Variety (April 1920)

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f ■ -= ■ i:. I: £"■■ 1^^ I- BILLY RHODES ;??^ Featured with W. R FRIEDLANDER'S liiilfdAVE MAN LOVE»'-; Mi vSnEXT WEEK {APRIL 5) B. F. KEITirS ROYAL»li;i :;n 5^- a. ^ SAMPLE DRESSES SAMPLE WAISTS SAMPLE SUITS The Kind the Snappy Girl LUcm That Wean Size U CARTER'S Masonic TempIeSample Shop Third jnoar, llueaie Tmpk - CHICAGO WANTEDu-QUICE Musical Comedy Stock People M WEKU IN ONB THKATRK SINaKB& SUfCBBS. OaaBDUMS. CBOBXm OIBI& ftMt In A-L Stete •0. «Ub pboto («U«k «1U b* MWMd). to Ifauicr. COLLINS mniCAL COMBDT 00. CMlio TkNtn, tmuf. OiU Cauda A^r 12 Years on Broadway and 48lh Street ' • 1' " am now located at - 5 63 FIFTH AVENUE (Near 4Cth street) HATS and GOWNS ^ Fox May Francis Milton Franeneaa Miaa Fravley & Weat Fraxer Wesley FredericlcB Flo Fuller Ben OibbosB Mary Olbba Joyce Oibaon May Olbaon Mae Oibaon Mae GUray Charlie Gladioli Florence Glyn Harry Goodal Jack Gealer Irving Orataam Mary Grant H E Gray Trizie Gray Bern Green Hazel Greyaon Jane Grimth & Adama Ouade Mary Gue Doner Fons Hamilton Helen Hanlon Chaa Hanaea Albert Harktns J ft H Harrington ft Milla Harria Joseph Harris Victor Harris Dave Harris Frank Harrison Benella Harrison Oakley Harrl«on Irina Harrison Claire Harrlaoa Olivette Harrison Ben Harrison Irma - Harvard Chaa Hayea. Walter Haaelton Jack Herman ft Shirley Hewes Jane Hewitt Mildred Hicks Loretta Hill Joe Hitner Gay HERMAN BACH TIMES SQUARE JEWELER Begs to Annonoce that On or. Aboat April. 1st He Will Be LMatiri At His Peraunent Headqnartera 1584 BROADWAY Opposite Strand Tlieatre Bet. 47th and 48th Streets Pormerljr at Broadway and 48th Street Preseat teaporary qaartera: 1556 Broadway, near Palaca Tkaatrs DIAMOND JEWELRY BOUGHT J. A. RATKOWSKT, he SPRING FURS We have Jdst completed onr Sprhig coUecUoD of scarf*, coatees, stoles and novelty fur pieces. If yon are thinking of furs, we urge yon to see this unusual display. .The values vrill ttfge yon to buy. As manufacturers, we offer you the best values at the lowest prices. SPECIAL DIBCOmiT TO THE FROPfiiSSIOM 34 West 34th Street New York City Holden Helen ~ HoUy J U Hnbbell Rita Httfford Kick Hushes Marie Hunt Jack Hyland Thos Hynes Billy Hynes Aenes Jackson Warren Jania Blale Jones Bthel Joyce Jack Katsu M Keen ft Wllliama Kemp Toota Kennedy Dolly Kleth Kenneth • Kimball Maud Kins J KInsella John Kokin & Gallettt Kolber Madca Kraemer Princesa LaFarr ft Slaters Lamb W A Lamey Jaok LaplnkI A Lapsley Jim Laurie Joe Leach Hannah Leon Dolorea Leona Lilly Leonard! Countess Leonard Ora LeonI Buby Lester ft Vlnoeat Lleb Herman LUette LIplnkI A Lynch M MoCIean Alma McDonoush Bthel MoDousan Colin McLausrhlln John MoMahon ft A'l'de Mack Dorothy Marquette Babe Marlta Charley Martin Addle Martin Johnny Martin Geo May Hallo Malvern Oraee Merrill Bessie Miller Sybil Mitchell EtU Ulnkl Sisters .'.■ Mohler Roy Montambo Mr Moore Tom Moraa Tom Morris Wm Moyer Wm Mozar Jeannette Murphy Wm Mura Asnea Myrrhtle Vettleson Nalnor Sam Neary Simon Nestler Harry Neville Jack Newron Dorothy Key Frances Nielsen Anabel NlRhtinsale Char Noble Heman. Nokin ft Oallettes Nolaii Mae Oaks Percy One Benny Paqulo Jose •Pa/ton ft Ward Pelser Geo Pembroke Adele Pinsree Barl Piers Gwendolyn Polo Gab Porter Ed Pressler Dolly' Procter Xiester . Radoliflfs The • Ralphs ft May '; - . Raymon Leater '<:: mavis RuOi ,-;^:"; oddy Jaok - •, ehan Adrlotta '' eynolds B H lohmond Harriet Redd Reha m Rlqkard Wm Roberta Allya RobinI Dora Rose Jack Rosa Helen JOHN ALEXANDKS OFFSBS THE BOX CAB ROMEO'S "ELMER AND HORACV ALEXANDER and MACK KNOWN FORMCRU AS ALCXANOER AND riELDS ' STARTING OUR 32ND WORKIMa WEEK OF SEASON PANTAOBS TOUR WEEK OF APRIL 4TH-SP0S:ANE NUXATEDIRON :«N Rea-bi^declv Successm Men arid Women of Today. Liberty Lean Bonds Aeeepted as Cash At Poll rkf Value on Any and All Pnrchases HOUWASSEB 11417-14 23 TMIRP AVENUE FURNITIIltE Cash or Credit Write for onr 100-Page CataloflT nisstrattd with Helftea* Ensrarings 1*-Pare Spfdtl Sale Clrenlar MEN AND WOMEN OP THE STAGE t« wheal the srHetie la faraltare prMcnto ever its strenaMt eppMl, •heald follow the •lOBiple of tha haadrode of loedlasr nombors of tho profctolon who have fnrnUhod tboir hones throagh u. and thoroby not only save from n% to 4t% on tho prieo. bat avail themoolTM of tho pririlwe of oar eoaToniont doforrod paymoat aystoai, tho meat llbotal In Now York for OTor a qaador of a cantary. A S-Room Apartment •MS VALUE Coniiitlns of all 4 Period Famltnro $245 A 4-Room Apartment ISM VALUE Porlod FamltBro..9Qr7R of Raro Boaaty....^O 19 Tlnilly naAid fNu Wert Mdo Is SIth or WUi Bt OtaHiom Om LIBERAL TERMS ValnolWook Month iiti it.M i8.<e •IM iZM |9.0« ixN n.M ii«.e« H«l IS.M |1>.0» 1401 I4.M |1«.S» KM I5.M i2e.eo Largor Amonnt Up to |I.«W .H 15% A S-Room Apartment troo VALUE Ineemparablr BlehffCQe . Paried Famltaf•. .^90u A 6-Room ApartnieBt I1.O90 VALUE Elaborato Otr'jM^mgA ia Porlod Fanltar«$ I OV Wo DoUvor by A«t» Track Olroet te Tear Deer