Variety (January 1920)

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..-..■ . . • • " '--.••■••:•. :■'■■•■..:.• ' ■•.■.■ ■ \-■■ ■■•■ - : VARIETY- 27 -.VB 27 -.\« NED "CLOTHES" NORTON On of vari mr, **> Yak. Pat Barrett Laura Bennett Co ' (Two to fill) FLINT False* Dennis Bros Loos Bros * W & M Rogers . Kay Wylle Co Holllday ft WUlette Resist* 2d half DeWitt Young Co Lee ft Bennett Wlntergarden" 4 Halliday ft Burns . Ward & Wilson Borslnl Troupe FT. WAY NO) Palace - Garclnettl Bros Jenks ft Allen Ezra Mathews Co Virginia Belles 3 Bennetts Co (Two to nil) Sd half - Buddy Doyle 'Prosperity" Julia Curtis . Adelaide Bell Co tiBpe & Dutton (Two to fill) JACKSON Orpheum Aerial Eddys ■ Bob WJilte Manny ft Hall Hall ft Brown Lewis ft Morton "You'd Be Suprifled" 3d hall ' Robert ft Robert Harmon ft. Moody . Sam K Naonl "In the Dark" Will Oakland Romas Troupe* KALAMAZOO Reseat The Cromwells Mabel Whitman Co "Honor Thy Children" Will Oakland Thalero's Circus 2d half Aerial Eddys Mike Bernard Alice Nelson Chlsbolm ft Breen Whitefield & Ireland Virginia Belles* Loos Bros Charlotte Trio* •' Lewis & Norton Thalero's Clrous LONDON. CAN. Grand O. H. (Brantford split) 1st half Carlotto ft Lewis Rodero Remains Powers ft D Ed. Phillips "Around the Map" MUSKEGON. Regent Peter & Le Bouf, ChiBbolm ft Breen Kilkenny Duo ' (One to fill) 2d half Skipper Kennedy ft R John T Doyle Co Jenks ft Allen Qarcunettl Brop (One to All) OWOSSO, HIGH. • Strand 2d half Wanda Bond Wilson Co Jimmy Lucas Co Among Those Present •(One to fill) SAGINAW Jeffra*. Strand Kayle ft Koyne Hammond ft Moody Brown's Highlanders Jeanette Childs Byal ft Early . Borslnl Troupe i 2d half 6 Bllfords Bell ft Arils Oliver & Olp Holllday * WUlette Resists • DALLAS, TEX. J e fl erson 4 Leons Long ft Ward • Stan ft Mae Lalrel 3 White Kuhns 3 BartOB HIiSKOGEE, OK_LA. Bway (1-3) Rose Ellis ft Rose "Number Please" Ross WyBe Co Revue DeVogue AHi ,0U *°H%fe WORa'mST Wtt«l The REAL PRODUCING CO. Pn ann ri ud Aethers. 311 slnsa ttmxn Bid*., Nw Ys» Ob N* Puny, 6tm. Mar. Paw: Brrut lUt KOKOMO, IND. 2d half Erra Mathews Co The Rials (Three to fill) KINGSTON, CAN. Grand O. H. 1st halt (Same bill play* Petersboro 3d half) Swain ft OBtman A ft L BeU . Mabel Fonda 3 (One to fill) LANSING Bijou Halliday ft Burns Alice Nelson 6 Bllford • • 2d half , Dennis Bros SAN ANTONIO Royal W E Whlttl* • Belle Oliver Wolfe & Patterson Amoros ft Jeanette Kuma 4 WACO, TEX. Orpheum 2d half Rose Ellis ft Robs. Prince ft Bell - "Number Please" Rose Wyse Co WI C HIT A FALLS Wtetdta O H Frank Ward Qnogley & FlUrereld Dance. Fantasies Dunbar ft Turner "Temptation" BOSTON B. F. KEITH Venderllle Exchange, Bostoa BANGOR Oner* House Arthur Davids Kerr ft Ensign Stanley ft Dale (Two to fill) 2d half Gems of Art A O Duncan Brown ft DuMont Gladys Moffatt Co Travlla Seal ft G BATH Optra House Floreneo Geat Co Smith & Bagley (One to fill) 