Variety (April 1920)

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30 VARIETY E. HEMMENDINGER Jfwelvr* to the PrsfaMloB f IKKBTt eoNDS ACCKPTBD T«I. fcks tn <t JOHN «T. WKW TORR I:. Mower & Avery Leo Zarrell Co Henry Santry Band MEMPHIS Orfheam Ford Sla Band Owen McGlveny Watts & Hawley Bob Hall Howard's Ponies F & O Walters Nelson&Barry OIpIb HILWAVKEB Hajeatle Bothwell Brown Co Whiting & Burt Mrs Wellington B Surprise Walter Weems Ernest Evans Co The Rozellas Diaz's Monkeys - Palace Mack & Earl Equlllo Bros Zeno & Mandell "Trip to Hltland" Adllald Belle Merlin SeebackB • ■ BIWNEAPOBIB Orpkeam Cressy & Dayne Marm6ln Sis Co Bernard & Duffy Lew Brlce CO' Pletro Win M Crewy „_ NKW ORIiBANS Orpkerai Prltxl Sohett Jazzland Naval S Muriel Window Imhoff Conn & Cor Joe Towell OAHI/AND Orpkcum (Sunday opening) Bostock's School Basil Lynn Co '• Mahoney & Auburn Alexander Kids O'Donnell & Blair Ben K Benny OMAHA Orpkenm Chas Grapewln Co Bert FlUiglbbon "Last Night" Kenny & Hollis Duffy & Caldwell Plsano Co Lucille & Cockle SACRAMBNTO Orpkenm (6-7) (Same bill plays Fresno 8-10) Billy -Shaw's Revue Sarah Padden Co Phil Baker Co Avey & O'Nell Byrnes & Oehan Lucas & Inez PORTLAND OrpkeUB RIU Mario Co "And Son" Sandy Shaw MIrano Bros Shelton Brooks Co Wilbur Mack Co Cbas Howard Co ST. LOUIS Orpke«m Howard Clark Rev Alan Rogefa Grace De Mar I J Connelly Morton & Glass Jack Osterman Novelty Clintons RUIto Saranotf & Girls 'Lydell & Macey Harriet Rempel Co Bays & Speck Kate & Wiley Lady Alvus' Pets ST. PAUL OrpkeMs (Sunday opening) Mason Keeler Co Flor'ce Tempest Co, Hudler Stein & P Milt Colllna 8AIA>LAKE1 Orpke«M (Sunday opening) Morgan Dancers Jack Kennedy Go Ames A Wlnthrop Ed Morton Marino- & Maley Hughes Duo SAN FBAIfCISCO Orpkeam (San,d&y opening) Berk & Swan Nitta Jo Montgomerly A A LaMont 3 Ashley & Dietrich J B Hymer Co Choy Ling Hee 4 Marx Bros Co SEATTLE Orpkeam Mme Petrova Gene Greene Brent Hayes. Ethel Clinton Co Stewart Sisters Samsted & Marion VANOOirVER Orpkeam "Te Song Shop- Mary Marble Co Cooper & Rlcardo Myers Moon Co 4 Valente Bros Frank DeVoe Co Frank Wilson WINNIPEO Orpkeam "Plashes" William Cutty RInaldo Bros Tr MARCUS LOEW Patnim Building, New Totk City NEW YORK C1T¥ American Musical Waylands Martlndale & T Jack Alfred 3 Otto Bros' Al H White Co Talbor & Burdette Shirley Sis & Bernle Senator F Murphy Chyo & Chyo 2d half <3ormley Sis Co Retter Bros Moore & Fields Golden Bird Octavo 'C & S McDonald L W Gilbert Co (Two to mi) - Tletorla Mlnnettt & SldelU M RuBsell Co- E Heron Co Billy K W4ll8 Dorsch & Russell 2d half Ward Bell & Ward Allen & Moore Lincoln HlRh'man Dunham' & Edwards Stafford & DeRoss IilBCOln Sq. Harry Tsuda Jesalo Reed Hal Johnson Co IJemarest & Col'te 6 Virginia Steppers 2d half Tate & Tate Bobby Van Horn Rolland & Ray New Leader Tllyou & RoKers Greeley Sq. Tate & Tate Griey & Klumker Jean