Variety (May 1919)

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•i VARIETY 45 ;5; -. ',"-■ :-,:'■ ■ '.y ml BECKER BROS. PRESENT r '•. ..... PICKED FROM MANY FEATURED ACTS FOR "THAT'S IT" . " ' ' ' ■ ' ' ■- NOW PLAYING CASINO THEATRE, SAN FRANCISCO (INDEFINITELY) ■•£-' •. - ' - .' i ■ - ■'-. ■- .-■'■' i ■' ■ .-■ : ■ '■: 'r- — ".. Address all communications to BECKER BROS. 2321 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. WATCH FOR OUR ANNOUNCEMENT OF OTHER NOVELTIES 1 $£#il ■.* ""i'N •'■.vvJ weeks' engagement at the Hippodrome, chang- ing twice a week. . Smith Davlea, character man, leaves the Alcazar Stock to Join the McArthur Stock company at Oakland. PROVIDENCE. By KARL K. KLARK. SHOBERT MAJESTIC—"Polly With a Past" opened Monday afternoon with a special matinee before a capacity house, and went exceedingly good. The occasion for the extra matinee was Rhode Island's welcome home to its soldier and sailor heroes, and 400,000 per- sons witnessed a monster parade and cele- bration here, filling every playhouse In the city to capacity both afternoon and evening. OPERA HOUSE—"The "Fortune Teller" going fair. Received good criticism on part of local critics. E. F. ALBEE.—The Albee Stock, second week, is presenting "Information, Please," tor the second time in this city and before big houses In the handsome new playhouse. The offering this week is apparently appealing more to Keith patrons than that of last week when "Ktsmet" was given. KEITH'S.—Dark. Still undergoing: repairs prior to its opening as the Victory Theatre, showing films. FAY'S.—Six vaudeville acta are headed by "The- Country Store," Rogers Sisters, Green and Burrows, Bassett and Bailey, Arthur Rlgby, The Russells. An extra attraction that drew Is a film showing of the brilliant scenes at the Cathedral here when the hier- archy recently annolnted Rt. Rev. William A. Hlckey, coadjutor Bishop of the Providence diocese. COLONIAL.—Dark. DAME FASHION SAYS: "Sheer fabrics, for blouses, afternoon and evening gowns." No smart woman can afford not to remove the hair from her arms, and arm-pits. Fashion and modesty demand this of her. X-Bazln, mixed with water, dissolves any superfluous hair in five minutes Just as soap removes dust from the skin, leaving It smooth and white and soft. SOe. and Jl.00 at all drag and dtetrtnnrt iterw or we will mail direct ea noript of erios, In U. 8. A. 75e. and $1.50 riMwitcv, HALL & RUCKEL, Inc, 225 Washington Street, New York City featured, closed on the Pantages time in Ban Diego last week, Ted MacLean and company taking their place as headline attraction at the. Pantages here. Jack Boyle and Kitty Bryan leave the "Four Husbands" this week In Denver. Arthur S. Wlnton, the press agent of the Local Orpheum, while out with Valeska Sur- att making a picture near here was ao intent on looking at the Vamp Queen he fell over a fence and broke his arm. The Orpheum Is now getting Becond hand press stuff, Two former Providence boys, Ralph Ash and Sam Hyams received a royal welcome from' their old-time friends when they ap- peared here at the Emery this week. This was their first appearance in several years. Max Nathanson and Saul Braunlg, of the Modern films, are observing their first anni- versary In the management of the house this week. Martin R. Toohey, manager of the Emery: Charles Lovenberg, manager of the E. F. Albee and Keith's, and Col. Felix R. Wendel- schaefer, manager of the Shubert Majestic and Providence Opera House, were members of the committee In charge of the big welcome home ball for Rhode Island's returned soldiers and sailors at the State Armory Monday evening. Several thousand returned fighters and their guests enjoyed the ball and a cabaret show. Acts from the Emery Theatre and local talent participated in the cabaret show. Mildred. Cecil, singer, has been booked at the Family for the last half. For several years she was at the Hobrau here. The Cains, dancing teachers, who con- ducted the dancing last summer at the Windsor Hotel, Windsor Beach, will this year have a new "dance tavern." The tavern is to be of Chinese design, fifty by one hundred feet, with a large porch on which the tables will be placed. Broken bones were epidemic at the Orpheum Wiley, of Wiley and Kate cracked one. He wai practising on a loop,, fell to the stage and fractured his