Variety (May 1919)

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'■ ■■ . ' ■' . ' TSJ^W**?- BUY BON DS M ':•-..■■■>■. " --■::•' KNOW HOW TO RELAX *. Get Bid of tint Nerrmis Toulon DR. OTTO THEODORE KOHLBR CHIROPRACTOR V HOTEL REMINBTON . 12* WE8T 4«TH STREET Phons: Bryant 33S3 \ NEW YORK CITY Elsa Ruegger Co BiUy Rogers - "For Pity Sake" i Lillian Fltzgrld Co " Reynolds ft Donegn / (Two to flll> j? Shea's* TomakI Duo Emma' Stevena Mayo & Lynn Mlgnon • ■ . Edna Goodrich Co Ben Bernio Millette Sis Mehllnger & Meyers Darl Bros TORONTO Hippodrome Tbomaa 2' Countess Verona Sandy Shaw (Three to fill) . TRENTON, N. J. Taylor O. H. Lucy Brush Dolly Kay Co Here & There Harkins ft McClay Ziska & King 2d half De Witt Young Co Rector Weber & L Owen McQivenoy Ruth Edele Farrell Taylor Co TROY, N. Y. Proctor's Challen ft Keke Dotson Pearl Sindelar Co Zeno & Mandel Singer's Midgets 2d half 1 Roae & Dell Jerome ft Albright Maurice Samle Co Moran & Mack Singer's Midgets UNION HILL. Hudson J ft A Riley Georgia Emmett Lion Tamer Pat Barrett Iaklkawa Japs 2d bait Aerial Mitchells Olive May Godfrey ft Hender Billy Elliott Dancing Serenaders UTICA, N.Y. Colonial Jerome ft Newell Emily Darrell Swiss Song Birds Toney & Norman Melnotte Duo 2d balf Evelyn ft Marg'ite Inness & Ryan Lew Hawkins (Two to fill) YORK, PA. Opera Home Helen Miller Bender ft Meeban The Decorators . Gray ft Parker Whiteside Sis 2d half Lachman Sis Baker & Rogers "Half Past Two" Mason & Qwynne Tetsuwari Japs YOUNGSTOWN Hippodrome Wallin ft La Favor Levitatlon Chllson Ohrman Toto _ Edmund Hayes Co La Bernicla Co (Two to All) RITA MARIO and CO. 10—Instrumentalist! Superb—10 • This Wssk (M*y B)-K«lth'i, Cincinnati Naxt Wssk (Mar IS)—Keith's, Loulnllls Poll- Circuit BRIDGEPORT Poll's Leone 8 Millard ft Marlin Archer ft Belford Ward ft Van 2d half Lewis ft Leona Burt ft Rosedale Chas Judels Ross Wise Co Plana • Pearl 8 Hlbbert ft Mally D Richmond Co Ruth Budd 2d half U S Harvey Co Maleta Bonconi Renn ft Cunn Sis Walker ft Texas HARTFORD PolPs McKlnty Kids Shaw ft Campbell McCormick ft Wine 7 Bracks 2d half Le Pollu Millard ft Marlin Hibbert ft Malley "Concert Revue" Temple 4 4 Rbeders .NEW HAVEN Bijou Renn ft Cunn Sis ■ Maleta" Bonoonl Chas Judels 4 Roeders 2d half Pearl 8 Ruth Budd Masters & Kraft Billy Reeves . Palace Amer Comedy 8 "That's My Wife" "2d half Leone 8 Nora Norrine "Pretty Baby" SCRANTON Poll's (Wllkes-B Bpllt) 1st half Brent ft Aubrey Ben Smith Hotina & Barretti Slim KlasB & S "Could Be Sweeter" SPRINGFIELD Palace Russo Co Lewis ft Leonla Doyle ft Elaine Hugh Herbert Co, Geo Armstrong - " Jack Alfred Co . 