Variety (April 1920)

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up-.'-' y /^•-■'.■^-^■-:fe-'r;''''.^^.'.' .-■ 'triAhits::;-^-, .^TiK-^^'iTS"^^ ■".'1. -..■.■•■;■; ■'■■4,: j~'i PRICE 20 CENTS ■.:■^>.^^r^^L. !»?•(''■' * ^ •, , "■••4.-«if>;'1.-r---3;;^ ^^^^^:^5<^^-';-?# ;•■ ■ arc HI / VV-VJ; - ■.■.■''' '".".■■.:..iii!fil 3i ■dtgsT PuMIihed Weekly at 154 'WoBt 46th St, Now Torlc. N. T., bv Variety, Ina Annnal aubierlptloD 17. Slnd* ooplM, SO conta Bntered as aacond class matter December 22, 1906, at tbe Poat Office at New Tork. N, T., under the Aot of March 1, 1I7» •tol. LVra, No. 10 NEW YORK €ITY, APRIL 30, 1920 48PAGES HjOSED shop decreed by EQDin FOR ALL MANAGERS -M WT INKERS OF M R IL A. BE(MNG AUGUST FJRSI '■■■'"■■ 'im „; Beginning August 1 next the Ac- I'ibr^ Equity As^ioctation wilt inatt- i tote the "closed" shop for all com- %•' jAnles operated by managers who I Ho not hold membership in the Pro- I'dadng Managers'Association. This I QCAns Kquity members will not be Intermitted to play with Fidelity g'^^eague members or unafflUated pskctors in any company next season ■ ;"li'the manager operating the com- ii^^'Wiy 1> not a member of the !(• '. The managers who will be prin- ^7^pU1y affected by the A. B. A. (I *jol08ed shop" edict unless they Join j^;.>ths ^. XI. A. told before August 1 i^,Jire one-night stand operators, the i^ IncIwUng Gus Hill, Leffler & ^fBrattbn,. Max Plohn, Qeorge Nich- ^1.0]^^ Charles and Harry Blaney and Plan Tried Out Four Weeks Ago in Chicago-nA. E. A. Official IntUU Way Has Been Found to Make It Effective—Difficulty of Settling SuiU ^^the Cause—What Lackaye's Election Forecasts Coutts A Tennis among others spread over the country. The Equity placed the "closed shop" plan In effect as far as Chi- cago producers outside of the P. M. A. are cpncernei} four weeks ago. At Bqulty headquarters this week it was stated the "closed shop" plan for the managers,,excluslve of those beloniring to the P. &I. A., had been decided upon because of dlfflcuUles experienced this seoMB In straight- ening out claims against manacws not affiliated with the P. M. A. Although* the peace paot signed at the conclusion of the Equity ■trlka last summer expressly forbids the establishment of the "closed abop^ In companies controlled by P. M. A, members for at least five years the present "closed shop" mov* of tb* A. R A. is looked upon ia maaa- gerlaJ drcles and by a certain radl< oal element in the Equity as the first gun in a campaign for a general "closed shop" to become effective for all managements whether be- longing to the P M. A. or not in the very near future. Just how'the clause forbidding ths ."closed shop" would be over* com* could or would not be ex- plained by a man high in the coun- cils of the Ikiulty, but It was stronC" ly intimated In discussing the mat> ter that a way had been found, and further positively asserted tlia Equity would make a determined try for the "closed shop" in general for all managements before the ex- piration of the fortlicomlng season. Whether this signified anothte> strike if the P. U. A. opposed the plan could not be learned, the per- son giving the information refuslnc to commit himself other than to em- phasise the statehient the "closed shop" was on *he way, adding It^iM favored by nine-tbnths of tb« A. E. A. The recent offer of ths'; Equity to take in Fidelity members ' (which up-to date has bofne no fruit) was called an opportunity of- (Contlhued on Page t.): y ^r.i.: I JOI^N'S $2,000 I:; HIGHEST PRICE YET fci;?- Received That Amount for Two Performances Sunday. '< sAt Jolson is said to have been fall 18,000 Sunday night by the "Shnberts for his respeotive per- ji; l^fflances that evening at the Cen-' |o^Mry and Winter Garden. Ths Y- Sinount comprises a Sunday concert JV 'fecprd for regular shows. E^^JOlson lias not tppoarod in New t;^:7citfc on any occasion since leaving ; flHth "Sinbad." His ^uune was ad- [f^tertised as the attraction at both i|TlbeatreQ, and each was Jammed. J., 1 The Keith concert at the New IXr^nolerdam the same evening did S-Bot have Its usual complete capae- w- _- iOtEEN SLIDES NOW y-h- % i\ BOOST N. Y. A. DAY '(i-'ii.;- ■X Taken in May 5 for the Fund. SMes were sent out this week the Vaudeville Managers' Pro- tlve Association to its theatres, -. . *•« shown on the screen, calllner JO.tte public's attention to National 5'.if"^evllle ArtlsU' Day, next i Wednesday, May 6. ^r The slides stated aUof the money ?