Variety (April 1920)

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BftUS NEXT WEEK (MAY 3) IN VAUDBVILtHi THEATRES (All honaea epon (or ttao .week with MoDday matinee, irhen not atberwiat la< «lo«te<l.) Tte billa below are srouped In diTlstona, according t« the bookloK oOoea titer •re auppllcd from. The manner in which theiie bllla are printed doca not denote the relatlra tm- fortajioe of acta nor their program posltlona. •Before namo Indleatea act la now dolnjr new turn, or reftppearins after ab- •enee from vaudeville, or appcartOK In dty where liatcd for the flmt time. B. F. KEITH I AUace Theatre BoIIdins, New Tork CUr MKW TOIIK CITX Keith's Falace Xveljrn Neablt Co Harry Carroll Co Victor Uoore Co Juliet Bert Srroll Co •Frank Wilcox Co Wilbur Sweatman "Oems of Art" (One to fill] Kelth'a AlhAmbfA Santley Sawyer Co Outran & M'guerlte •'$S,OO0 a Tear" Brendel & Burt Melaon & Cronin Anger tt Packer Iiaddy A VtMy dordon A Ford Valentines Kelth'a Colonial Colly Ward Co Mxte Friganxa Wm Qaston Co BobiM & Nelson I<eon A Varvara rord Blatera Co *J n Roblnaon Co Darraa Brof Anderaon A Toel KeUh'a BiTcraide Wllaon Anbrey 3 D'ATlgneana Celeat Clifford A WlUa Alan Rogera rior Roberta 0* Bantoi & Hayea •Kitty Qordon Co •Jack Wllaon Co 3 & Bloody A Bro Kelth'a (lat St. Zia Dora * B'kman Stanley & Bimea Valerie Bergero Vratoo Sta BAB Wheeler "Rubevllle" Kelth'a H. O. B. M half (2»-i) PrsToat * Qonlet • Manning Sla "Welcome Home" Brcnnan A Rale Harry Uayo (One to ail) let half (t-f) •Sydney Co •rrcddle Kelly •Vfllr for Night" Clara Howard *Pat Boarrl (One to fill) Id half «-•) AlTin A Kenny KanonCo Dnaham A O'lCalley Tenaeaaee 10 (Two tofllO Frector'a UBtti 8U 3d half (t»-l) Howard NIchola Reed A Clifton 3 A B Morgan Jonia A Hawallana (Others to flit) let lialf (3-S) Stanley A L'wrence *'Reekleaa Bve" (Otbera to fill) 2d half («-t) •Frank King Jolly Wild Co Harlettea Uar'ettea (Othera to fill) ■ Proctw'a SSth.St; •Frlncesa Nal Lai L K A U Conrad Hanning A Hall Harry I^ngdon Co JAB Morgan • Blighty airia (One to fill) 2a half Cecil A Bernloe •Nana Co Margaret Ford Beymonr Brown Co (Two to flll) Frector'a Sth Ave. 2d half (29-:!) Scamp & Bcamp De Vore A Taylor Klmbcrly & Page Lloyd & Wella •B QUfoyle Co Blliabetb Murray Dancing McDonalds (One to nil) let halt <I-C) LillUana Dogs Reed & Clifton Dunhani & O'Malley Uarlettes M'onettea (Otbcntofill ) 8d halt (t-l) "Follow On" Pace & Edge Wm Eb Clartt Howard Pot Pcurrl (Others to flll) Froctor'e 23d St, 2d half (29-2) Cook & Valdare Courtney & Irwin Billy Gould Vme Herman (Othera to flll) 1st halt (3-E) Jack McAuliffe McOr evy A Doyle & Lee •Bleo Daneinff Rev (Othera to fill) BB0OKI.TM KelUi'f Baihwlrb Martyn A Florence Xharnum Tozart V & n Stanton Maud Mullcr Rev Billy aiaaon Uorrls A Campbell Bella Baker Lamb'a Mannlklna Kelth'a Orphenm Kvert'B Monkeya Hilda Morrla "Flirtation" Hunting & Francis Mrs G Hugbcs Co Yvetto The Bharrocke J & K I'cu Majarc'H Co Kelth'a Oreenpoint 2d hnir (29-1!) Ilnp H.iznrcl Tn-v Eddie Heron Ca ri.'ira lluwnrd Pace & Bdee lat half (3.S) Alvln & Kenny WmEb Elizabeth Murray (Othera to fill) 2d half (6-») Leonard A.