Variety (April 1920)

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Vkkittir m '■• •■- -'■ mmtli^i *■■*• 1 -u-y* f^^''^---»Ajif,i'tf rv 'aa ri*^ SAXOPHONE PLAYERS > a ATTENTION"; Write Immediately to V! Colonial Theatre, Boston Care of Fred Stone Co; ; V ■•';7-!v:;: Real Saxophone Plkyers - for Summer Etigaiiemeiit Only flie Best Need Appier . !; . y'< •.-•■.!■'•• TOM ^■■ii"^ "BITS AND PIECES" FROM THE PR^ V ■ ..**■ »j-<^ v« Joseph Santley and Ivy Sawyer Display Exceptional Act ■■■1 '.■>>•■-. •■■V' ■Vs. On view at the Palace this week is a brand new offering headed by Joseth Santt/y and Ivy Sawyer tliat is about the classiest and most artistic vaude- Tille act that lias ever been produced. It is a sort of musical, revae entitled 'Vits fitad Pieces," with Hassard. Short not only staging it experUy, bat also being credited with having designed the jcostomes. The entire offering was such a wonderfully delightful surprise th^t the audience not only went into raptures, but would not let the show prcceed-until Mr. Santley, Miss Sawyer, the Misses Hinda Hand, Victoria Miles, Dorothy Chesmond and Madeline Van bad become fatigued from taking encores. Mr. Short was forced to appear, Mr, Santley showing bis appreciation of the demonstration by the audience by dragging him out for a bow or two. There were cries of speech from both Mr. Santley and Mr.- Short, hvi only the former responded. It was a vaudeville event that will long be remembered by that audience that packed the Palace from pit to dome Monday. The act appears too big for vaudeville, but it just about spells the last word in miniature musical revues for the "big time." It is w6rth a dollar or two^bf anybody's money.—JJfar*, Dramatic Mirror. — , — C _ --_ If You Don't Advertise in , . VARIETY :^ Don't Advertise •'? GORDON VAUDEVILIE ATTRACTIONS /" Executive Department—AL LEWIS, 1402-1404 Times BIdg; Bookingr Department—MAX GORDON, 1104 Palace mig. MILT LEWIS, Assistant PhtnMt firaat tSVt-tUt Cabia AddrcMS LCWOOBn, Weir Tatfc NOW PLAYING V Jean Adair |& Co. in ''Ella Comes to Tbwn!^ ' By BDWIN BDKKB /.■ , #i?!®orothy Shoemaker & Co. in "Ufe** r.:;^y^^'-\ V.-.j^ ..-.;.'••■;, .. By BLANCH BLOCH ..:-....■; ' "i^V^'r ^ •■•^^^'■'^"■'^''ttarry'Green & C6. inv ■ '"y'-'M^^'-- ■4-l't :•'•'' -*■■: ^- '^or^re Washington Cohen'' By AARON HOPPMAN i-m^^:. Wmalj. Gibson & Regina ConneHi ink v^ if ^i ''^'^-^-S. '■*The Honeymoon"''^CSlU::i#i.^ 'f\ii:''' : ■ ^ a''' -t'^' ■■' '■ ■ ^^' ." "^ AAKON HOFFMAN ■■■y^C:-i.iii..f. ■:k^ •.ri' . '.■,■"■"6 ir- "•'*• .-.■''V^'^''•'•■:-l;i*V"-''" V .... 'On ^^ ■W^!;S*'^0)v'^^S.J' - By MACK E8PLAN -^ ■ 6^#*H6nor Thy Children'^ ,:.: <<; :?sfe--:^Vr^'[ '..'■.■ ■', By BHIPMAN ft LIPMAN ;" V r ^mm^iaSit^^* With? Grace Dunbar Nik ^^ r >K>-- -V > I ■■■■■:,■' By JOHN B. HYMEB ,^ ' ''■ ■ '^'S^^:'^. i^ : y^Pari^ in **An4 Son" ' ^ By EDWIN BURKS ■"•"■it VK ;' ., ^ ,.- J^And Son,"iwith Howard SmifliM ^'}\<'■.:■■ ?:i-.r ■ By BDWiN BURKS ■ ^ ; ^ ••■. ^-r^'^^'i • ■■.-"..■ *. r.**.'i.."-'v*.--•■'•'■,J>'**:*^'>*« * ;.-- ;>;*i. -The Night Boat" By JOHN B. HTMBR vv *ToUow fln," with Hariette MarlotI , •; y;.:"-- ;^": •.: By EDWIN BUBKB : : •;'■.• t sy^ ^.^:.>:^;(J^■;^Jr■^^ ■■■'' ... —^ ■ '.•: ^V: : '■■■r'i.r':■■.:: ' Solly Ward & Co., with Marion Miirray« ^^^,xy ..;Vo^:--^ ■..:■., m_«B^egr;'-^:.v;.;:'^:^^^^^^^ Howard Smith & Co. in '"A Tovch in Time" ..'.>:•• : ■'..?.■. B y CLEMONJB * BUBK B %; '-■^^■■.■■'-. Hugh iHerbert; & Co. in **Min d Your Ehirincis^ ■' ^ • ■ ■ **Good-Bye" '''" - ■ ■^^^^'^■'^:: ■ By WM. K. WELU .-'?■:*; Wtth WILL FOX and LILIAN ENGLISH : " v^ BP IN PREPARATION 'The Last Woman" by Aaron Hoffman^ "The Champion" by Edwiti Burke "Confidence" by John T. Mclntyre JOHN B. HYMKR * CO. LEW D0CK8TADBB HBSBBRT CUFTON HENRY LBWIB I7TH DIVIBION BOYS KLEIN BROS. BEN BERNIB 8ULLT * HOUGHTON JEROME * HERBERT MANAGERS OF EDDIE * EDITH ADAIS BAM HBARN MILT COLUNB ROSE* MOON LEW HOLTZ LEWIS a NORTON J0NU8 BAWAUANB JACK LAVIKR RAT PERN YuAMm NAVA88AB OVUM NIP a OVRIBN RICHARD THE ailAT MUSICAL NOSSn piELBRT a scBoran» PEGGY BREMKN A IIIK VERA BABINA oREON iiamt i...:M ^'\'-. I 1 1 ■'■■;n *•,. ■■".'^•i ^■ :,;^ :.*■. -.-rvi '■ ■:i1 ■•."«