Sothern Co Tllyou & Rogers Chas Ahearn Co 2d half Mjirtlndale & Y Rllly-K Wells 3 Autumns Demarest & Col'te The Oaudsohmldts Dciaaeey Sti Dora Hilton Co Rolland & Ray Blossom Balrd Co C & T Harvey Royal Uyena Japs 2d half Talbot & Burdette Grey & Klumker Hugh Norton Co Gibson & Pollack Aerial Lloyds National Orben & Dixie Octavo Concentration Weber & Elliott Sabbott & Brooks 2d half Mlnnetti & Sldelll Bobby Henshaw Concentration ! Orpkeam 4 Halga Dorothy Wahl Moore & Fields Hugh Norton Co Murray Livingston Dance Fantasies 2d half Chyo & Chyo Otto Bros Al H White Co Eugene Bmmett. Dorsch & Russell Boalevard The Perlnis Bobby Henahaw C & S >rcDonald Gibson & Pollack Golden Bird 2d half Dance Fantasies Dora> Hilton Co Blossom Balrd Co' Zelaya RoyalUyana Japs Avenne B Scamp & Scamp Syncopation .. John Cook Co Maxlne Dancers (Two to mi) 2d halt. Monte & Parti Jones & Johnson McConnell & S (Two to fill) BROOKLYN MetropollIMn Aerial Lloyds Bobby Van Horn Lincoln High man Henry A Moore Mystic Hanson 3 2d half Jean Sothern Co CAT Harvey Jack Alfred 8 (Two to flll) DeKalfc Retter Bros Mae Marvin - Pearl Abbott Co . Eugene Eninett 3 Autumns 2d half 4 Halgs McDermott & H Eddie Heron Co Marie Russell Co Mystic Hanson 8 Palaec 3 Purcella Sis Jones & Johnson Grew Pates Co The Oaudschimdts 8d half Orben & Dixie Mae Marvin Jocelyn & Chapman Canfleld & Rose Chas Ahearn Co PaltoB Tony A Oeori;e Co McDermott & H Mr A Mrs N Pblllips Dunham A Edwards Stafford A DeRoss Sd half Jessie Reed Hal Johnson Co Henry & Moore Shirley 81s A Bernle Wafwlek Noack Monte & Parti Jocelyn A Chapman Cooner A Lane McConnell A S 2d half 3 Purcella Sis John Cook Co 2d hjUf Brown A Svans ' Elroy Sis Walten ATanted Lee Nash Royal 8 DATTON Daytoa Sherman A Rote Fred Rogers Allen . CUfTord A B Mila Wllnat TroujM DBTDOIT Caloalal Seymour A Jean'te' LAB Miller Frank Stafford Co Joe Whitehead Cook Mortimer A H DITLVTH "stryker Sheppard A Dunn Homer LInd Co 20th Century 4 Ling A Long Sd half Gordon & Gordon Senna A Weber Mumford A Stanley 4 Bangards FALL RIVBR Bmpire Sutter A Dell Abyssinian 8 ' Helena Colene Co Andrew Mack Swartz A Clifford 2d half B A E Adams Ous Erdman Walter Low Co Howard Kane A H Kitaro Jans FRSSNO Hippedreaw 8 DeLyons BAB Mathews 'TiCt's Get Married" Lawrence Johnson Sakata Trto Sd half Andrleff.Trlo Morton Bros Martha Urband Co Raines A Avey HAMn.TON I>oc<>r 3 Maxims Burns A Oarry Carlisle A Homer Steve Freda iSyi?rtS^n "Some Baby" 2d half Klnio Grace Leonard (^ Mayo A Nevlna Conroy A CDonneU KInkald Kilties MODESTO ItQBW HIppedreme (4-B) (Same bill plays Hanford () Andrleff Trio Morton Bros Martha tJrbank Co Raines A Avey Norrls Baboons Sd half -fg«me-BB^ Stockton 1st half) MOKTRBAL LseW Caplane A Wells Weber Bock A F Arthur J Finn Co Quigley A Fltcger'd Lee Art Sextette NASHTILIiB Loew The Florlnis Arthur liloyd Cook A Oatman Hal A Francis 4 