-Wlllard Bonita (Othera to flll) Kelth'a rroapeH Id half (29-:) H CroBsnian Co BAB Wheeler LaDore & Bcckman (Othera to flll) 1st half (1-5) Rimberly A Page Belleclaire Broa (Othera to flll) Id half (t-9) •CJorrlne Tllton Rev Brlacoe A Rauh Mr A Mrs J Barry (Others to flll) AiXEMTOWN, PA. Oiphenm BAB Adams Frank Brown Jack Tralhor Co Peck Mclntyr* (One to flll) 2d half JAB Binith Clair Ulnatrel M'lds Burke A Tonhey Herbert 3 (One to flll) Al,TOONA, FA. Orphcjim S Gardner Qirls Jack Joyce MIddleton A 8 Malian A Case (One to flll) 2d fa«f Nick Hufford Qntxey 4 Dixon Bowers A D (Two to flll) ATLAITTA. I^e (Birmingham split) 1st half Page A Qreen I Bong Qlrla Devltt Kelly A 1 Ijeottard A Porray Breen Family AVOUBTA (Macon spilt) istbaU BdHall Lyie A Bmersok "Fianovine" Kenny A Nobody The Dnnedlns We Placed DAN HEALY Wltk HuOREOO* A PATCH'S "The Sweetheart Shop" Ua4«r Ovr ExciuMra Haaafimat 1493 BIKVUIHSVY m BRYANTMI-M2 BAIAmORB Maryland Nathan Broa Rome A Cullen Daisy Nellla Byae & Dutton Qeo Price Ara Sla (Othera to flll) BIRMIMGHAII Xyrie (Atlanta split) 1st half Perclval Qlrla "Pour of a Kind" Jarvis A Harrison Comfort A King Helen Triz A Sis BOSTON B. F. Keith's Bnoa Frazer Moran & Hack Helen Keller Julius Tannen (Othera to flll) BUFFALO Shea's Countess Verona Lovenberg Sis A N Duffy A Caldwell Whiting & Burt ■T^ot Yet Marie" (Others to flll) CHARLESTON Victory (Columbia apllt) lat half The Browns Warren Olrla "Current of Fun" Major Doyle Uaxine Bros A-B CUA»IA)TTB Academy (Lynchburg apllt) lat half The Uniques O A M Perry Tanner & Palmer S Hamilton & Barnes May Bvana OHATTANOOGA Rialto (Knoxville apllt) Ist half Reynolds 3 McCormach A W 'Real Mr Q" Fisher A Gilmore Dolce Sla Co CINCINNATI B. F. Keltli's Kartc'lli Reed & Tucker Bert Baker Co Crawford & B'rick Btonu & KallsE AlQcn Bronson Co Qua Edwards Co Nolan A Nolan Keith's Palace Marr & Ayres The Suttons Thru Thick A Thin Joe Towle "Cheer Up" Brown A Moran ■•Jim" CLUVELi\ND B. F. Keith's Roy Hnrrah Kddle Foyer llermlno Shono Mnrgaret YounB Hum Coffhlnn Co Slgnor Prlacoe Wm Senbury Co nckefl Dancers (One tu nil> COLUMBIA Cotambla (Charleston split) 1st halt Arthur Davids Cortea 81s E A M Foster Wayne Marsh'l A C Alex Bros A Evelyn DAXTON B^F. Keith's Duppree A Duppree L & O Archer Jason & Haig I,elpiie Navaasar OirlB Kramer A Boyle Johnson Baker A J i>BTBOIX Temple Irozart Dillon A Parker Nonnette Ivan'Bankolf