Variety (April 1920)

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• I VARIETY :7i t- 1/ li^.' •"■i^":i":? -■^^ ■„■-'■ ■- ■■.., * H ■■*=, ■/;.-..;.■•.■..■ T^eif^iulcarMKeme' Is to take ilow time at tbe itart of a piece, hitting up the tempo toward the center and flnlihlng forte. \V% • (ood scheme. The music is moatljr rag. giylhg enoogh swing kot ^tb too much simllarit}- and not enough itatest •tuoes. mo, they did VfX play "Dardenella." A laugh ^t ithe opening was/when theJMiss «Uiiiimiet tied up bis hair behind as though he dlimt-want to mix It up with the cymbals. The band -was a riot in Cleveland, did almost as big In Chicago and is a certain draw anywhere but >iew York; Ihe PalaM gave it the No. 3 spot; too hard a position. It shotdd have cIosRi Ihe nrst part. Tuesdav evening the band did very big, bringhig ateMjr applquse at the flnish. Taking tbe comment of nearby audliors. It was looked upon as a novelty, through the men themselves, and that la what it is, for people will wonder how they ^er dropped Into vand*> vllle. Emlc Young dug them up" and it waa aome dlggiag, for Mr. TWICE IN THE SAME PLACE Just Read \e: For the Second -week of tbe all-whiskers band, placed doslni. the flrat half . . .- T The band. Itself tried a little new music Which sort of showed lust what kind of B' band It Is as a band, but that's not material, fot It's the hair on their faces and backs that counts. They played — did filrly danella," also a medley of Cohan song hits, and fy for ■ tte Young wears bis hair only on the top of his a*m». second week. When flnisblng "Dardandla" all the musicians called out "Hot Dog." The chances are they don't yet know why, and It must have been harder to rehearse them for that than it was for the music. In "Dardanella*' the bass drummer, with his hair tied tm- and hit idea of beating time. Was quite laughable if you were look- ing for the musical side of it' This bunch may be serious in tbsir home town, but that lets them ouL If they ever get a bslratf Omw can buy a ticket for Benton Harbor at tiie same tfina. ° • . ■ - » i;- \ For Two Consecutive Weeks :7^ :'^V: ■« ... ..^,.i«n.-.«^ < n :••)• I' •'. .'-;■''■- • .. :%;;■ has seen fit to pan my act. All I caQ^say in reply is that I will wager a doughnut to a safety pin he doesn't know music when he faeais it ;. .^Mf^If, after a week's rehearsal, Sune is able to sing th|e chorus of "Dardahella" I wHl f^e •%.$ki'to'Charity.'-;v .-i- .:-■•■; .'-''^'.- .■ ' ■■ :r. ■, ^:.-^-,p^-:^-^(-km&^.:X:.-'''''^--':.^^y . / -■• -5*. ! l '/, ;■«.;■ ^ ■ OF CHICAGO \ii^<:* ■V/,:^■ ;'iP.B. ■ WluUit the differenMbetween a critic and aii.'old ^x? Nonel They're iHith rotten! ■ -- :•.-■ v^ i^i^ iMm WH4T THE CHICAGO CRITICS SAID ABOUT HIM! ^^^^^^^^ ' ' ■ J.'l. SHUBERTPresents ' TOUB MONKTS WORTH AT QABJUCK THBATH B SHtJBERT'S OilBnSB Bt Ana Ledle NormrUi tad Wation, beipM tv jkl Shvne. rereeicd.lhe elerer Mttn am a» . DtoblblUoD difficult; pSollda to tmsilML Al Stuune nude a Us hit In bli urail ; tsthcr nunltml oomedx. "IMlr HMS" > > 1- ■f s: .t . . 1' ■ t ■ 1- I ns CHOBiHriuiBnB or uu i- ■ t >" .( Br fwtir Wsantmnd i' <t \ > ■ , ( ' Al Sbana otiitii at fMoosnt latanls , i ■ ■ t slth Uistsa<iMo«s hlls>MB «sads>illa >> 'C ♦ >• c >■ » »»»» »»» ¥¥¥¥¥ » ¥¥ ¥ ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ » Br AahtOB Sletens Od« of the "iloti" U Al Stmjnt whm be anion k refoondlns nose for • pitch nlpe. la fset, sll blf ntU-knovB nolict— toc^, nual oc vblMle—are ippliad«d t« tlie ii«U- known ecao. ■ >• ■< _^ }■ 'C intOAIKTattBHALMAtlRraODliaBB > • ■« BTtb» OpUoUit ' ' [• Al Bhpmt, with hi* fuoor eeeestrfe nieik ) ■ < K but ther BatllT btd to eoateat iTiiiiMstiM I ■ ■ ( ssdng on • pstchwork QoUt, dMatwiatlaa J. • c and Seooinlnc Un iWa -r'-^nw-B > ■ ;» ^ CUewo "A«>«l«a." * ¥¥¥¥»».¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ ¥ ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ » *¥¥¥ ¥ ¥ ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥V¥¥¥y¥¥V¥¥ J • With SfiuberfB ''Gaieties of 1919"—Garrick Theatre, Chicago Direction: ED. DAYIDOW and RUFUS R. LE MAIRE •'.-ii GEO. Keith's Palace, New York, Next Week (April 5) * Onr First Time At Pai«cc->Mayb« It Will B* 0^t Last—Will Let Yon Know Tuesday WILSON AND LARSEN BEN "DBESBBD Vf HICKff* At Keith's 81st St., New York, Last Week (March 22), Variety (9Ill||i»Id: 'Vice appearing comedy, not bad at any time, new tricks, applause awoHcB into B ▼olnme that forced tlie boys to retam for two or three aekno'lledgMieBta. It'a a good comedy acrobatic act." Keith's Royal, New York, This Weelc (March 29) Dfarectioh BILLY GRADY, Et)WARD S. KELLER OFFlck