Voiunteers Sd halC Linko A Linko Drlscoll A Westcott Mullaly MoCthy Co Ben Harrison Cc Militar y Rev NlfiW ORLEANS Creseeat The Bimbos Henry J Kelly . Jimmy Rosen Co Walrasley A Kcot'g Mens Adolphus Co 3d half Fox Benson Co . Gordon 2 Leon Stanton Co Brewster' Boudlnl & Ber nard NEW ROCTHBLLB Oormley Sisters Co Canfleld A Rose The Scrantons 2d half LaFollette Co BddlePtaUllps » Kfasy Kids ST. PA1TL I<«ew ' Gtordon A Gordon Senna A Weber . Mumford A SUnley 4 BaDgards Sd half Bohn A Bohn Steve Freda Hallen A Goss Bugler & Bann "Some Baby" SALT LAKE Okula* J A J Burns / Driako A Earl Edw lAmbert Revue Comlque Qartelte Bros Sd half tClpp A Ktppy Carr THo Billy Miller Co Harry Ooulsoh . Corrodlnis Animals SAN ANTOmO . J>rli|CMS Kennedy A Kramer University 3 Jeffy Healy Co Holley A Noble Barnold's Animals 2d half Col Dlmond Co Bonner A Powers •Til Say 80" Arthur RIeby Montambo A Nap SAN DtBGO Hlapodroaw id half The Fostoi Rice A Graham OranvlUe A Fields (}1aude Wade Tom Linton A Girls 'SAN FRANCISCO Oaalae (Sunday opening) Harry Fisher Co Geo A Mack Which Shall I Marry Royal Four Lockhardt A Laddie Hippodrome (Sunday opening) Emmett's Conines • Rosa Garden Mahoney A Rogers Oruet Kramer A G "(3o Ahead" ARTHUR J.HORWITZ-LEE KRAUl, inc. 1 niHeAan WMK mt _ NCW YOm I _i. BAST AND WBBT >M*a SMa. MR Brn*Ha • ewcASO Um cm BMl.. 177 N Dorothy Wahl The Scrantons ATLANTA Omad tDonahue A Fletcher The MoNaughtons LaHoen A Dupreece Arthur Deagon Stone A Mover Siti Sd half Hackctt & Francis Fads & Frolics Mills A Smith Cunnlnsham A D BAKBR8FIBLD nippodroaee RIalto & LaMont T & C Breton 7 Brownies Cortelli & Hogers, 4 Sol ares 2d half 3 DeLyons B A E Mathews 'Xrefs Get Married" Lawrence Johnson Sakata Trio BALTIMORB . Hlapedrome Arco Bros -Bernard AJUerrltt LaIIs Shaw Co Ward Bros Primrose Mine . BIRHINOHAM BIloa Linko A Linko Drispoll & W Mulaly M'Carthy Co Benny Harrison Co Military Rev 2d half Donahue & Fletcher The Mc^Taut?hton8 LaHoen & Dupreece Arthur Deagon Stone A Mover Sis CHICAGO MeTldiera Beth Stone Co Beulah Pearl Kaufman A Lillian Nine o'clock Davis A Rich Flyin g We avers OLEVICLAND Ltkertr WJIKred DuBole Ford A Qoodridge Purple Lady Mlns Burke A Durkin Girl In Basket DALLAS nippedrome lister Raymond Co Dorothy Rove Bertram May Co LeRoy A Dresdner < Tasmanlans Harvey DeVora S -Temptation HOV8TON Frfaec Col Dlmond Co Bonner A Powers ril Say So Arthur Rlgby Montambo & Nap 2d half The Bimbos Henry' J Kelly Jimmy Rosen Co Walmslev & Keat'g Mons Adolphus Co KANSAS GITT Gardea J A I Melva Frederlcke & P Klnirsbury A M Eddie Phillips .9 Krasy Rids 2d half Wilbur A Lyke Phil Davis • Gllroy Dolan AC - Wilson & McAvoy F A M Hughe s BINOXTILLB Staab Hackett A Francis Fads & Frolics ' Mills A Smith Cunningham A D 2d half Paul Brady Rice & Francis W O'Clare A Girls Friend & Downing Theodore 3 LOS ANGBLBS Hippodrome The Fostos Rice A Graham