Variety (September 1919)

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VARIETY B. F. Keith’s United Booking Offices (Agency) ' A. PAI)L KEITH, Prerident' E. F. ALBEE, Vice-President and General Manager FOR BOOKING ADDRESS S. K. HODGDON Palace Theatre Building New York City Fdber & Shea 1493 Broadway (Ptttnam Building^ New York City BERT LEVEY CIRCUIT of VAUDEVULETHEATRES ALCAZAR THEATRE BUILDING SAN FRANCISCO Hany Rickard’s M.Theatre$,AiiiRAUA And ABFlLIATSa> ClBCUIISi INDIA and AFBICA Combined Capital. K.eoo.960 HUGH D. McIntosh, Governing Director BegUtered Cable Addreea “HOOBIUC," Sjdner > HMd Offlee, TIVOLI THEATRE. 8 yda«y, Ayitnlia American RepreaentatlT^NORM^ FULLER’S Australian and N. Z. Vaudeville Oovenilne Dlreolor: BEN J. FULLER BOOKINGS ARRANGED For all sailings from Ban Frandsoo and Vanooarer. Agents: Western VandeTille Hera.' Aasn.. Chicago Woman," with a great aupportlng oast which Includes Robert Bdeson, A. B. Anson and Albert Brunnlng. Monday night opening. POLI'8 (0. J. Harris, mgr.).—Barney Ber- nard and Alexander Carr in "Business Before Pleasure." Big opening Sunday night; could stay for two weeks from Indications. Sue McNannamy received excellent notices In the feminine lead. , LTOBUM (M. Thomasbeskey, mgr.).—"The Pennant Winners." COSMOS (B. Brylawskl, mgr.).—"The Lit- Marcus Loew’s General Executive Offices Putnam BuUding. Times Square New York JOSEPH M. SGHENCK General Manager J. H. LUBIN Booking Manager Mr. Lubin Personally Interviews Artists Daily ^ Between 11 and 1 Acts laying off in Southern territory wire this office. Chicago Office: ^ North American Building . AMALGAMATED MIKnur MEMV President „ General Executive Offices: 729 SEVEBD^ at Forty. M. a SIMMONS 'Gon«ral Booking Manager f • ARTISTS can secure long engagements by booking direct>inlth us The Western Vaudeville Managers’ Association MORT SINGER, General Manner—TOM CARMODT, Booing Manager Majestic Theatre Building CHICAGO^ ILL. tie Burglar"; Weber and Blllott; The Royal Qascolgnes"; Mr. and Mre. W. O’OInre; Arthur Rigby; Hanlon and Clifton; "Htoh:" Man- hattan. LOBW'S COLUMBIA (Lawrence Beatua, mgr.).—Pllme. Harrison Flaher la to aid the Q. M. boy* at Camp Melga In their forthoomlBg produo- tion, "Atta Boy.” Hr. Fisher Is going to design that oovsr' for tbs program, tusgraph- Ing to the effect that he wotfld' ba proud to do BO. the telegram being read while the boys were In rehearsal by the commanding officer, Ool. D. H. Gtenty. Cot. 20 has- been set for the show at Poll’s Theatre. T. Arthur Smith la oIoBlni; his final con- tracts for the concert season held here every winter under his management. Maggie Tej^e, soprano, and Umberto Sorrentlno, tenor, being signed last week. /'