2d half Coy De Trickey Hendricks & Evans Archer ft Belford Shaw ft Campbell 7 Bracks WATERBURY Poll's Le Pollu Nora Norrine Burt ft Rosedale Ryan & Healy Walker & Texas 2d half ' Burns Bros '* McKlnty Kids McCormick ft Wine Ford ft Urma WILKES-BARRE Poll's ■ Scranton split) 1st half „ Cecil tVBernlce Ubert Carlton "Valley of Moon" 3 Rozellas "Bricklayers" WORCESTER Poll's Masters & Kraft Concert Revue Harry Breen Ross Wise Co 2d half Rasso Co El Cllve Hugh Herbert Co Geo Armstrong 7 High Steppers Plasa Pedrlok & De Vers Coy De Trickey Ford ft Urma Hendricks & Evans W S Harvey Co 2d half Libby & Nelson Amer Comedy 8 D Richmond Co Doyle & Elaine Jack Alfred Co CHARLIE WILSON THE LOOM NUT" Featured •■ Orphean Ctrcolt (Smith ft Haabee) CHICAGO B. F. KEITH VAUDEVILLE EXCHANGE Chicago BATTLE CREEK Dale ft Bureh Bljon CLAY CROUCH "SINGLE NEXT SEASON" Willa ft Edwards Hamlin ft Mack Julia Ring Co Cheyenne Days 2d half Eary & Eary v Logan Dun ft Hazel Fox ft Ingraham M Theo & Dandles H & E Conley BAY CITY, MICH. Bljon Hip Raymond Follis Sis & LeRoy Cramer Barton ft S 2d half Hamlin & Mack Snyder ft Melino Earl ft Edwards^ Bally Hoo Trio BRANTFORD, CAN. fg ta^T (One to. fill) 2B half Orvllle Stamtn Mr ft Mrs Phillips Jack Lavler Corn Cob Cutups (Two to fill) LAFAYETTE, IND. Family Faber ft Taylor Ben Deeley Co Dale ft Buroh "On Manila Bay" (One to AH) LANSING, MICH. Bljon Lohae ft Sterling Shrapnel Dodgers Angel ft Fuller CAMP DBVENS Liberty - (12-14> Piquot ft Fellows ' Nat Burns Erford's Sensation Otto ft Sheridan Bostock's School (Two to fill) DORCHESTER Codmaa 8q. Morton Bros Jerome ft Herbert Master Gabriel Co Winkle & Dean "Color Gems" 2d half Sultan / Ryan ft ONell Harry Thorne Co Conlln & Glass Rubio. Tr MONCTON, N. B. Emjrrn (14-16) Chas Ledgar Petty Beatft Bro Sidney ft Sidney J Levy & Girls Grace Nelson Vine ft Temple 2d half Ella LaVall Blssett ft Scott Big Fran* Tr CHILLICOTHB Camp .Sherman Mae Marvin Smith ft Troy Winona' Winters (Three to fill) 2d half The Leoras ■ Florenz Duo Rich ft Lennore The Adrolts Skating Bear (One to fill) FLINT, MICH. Palace Wolgast ft Gh-lle Mori Bros 2d half Dancing Kennedys Cramer Barton ft S Chief Little Elk Jim McWilliams The Brlants LOGANSPORT Colonial Geo & Mae LeFevre Ed & Lillian Musical Nosses 4 Harmony Kings (One to fill) 2d half Stan ft Mae Laurel (Four to fill) LONDON, CAN. Grand O H . Ella Lavail Blssett ft Scott A ft B Lelber Joe Whitehead Sig Franz-Tr 2d half Mile Dures S&ferf* Montmr 5 r Grace Nelson "Pinched Jim McWilliams 2d half Lohse & Sterling Van Bros "Shrapnel Dodgrs" Joe Whitehead Cabaret DeLuxe FT. WAYNE, IND. Palace The Leoras Hickey ft Hart Rich & Lenore Lasove & Gllmore Jack Lavalr "Mile a Minute" 2d half Wolgast & Girlie Mae Marvin Ed ft Lillian •"Baby Bugs" Barry ft Lay ton Musical Nosses JACKSON, MICH. Orphenm Eskimo ft Seal Logan Dunn ft H Chief Little Elk Polly Prim _/ 2d half 3 Mori Bros