Variety (April 1920)

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.*■■.■■■•■' 20 5. .•■•i> ORPHEUM'S STARS AND ACTS By O. M. SAMU^ The Orpheum Circuit was not orig- inally strong, but the influences that surrounded it through the years have served to augment it ipto Herculean proportions;' The appended list con- tains the. names of most of the head- liners, feature turns and standard acts, that have played the circuit during the past 19 years. Many played return en- gagements. ^- . Among the feminine artists ivho haVe played the Orpheum Circuit are llmt. Bernhardt, Amelia Bingham, Nazimova, Bertha Kalich. Charlotte Greenwood, Mile. Dazie. Alice Lloyd, Kathleen Clif- ford, Florence Roberts, Catherine Countiss, Zelda Sears. Olga Nether- sole, Blanche Walsh, Kathryn Kidder, Eileen Beach Yaw, Trixie Friganza, Lin^ Abarbanell, Valeska Surktt, May Irwin, Leila Mclrityre, Kitty Gordon, Charlotte Walker, Marie Cahill, Irene Franklin, Cecilia Loftus, Mrs. Leslie Carter, Fritii Scheff. Anna Held, Phyllis ~ N,eilseri Terry, Mrs. Langtry, Laura Nelson Hall, /ulia Arthur, Mrs. Thomas Whiffen, Lilhan Russell, EVa Tanguay, Blanche Ring, Olga Petrova and many' others that have gained fanieiin Amer- ica during the past quarters ef a cen- tury- ■ ■'... -, ' ' ;. The array of male stars contains names like Frank Keenan, Thos. H. Ince, who headlined iij a sketch called > 'Wipt Mike," Nat Goodwin, Edwin Ar- den, Robert Edeson, Hobart BoswOrth. Thos, A. Wise, Digby Bell, Henry E. Dixey, Jefferson De Angelisi George Beban, Henry Woodruff,. Theodore Roberts, Andrew Mack, John Hyams, ^.XT Mi^'^???^'"'*', ^J?"'* Craven, James S .'."' «y.?."*' Barrymoye, A McKee Rankm, Wjlham Farnura; Macklyn Ar- IvJ'ir *' ^''L.^''««"' Edwanl Abeles, William H. Thompson, not to mention a score of other actors of worth. - SBASON. Wlilto, Btuart A Oo. Coleman's Dogs & Cat* Mignonette Kokin Cbas Leonard Fletcher Mary Norman 8 Marvellous ICerrlUfl . E>va Uudgo . ' Worden & Shepherd "Baebelors & BelleB" Mr fi Mrs P Fisher Warren & Blancbard Dixon, Bowers A Dlxoa Mile Latlna , Olrard & Oardner Three Meers Billy Clifford ,, Nugent & Ferttg Ozay A Delmo "Beaux A Belles Oct" Piccolo's tiiUlputlans : Stuart Barnes Sidney Grant McMahon & Chapjielle Jacques Inaudl EinmoDds, Emer«)iii B Great Cycle Whirl Melville A Stetson ' Katherlne Bloodgood Amota Alt Holt SESASON Jltccabonno'a HoKS« ' Carrol] 'JobnaoD ' 0 K Sato Frank Keenan - - Athos Famlljr Htnes A nemlngton , Mrs & Mr H Theme O'Brien & Buckley HIckey £ Nelson Klein, Ott Bros ft N Barry A Halvers .Harry Thompson Hal Oodtrey & Co Mattle Keene A Co. Colby A May Moore A Blano Carver A Pollard The Great Nevaros Genaro A Bailey ' Sparrow Zelma R;awlBtoa Lew Wells Webb's Seals Lnmar A Qnbriel Lizzie A Vlnle Daly Dillon Bros. Four RlanoB Adelaide Hermann Lew Hawklna