Variety (February 1919)

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Once in Every Twenty There Comes a Great Big Spontaneous Song Hit - \ i Wordi by (Of Love ) FRANK H. WARREN. Chorus. Muiic by S. R. HENRY. Tears may mean • heart ii bra • ken,. The twenty years are up—Here it is Tears ? may drive the bines a • way,, Tears may fall when you re-mem - ber. ... One you loved in a by • gone day; And there are tears that cry for kiss - es Like the -r- „J I J rose for the rain bove,. But the tears I prise in some - one's pret • ty eyes Are the bean-ti-ful tears of love.... Copyright, hcmxviii, by Jos. W. Stern & Co., New York. British Copyright Secured. m (Of Love) i By S. R. HENRY and FRANK H. WARREN, co-writers of "Indianola," "Kentucky Dream," etc. ■•• Singers, Pianists, Dumb Acts, Musical Acts, Orchestras, etc, send for copy JOS. W, STERN & m***£££2Zii CHICAGO: 119 No. Clark St. (SIG. A. BOSLEY, MgT.) Y. C. *w» FURS OUR WHOLE STOCK AT 1/3 SAVING ON TODAY'S WHOLESALE PRICES An end-of-season sale prompted by our policy of carrying no stock over from one season to the next / Special Discount to the 1 . Profession A.RATKOWSKY,Inc. 34 West 34th Street New York Yarned* Matt Yeadaker Barl Ylngling Rath Yoshlda Echo Young C B Zucker Dare IN CHICAGO OFFICE Adair Art Adams Lowden Brazee Jack Betts W B Basaitt ft Bailer Bennett Chai Cycling McNutts Dare Jeanne Dolly Babe . Foyer Eddie T Qaugh Monel Hoover Mary Holt Harry B Klpp Llbble Kirk Ralph LaRue Ethel Lane Joe LeRoy Dot Monahan CAB Mayo Beth Noble Newmans The "Oliver" Orma Grace Parker John Rodway ft Edwards Roach Ed Spencer B ft M Stewart Jack Selden & Bradford Voltaire Henri Voltaire ft Lloyd Vernon Albert Ward Mllllcent IN SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE Davis Hal Baton Louise Lytell Lilv Soule Ethel Smith Jane Wlleton Billy (Feb. 10 and Feb. 17) "Americans" 10 Penn Circuit 17 Oayety Balti- more, i "Auto Girls" 10 Cadillac Detroit 17 Engelwood Chicago. "Aviators" 9-12 Camp Dlz Wrlghtstown 18-15 Grand Trenton 17 Empire Hoboken N J. "Beauty Revue" 10 Engelwood Chicago 17 Crown Chicago. "Beauty Trust" 13-16 Park Bridgeport 17 Colonial Providence R I. Behman Show 10 Miner's Bronx New York 20-22 Park Bridgeport, "Beat Show In Town" 10 Majestic Jersey City 17 Peoples Philadelphia. "Blue Birds" 10 Empire Hoboken 17 Star Brooklyn. » "Bon Tons" 10 Star ft Garter Chicago 17 Gayety Detroit "Bostoniane" 10 Palace Baltimore 17 Gayety Washington D C. "Bowerys" 10 Gayety Toronto 17 Gayety Buffalo. "Broa3way Belles" 10-12J Armory Bingham ton 13-15 Hudson Schenectady 17 Akron 18-19 ■Watertown 20 Oswego 21-22 Inter Niagara Falls N Y. "Burlesque Review" 10 Gayety Buffalo 17 Gayety Rochester. "Burlesque Wonder Show" 10 Gayety Rochester' 17-19 Beatable Syracuse 20-22 Lumbers TJtlca N Y. "Cheer Up America" 10-12 Beatable Syracuse 13-15 Lumberg Utlca NT 17 Gayety Mon- treal. Dixon's "Big Revue" 10 Lyceum Columbus 17- 18 Wheeling W Va 19-20 Steubensvllle 21-22 Canton O. "Follies of Day" 10 Empire Toledo 17 Lyrto Dayton. "Follies of Pleasure" 10 Crown Chleago 17 Gayety Milwaukee. "French Frolics" 10 Majestic Scranton 17-19 Armory Blnghamton 20-22 Hudson Schenec- tady N Y. "FrollCB of Night" 10 Garden Buffalo 17 Em- pire Cleveland. "Girls De LookB" 10 Columbia Chicago 18-18 Berchel Dea Moines la. "Girls from Follies" 10 Gayety Baltimore 17 Lyceum Washington DC' "Girls from Joyland" 10 Gayety Milwaukee 17 Gayety Minneapolis. "Glrla of U S A" 10 Columbia New York 17 Empire Brooklyn. "Golden Crook" 10 Orpheum Peterson 17 Majestic Jersey City. "Grown Up Babies" 10 Trocadero Philadelphia 17-10 Broadway Camden N J 20-22 Casino CheBter Pa. Wit* * .WMKelAJ ORIENTAL 50NG Hastings Harry 10 Oayety Kansas City Mo 17 L 0. ? "Hello America" 10 Gayety Boston 17 Grand Hartford. •■ «■ ; "Hello Paree" 10 Howard Boston 17 Gayety Brooklyn. "High Flyers" 10 Victoria Pittsburgh 17 Penn Clroult "Hip Hip Hurrah" 10 Gayety Washington D 0 17 Gayety Pittsburgh. . ;: Howe Sam 10 Lyrlo Dayton 17 Olympic Cin- cinnati. - ■ "Innocent Maids" 10 Standard St Louis 16-17 Grand Terre Haute 18-22 Majestic Indian- apolis Ind. Irwin's "Big Show" 10 Oayety St Louis 17 Columbia Chicago. "Jolly Girls" 10-11 Wheeling W Va 12-13 Steubensvllle 14-15 Canton 0 17 Victoria Pittsburgh. . Kelly Lev 10 Star Cleveland 17- Empire Toledo. "Liberty Glrla" 9-11 Berchel Dei Moines 17 Gayety Omaha. "Lid Lifters" 10 Olympic New York 17 Oil- more Springfield Mass. "Maids of America" 10 Gayety Montreal 17 Empire Albany. "Majesties" 10 Empire Brooklyn 17 Empire Newark. Marlon Dave 10 Oayety Omaha 17 Gayety Kansas City Mo. i "Merry Rounders" 10 Casino Boston 17 Colum- -oTs, New York "Midnight Maidens" 10-12 Casino Cheater Pa 13-15 Broadway Camden 10-19 Camp Dlx Wrlghtstown 20-22 Grand Trenton N J. "Mile a Minute Girls" 10 Gayety Loulsvlllo 17 Lyceum Columbus. "Military Maids" 18-15 Camp Dlx Wrlghtstown N J 17 Gayety Philadelphia. "Million Dollar Dolla" 10 Casino Philadelphia 17 Hurtlg A Seamon> New York. "Mischief Makers" 0-11 Gayety Btoux City 17 Century Kansas City Mo. "Monto Carlo Glrla" 10 Star St Paul 18-18 Gayety Sioux City. IrtTERMeZZO 0rt£5TEP <*3 ^B'H/WW|aJp|^