Variety (April 1920)

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■^'-.m'lm^mw^: J -v.. !■ m I;! m~i ml 90 VARIETY ..■.-..-^....: ■:■.:■-■- :.y ;,........,•:■• .-i-vy JOYCE HOTEL V 31 WEST 7l8t STRBST NEW TORE crnr Dnur FUnai: Wbeo » Ud. I tlirayi Inroad In Ktool tint tb* world int ■ nnuuL Lctcly I htn hnid lo miar people nmUBc tbnilT: "Turn tmr tomte ef th* etrtb." U't InromMtlcn I want nut bouiht» Mir muffin'. Hiybo It don't ttte ooUui (M» ntttnt dlity OD (be oaMdei 111 nr It dom Horn I'm tiT- tax to Uilnk up •ome wir to keep tbtm oImd «a ua Inridei Don't UU me to wub, u I know thu tnd wtDt MHsetblnR more ot1g)n«L Bougbt » iMit wtalla I wu in Baltimore, and wben I wmt lo tir It on, found It va» too abort. TocA It bMk to Iba fellow •nd Hid, "Thlj tblrt la too ibort." H« atld. "Oh. tbat'a all rlgbt you'll wear It lone" Beat. CHAHLIE WILSON **THI) LOOSE NUT" Naxt Walk (Aprtl SI-Kalth'i. ToMe Wiek of April iZ-Katth'a, ColnMbua JACKLAIT SAYS: D. Stephen Hall, the character monolog- lat, had a hard time for a minute on enter- ing as he was satirizing.a professor to a bunch that had never seen one; but when he got hla flrat deep nifties over on politics the mob tumbled that be wasn't a high brow and after that he threw 'em about like tenpins to a belting hand and guffaws. AMERICA'S MASTER SHOVIfHAN BOOKCO SOLID UNTIL lUI Addran FRIARS' CLUB, NEW TOBK OTT AL. C. MrrCHEL BATB 'TNo, that sanare at Broadwaj and I66th Street does not belong to me." ROSANO AND iiis NABIMBAPHONE DtnettoB, EHNIS TCnnVS THEFAYNES I Direction, Highea ft Manwarlni I Only unusually warm weather kept au(^lenceB below the phenomenal high marks at all the local houses the past week. The Inflated prices failed to mar Al Jplaon'B openlntr at the Alvin Monday night, although there was an obvious disgruntlement amon^ those wlvo paid ■and more among: many who flgure they will do without seeing him at the four- forty top. Freak attractions at the Duquesne are boosting receipts there. "The Kevcla- tlons of n Wife." with special matinees for ladles and an added feature In the Zanclgs, billed as "wonder workers," are drawing the crowds. Beverly Bayne and Francis X. Bush- man In a Morosco production, "The Mas- ter Thief," opened to large attendanoe ■at the Bhubert Pitt, FREDDDPREZ itarrta* tai "Mr. MaabatUa'* la Baclaad Haw Verii m»fl; ABEWin I4N BnadMV Lmmoa Bt^" t ____ mntSAT * DAW I iMe at, W.O. a «* jAHn ■AOiaON EsflM PswM Wi tt Osalaaiwiai WttTOH * Lrt r MARIE CLARK'S 4 FBIEND MAOGIB 8«ii I'n had aqr IMtna tali By a nrptv dait aMl laid. Ska aald tkat ea Bnadwav I'll So I'B ittMas ap aa a«t With waa tlrllM ttiafa • Jaat to ikow that lypilia daat aay wbct thty auaa. 'Too know how It la with ma. TInualeb" Direction < . FRANK EVANS p. &— IOm Stella H. Blair and III. A. Bpeoew Bnirowit eoo- fntnlatlona I seem to aea mora "iflos tteda" FAUL FETCHING THE MUSICAL FLOWER GARDEN Whifluleal^NoTcl^Appeallng An Act Ibst* MiMalas tie thrae vraat •]«• naaU that hare aadt VaadavUle tte Favorlta Amasemeat af tha Anarleaa Paepiai BBAUTT. COMBDT and UTOia Open far next aeaaaa. Parmanant addrasst ^ t« Packard Ave.. LjmanaTlIK B. L Weaver Brothers The Arkaaaaw TravaUrs . Orlflaslera sf Haadaaw Barssaay Left their Bla la Arkaaass; bnt they lore in Irtill." TOVBING THB WOBLD MARIONNE PROaXB DANSEDU With JULIAN ELTINGE All Star Bevaa FRm LEWIS (HIHBBLF) Says: I do not like revolving doors; I like a door I can slam when Tm mad. The Qulld Players' second showing drew well and gave further proof that with proper handling the organization will become a fixture. Viola Mae Moreland, one of Pitts- burgh's best sopranos, who was to have taken part In a Morosco production re- cently, may enter the legitimate field In the roar future. While rehearsing her .part she was married to Roger Johnson, a local musician, and called oft her en* gagement. QATETY, ACADEMY. VICTORIA.