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■> l->7S^X^,.GiS:i^S^St^rMiiiai ^; ,1,1 VI. ' iv/rr'^^lllffP'^n^ '-PM MOVING PICTURE^ '.•;'';>:^-»i^ ^(. i.!^!,?; .•■-;•>••.. ^:-<-'^--' '■•••"'^ : I • ..li .-.■ • ■.::' ,.:,.. .il I.. ►.i^S,- r-ssr**-- ine ECiiilunerBteln hail' renewed Dntract with Belzolck for aevMi ^■^■■'^■■■' . '^:\'■/'■':■■'■. iries Ray etarted: work ob ty-flve Minutes Irota Broad- thto wee k. . lott Clawen, wt'TJalveraal jto eauor, la now conneoted Metro. .^ _. "^ bert Harron Will be promoted ordom shortly. United, Artists release. , ■' . _: . Bhooldaiy)!^ Is the- title of th6 Xarry Semon fe'atttrs. IiUcUIe 8tA wlU take the female lead. :(, 'I JLMk liu Jottwa MetroVWMt^ 9. Kennedy lUwto. ftom^r ohiet ot ..._.._ J »_*»* . tl^e Naval Board of RevleW'lor Cen- ■orahlp.oC Blotlon fictureafor Bx'* port; Third Naval Dlatrlot. national adjutant general and chief of etatf Of the United American "War Vet- erans, wlU act in eonjunotlon with Dr. McWalter B. Sutton, surgeon general, In directing the orgaiUza- tton's membership drive to enroll 100,000 ex-service men residing in New York. The ITnlted American War Veterans have obtained from Adjutant General Harris the exclu- alva privilege of exhibiting "The Price of Peace," a picture produced during the war by the Army Signal Corps, which depicts the American troops In action. ' . ' ret a=* m^ artes Steele, .formeilyiauditor ^e World and Republic, is obleC auditor with Selznlck.' ' maid H. Walk is publicity dl- it of the Murray Garsson qrsau-' BB. Fine Arts Pictures'Corp. Wv Sampson,- formerly-assiet- trtasurer with the JIayflowetv resigned to enter the.ftdvertis field. . »_ .,-" ;-> le Bcr^eh adaptatl*l4'*6f ■"AnguB- lIcHUgh's "Offcor 66ft'; .Qol^wyn roducins went into .production "treek.'^ • ■■ ■ ul':'-'^'':-'--:... : '■-■•■" ■'.'.-j;- ■' .... . ' ! " :■ il'l-Jri.';.' ', a La l-uCllle," the musical, com- will Bee production In pictures vehible ^or Lyons and Moran. ill bo a flve-reeler. Hllam Bertram has bieeh select- 0 dlrflct the new Joe.Kyan and 1 Paige serial "Hidden Ba^er^'' /itagraph. ';' he- sin That Was Hls,*r by: ik tt, Packard, will be utilized.; ??iillam Faversham for his Inr Selznick production. Hobttir^ ley will direct. ' - : ■ ' inmah Thopapson's "The . Old jestead" will be reQlmed bV F. /..with Mohle Blye and TniBO«" Roberts featured. George.Xiel- wlll produce. -:. ;j : :/ii Iv JBOAST HCTUBE HEWS. ' ,'.. ' ' t«qa Ai^geles. April 10. WallacO Beli Is underlinecl to dp; "The Charm SchotoV' by Alice Dier Miner;'; . , ••. "■ ' In jByCGardner SiilUvan Directed liyJPred Niblo x»? fSii" |'5fia^^^45 ., 'Baby .Virginia Brown recently syiffered. a severe isjiuy .to her ^lijlht .n::n,<I.: y. :■■.■ '••>..■■ ';.•:''■<•.-.■.■ ' • .•. ' Fay b'Nelt; late of the. ^iecffeld fyiyies." >vas featured at. the Venice Fashion show Easter Sunday. *^ .i* ■ "^l^ f.5**S '# WM^ m m Rollin Sturgeon will soon start .•'The.Qlrl.in the Rain" at Universal .City, stamng; Anne C^ctrh-WellT ' ' ' ' Hoot' Oibaon has hecrUB :;work on another two-reelWestern with Alma Bennett aa his leadlnjg.vwoman in '"Circumstantial Elvldence." WalteT- Kdwards, director, who" Is vacationing in Honolulu, contem- plates returning tO':>the Xasky Studio. ■ ■' - : Btro has acquired the rights to I Jackson's "The Hole jn the 1" and another receiit stage r^TSig game." by Wlllard Bob- m itnd mibourna Gordoii.. i^ii Percy is scheduled for pro- oii tO' stardom under' the. Fox ter, following the completion of or three preliminary produo- ii Enlmett J. Flyna will bo ber ittiiV.