The Peters ' Avery StrakoflCh' Heras Family . Ous Williams Oreat Fulgora . Mir A Mrs,Sidney DieW Homer Ltiid A O9 Jessie Couthoul Arthur Buckner. M Wainvrlght « 0» James H. CuUen Pamoiis Pony Ballet J Klngsely A N Lewis Banks ft W Winter Barrows, lameaster Co The Auers Wilton Bros Loney Haskell Knight Bros Four Collnla Five Nosses Jack Norworth • Louise Dresser - '*■■ Hilda Thomas Jules A Ella Oarrtaoh , Joe Plynn Melanl Trio Lew Bully Mr ft Mrs A Kelcy Mile Chester'a)^ Dog Esiqeralda ~ Ola Hayden 8 Plcchlanl Bisters Mldgley A Carlisle 10O2.19OS "" *• • Charles Kenoa ' * The Rays EI In ore Sisters fosephlne Sabel Edith Helena Cazel A Vernon Beorge'Yeoman The Columbian Four Pileon ft Brrol Olivette fields A Ward ^Varteoberg Bros. Carson ft Willard Pellz A Barry Hill ft SilvBlny Kath Osterman ft Co Morrlsey ft Rich Callahan ft Mack Joe Maxwell A Co. Lottie Gllson Nelson's Comlquei Mile Rlalta Girl Auburn Hair Hallen ft Fuller Mr & Mrs Jim Barr^ Beatrice, Moreland "Los Quatuor Basque" Reno. A Richards Ryan A Richfield Florence Bindley Louise Moirtroae • Lillian Burkhart A Co. . Mutphy A NlthoU ^ iFoy ft: (Hark ; j. , "^ Baby Lund Helen Mora r Thome ft Carleton Harrlgan—Juggler Fiska ft UoDonougta Miss Norton George W Day OhevTlel Valerie Bergero ft Coi Wayburn's "Jookey C" Lotta Gladstone Harry Le Clair Wilfred Clarke ft Co. Kelly A Kent Stuart Barnes * Mclntyre A Heath Nat M Mills N Long^A I Cotton RawBon A June Galettl'a Monkey Act Creasy A Dayne Howard A Bland ^ Libbey A Trayer Lytton A Gerald Haidlng A Ah Sid Melville A Stetson Werden ft GIaddl|h Fisher ft Carroll BB480N D» Kolta " Julian Rose The Pailter Trio Mile Emmy Annie Abbott Charles Dioksop James J Morton Schenck Bros Herbert Lloyd FaaIlne.HaIl Crawford ft Manning Mary Hampton ft Co. La Vine-Cameron Trio Sam Bd^rards ft Co Falk A Semoa Pete Baker Keno, Weln ft Melrose Mr ft Mrs 8 Harrow Myles McCarthy Bloom A Cooper T. Nelson Downs James R Glenroy Lytton A Gerald Almont ft Dumont Fredk Bond ft Co Clarice Vance James A S Leonard Carleton ft Terre Foster ft Foster Paxtons Art Studies Waterbury Bros ft T McWaters ft l^on Mr ft Mrs M Murphy Lutt Brothers Mertan's Dogi Ed F Reynard Victor Moore AlburtUB Millar Wright Hunt'donft Co Antrim ft Peters Wallno ft MarineUe Asra White A Simmons Searl ft Violet Allen , Bryant ft Savllle Johnstone Bennett Co -The Rays SBASOIV . Mme. A. StrakoBoh Empire Comedy Four Hoey ft Lee j Ollie Toune A Bro. Rickey 4 Nelson . Howe A Seott \ Fem Melrose "'' , Olive May ft Jno. W. Albangh, Jr. Mysterious Zandgs A. K, Caldera Fagan ft Byron Ohrltsle's Ponies Lillian Shaw Watsons, HutobiqgB, Edwards ft Co./ Four Madcaps ^ ' Frank ft Little Bob ■» I Knight Bros, ft Saw- '. telle Little ft Pritxkow Emmett. De Voy ft Co. W. C. Kelly Reed & Shaw Augusta Glose ; t Bully Family AI Shean Harry La