Mitchell ft Mitch Stevens ft Bordeau Vine ft Temple J Levy ft Girls a LOUISVILLE Fontaine Fry Pk Daniels ft Walters Ben Deeley Co Barry ft Layton (Two to fill) 2d half Middleton ft SpeU Snyder ft Melino (Three to fill) SAGINAW, MICH. Jeflran Strand Dancing Kennedys Gertrude Dudley Steph ft Bordeau ■ Van Bros The Brlants 2d half (Two to fill) 2d half Cooney Sis (Three to fill) Franklin Park 8 Alvarettas Arthur Stone Manning ft Lee Stars from Toyl'd (One to fill) 2d half Helen Harrington Grlndel ft Esther H ft A Scranton HALIFAX, N. 8. Ackers' (Week May 17) Chas Ledgar Sidney ft Sidney Brown ft Fields White ft Bradford Shannon Banks Co Strand (Week May 17) Neckelson Sloan ft Moore Brown ft Fields Bernard"* Harris McNutt ft Evelyn HAVERHILL, MASS. Colonial B ft V Morrlssey Ryan ft O'Neil Brown ft Fields White ft Bradford Shannon Banks Co NEW BEDFORD Gordon's Olympla Luba Meroff Co Chas Martin Jessie Hay ward Co Bernard & Scarth Alex Bros ft E 2d half B ft V Morrlssey Petty Reat ft Bro Joe Maxwell Co Halley & Noble "Star From Toyld" NEWPORT, R. L Opera House Emma & Boyd Johnson ft Crane Joe Maxwell Co Arthur Deagon Gladys Dorothy ftS 2d halt Chas Martin Lane ft Moran Vlnie Daly Co Bernard ft Scarth Boatock's Rid Sch'l ST. JOHN, N. B. Opera House (»-12) Chas Ledgar Sidney ft Sidney »A "l " I I 'HI Illsaf $14w^Kie0M^?rrO H I I Ittautas Iran All Theatres Oesffeotloa eeetreJ Perk ■CsnilsUng of Parlor, Bedroom ami Bath UlM, Ati>, ««s AM Isssrwauati REISENWEBER'S HOTEL 58th Street aw! Cctaata Crrch New York City Lane n & Moran Follies Sis & LeRoy H «"tan Ethel Mae Barker Nelson ft B'y Boys Brown ft Fields White ft Bradford Shannon Banks.Co DBS MOINES < Orpheum (Sunday opening) Everett's Circus F Roberts Co Friscoe S Terry Co Brenck's Models KANSAS CITY, MO. Orpheum Nolan ft Nolan Denarest ft Collette John B Hymer McKay ft Ardine Vallecltas Leopards Dave Ferguson Co LINCOLN, NEB. Orphenm (Wed. opening)- "Four Husbands" Coakley ft Dunlevy The Flemings Jean Barrios Natalie Sisters Martha Hamilton P LaVarre ft Bro LOS ANGELES Orphenta (Sunday opening; Sam Mann Co Clara Morton 3 Davis ft Rich Hickey Bros H Rempel Co "Girls of Altitude" "The Miracle" Paul Dickey Co MILWAUKEE Majestic Mile Nlta Jo "Rubeville" Yates & Reed Palfrey Hall ft B Hampton ft Blake Fells ft Fisher MINNEAPOLIS Orphenm (Sunday opening) Scot Gibson Walter Fenner Co Tina Lerner ' Jos Howard's Rev Black ft White OAKLAND Orphenm (Sunday opening) L Cavanaugn Co Bessie Rempel Co Gene Greene Crawford ft Brodsr Margaret Young Great Lester A ft D Lamb OMAHA Orphenm (Sunday opening) Ryan ft Ryan Lewis ft White Geu Teoman Co Rlat Boland Valeska Suratt Co Rockwell & Fox ' Kate ft Wiley "Pinched" The Langdons SAN. ANTONIO Majestic Parker Bros 4 Buttercups John R. Gordon