Claude Wade Tom Linton & Olrls Granville A Fields 2d half Chong Tou Duo Jones & Georgia Daisy Dean Co 4 Bill Posters Lutes Bros MEMPHIS Lyeeam Fox Benson Co (Gordon 8 Leon Stanton Co Brewster. Boudlnl A Bernard ti half The Florlnis Arthur Lloyd Cook A Oatman Hal A Francis 4 Volunteers MINNBAPOLIS Loew Bohn A Bohn Cooper A Lane Pearl Abbott Co OKLA CITT, OKLA Liberty Spencer A Rose Ryan A. Moore HonevTOoon Inn Wm Sisto Randow 3 . ' 2d half Swain's Animals Neal A Stewart Tom Davles Co Coscla A Verdi Steiner 8 PTTTBBrRGil Lveeom C A E FralJpl * Mannln«r A Hall •Hazft! Harrlng'n Co Harry Antrim Fred LaRelne Co PROTIDBNCB Bmery Rose A Dell Hamer A Blanks Blair A Crystal Lew Welch Co Soldeh Tr 2d half LaVlne 8 Minnie Harrison Al Lester Co Harry Lee Ctene Hamilton Co. SACRAMBNTO Hippodrome Vee A TuTly Allen Grey Hart A Helene Roberts A Straw Eight Dominoes, 2d half BuBsie's Dogs Dellbridge A G, "Melody Shop" Powell A Worth- Eugene Bros ST. ^OITIS Gnrriek Marshall A Welton Muray Leslie "Oh Auntie" Hampton A Blake Faber Bros 2d half J A I Melva Freder'ke A Palmer Kingsb'y A Munson SPRINGFIELD LaVlne 8 Mfnnie Harrison Al Lester Co Harry l>ee Gene Hamilton Co 2d haf Rose A 1>ell Harder A Blanks Lew Welch Co Blair A Crystal Golden Tr STOCKTON HIppodroBie Violet A Lewis Rnrnam A Tant Bingham Four Cooper A "Vftlll Willis Gllbjsrt Co 2d half (Same as Sacra- mento 1st half) SUPERIOR . Loew Welling A Levering Billy DeVere Morgan A Gray Monte A Lyons "There She Goes" 2d. half Stryker Sheppard'A Duna Homer LInd Co SOth Century 4 Ling & Long fAFT Hfppotfrome C4-B) Jones A Georgia Daisy Dean Co 4 Bill Posters Lutes Bros (9-10) . RIalto A Lamont 7 Brownies CJortelll A Rogers Four Solares WACO Hippodrome Brown A Evans Elroy Sisters "Walters Wanted" Lee Nash Royal 8 2d half Kennedy A Kramer TTniverslty 8 Jeff Healy Co , Halley A Nobl6 Bnrnolrt's Animals OALGAR'T Paatogta Fashion's DeVogue Ul)er & C^pman PIptfax A Panlo Weaver A Weaver "Oh That Melody" CLHITBLAND Grand Oklahoma Four . Stanley A Lee Coskley Dunlevy Co Brown A Jackson MUea Mason A Cole Tom Nawrt Co Baker A Bedford Casting Campbells DBNVBR Pastagea ,^ Henry A Adelaide Flake A Fallon Qlasgow Maids Chung Hwa Foul* Great Howard DBTROn* It^kBtlfl Raymond Wilbert Bernivlcl Bros Cardo A Noll Simpson A Dean Harry Gerard Co Orpkeam The Rials Fred Weaver Co Beatrice Morrell Co Frank Bush Harmony Kings Regent 3 Nliuna Japs C Loyal Lorraine Little Caruso & Co Reason Newport A P EDMONTON Pantages The Mlllettes "Del a Phone" Seven Bell Tones Jennings A Mack Early A Lalght Riding Lloyds GT. FALLS Paatages (6-7) (Same bill plays Helena 8) > HAH Savage Rucker A Wlnnlfred Laurie Ordway Prince A Laurie Four Danubes LONG BBAOH Paatages Bullawa Girls Denny A Donegan Saharoff Trio Eadle & Ramsden Bob Albright Hill's Circus LOS ANGELBS Pantagea Wlnton Bros Gkrtrude Newman Bender A Meehan Business Is