Rose ft Co. Agoust A Weston Paul Barnes Musical Qoolnan Marion LittleQeld Klein ft Clifton Dorothy Russell Trovolo LawBon & Namon Burton A Brooks MarcuB & Gartelle Lewie McCord & Co. Herrinann The Great Van Aletyne A Henry Alolde Capltalne Btnns, Blnns A Binns Norton ft Nicholson Louis Brehany Herbert Brooks The Columbians . Lydia Teamans-Tltus riiv Yokes ft Co. Mnsieal Aroloe Boniface, Jr. ft Wal^ Inger Klein, Ott ft Nicholson Clifford ft Burke May Belfort Qteasons ft Houlihan Musical KlelBt Quigley Brothers v Gardner ft Stoddard' La Jolle Tltcomb ,' John Birch Blondell ft West McMahon's Minstrel Maids AI. Careton. Dave Nowlin The ailnserettis Eckert ft'Berg JnlluB Tanaea Fanny Rice Green ft Werner Frano Redding ft Ca Gardiner A Vueent ' Bl Zobedle Collins ft Hart The Tanakas Colt>y Family Maison Keeler ft Oo, Albert Kartell! W C Fields Russell Brothers Bruno ft Russell Lola Tberrl . Arthur Demlng Imro Fox ft Co. Elizabeth Hurray Bailor ft Barbaretto Julie Ring — Kennedy ft Rooney Freydo Bros. Klngsley ft Lewis Esmeralda Sisters SBASOIV 190B-1MM. Edmund Bay ,, Holcomb, Ctartls ft Lipden Bedcwlth Ed- ~ " wards Davlf ft,Co. Mr. ft Mrs. P. Freher Ferry Fadettes ' Mlllman Trio ,Mr. ft Mrs. Allison Rose Stahl.ft Co. JolBon, Palmer ft Jol- Bon Howard ft North Leslie ft Daitey Bedouin Arabs Quintan A Made Dlda^ ./ Maoy ft Hall Hal Merritt , y Bellclair Bros. O'Brien ft Buckley Bedford ft Winchester Sisters Maoarte Raymond A Caverly Howard Bros, Colonial Septette ieos.t804. J 0 Nugent'ft Co Hlnes ft Remlngotn World ft Klngaton . Irene Franklin , James J Corbett Snyder ft Buckley . Rice ft Elmer FIlBon ft Errol Rice Family Wemer-Amoros Tr HadJl Tahara Arab Tr Mathers A Ashley Eckfaott A Gordon . Anna Caldwell Thurston Carlin A Otto KIngsIey-Lewis Co Mr A Mrs N Lltchfleld Steln-Brretto Family A 0 Duncan Ferguson A Mack Nichols Sistera Joe Vtnn Duffy Sawtelle A D Madge Mlatland Harry Le ClBlr Sehepp's Dogs B Van A R Bea'm'tCo Coakley A MoBride Vassar Girls Ziska A King George W. Day Mabel McKlnley Happy Jack Oardner Tony Wilson^ Helolse J. Bernard Dyllya Eckert A Berg , Mile AmoroB Iweedish Ladles Quintet Lew Sally La Petite Adelaide Emmett Corrlgnn ft Co Helen Bertram Five MowattB Hazu( ft Mazett WesBon, Walters ft W. 1804-1905. Mrs.A Mrs.^Truesdall ft Co. Marguerite Bylva Three Dnmonds Armstrong ft Holly Williams ft Tucker Spessardy's ^ears.. ft Poniea Smirl ft Kessser Probst The Great Twelve Nava]o Olrls Rooney ft Bent , DeWltt, Bums ft Tor- rance Dom Francisco. De Souza Canfleld ft Carlston Sullivan A Paequelena Tyce A Jermon Hubert De Veau John T. Kelly ft Oo. Howard's Ponies & Dogs Mildred Grovar Jessie Bartlett Davis Dillon Bros. Vernon Ford Sisters Willie Zimmerman Mr. Mrs. M. Murphy Sam Elton - , Mary Shaw ft 0o. Delmore A Lee Josephine Sabel Bertie Fowler Polk' A Collins