Co Eddie Borden LeRoy ft Mab Hart Stella Mayhew - Bob Mllikln Rae E Ball ft Bro "Mile a Minute" The Randalls KALAMAZOO ST. LOUIS Academy Forest Pk Follis Sis & LeRoy Rialto ft Lamont Jim McWilliams Middleton ft Spell Polly Prim Hodge Podge Rev Sylvia Loy,al (Tw o to fill) KOKOMO, IND. 2d half Sipe The Kuehns Juliette Dlka •"Baby Bugs" Harry Sterling 'Mossraan & Vance Elsie Schuyler Plplfax ft Panlo BOSTON B. F. KEITH Vandevlllp Exchange Beaten Lee Morchants 2d halt 8 Alarettas Dolly ft Keller Johnson ft Crane Helen Harrington Howard ft Robb J Edwin Lesslg Co Scanlon Denno & S AMHERST, N. S. Empress (12-13) -Bll< 2d half Kennedy ft Nelson Mona Gray Sis Corcoran ft Maok "Color Gems" LYNN Gordon's Olympla Annette & Morrell Vinie Daly Muller ft Stanley Imhoff Conn ft C 2d half Rlche ft St Onge Arthur Deagon H ft A Seymour Smith ft Austin Waldorf Caron ft Farnum Mona Gray ft Sis Halley ft Noble "Love Race" 2d half Otto ft Sheridan Edwin Lesslg Co John F Clarke Erford's Sensation MANCHESTER, N. H. Palace Libby ft Nelson Dutiel ft Covey (18-16) Neckelson Sloan ft Moore Brown ft Fields Bernard ft Harris McNutt ft Evelyn SALEM * Federal 8 Maxim Girls Colin ft Glass H ft A Seymour 2d half Marston ft Manley Winkle ft Dean SYDNEY, N. 8. Palace 1st half (12-14) F ft B Lucille Gowns ft Gomes Selma Corbett Jimmy Dully Billy Lehr Co WALTHAM. MASS. Waldorf Marston ft Manley Howard ft Ross 2d half Pedwlck ft Devere Nelson ft B'y Boys ORPHEUM CIRCUIT Palace Theatre Build Ins, New York City ■ a ■ »,- ■ - "Puppetts" Kola BATH, ME. Opera House John F Clark J ft I Melba Robinson ft Thos 2d half Kola Dolly ft Keller "PuppettB" BOSTON Boston The Brads De Voy ft Dayton Finley ft Hill Wm Ebbs Ferrari Girls Wnlilorf Kennedy ft Nelson Cooney Sis Harry Thorne Co Corcoran ft Maok CALGARY Orphenm 7 Honey Boys BROCKTON, MASS? Morgan'Dancers Strand • Bailey ft Cowan Scanlon Denno ft S Daisy Nellie. 7 Honey Boys (One to fill) 2d half Lob Morchants Jerome ft Herbert Alex Bros ft E CAMBRIDGE Central Square H ft A Scranton Grlndell ft Esther Smith ft Austin El Cleve Rlche ft St Onge 2d half Morton Bros Simpson ft Dean ImhnfT Conn & C Muller ft Stanley Gladys Dor ft S Herbert Clifton Bob Hall Darrell ft Edwards "S'where in France" Nasle King Co Harmon ft O'Connor Kranz ft LaSalle CHICAGO Majestic U S Jazz Band Rae Samuels Bert Baker Co Jan Rublnl Co Primrose 4 A ft M Clark Hector The Levolos ' State Lake Emma Cams Co Logan ft Geneva •Valentine DENVER Orpheum (Sunday opening) Theo Koaloft Co Adams ft Griffith Hobson ft Peatty Chas Wilson Klrksmlth Sisters The Mclntyres E. HEMMENDINGER " jf^ vobk" Jewelers to the Profeislon LIBERTY B0N08 ACCEPTED PORTLAND, ORB. Orpheum Trlxle Frlganaa Maude Earie Co Bensee ft Balrd Mike Bernard Murlal Worth Co Wilson Aubrey Co ST. LOUIS Orpheum (Final Week) Franklin ft Green "Only Girl" Grace DeMar *-W .