2d half Alice Manning Manning ft Lee Wm, Morrow Co BOSTON Bostoa Nolan ft Nolan Keeter ft Alberts McCarthy & Sten'd Zelaya Qautler's Brlcklay'B Gorton's Olympta (Scollay Sq.) Lamey & Pearson ' June Mills Co Mallon Case Reitter Bros Keith's Boston (Waahlngton St.) Gilbert and Saul Demonstrator Geo Roesner SlBsel ft Blake "Fixing Furnace" BROCKTON Strand Lillian McNeil ft 8 Swor ft Westbrook Wallace Qalvtn Murray ft Voelk "Playmates" 2d half Marshall & Covert Murray Sisters Jean Chase Co Duvall ft Symonds DORCHESTER Codman So.. 1st half Fuller & Vance Monde (Two to nllV FITCHBCRG Colonial 8 Blighty Qtrls Markee ft Montgom- ery Gordon ft Day Mathews ft Aaers Johnson Baker & J 3d half Clark Sisters Robb ft Whitman 6 Klrksmtth Sis Smith ft Sauvaln Margot Francois Co HALIFAX . Ackers. (7th) Harry Ferris Austin ft Alleif .Wlkolta ft Kalakalm Lew Huff Shes Strand - (7th) P Brenen & Bros Leonard ft Whitney Dancing Demons Padrlnl's Baboons (One to All) HAVERHILL Colonial Mazine Bros & B Alman ft Nail* J Bernard Co Ryan ft Healy McDevitt Kelly ft Q 2d half Fed era on Bros Dreon Sisters McNeil ft Shadow Wallace Galvln • Primrose Four LAWRENCE Empire Frankee Wilson Marshall 4K Covert Duval ft Svmonds The Briants 3d half W ft H Brown. Smith ft Troy Knowles A White McDevitt Kelly ft Q LBWISTOWN Ma«lc Hall Plquo & Fallows Murray Sis Knowles ft White "Rubeville" 3d half Golden Gate 3 Swor & Westbrook Elm City 4 The Brlant LYNN Waldorf Chaa Delgban Nellie Burt The Dohertys "Heir for Night" (Two to fill) 2d half Monde Fuller ft Vance Ed Janls Revue Patsy Doyle White Black ft U MANCHESTER Palace W ft H Brown Innls & Ryan S Klrksmlth Sis Primrose Four White Black ft U 2d half Blighty Girls Markee ft Mont- gomery Hugh Herbert Co Ryan ft Healy Gordon & Day NEW BEDFORD Gordon's Olympta Dreon Sis Wheeler & Potter Jean Chase Co Smith ft Troy 2d half 4 Jean ale ys Frankle Wilson Murray Voelk "Playmates'* .. ■ AUman ft Nally NEWPORT . Opera House LaPetlte Jenny Co Jack Joyce Brower Trio Smith ft Sauvaln Cy Compton Co 2d half Lorlmer & Carbrey The Dohertys "Heir for Night" Wheeler & Potter Arenty Bros PORTSMOUTH r Colonial Golden 8 l Swor ft Westbrook Henry ft Moor* Elm City 4 2d half Plquo ft Fellow Dave Thursby Delea ft Orma "Rubeville" ' WALTHAJtt . . Waldorf Lorlmer ft Carbrey Clark Sisters Robb ft Whitman Arenty Bros 2d half La Petite Jenny Co. Brower Trio Jack Joyce Johnson Baker ft J MINNEAPOLIS Orpheum Harry Green Co Princess Radian Co Chris Richards Phil Baker Gehan ft Byrnes Baraban & Orohs Bostock'B Riding S NEW ORLEANS Orphean Net Vet Marie Lydell ft Macey Ethel Clifton Co Karl Emmy's Pets Ergottl's Lilliput'ns Ja Da Trio Regay & Lorraine S OAKLAND Orphean ■ (Sunday Opening) Extra Dry Lyons ft xosco Bob Hall "Ruth Budd Lew Brlce Co Eva-Taylor Co Rae ft Clegg OMAHA Orpheum (Sunday Opening) Alex Carr Co Lambert & Ball Jas Cullen t Cartmell & Harris Mlrano