West A Von Slclen JoBselin Trio Nelson Family Cunning , Musical Keltons ■ , Count De Buts Paul Conohas Barry A Halvers Newell & NIblo Mabelle Adams > Sydney Dean A Co. Foster ft Foster _. .. Edgar Blxley Sisters ft Brother Fwd ^K"** «»?J. Wonderfnl Eltlnge S.'x*''*^ Bisters The PlroscofBs PIcoloJIIdgets Eldanor Falka Cameron ft Flanagan Frants Efaert ft Co. Avon flomedyr;F(mr Robert Nome Clandlfts ft Scarlet Motoring Junie HcCree ft C& Paul Spad^nl ^ Raffayette's Dogs Charles Ledegfir Caites Bros. Nlta Allen ft Co. Smith A Campbell - Rayward. Cohroy & Hayward Kanfmann Troupe. Camlle Comedy Cft Henry !*» Ida O'Day , Edith Helena Long A Cotton ft Girls Empire City Qusrtst Patty Bros. t«8ky, Rolfe * 0«,*s Quintette Violet Dale-^ Chlnko Mareen^,' Nevaro ft . Mareeno MInnie.Kaafmanil - ' Lester ft Manning La Malse BroSi ; f Ollle Young ft Bros. \ Dorothy Kenton > ' Searl ft Violet Allen ft Co. Wllla Holt Wakefield The SalTaggls Damm Bros. Coram Four Lnkeis V • Ben Welch * Eckoff ft Gordon James Thornton •TalB" Hyams ft Mclntyre Thr<te Madcaps - M<>netekel "Rain Dears" Claude ft F. DUier Work A Ower iCol. BordeyerTT ^ Patrice ft Co. HIckey ft >relsoQ Rice A Cohen Edward Clarke Four Rtanos Paplnta Ne(l Nye ft Olrls Edgar Atohlnaon-Ely Cartmell ft Harrll Four Rarveye J. Coutboui'ft Co." May TuIIy A Co. Fox A Foxle Circus' The TTessums • Jos. Adetman Trio StalTord A Stone Harry Vokes Kramer A BellelaIn C. B. Evans ft' Co. Countess Olga Rossi ft Paulo Dave Nowlin Bessie Wimn Three tdghtons Mme. Adei. Herrmana Clitr Gordon Bedouin Arabs ~ Bert Levy Obarsany's Cockatoos Rlfh. Buhler A Co. Ethel MacDonough 8BA80N 1907-1008. ^'IS?\2!5r?* * CO" Bdw. Connelly ft Op. Henry French The Quartette Bartholdt's Cockatoos Lucy A Luoler Colonial Sfptet Bersao'B Horses Ladelle A Crouch BIm Boom ft BVr'r' The NelllB ' La Scala Sextet Willard SImms ft Co. M'lle Nadje Emma Frances 1 , Anna Eva Fay World A Kingston Ward ft Currin Gaston ft Green Stinson A Merton Dixon A Anger Co. B. Valdare Troupe The "Immensaphone" George Wilson ■ Three Renards Urma Sisters Harry HoudinI Leonard A Anderson Kelly ft Vlolette George Austin Moore Rose CoghlaU' Jack Wilson A Co. Bmlle Subera Eugenie Fougere Inez Macauley A Co. Chris Richards Mullen A Corelli Roalna Cassellt's Mid- gets Ia Gardenia. Kelly A Kept - >■ Cursjbn SlBters • Dumond's Minstrels Bertie Fowler Sidney Deane' ft Co. May Ward and Dres- den Dolls Shean A Warren Violet Black A Co. Three Toscarys Mr. A Mrs. Voelker "Night With Ths Poeta" ■ Julie Heme ft C& Sisters O'Meers Harry Gllfoil . • Mosher, Houghtoff ft Mosher Canfleld A CSrlston Bandy A Wilson Mr. ft Mrs. J. Barry Eva Mudge Fred Walton ft Co. Press. Eldrldga Bert LeBlle Kara O'Brien, Havel ft Co. Webb's Seals Violet Gillette ft George MacFarlaneK, Delia Fox Grace Van Studdlford S°™ Nawn ft