Co (Othera to flll) XASTON, FA. Able O. H. JAB Smith Clair A Minstrel M Burke & Touhey Herbert 3 (One to fill) Id half BAB Adama Frank Brown Peck A Mclntyre (Two to flll) EBIB, PA, Coknlal Anna Vivian Co liOdge A Robles Francis Renault Dvngan A Raym'nd i Sterling Sazo 4 Bosh Broa GKi^ND BAFIDS Empresa Reno Mabel Burke Co Oeo Yeoman McC^rmack A Irv'g Welli'gtan Cross Co H A A Seymour Pederaon Bros HABBISBUBO. PA. Msjestle Lorimer A (Artery Nick HulTord Quixey 4 Dixon Bowaa A D (.One to flll} Zdhalf t Garden Olrla MIddleton A S Diamond A B (Tws to nil) Taper Dress Rey" Kennedy &Francla Page Hack A M I4)n8VIIXE B. f: Keith's Huber A Uwyer Co Maleta Boneonl "Honeymoon" Marie Cahlll Libbey A Sp'rOw Co (Others to flll) Anderson (Nashville apllt) lat half Burton A Shea Chris Richards Rahn A Beck Loney Haakell "Flaymatea" LOWKIX B. F. Kelth'a Margot A Francis Karl Karey Johnny Small Co Raym'nd A Schrain C A F Usher - - Hallen A Hunter Welch Mealy A M LTNCHBVRO, TA. IVent (Charlotte spilt) Ist half Mossman WAV Kanaxawa Japa Wright A WUhw Doyle A Blaino Salon Singers UAOON Oiand (Augusta split) 1st halt Challon A K«k« May A Hill McCarthy A Fayc Qeo Rosenor Bvana A Psrrai HOBIXB Lyrle (New Orleana split) 1st half Edna NIckeraon S Cunningham A B McCarthy A S JAM Harkina Jordan Olrla MONTOOUERV Grand I banolB* 61s Alt Grant 6 Nosses Cbrlaty A Bannett Brencks Models 2d half Fritchie Lowe Evans A 8 -Whirl •( Mirth" Connolly A Webb Tha Randalls MBWPOBT mews Olymple (Petarsburg spUt) 1st halt Bdaa Bennett Van Bros B Wllllama Os M A A Clark P Bremen A Bra NOBFOUC Academy (Richmond split) lat halt Bob A Tip Hayden A Xrcelle Furman A Naab (Two to flll) FBTESSBUBO Century (N'port News spilt) lat halt Sultan The Stanleys Dorothy Doyle Surer Foot Qatfney MiMlcal Ulshl'nders PHIUUDELPHIA B. F. Keith'l Prosper A More Mastera A Kraft Migtr A Anita MeUahon A C Lady Sen Mel Bronson A Baldwin Tracey A McBrlde "Overseaa Rev" (One to fill) PITTSBCBOH DavU MelDOtto Duo Seaman A Sloans D Shoemaker Co Adier A Dnnbiir Jo« Laurie Jr Moaconl Family Krans A I>a Salle Martin A Moore Sheridan Square (Jehnatown split) lat half The Plckforda Borna A Foran Klrby Quinn A A BanlOD A Clifton (One to flll) rORTXAND, MB. B. F. Kelth'a Keno A Wagner Mr tm Mrs Norerosa J X Bmmett Co Creole Fashion P Kaegan A Bdwarda Frank Gaby XRADINO, PA. ■ajestlo Story A Clark - Diamond A B (Othera to flll) td half Swer A WeathMok Jack Tralnor Co Klaaa A Termini Lawrence Crane Co (Ona to flll) HOHHOKD lyria (Norfolk apllt) 1st half Bobhy Randall Revue De Luxe Osoar Lorraine Corson Bis (One to flll) bo<;hesteb Tenpla The Faynes Chaa Wilson Lanrel Lee Ernoat Bvana Oe Bddls Borden Co Majrhew A Taylor STEAMSHIP TICKETS Reaeryatlons for AU Steamers st Companies' Rates FOREIGN MONET