Bros Musical Hunters Rlgoletto Bros PORTLAND, ORB. Orpheum (Sunday Opening) Little Cottage Una Clayton Co Sam Hearn Edith Clifford Hlckey Bros • , Ford & Urma Ishikawa Bros SACRAMENTO Orpheum . (2-4) ' (Same bill plays Fresno 6-7) 4 Mortons Bernard ft Duffy 4 Readings Pletro Elfrleda Wynn Lachmann Sisters ST. LOUIS Orpheum U S Jazz Band Alex Carr Co Josle Heather Co The Sharrocks Comfort ft King Emily Darrell Martelle The Pickfords St. PALL I Orpheum (Sunday Opening) Wm Rock ft Girls O'Donnell ft Blair Kltney & Heaney • Wood ft Wyde Green ft Myra Casting Wards Llbby ft Nelson SALT LAKE Orphean* (Sunday .Opening) Ford 81a & Band Master Gabriel Co The Rlckards Dolly Kay Benaee ft Baird Roy ft Arthur SAN FRANCISCO Orpheum (Sunday Opening) Josephine & Henn'g Bert Fltzgibbon Chas Grapewln Co Francis Renault Steele & Wlnalow Ivan Bankoff Co Fay Courtney Rainbow Cocktail SEATTLE Orpheum (Sunday opening) Ellsa Ruegger Kenny & HoIIIb Duffy ft Caldwell For Pity's Sake Ryan ft Orlob Bradley & Ardine Lucille ft Cockle VANCOUVER, B. C. -«c. ■ Orpheum Morgan Dancers Harry Cooper Jason & Haig Marconi ft Fltzgibbon Van ft BeU Burns ft Frablto Pisano ft Co. WINNIPEG Orpheum Emma Carua Co Ed Morton ■ Whitefield ft Ireland Marino & Maley Jack KennedyCo Hughes Duo Kokin & Gallettl LEO BEERS Furtna Principal Cltlea la the World Julian Bttase C*. WESTERN VAUDEVILLE State-Lake Theatre BalMIng, Chicago ORPHEUM CIRCUIT Palsee Theatre Building, New York City BERT PAULINE FORD and PRICE With Julian Eton*) Co* Kebe, Jmu CALGARY Orpheum (3-4) (Same bill plays Victoria 6-7) Hy Santry ft Band Maria Lo Harry Jolaon Llghtners Sis ft A Ben K Benny Kennedy A Nelson Bruce Buffet Co CHICAGO Majestic Singer's Midgets Bronson ft Baldwin Mme Claire ft F Georgle Price Mra G Hughes Co Avey ft O-Nell Tuck ft Claire Palae* Gertrude Hoffmann Jas C Morton Co J & S Leonard Joe Laurie n Lloyd ft Wells The Randalls Collins & Hart Hayden ft Brcelle State-Lake Frescott ft Eden Jas B Carson Co Wilson' Bros Loney Haskell House David Band Joseffson's Icel'ders Jean Boydell .- DENVER Orpheum (Tuesday Opening) Hyams ft Mclntyre Grace De Mar Ernest Evans Co Jack Osterman Howard's Ponies Barber ft Jackson i Marshall Montg'y DES MOINES Orphean (Sunday Opening) Mile Nitta Jo Montgomery ft A Phlna ft Co Indoor Sports Meredith & Snoozer Lamont Trio Myers & Noon DULUTH Orphean* (Sunday Opening) BUlle Shaw's Revue Lillian Shaw Le Mai re Hayes Co Ben K Benny Mllllcent M ft A MUlicent M ft Avey Leo Zarrell Co "The Man Hunt" KANB CITY, MO. Orphean (Sunday Opening) Olga Petrova Jerome ft Herbert Muriel Window Watts ft Hawley Fox ft Ward Beginning of World Van Cellos LINCOLN, NEB. Orpheus* (5-7) Overseas Revue E & J Connelly Stuart Barnes Al & F stedman Frawley ft Louise 2 Jordan Girls LOS ANGELES Orpheum Nat Naearro ft Bd Billy McDermott Co Travers ft Douglas Black ft O'Donnell The Duttona Hudler Stein & P Arnaut Bros Gue Edwards Co Chic Sale MEMPHIS Orpheum Albertlna Rasch Co Harriet Rempel Co Mme Ellis Gallagher ft Martin Tango Shoes Lee ft Cranston Kanazawa Boys ' MILWAUKEE Majestic Florence Tempest C Clccolini Meyers & Hamford Flske ft Lloyd Aileen Stanley Olympla Desval Co William Ebs Melnotte Duo Palace Rita Mario Orches Brendel & Bert Newhoff & Phelps Anderson ft Burt Temple 4 John Gelger Hedley Trio ALTON Hippodrome Adams ft Guhl "Cheer Up" 2d half Dwyer & Mae Kennedy & Francis BELLVILLE ' Washington Aitkin Bros Kings of Harmony 8 & A Beverly 2d half Waldsteln ft Dalley Adams ft Gugl LaPetlte Revue CEDAR RAPIDS Majestic Aerial Macks Harry Hayward Co Detcel ft Carroll Asorla Trio 2d half Miller & Capman Marie Stoddard^ Saxton ft Farrell Galetti's Monks Tom Brown Rev Gonne ft Albert CHAMPAIGN Orpheum Earle ft Edwarda •■What Happ to Ruth' Ernest Hlatt DAVENPORT Colombia Kate ft Wiley Stratford Comedy 4 Princess Kalama * (Two to fill) 2d half Creedon ft Walsh Belmont's Opera Basil Lynn Co p ft W LaVarre (One to fill) DECATUR .Empress Grlndell ft Esther "Reg Bus Ban" Norwood ft Hall 8 Lordons 2d half What Happ to Ruth Ernest Hlatt Century Serenaders (Two to fill) a DUBUQUE Majestic Roblson & Penny Saxton & Farrell "Every Sailor" Walton ft Brandt Galetti's Monks E. ST. LOUIS, ILL. Brber'a. Heim & Lookwood Folsom & O'Connor Century Serenaders Kennedy ft Francis 2d half Swains Cockatoos Norwood & Hall Morgan & Ray (Two to nil) CHICAGO. ' American. Ermine Sisters John T Doyle Co (Four to fill) 2d half Dick Arnold (Five to fill) ' Lincoln. 1st half Dick Arnold Kelly & Day (Four to fill) Kedste. Tojettl ft Bennett Baxley ft Porter Vernon ft Rogers Mary Marble Co 30 Pink Toes 2d half Bell ft Eva BUlle & Dot O Handsworth Co Hall & Shapiro - La Petite Revue • • 2d b»l« Skatellea 3 Harmony Kings Dave Manley "Cheer Up" EVANSVILLE. Grand. (Terre Haute Split). 1st half ■ Al Conrad Co Fred LaReine Co Hans Hanke Fields ft Wells "Pot Porrl" GREEN BAY, WIS. Orpheum, 2d half Wellington ft B Burkhardt ft Rob'ts C ft M Cleveland Japanese Revue MADISON. Orpheum. Will Morris Burkhardt & Rob'ts Polly Oz ft Chick Hugh Johnson Japanese Revue 2d half Monroe ft Grant "Meanest Man" Gardner ft Revere (Two to fill) MOLINE. Palae*. Pauline Haggard Phil E. Adams ' Fox ft Mayo P ft W LaVarre (One to fl|l) 2d half i • Chamberlain ft E Baxley ft Porter "Every Sailor" (Two to fill) ROCKFORD. Palae*. J ft P Hall Chamberlain ft B "Meanest Man" C ft M Cleeveland (One to fill) 2d half Will Morris Carle ton ft Belmont Will J Ward . I B ft J Crelghton / Kate ft Wiley / ST. LOUIS. Columbia. 2 Kawanaa Skatellea Jimmy bavo Co Dave Manlsy Silver ft Duval . 