Co. 0. Hana San & Co. S ^"w" Sllvera A Charles 5*^5?," Meyer .. Slegritt °'' GIlQBerettls - \ Marcel's Bas Reliefs Calcedo ' Gert. Mansfleld ft Co. Emmet DeVoy ft.Co. Chas. B. Evans ft Co. Zeno, Jordan ft Zeno Staters Macarte Two Pucks Bertie Herroif Flo Irwln Wilbur Mack ft Co. Wm. Hawtrey A Oo. Rosarle A Doreto J. Courthope & Co. Carbrey Twin Bros. Blocksom ft BumB Olympla Desval SadA Sherman John A Mae >Burk ' Oaron A Famum Mme. H. Morlcnlnl ' Montrose Trou^ Bootblack Quartet- Bailey ft Austin . ' ... 'i - -1/.-:■.• ■ .... .-. .. fBAdOJf 190S-1M9. ^ice Worill ft C^ :.' Thid ^dwtaias ^ Webb N, Eva Westcott ft Cou Charley Case Dixon ft Anger Marshall P. Wilder Hengler Slaters' Salerno Mrs.S. Rohson ft Oo. Three SeldomB Baraold's Dogs A Oats Abdul Bl Kader ft . WlVSB Artie Hall Flo Adler WatBOtt A Morrftear' Perkin Zouaves . Berte Coote A Oo. Carson & Willard Ed. Stevens and Miss Marahall Rawsui A Juns - Rose Ellis Frsd A Annie Pelot' Fanny Rice Agnes Mahr \- Cadets De Osseoiss. Nonette Lh Vine A Leonard BisBett ^ Scot . Theresa Rons Hdmer Llnd Oo> Les SalvagglB Gracls Emmett Co. Edwii Latell Chadwlok Trio ' Hrary L. Webb La Petite Mignon 'Mankln Wm. H. Thompson Oo, J. McVeigh ft OlrlB I^lptig • Keane A Brtsco' Connelly ft Webb . Julie Heme A Co. Af. Grant A E. Hoag Ktrksmlth Sisters -Bowers, Walters'ft O Paul La Croix Beader-La Velle Trio 'Tarsdtse Alley" Harvey Family < Murray/SiBters White A Simmons Mr. A Mrs.' Connelly "The Naked Truth" Imro Fox/ Ray L. Royce BenlPeloh Rice ft'Elmer De Haven ft Sidney Henry Horton ft Co. Win Rogers Swor Bros. Bond, A Bentott •. ... Oherldah Simpson A. 0. Duncan ti'- Paul Sander's Olmuo , . Valadon / Howard ft Howard Four Sisters Amatia Ernest Van Pelt •, • Four Baltufl Thos. H. Ince ■ ' Ida Russell ft O..C» The Reiff Bros. ■ t Fhantastlc Phantoms ;} Vlnce Daly ■ / ■'} Julia Klngsley ft Co. i Edna Phtllps ft Co. ,' 4 Tom Davles Trio k Eccentric Oennaro .. 1 . Linton ft Laurehos ' ■ « Mabel MatUaUd ;i Polland • ■ ;'•- CasteUane ft Brothqr i Una Clayton-F. M. iMh\ Hathawtys Monkeys { Bob ft Tip Co. < "■■} P. 0ndervrood]ft Of.. • ■'i S';"«l2''i-J«*!'= ^rr»losnTiV ISBASON 1006-1907. De Haven ft Parker Edwards' School Ban Patty Frank Troupe Frank Nelson ft Co. Kltabancal Troupe Leo .Oarrlllo Ratfln's Performers The Bleaslogs Tom Mabohey ' ^l Original Madcap* ' i Mr. £ Mrs. G. HogheK Hibbert ft Warren De Haven Sextet: t Porter J. White ft C«c !'8»e«.t»J<^tp Katie Barry The Melanfs Casttiig Dunbars Henry Cllve Brale .Mildred Potts Violet Black A.Co. Eight PalaSs OtriB W. B. Whittle Martial ft Sylvester Dl<ik'I<ynch f^arles The First' Florence Bindley OrigolatI MeRSy A Cantwell Bowser A HlnklevCO. Billy Vsn OoldBmlth ft -Hbppe Potter-Hartvell Trio Fanny Rice Edwards Kountry Kids John Birch JonSs ft Mayo Sansene ft Dellla VBIrdhind" liinian Mortimer Co. Sisters Athletes BeldinI ft \Ajfthnr Reed Bros. \ Lilly Lena , Water 0. Kelly "Futurity Winner" M'me. Valledlta ' ' . Elsie Fa/ . 