Variety (December 1919)

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V 53 VARIETY . , ... -. .. ■,.-.-• .■■-•..>>•< -. ■oaria E2$ V: y \ pays $77.50 for this "ad" so he can advise his friend *• *-'jf- 'V ^ ■. v. ■ ■ ■ > ' .«■■ to save his money ■"' : -\ ~-^' :: : .v: > ' i CHAS. H. WALDRON'S AMUSEMENT ENTERPRISES WALDRON'S CASINO Boston'! Magolfleent Buriewue Theatre WALDRON'S COLONIAL THEATRE LACONIA. N. H. Pliyln* Onl)r Hm-Ctaae AttracOou AUDITORIUM THEATRE CONCOBD. N. H. . Fliarinv Only Flnt-Clui AttnetloM OPERA HOUSE FBANKUN. N. H.. yiayJat Only mat-Out Attraction! WALDRON'S "BOSTONUNS w Presenting * - FRANK FINNEY uiliaAll Bar Cast in the New Musical Corned? "BITS OF HITS" » Addreei all communications to CHAS: H. WALDRON * - Waldron's Casino Boston, ><u£, ' rV-:.-:. Year Lew Kelly Show "Behman Show" SMIL CLARK A HAPPY NEW YEAR BILLY MANN Oatilde K«prtsenUtlTe PHIL FUBMAN Booking Mutpr COAST AMUSEMENT AGENCY Pantages Theatre Bldg., San Francisco, CaL WE BOOK • WE PRODUCE • WE COSTUME Can place gopd people. Chorus «4rl» wanted at all time*. HAPPY NEW YEAR E. THOS. BEATTY OFFICKi TluatN, Ckkaga, DL WANTED Pwople in All Lioti for Hearty Greetings To All AND FITZGIBBON TWO ACES OF MUSIC XYLOPHONE - ACCORDION - PIANO OPENING ON ORPHEUM CIRCUIT JAN. 19TH, 1920 Direction, FRANK EVANS - 5 •: s i I I i | ■ i i- - J. i