*'»««n in at the box office for the ^Wednesday matinee would be |vturned over to the N. V. A. fund. f,_« asked support for the vaudeville i,t9P on the occasion.. ||["PAGE ME. CUHD," NEW. ;..' . The Shuberts placed a new mu- Jl'Sical show In rehearsal Monday jelled "Page Mr. Cupid.", Owen ^ Davis wrote the book, Blanche Mer- ;.*i the lyrics and Jean Schwartz \*the mimic. '•^'Srnest Truex will be featured. vS"»er8 of the cast are:—Marjorle ;-«atcaon, Cadotta Monterey, EHza- ■oeth Woftett, Hal Crano and Rob- ,»rt Pitkin. f. ^^' Temple is staging the piece. "DAINTY MARIE" (MARIE MEEKER) NKON-NffiDUNGER BUYS PHHIY'S MET. Pays $655,000 for Opera House at Auction. Philadelphia, April 2S. Tred Nhcon-NIrdllnger bought in at auction this afternoon the Met- ropolitan Opera House for f655,000. The bidder was Albert M. Green* field, known as Nixon-Nirdllnger's agent Ur. Nirdllnger acknowl- edged himself as the purchaser, but ratussd to discuss the future policy of the big bouseg which Is situated somewhat out of the way. He takes possession within 00 days. Nirdllnger is associated with the Stanley Co. The latter was known to want the property and had pre- pared to buy it tC opposition bid- dins did not prove toe strong. Nlzoa is also affiliated with Kr& B. la legit theatricals. The only other bidder was B. D. Stotesbury, the banker, who holds a mortgage on the property for $400,000, He quit at |650,000. Showmen from New York were expected at the sale, but none ap- peared. ROUH NAN HALPERIN SWEEKSONFOXTOHE Will Receive $1,000 a Weeic— Returns to Audubon. - "DAINTY MARIE" Marie Meeker, known since hor stage childhood as "Dainty Marie," whose exquisite lines and features adorn the front page of thie issue, after a brief season as a feature with the Sells-Floto CiroQs, returns to her bast love, vaudeville. Miss Meeker, despite her excellence at stellar aerial and trapexe per- formance, has nevet been regarded principally as typifying these special- ties, as her figure, hor voice, her comedy ability and her personality have made her popular in musical comedies and in vaudeville •• an ar^ttj an actress and an example of feminine charm.- Nan Halperln has been routed by the Fox office for eight weeks at a salary of $1,000 a week. Included In her itinerary Is a re- turn date at the Audubon where she recently appeared for the first Ime. Miss Halperln will play all week stands. This is the first move of the new bill strengthening campaign which the Fox bookers Intend to Install Immediately. -.> MAUDE ADAMS TO -S^: RETURN TO STAGE Is Rapidly Recoyerina Fn>m^ Recent Illness. -e: n f^vKUI.vrv Maude Adams Is to return to tbo: stage next season, present plans' calling for her appearance at t^s' Empire dui'Ing the last halt bf ^hs, coming season, with the opening section of the season probably. See- ing a Belasco show. ' ■ A new play Is being sought for! Miss Adams, but It Is possible that she will be seen in a revival .of "Peter Pan." Miss Adams will reappear under the direcilon of the Charles Frob^ man office, under the management of Alf Hayman. The Famous Phiy- ers win be Interested bnly so far as at present, the actual management remaining with Mr. Hayman, 04^ with other Frohman productions. ,?,, Miss Adams has boon in retire- ment resting, for a year. She had played for 26 years and u rest was Imperative. Recently Miss Adams was reported as quite 111 In the Adl- rondacks, but Is now said to bo rap- idly recovering. ■r:.'vi^ TOLLIES" $550 TOP m PHILADELPHIA ,..i;..^»-^\i Price Boost Creates Talk in That City. ■•■"■■'■ ■: . ... .■■.:^yi Philadelphia, AprllM. >■> The boosting of prices for "Tho Follies," which opens hero next > Monday for a two weeks' stay, is creating a lot of talk. The IS.G0 top for the front rows Is the highest ever asked for any show here at. the regular box office scale. The list runs $5.50, $4.40 and $3.30, Indludlns war tax, with $1.10, Including tax, for the gallery. . There Is a heavy advance, sa'.e despite the lift in prlcea, ■■■■■'f'ri0, :;v,>^; '^'^•■■:i«l?'^!^C^>;;^ji;^wfi;^ ■; :i'ki^^d: p'l^fj^ :^ki"':^'%ki^:&!ii^.