0. Qllltngwater Co. wniy Fanier Co. Charles B. Semon • Doherty Sisters Fox ft Foxle Circus Sam Chip ft Marry M. Stepp Mebllnger ft K. Reynolds! ft Donegan Witt's Singing Colleens Julius Steger ' Charles Ahem Troupe Frank Tinoey ' Charlotte Parry ft Co. La Veen-Cross A Co. Harry Fox A M. Sis. Redpath Napanees Alice Lloyd The McNaughtons VllmoB WeBjtony \ Blion City Four Cat Stewart Clara Belle Jerome Helena Fredrick Arthur WhHelaw Charlene ft Charlene Lancton, Lucler ft Co. Marie Dainton lived Lindsay William Gould 6'American Dancers Ida O'Day ft Co. Joe Cook-ft Bra Electrified Revlev Vera Berllnger - Bert Howard ft B.fU Jarrow ^ Eva Taylor ft Co. Selma Braati Jewell's Manikins Edward Lavino-. ,j Silvers . , :'!• SEASON 1000-1910;^ ;: ■'„:' r^ ' ('Night ta¥. H. H.**! Tom Nawn ft Co. ' » "Bpithlag Olrls" ^^* Anna Langhlln 'Jr. Dunn A Glazier : .i« Jimmy Lucas. ' -i.J- Barnes ft Crawfoid. ,v Sig Luciano Lucca ;' Rosarlo' Guerrero. ' '-'^ Sam Watson's Circus Marshall MontgomorT' Herbert ft. Willing ,! Edward's Night •BtrA^ Six Qllnserettlf <. :.-3i Qrilt : . 0 Hall Merritt ,; Minnie Dupres - .'{a La Petite Rems' ' '' Crouch ft Welch ^thleen Clifford OA.- Edna Aug. Eddie Leonard .' , George Bloomvisst Co. , George Auger ' M'lle Blanel i Mr. ft Mrs. MeOreerjr ' Herrlng-CurtlS Frank Fogarty ;• Bootblack Quartet '■ "Our Boys in Bluf " • Musical Cuttys •• .-. Tom Waters ir-cr';' Qulnland A Mack'.:<~ Baptlstl & FrancoM'.:. Mile. Dazle " ■■ . Mable McCane Paul SpadonI Wynn A Lee . Saona . ' . ' •, McConnell A SimpBttU Subera Coakley A McB; Seligman A BramWell. Little Amy Butler . '.Crops A Josephine'' Tempest A Sunshine .H Eva Taylor A Co.. Abdallah Troupe • ,. RuBsell Bros. ' Ray Cox Brindamour ' .r". Bobby Paadour "ClrcumBtantial Bvid;!' Patsy Doyle- "■ ' -M /•■■'I (■ SEASON Four Huntings ' Boudlnl Bros.. Joe Jackson The Love Walts Pope a tJnp Arturo Bernard! Lyons A YoscA Nellie NtoholB , Taylor Kranzman A W. Bathing Girls La Toy Brothers Five Cycling Auroras Brown, Harris A B." Sidney Shields A Co. Bert A Lottie Walton "The Leading Lady" Alexander A Scott Dlero '' Lottie WilllamB ft Go. Bernard A Weston Bird Millman Buriie ft Wonder Girls Five Olymplers "Operatic FWtival" Flying Baavards (Continued 1010-1911. JoBle Heather Mile. Camilla Ober ' Lew Anger Dr. Carl Herman. . William ft Warner ■'.. Swor ft Mack ■, .'Rameses' Lydell ft Butterworth La Torta}ado - "Police Inspector" ' Wynn A Jennings Moore ft Haager- ' ' Palfrey A Barton "Dlnkelsple'ls Xmas" McKay A Cantwell Goff Phillipa The Neapolitans Kajiyama Barrymore A RankiiM Annette Kellermann Bl Cota Felice Morris A Go. - Morrlsey ft Rich Wm. Famum A Co.' Frank Morrell on page 88.) . \