-V- Kennedy & Rooney v ' m Sid Townes r C Emmy's Pets v,p<J LaFrance Bros l-jM ST. PAUL r'&m Orpheum - •.•:-» (Sunday opening) '■.. vfi Turner ft Grace v.: Largay ft Snee . Joe Jackson '■'.'• Marmetns ft School ';.•■'£ Claudius ft Scarlet "Begin of World" ^:^ ' SALT LAKE r'7" ~~KW. ■ Orpheum • ••,■'• ^.SsS (Sunday opening) ■» "M Eddie Foy Co •'■ flj Mosconl Bros •■■'■■■ \i Berry & Jonano .'1 Helen Beholder Polly Moran Chas Irwin Fantino Tr SAN FRANCISCO Orpheum (Sunday opening) A Kellerman Co Mason ft Keeler Bessie Browning Clark ft Verdl^ LaRue ft Dupree H ft E Larned Clifford ft Wills SEATTLE .. Orpheum (Sunday open. Blossom Seeley Patrlcola ft Myers Whltledge & Beck Mollis Mclntyre Dunham ft Edwds Williams ft Mltchel Castings Wards VANCOUVER, B. O. Orpheum "Royal Ace" ...:. Nora Kelly -'■■•V I . Herschel Meniere Jos B Bernard Co Delro Aerial Sbawa WINNIPEG. . ' Orphenm Vkf Sirens Grant ft Jones T Harry Hlnes ■■■* Ann Gray . Alfred Farrell Co Harry Holman Co WESTERN VAUDEVILLE Majestic Theatre BaUdinr, Chleaso Tel. Jets 171 BELLEVILLE, ILL. Washington The Newmans Jack Goldle The Rials 2d half McGreevy ft Doyle Hill ft Fontaine Payl Levan ft D CHAMPAIGN, ILL. Orpheum Mr ft Mrs G Wilde Flske ft Fallon Corn Cob Cutups Jack George Duo Orvllle Stamm 2d half "Pretty Baby" Victoria Goodwin CHICAGO American White Bros Roberts Pearl ft 8 Al Wohlman Mile D'Aures Co David ft Lillian Winona Winter (Four to fill) Empress Barlow ft Deerle Robbyns. Family ' Delea ft Orma "On Manila Bay" ' (Two to am . 2d half Morales Toy Shop Sullivan ft Myers Fashns A la Carte Jack Goldle MCRae ft Clegg (One to fill) McLaln Gates John Gelger Reslsta Jordon Girls Hoshi A Nicholson Duo John T Ray Hope Vernon Walters ft Walters Holland ft Dock Tr Kedale Eary ft Eary Amor ft Jeanette Musical Nosses Grant Gardner Ramsdelle ft Dsyo '. ;:".■ ■.•■••r.V/.'J 2d half Robbyns Family Kerr ft Ensign Paul Decker Co Jones ft Johnson M Burke ft Boys Lincoln 1st half David & Lillian * Al White Co Maker ft Redfoed (Two to fill) DAVENPORT, IA. Columbia i Ovonda Duo : B ft E Frawley Capps Family Silver ft Duval Wheeler Trio 2d half Argo ft Virginia Sis Davey Jamleson Sheltoo Brooks ft G Potter ft Hartwelt-^si^ (One to fill) DBS MOINES Emprcaa Ray ft Emma Dean Winter Garden Rev 1818 Winter Gar Rev Walmsley ft Myers 4 Casters (One to fill) 2d half Wanda Maok ft Maybelle Frank Halls Co Marino ft Ma ley Dorscb ft Russell DULVTH . Grand Estelle Ramsey Airen ft Moore ' Fred Elliott ^ . Fox Bevson Co (One to fill) " , 2d halt „.' Pearson Trio June Mills Co Valyda Alask Duo (One to fill) ST. LOUIS, ILL. Brbers Paul Levan ft D . Skelly ft Helt .-..?• Jao kRqth all., 1st Sgf-agpf