EXCHANGE Drafts. Foetal and Cable' BemlttaiMes International Travel Bareaa, Ine. IW Eail 42a4 Btrast, New Ywk iXear Grand Central SUUon) INDIANAPOLIS Reno' Davis & PcIIe Bert Howard . Dainty Marie "Tango Shoea" Lillian Shaw Bkl Jones Rev Lydell A Maccy Miniature Revus JACKSONVILLE Arcade (Savannah split) Ist halt Gilbert & Saul Hart Wagner A 3 Sampsel A L Co Strand 3 Breakaway Barl'wa JERSEY CITir B. F. Kelth'a 3d half (29-2) Alvln A Kenny S D Manon Co Harry Lnngdon Co Carrie Lllllo Elec Dancing Rev (One to flll) let hnlf (S-{) Pearl Andrews Co Jolly Wild Co I^onard A Wlllard •C Tllton Rev (Others to flll) 2d half (6-9) Ony A Kyle "Heir for Night" (Others to flll) JOHNSTOWN, FA. Majestic (Pittsburgh spilt) lat half llolman Bros lAittIo (Jrooper Wm Lampe Co r>nvls & McCoy Cnmcron A Kcn'dy KNOXVILLE Itijon (Chnttanunga split) Lit half Al Ji>rom« Danny Simmons W H Armstrong Co Will Rogers MX. VERNON, N.T. Proctor's 2d half (19-n "Look Pleasant" J R Johnaon Co Brlacoe & Rauh (Others to fill) lat half (1-6) •"Follow On" VInle Daly (Othera to Oil) 2d half (6-9) "Rochlcsa Bve" Bryan A Brodcrick •Gertrude Barnes (Othera to flll) NASRULLE Princess (Louisville spilt) 1st half Gabby Bros A C Marie Dorr Dawson Sis A Stern Melville A Rule Kitamura Jap S NEWARK, N. 3. Proctor's 2d hulf (Z9-S) 3 Weber Olrla •Tud Doner Co Wm Qaiton Co Gallagher A Rolley Barbette (Others to flll) lat halt (3-6) H Crosaman Co Race A Edge Briscoe A Rauh (Othera to nil) 2d half (C-9) Reed A Clifton Elizabeth Murray Joe Cook 3 Blighty Girls (Others to flll) NEW ORLEANS I'alooe (Mobile split) lat half Rpynolds A White anion A Mulcahe Xyaa A Rr«n (One to fill) ■AVANKAH BUoa (JaeksonvlUe apUt) 1st half The Aikens Cliff Green Presaler Saxe A X Ray Ctenlln Potter A Hartwell BTRACVSK B. r. Keith's Alvln A Alvln Dorothy Brenner . Sheila Terry Oo Harry HInes Ralph Hers Co Harriet Remple Co CIceollnl Jfonroe A Grant TOLXDO B. F. Keith's Regay A Lorraine S Lexey A O'Connor "Ragged Edge" Clara Morton Ward A Van Morton A Glaaa Patrlcota Wheeler 3 TORONTO Shea's Cath Powell Co t Jeaters Motile Fuller.Co Muldoon A F Ben Bernle Royal Gascoyne* (Two to flll) VnCA, N. T. Colonial Malcolm A LaMar Hall A Brown Finley A Hill Owen McGlvncy KItner A Peaney (Two to flll) 2d half Burke Walsh A M . Roao Wyse Co (Othera to flll) WASHINOTON B. F. Keith's Goslar A Lusby Bertram A Saxton Venlta Gould Oeo Kelly Co J C Nugent . Rae Samuela Rajah (Two to flll) TONKEBS, K. T. Proctor's Sinclair A Gray Cecil A Bemlce •Seymour Brown Co Clark A Verdi •Nana Co td half Betty Bond Harry Langdon Co JAB Morgan Vaasar Olrla (One to flll) TOBK. PA Opera Hotue Swor A West brook Klaaa A Termini Lawrence Crane Co (Two to flll) 2d halt Lorlroer A Carberry Story A CHark Malian A Case (Two to fill) TOONORTOWN