-H •• '-^■:: g--■:•:::-:■■ :.,\ Idle lldAbert, song WTltiKP and levllle auuior, has signed up for erlod'of three years: with the k Mann Comedies on the coast. triU both write and p^duce. In iiidn to partaking In th9 fOraa. )8mopblitan PrfaduotloM' wltl : produce stage versions of the iat papers' cartoon series, "Abla A«ent" and "Polly and Her K' after which they yrtll be Etted for the screen. ', r. Vtafik Crane has teard Ih© of-the screen. He has jslgned » Lester. Park and Edward Itesldo to: tell in story fori4 his id conception of "Democracy." direction^ will be in the hCMidB i'Tanit iRolcher.' ,;. . r*. /^V •■ I honor of the American Newj- iT PubllBhers' Association the Belated Motion Picture Adver- rs, Inbl, staged a midniehi enter- ment at the BlvoU Wednesday. Id W4rd Griffith's address was 'Cenrfrtrship." 'i ••' I " ,•» fter showing two releases of the IcDempsey serial. Sol Schwartz, lager of the Little Playhouse at ■Vernon,-N. "T., has cancelled the kings. The pictures failed to »/and in addition to that several nbers of the American Legion t protested. - ■ . ' ' . .^ . ..'..■ -.;. leon Gendroh, who recently made entry into the film field as the aing Juvenile In "The World and I Wife," directed by Robert Q. tnola for International, luuk ao- ited an offer to play in a dra- tlo stock company during the nbig summer. Hdney A. Franklin has just com- ted on the coast the Aiming of thalto," based on Robert W. ambers' novel with Sylvia earner ip the titular role. It will released by Mayflower through alart. It is expected Miss earner will start work on another ambers story at once. 'iFatty'" ArbUcWe began work Ap»tl 12 on IiMn Cobb's Saturday Evening Post story, "Tfie Life Of tha.Party/'.-:^^ .,,■,::.■. ■;.■;.•■■■,;- ^:j /Major Maurice';Campbeil wUl make his debut in fllmdom. when he begins direeUhg. Bryant Washburn in ^*Burglar Proof/! >;';'? ■ i' , George Lioane Tucker ha« loans^^ Leatrlc^ Joy, his yonhg leading.? woman, to" the d; N. Schwab^PrO* duoUon^ t<j^ play: <>ppoalte I>»vld Butler Jn ;"SnflUi^", AM/^ttiie Wajf.?' ■ Tom Batea is renewing old fMendr ships in Riveralde, Cal.. in whi^h city:20 years ago be was-propcla- tor of the Bates Stock C9, • '" Plans are being made to^orgian- iee a separate post of th« American Xegioniit Hollywood Studios of the National; where there sure;|(). f<»iaer 8ervte«>.iae?.:^ -..-.:.-,--_: ;:^- ■■■ ■., v- ;;; .^ JtKsk UeQinnia recently . flhlshed with Helen "Hio.JrBies at tlio Vita- graph^ and Petite Jovial May Foster has sighed. Wl|h Qoldwyn in the all. stak cast of "Milestones." .'. J ' ■ ■ ' . '. '' On account of the illness of dl- reqioi^.WilUiixa.A. Belter the second feature pt«av|oti<>n of the National Film Corporation of Ainerica's aU- Vljnerican series will not be started until abOttt'Juhel. ■;■. ;. ' lAst week Joseph Cotui, of HonONi luUv ^tone to liOs Angeles for the. purpose ot contracting with' the Fteffff Stud^a for stage Mulpment forhis new Soroliilu theatre^ The stage v^l be HQ feet across and 40 feet. deep. **ft '^^mmm ^?^ 'm ■ i--m ■^~:^M>^;v BOX OFFICElAPPROyALiTHEi ONLY/ ^HONESX SESIi/QF' MERITS Tlie pSitTio.verdict onTl!SEX" iua been proaonnce^The^ t? SESi "ikesabbte'ihiTavertge pieinrt Mke."* Ajtawfoii rerdict was nnaohnoiu and leadlikelhit: VSEX^ia OBe] topaabiuigaIo«»;itiDtoxkaie«tbeeTe,catufie9tIieBiiaiiaiiii,' of the yerjr few. GREAT FICTtlRES. Noihioc is moie} 'carncs iu appeal ridii into thodeptbaiQf your heiit.;/ 'coaclusire and connncine iban the PUBLIC VERDICT.! " •* i iTbera is no higher aotlutnty than the meUage fr»m the boxr office. It make* all annimeni and all praise" unnecessanr.l IT REPRESENTS THjTJILOQUENCE 6f FACTS. In our! receal annoonceYnent«% told of big boolcinis in Clucaeo,) Kanaas City; MilwaulceV Boston, Atlanta, Pittsburgh. Btj Lonia, Hihaeapolis, 3]Pokan«« Seattle, Sia. Francisco, Los] AonIea,Fort Wasne, bsiroil, New Orleans, Dallas, GalTea>> ioiuNaah¥ilIo.y^-' " ' ■ ".. ("SEXt cmhSdi^ihe ieoihbbied triafS]pK'of sjncst I liHiisc 6U)imr>s Wt jprodoeer,-1, Parity ReMl, JrT Mi Wi 'great seeaSti<»,:«irier,' d CHudacrJSpHivasIaBd j* wwtl .