— Burlesque. HARRIS. SHERIDAN SQUARE, LY- CEUM.—Vaudeville. GRAND, OLYMPIC, LIBERTY.—Pic- tures. PORTLAND, ME. Portland stock lovers will have the op- portunity to witness the premiere of a new play the week of April 6 at the Jef« feraon when an American comedy, "When I Was a Boy," by Robert. B. Homans, will be presented. The scenes are laid in the 8t«ta of Mala*. A. H. Woods -will «om« JIMANDMABIAN HARKINS DELMAR TIME Direction MAX HART ARTISTd' BOREM Radiator, Ky. Dear Sir: Who sends actors to France? .• ■ Cy- KIcne. Aub.: Can't tell you now. The Draft Board used to. ^ • . . FRED ALLEN Pantagat Qrcalt Dircctlen, HABK LEVY The Disciples of the HOUSE OF DAVID BAND Make the Smith Brothers and Some of our 1920 Messenger Boys Look like Female Impersonators. \ (Somebody page Sully) COOK & OATMAN Lo«w Circait Direction, MASK LEVY Why Not "JACK-UP" our Salary? It Takes a NIAGARA of Nickels Toupee Commissions. Alsonotethat Green Hats are Getting To Be as Popular as Cut Weeks and Benefits HU6HIE CLARK Moss TIma Ditaction, MASK LEVY GRIFF BRITISH BEEF after beinf wan roteted. diairad and awallowad. la now belni dlgaated by tlie Amerioan mldloi April 6th—Keith's Theatre Washington, D. C. , I am not taUtr tt itoppliif anr ihowa. It takw me all my time to ptennt my own thow from txlnf ■tofvped. SIR HARRY FnZGERALb, O. B. E. (Oinea BmMm *tad) That American guy. yan Hofan. has topped Ilia bill over me in Enslandl This makta ua ann. to Portland during the week to look over the production. Through the courtesy of House Mana- ger Hamilton, noonday services will be held in Keith's during Holy Week begin- ning Tuesday to Saturday. Inclusive, starting at 12.30 and oloslng at one o'clock. The service will consist of music and a brief address will be given dally by a local minister. The closing dat^s of the Municipal Con- certs season of \91i to 1920 has been set for April 10 when Cecil Fanning will be the assisting artist, and April 22 when the Portland Men's Singing Club will bo the attraction. Irene Olsen. Ingenue of the "Qreenwioh VlUavs Folllei," which recently closed lOIBT THE WIFE Daat tai the wMe ht«r amh I lert: ael tiiat ■akaa m» «9mmt», bat what aha doa't kaa WMft kwt Iwl OSWALD ROXY LA ROCCA i WIZARD OF THE HARI Pauline Sazfl SI t'ERKIN Km HATS HATS HATSi JACK JENNINGS THE KING OF HATS Argo and yerjenia vnK (iiii;Aik!.\(; i\ r;<f',iR I.ITII.K 11 FABEVELL TOVB OF JOHNSON BROS, and JOHNSON — w- "A Few Honents of Minstnlsy** Beward for a s««d aatber. at the Shubert, Boston, Is the guest of her cousin', Mrs. Cliftord Carr Jordan. Miss Olsen spends a portion of her sum- mers in Portland and has a host of friends here. / Raymond Havens held a piano recital Monday at Frye Hall. The program In- cluded the "Wanderer Fantasie" of Schubert, familiar Chopin numbers, aad the stirring scene from "Tristan, and Isolde," by "Wagner. RIverton Park lias t>een leased by^e Cumberland County Power ft Light Co. to Charles B.^Orahm, assistant manager of the College Arms Hotel at DeLand, Florida, and B. Murray Qraham, mana- ger of the Union Station restaurant of this city. It is their Intention to open the park and dasino May 1. ., I>0RTLAND, ORE. By RALPH ELlilOTT MILLER. ORPHBUM.—^Marx Brothers. ALCAZAR.—"Qdaker Olrl." 6AKBR.—39, "In Walked Mary." PANTAaBS,—^Vaudeville and pictures. HIPPODROMH.—Vaudeville an^ pic- tures. LYRIC.—^Musical comedy, .Al Franks and Ben Dillon comedians. [ LIBERTY. — Douglas MacLean and Doris May, "Mary's Ankle." * COLUMBIA,—Owen Moore, "Sooner or Later." _ ^ MAJBSTIC—Pictures. ^^^ STAR.—Pictures. PBOPLBS.—Pictures. QLOBB, ORAMD. CIRCLB, RBX, CAB'< WO, BURNBIDiS, QU^fniT'-^PIotnrea. mA:i-