Busln's Texas Comedy 4 Little Hip A nap'n MINNEAPOLIS Paatagea (Sunday opening) Dewlnters A Rose Corty A Althoff Jessie Hayward Co Pete Pinto & Coyle Long Nevk Sam Co' OAKLAND Paatagea (Sunday opening) Rosier & Dog Green A Pugh M ^amuelB Co Jones A Sylvester Shawn's Dancers 06DBN Pantagea (S-lff) Mori Bros Goets '£ Duffy Eldrldge Bor'w A B Bert Stoddard Ward A King Henrlette DeSerrle Bud Snyder Co POHTLAND Phil LaToska Perrons A Oliver Patrick A Otto , Aleko Panthea A P Qulnn.A Caverly . "Oh Mike" RBOINA, CAN. ' Vaatagca .... (6-7) (Same bill plays Saskatoon l;>10) Norvelles Thunder Mo'untaltl Barry A Lfllghton' . Broadway Echoes' SALT LAKB . PaiUagea Lt. Berry A Miss Marconi Bros Martha Hamilton Co Baron Rlchter Glldea A Phillip* Brazilian Heiress SAN OIBCO Paatagea Act Beautiful Superlative Three - ■ Ed Blondeli Co Mary Ann Criias Olcott "Holiday In DlXle" SAN FRANCISCO Paatagea (Sunday Opening) Aerial Macks Allen Lindsay (^ "Four of US'* Lerner airily Nell McKlnley Co ' Great Le on C o . SEATTLB Paatagea Four LaurOIs / Henry F'rey College Quintet Foley A O'Neill Brltt Wood "On High Seas" SPOKANE Paatagea Nelson's Katland Lonnle Nace Wal2er A Dyer J C Mack Co Frank Horrell Japanese Revue ' TACOHA ' Paatagea Gypsy Trio Maraden A Manley Walter Fenner Co Gorman Bros Chas Althoff ' Derkln's Dogs VANOOCVEB Paatagea Harvard Holt A K Hope "Vernon Vaiand Gamble Hazel Kirk 8 Empire Comedy 4, • Bird Cabaret VICTORIA Paatagea. Haas Bros ■ - Lucie Bniob McGrath A Deeds ^ "Girls Be Girls" Fred Allen Asahl Troupe WINNIPEG . Paatages Houch A Lovelle - Simpson A Dean Arthur Devoy<3o Rose "Valtiyda Basil A Allen "The Haberdashery" INTERSTATE CIRCUIT. ^alM* Theatre BaUdtng. New Terk City PANTAGES CIRCUIT New Terk sad (Alcace Offlem :>"■ ■ BVTTB Paatagea (8-«) (Same bill plays Anaconda 7; Mla- ■onla 8) C^rlita A Lewis Abrams A Johns W H Wakefield Nevlns ft (Sordon Walters A Walters -His Taking Way" DALLAS, TEX. Majestle Sully Rogers A S The Creightons "Hoiley Boys" Lydia Barry "Indoor Sports" Lane A Moran Rorlick A Sarampas FORT WORTH, TEX. Majestic Bartholdl's Birds Green A Myra "Magic Glasses" Allman A Nally A Whirl of Variety James (Tullen Palfrey Hall ft B GALVESTON. TBX. Hajeatle (5-7) (Same bill plays Austin 8-10) Hugo Reo Murray Girls Mrs. Gene Hughes Chris Richards Gertrude Hoffman The Sharrocks Ward A Dooley HOUSTON, TBX. Majcatle Dancing Dorans BohMlken. . Nlinery Load Vernon Stiles "Man Hunt" Brendel and Burt "Four Aces" LITTLE ROCK. ARK. Majeatfe The Pickfords NIta Johnson Anderson & Burt Morgan A Kloter ' U S Jazz Band 2d half . Libonatl Duncan A Caslar .. Ash and Hyams . Terpgichorean 4. .' (One to fill) PINE BLUFF Willing A Jordan Terpsichorean 4 Duncan & Caslar 2d half Anderson and Burt (Two to flll) SAN ANTONIO. - TBX. Majeatle- Cutty A Nelson ' Wm Ebs Princess Rajah Kitner A Reany ■ Harry Green Co Venlta Gould Melnotte Duo