« yoor bm stlL<ara>*aship.T or^Htt tiMSvartOrr ht^mitu* »jiii. e Hi^JI CUBCI ON SCREEN, San Franoisc^, April il. ".filmtiitaneottsly with the concert appearance of Galli Curd at the Auditorium, May 2, Beverly GrifHth, assistant maxiager of the Universal ez^iangek has artangfed- for the iihowlng of the "Uadonna of the 'Slums" picture featturlng the operattfl star at.theFrolIo Theatre ot which Griffith is general manager. N. OBIEANS aiOBE POR FTLU. K9ii Orleans, April 21. ' :7be 'Olobe, long considered the South^s most pretentious Iptimate theatre devoted to pictures, jyiU be sold at auction,, shortly. It was leased by Herman Fichteobeg for a term of years and later tarh'ed over to the Saengers ^itb the avudghma- tlon of the Saenger-Fichtehberg in- terests: . ".'i^iTY^ ■-M /:■:{< ;i';i WECAN Attractive Pricea for Old Mtrrlal Picture FihU9 in Re<l9 or 'P^i^-- Peter Lteiutrdi* A Sen* ;^ 00 *t o»:Bif«*',fli.»';:i<«rsA,;'!!;''.«.: ;:- UlfNJIIIMIjpvillSP^ ^!WT?w ■ *■;■ ■■■'•■.*•-'■; ■ ■ ;.-TO'>lCv..: ■'' :(?-^^ •■■»>:i;r-- U a meeting of the Fire Preven- n Regulations Committee dt the itlonal Association of the Motion Bturo Industry, held last week, an 'Itatlon was 'presented from the itlonal Fire' Protection Assoola- 'h to se-nd delegates to the annual ieting in Chicago May 4. Reports >ro presented indicating that good Ogress had boon made Inconneo- »n with the proposed film ex- ange buildings In many Important itnbutlng centers. torn Woore is ieginnlng wMk on^ r "OfiBoer 606," adapted trom the playj|^':-i; bi^ Augustta^oBlugh, and "will b^ dlreotiad by Harry Beaumont. T^e balance of tke'cast selected inoltides Kate Lesaer, Jerbme Patr lok. H arry* Bunkinsoii and George KuwaC Tho cost* seleoted for tha Mary Roberts Rlnehart story, "The Em- ph-e Builders," IncWdea Cullen Lan-- diB, with Molly Malone opposite him, and Ralph .Bnehmao, 'son of Francis X Bushman; Otto HofC- mah, Howard li&hiton. Tom Perrs0< and John Lyn dk The first threor In the series ot newspaper stories by. Miriam Michel- son, stftrrlDff Irene Hunt, has been t, completed at the David Trattner^; Studio, at Long Beach Studio, un- der the direotioQ of Fred A. Kelsey. They are "The Bait," "Medium," "Well Done^" and "SpringtIm on Grub Street," . . After completing "The Transla- tion of a Ravage," George Melford will begin work on ','The Old Home- stead," in which Theodore Roberts, Monte Blue, and Mabel Julienno Scott will appear. Elmer Harrisnylli write the continuity. The Photoplayera* Ekjulty Asso- ciation report that Chas, ^. Hagan Is with Annette Kellcrman, JacK Davidson vlth Madeline TniV'?ra«» M Fox, Alma Saunders and Kenneth Butler, playing the married xotiple with the Mitchell Company; George D. Streeter. in the recent production of Walter Edwards and others; „TVm. Ritchie, boh Gray and Ed. Kelb^ I ar:o with Kellenpaii; E>oe, Bytell.lnJfe the current Mildred Harris phapUn I picture, and Dick Freeland In WU- 1 liam Duncan's serial. '-.v.>V3.L,-;;:\j;--V.;;.V ■Ti...; '■^:i"^:^i:¥: ^#i?- iiioitiow picfett^ of •.r-^>:fv^*^^B^ 'w;-..- -ipv;;:^",' ifwio^ a week i£ prdsente thg most interesting and <the: most jscreenabk jewnts ol il|ie5 ?^f^^ pTwice a >veeK ii!>rfe^ tite^p pies in and semj^ iH^ ja^^ : It bdopgs ini your ■«.■/>■• «J«V\ :V:' '^f.m ;^;»'i';..,:^!ij:/. HS6 V: ■. '■:'/■ .fi*. s'.^^-.'Jvy: ■ . . ...... .../■■.■.'..■•.'■.)=■<£*.:''>,i- .■■■■.'V. -■•..(■:. ..;-■',■.;:.■■,•■■.■.■ ■■■:^{'-^yy: : ■/■■'v si' ^.'';:'4*^!pf.::,.v^^::'!^:^fe m i^Mkh^nir^tatJiiiamm