collar-bone. Rockwell, of Rook well and Fox, worked with Kate the last pan of the week. While not too strong on th< acrobatic stuff, was a picture in tights. The Orpheum will close June 2, when, the film "Mickey" will come in for a two weeks* run. ■ K Salt Lake Is all net up over the prospective appearance of Marjorie Rambeau here in three weeks for a short stock ran. Marjorie, who was here for two years with Wlllard Mack. Is the idol of the Salt Lake theatrical public All of which goes to show that even this town knows a good actress when It sees one, which Is seldom. V^} Announcement Was made this week that the Tressi Andre Opera Co. has been booked for the summer at the Providence Opera House. Summer musical stock went big at that house season before last, but had an un- successful run at the Shubert Majestic last summer. ALBOLENE VT7 ILL convert Pierrot or Pierrette " into plain Mister or Master, Mrs. or Miss,—easily, quickly and pleasantly. Albo- Iene is the perfect make-up remover. Kttpt the skin in good condition. ALBOLENE is put up In 1 and 2 ounce tabes Just right for the make-up box; also In % and 1 lb. cans. Buy ALBOLENE at any first class druggist or dealer In make-up. McKesson & robbins Incorporated Manufacturing Chemists Est, 1883 II Fulton Street - • New York — B$r.. ... ROCHESTER. By L. B. SKBFFINOTON. LYCEUM.—Manhattan Players In "Common Clay." QAYETY.—"Butterflies of Broadway." FAY'S.—Haron's Minstrels, Arthur Albright and Co., Forbes and Krandel, Stanley and Hurd, Tabor and Brown, Martel. FAMILY.—Eddie Nlner's "Humming Birds." VICTORIA.—Madlaine Traverse In "The Love that Dares," first half; Tom Mix in "Flrttlng for Gold," second half. RECENT.—Mary Plckford In "Captain Kidd, Ji* ** flll tvcgIc PICCADILLY.—William S. Hart in "The Money Corral," first half; Mae Marsh in "The Bondage of Barbara," second half. - The 108th Regiment Players will held forth at the Temple next week. The show is being advertised here with the slogan: "Ask Major Couchman; he knows." Coucbman was a major of the 108th and has recently returned home. He Is a popular officer and has been mentioned for the mayoralty. Nlklta Dipson, proprietor of the Family and Orand, Batavla, has been made defendant In an action brought by Joseph F. Kannally, a barber, of LeRoy. The latter wants $5,000 for alleged Injuries received when Mr. Dlpson's auto ran into him in Batavla last October, since when, be alleges, be has been unable to do barberlng. He also asks for $90 for damage to his clothes. Two ordinances have been Introduced In the Oeneva City Council permitting Sunday films and baseball, respectively. The two ordinances were Introduced upon petition of the Oeneva Federation of Labor. The city officials are op- posed to Suday movies, but favor Sunday base ball. The ball ordinance is expected to go through the council without opposition and In the meantime the theatre men will conduct a campaign to gain support for Sunday the- atre opening. SALT~LAKE. Maud Feeley and Crane Wilbur opened as co-stars at the Wilkes In "Yes or No." Both made a favorable Impression. SEATTLE. ggi, LEVY'S ORPHEUM—"Kabblble's Minstrels." PANTAGES—"College Girls Frolics" and vaudeville. PALACE, HIPP—W. WM. A. Vaudeville, LYRIC—Burlesque and vaudeville. OAK—Monte Carter Musical Comedy Co., In "Let's Go," with Monte Carter, Oscar Gerard, Lou Davis, Garrett Price, Bob Sandberg, Blanch Qllmore, Majal Gardner and Bessie Hill In the principal roles. WILKES—Wilkes Players In "The Gypsy Trail," with Ivan Miller In the role of the reporter. Next week a new play from- pen of Ernest Wilkes, "The Way Out" '•v*-i A Rochcsterlan, Claudia Beers, Is featured at the Victoria the last half of this week In "The Fashion Girl" act. Miss Beers was for- merly known in local amateur circles. The Camp Kerney Players closed here last week. Several joined the Wilkes Players. Anthony Smyth, Nana Bryant and CUD Thompson, former stock players at the Wilkes, left for Oakland, where they are booked at the Fulton Theatre. The "Little Burglar" act with Jimmy Rosen -"■.'- -r-. : _- t* '- ■/.■■■ifMMSa m P. D0DD ACKERMAN SCENIC STUDIOS INC. STAGE PRODUCTIONS Productions of Distinction (P. DODD ACURMAN. Designer) STUDIO: 140 WEST 3sth STBEET NEW YOBK CITY Pfcsnei Greeley *Mf a =y i : ".vsKiiiry n :#. <. •:... :.'>-^|..M;.i *T. - . • - • 1 -, . V yr.'it^ysstfr ■