Variety (December 1919)

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— ■ • • . . . .::■-■-•' ;— ;x» . ' . - . ■• VARIETY 181 I . ■*,* ■■•- ■ i ■ A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO OUR AGENT STERNE YOUNG \Yho Has His Ails' Jnt«;n.'Ht'At Heart, A K rt ^l;tf MeJJj mJintl ii Regi'Jftr Ajjren* <«•'• K«yiifarr-.-\rt? .CHICAGO V..-.-V ^i : :--V% • . ■.-. A COUPLE OF DAFFY-DILLS GREETINGS .VV» * ■-■--'. v - *WM (*rJ a live act mm & ALIVE AGENT ..-. * $K •v ; . ■ / i i . '.. '. '. V Booked Solid by ERNIE YOUNG On Regular Time by A Regular Booking Manager MAX HALPERIN DAN DICK AND Those Funny Boys in the light Suits we wisb; everybody the success we are enjoying — A RUSSELL ROSE IN > ■ ^ J • . ■ > 66 NIFTY NONSENSE" ■■. * -..■*. BOOKED SOLED Direction, ERNIE YOUNG ■ ,'■"' JACK POLK ,': -.'rS ( _ "POLKING ALONG- ^ ERNIE YOUNG B00KBD S0LID MAX HALPERIN : . J «J .'••v'J-iK IS ■ -