2d half Tokl Murata Rich ft Lennore Catalano ft W'ms Kendall, Pearl ft 8 ' Grand. Mattyle Llppard Allanson Wright & Davis Stuart ft Keeley Harvey DeVora 3' Submarine F-7 Jack Alfred S Rlnlto. Waldstlen ft Daley Rich ft Lennore Catalano ft Wms Dwyer ft Mae Haveman'B Mlns. 2d half Kawana Duo Sam ft Ada Beverly Sliver ft Duval Reg Bus Man SIOUX CITY. Orpheum. Samaroft ft Son la "Let's Go" Claudia Coleman Eva Shirley Band (Two th nil) Id half G ft L Garden Briers ft King Asorla Trio Adams ft Thomas) (Two to fill) 8. BEND. WD. Orphean, i S Mo ran Sisters Skip Kennedy ft R (Three to nil) 2d half J ft P Hall Earle ft Edwarda Chalfonte Sisters (Two to fill) SPRINGFIELD. Majestic. Swaln'a Cockatoos Morgan & Gray Tom Mahonsy Byron Bros Band (Two to All) 2d half . Wilson ft Van • Kapt Kidd's Kids Frank DeVoe 8 Lordons (Two to fill) TERRE HAUTE. Hippodrome. (Bvanavllle Split) 1st half . Equlllo Bros . Imperial Quintet CaltB Broa ft B Paul Kelat Co : (Two to Oil) - I ■■-. *..•• ■-■■ 7 • - ■■• s s ■ : " ■ >> V Pntnim Bolldlnr, NEW YORK American Juggling Ferrler Winkel ft Dean Mystic Hanaon 3 . Mills ft Smith . Returned Sailors R Lillian Ronalr Jessie Haywood Co Brooks ft George Stelner Trio MARCUS LOEW'i New York CHjr Nine o'clock Pay ton & Lum Johnny Clark Co 2d half ! Frank Browns Drisooll & Westcott Mills ft Smith Mangean Troupe Delaneey St. Fulton ft Mack : r : - Dave Klndlsr •. EDWARD J. ADER . - ^. . _ « LAW IBB ij ioath LtBalle St. CHICAGO 2d half Lester Raymond Co Comet Trio Johnny Clark Co "Oh, Auntie" Dave Kindler Marietta Craig Wilson ft Wilson Chester Johnson Co Victoria Frltchle Challls & Lambert Jocelyn ft Chapman 4 Volunteers "Ob. Auntie" 2d half Swain's Animals Ward ft Gowry WardeU ft Donco'rt Mary Haynea Co Returned Sailors R Lincoln Sq. CanarlB ft Cleo Lyons ft Clayton Golden Bird Cunningham & B MUngean Troupe 2d half Mystic Hanson 8 Chains ft Lambert Sheppard ft Dunn Chas Ahearn Co Greeley Sq." Harrah & Mulroy Herman ft Clifton Arthur Lloyd Primrose Minstrels . Mary Haynea" Co Hayataka Japs 2d half Herberta Seymour & Jeanette Trios P Jackson Co Jack Rose ft Co Ziegler Twins Co (One to fill) • National Kennedy ft Kramer Karl Karey Hunter Randall as Leila Shaw Co \ Jack Rose Co * Ziegler Twins Co 2d half , Col Dimond ft Gr"d Allen & Moore ■ Honeysuckle & V Hearts ft Flowers Senator F Murphy , Jack Moore Trio . Orphean , Swain's Cats & R Comet Trio Driscoll ft Westcott ThoB P Jackson Co Hughle Calrk Chas Ahearn Co 2d half Mile Harding - Cunningham ft B Jessie Haywood Co Pearson Newp't & P Prlmroae Minstrels Boulevard Frank Browne' ■ Ryan ft Moore Hearts ft Flowers Honeysuckle & V Herbert ■-". 2d half Canarla ft Cleo Walmsley ft Keat'g 9 Kraay Kids (One to fill) AveaneB The Llnkoa •Howard Martell Co Pinto & Boyle ' 4 Ban garde (Two to fill) 2d half Margy Duo Dorothy ft Salvat're Al Burton Co Danny Simmons "Hello, Judge" (One to flllj - ■•- : ■; i ■ 1. --! • ■ £ - ■.:•:" ; . '\'3 ARTHUR XHORWIT2-LEE KRAUS, inc. CHICAGO _ BOOKINQ NEW YORK Loss End Bids.. 177 N. SWs St. , EAST AND WEST Pstsaa Bidi., MM Act* dwlflns lmm«ll»u tad conjtcutlra bogMag eomnunloto, ]