald, mgr.).— ■ Dave Marlon with "Amerlca’a Best,” SCENIC.—Pawtucket. First half; Pern, Bigelow and King, Eddie Healey, Long ana~> Wilkes, LaPollta and De Barr. Last half: Palfrey, Hall and Brown, Donald Roberts, Evelyn and Dolly. The Symphony Orchestra of the Conservatory of Paris Is hooked here Oct. 10. This city Is one of four In New England the organization will visit. The place where It-will appear has not yet been selected. Robert Vi. Mantell, at the Shubert-Majestlo next week In Shakespearean repertoire, always well received In this city. ROCHESTER, N. Y. By L, B, SKBFFINOTON. . ^ LYCBUM (W. R. OorrlB, mgr.).—First half: Cyril Maude In "The Saving Grace’’; second half: Laurette Taylor In “Happiness.” TEMPLE (J. H. Finn, mgr,).—Rooney and Bent, Fradkin and Jean Tell, Chris Richards, Mazle King, Edith Clifford, Everest’s Cir- cus, Holliday and WlUette; Frank Shields. GAYETY (J. Yale, mgr.).—“The Beef Truet.’*^ PAY’S (Fred J. Sarr, mgr.).—Tommy Beacon and Co., Jack lUtss and Co., Arthur NOTICE FOR EUROPE Ffaqrmra la Eur^o deslriag to advertise hi and wiping to tidke edvsut* tsQfO of the Prepaid Ratee aHowed, may sosure the aame, if at the time of maillas •dvertlaiagt copy dlrect ' to VARIBlYf New Yeiiii the cunmint In payment fbr it 10 placed h|^VMlErY>S credit at the PALL DEPOSIT AND POR- WARDING CO. CskHtsn St., Regent St, S. Wq Londbo For uniformity ia exeluuige, the Fell PRuell 9*>, will accept dOpeslte for VARIETY at four ehiniitgs, two peace, oa the doUar. ’Through tMe manner oS troaamlsalon, ell danger of loss to the player to avemdi VARIETY Boaumes faU risk and acknowl- edges the Pdl Mall Co.'e roeetpta as Ita own receipts for all money placed with the Pall Mall to VAMEIY'S crodit. Lcstcrv Nelson Trio, Lloyd and Cores Sisters, MusicarClowns; film. \ FAMILY (John -H. H. Fennyvossey, mgr.). —Moe Parker’s musical comedy company spilt the week with "Ton Djiys,” first half, and "The Bogus Doctor," second half. , VlOTtmiA (John J. Farren, mgr.).-r*‘MlBa Up to Date," musical tabloid; films. PICCADILLY (Howard W. Shannon, mgr.). -First half: William 8. Hart In "Rlddls Qawne”; second half, Wallace Reid in *Yhe Source.” • . REGENT (William A. Oallhan, ,m8r.)-r* First half; John Barrymore in "On the Quiet"; eecond half, Constance Talmadge in "Sauce for the Goose." Last Monday Pay’s put into effect toe saving of peach pits for use by the United States Government. Atloket good for any performance will be given for each ten pita. No limit to the nuniber of pits one person may present. Monday night at too Corinthian Jacob Adlef $6.50 to $12.00 ALL Qlff fwP SHOES PERFECT SHOES can be nuMle .only ftoa best latbeiB en—under the pmoaal raperritlts of a master moe- maker. Sudi AM petfeeUffin you gm hero—and prices ara no more than onUnary Ooee. Flee festu^ to erder for the nMMIe oM man whoso oomfeit la Important to him. MUItaiy BmU. Uaker of Fine Shoee _ 64 Naemn St., N. Y. C. E. VOGEL