Hippodrame JAB Mitchell Lillian Herllen Columbia A Victor Belle Montrose Leon Brrol Co Geo A Moore Grubers Animals (One to flll) CEIGA60 B. F. ISEITE TavdawlUe Bxebaasc, Ghlcaaro BAT an, aacH. BUOB Grace Ayres Oa WUltama A Taylor Mma Ellis Id half Burke Bros A K Helen Staplea Jack Oeorre Dua Joa I«Veaux 'ToUBbkeepslo*' Smith A Kautman "County Oflldals" Id bait Latea Bros Keating A Beae Poll Olreall BBIDOBPOBT PeU'a Davey MoLanghlln A Key Broadway 4 -My TnUp Olrt* (One to flll) Id half Clinton Blstera Nelson A Bailey J a Sparks Co Mattylle Lippard C* 9 White Hussars Plasa CyACy Mcintosh A Maids Helen Frlmroae Johnny Clark Co 2d half F A M Warden Blanchette A DeV Bowers A Saunders Gerald Grlffln Co HASTFOBD Palace Allman A Navins "Love In Suburbs" Mil Klee "Love Shop" 2d half Markuerlte A Alv Mullen A Francis "Hungarian Rhap" "Just Suppose" NEW HAVEN BIJon F A M WarOell Bowers & Saunders "Juat Suppose" Nelson A Bailey Sylvia Mora A Dud 2d half Hill A Quinnell UcLoughlln A Nev Smith A Troy Shirley A Monroe "Sweet Sixteen" Palace Clinton Bialera Mllla & Morley J G Sparks Co Harry Mayo • White Husaar* 2d half Mcintosh A Maids Broadway 4 "Putting It Over" (One to flll) BOBANTON, PA. FoU's (Wllkes-narreSplIt) lat half Brlmlnoa ERNIE YOUNG INC. Artists Representative Salto 13I2-1SI3. MASONIC TEMFLK CHICAGO MOST RBLIABLB AGENCY JN THE WEST Chains A Cortaa Zero's RsTua Fenton A Fields Kane Mori A M SITBINOFIEUI, MASS. Palace Jester A King Jack A Nay on *nttmber Please" A Ollbert Boys "Putting It Over" Sd bait' Rock A Drew Van A Pearce Cataland A Wms Snowies A Wblte (One to flll) WATBRBVBV Poll's Marguerite & Alv Blanchette A DeV Mattylle Lippard CV> Mullen & Francis "Hungarian Ithap" . 2d halt Jeater A King Helen Primrose "l«ve in Suburb" Mel Klee Johnny Clark Co niLKES-BABRB, PA. PoU'e (Bcranton Split) Hip Raymond K AEJKulm Davie Harris 'Dreams Come True' WORCGSVEB, MASS. Poll's Smith A Troy Cataland & Wms Knowles A White (Two to flll) 2d halt Bherwln Kelly Allman & Nevlns Harry Mayo "My Tulip alrl" Plaxa Rock A Drew Van A Pea res Shirley A Monroe "Sweot Sixteen" (One to flll) 2d halt Davey Jack A Kayon "Number Please" A Ollbert Boys Sylvia Mora A Dud Mme Ellis Venetian Gypsies BB-iNTFbRD, ONT. VMnpIe (liondon split) 1st half Arthur Huston Morris A Towns Marvia Rehan La Bemlcla (One to flll) CBAWFOBDS- . VUXB. rSD. Strand Zd halt The Puppeta AI (^nrad Co "County omolali^' (Two to flll) FUMT. MICH. Palaee Bdler Slaters Bernlvlcl Slatera Colvin A Wood John T Ray Co Roy A Arthur (One to flll) 3d halt Lady Alice'a Pets Grace DeWlnters Will J Ward Girls (Two to flll) . FT. WAXNK. IND. Palace Cnmmlna A Wblte Creadon A Walsh Jim McWIlliams Powera A Wallace (Three to flll) 2d half Flying Wards Travers A Douglas (Five to flll) lONA Regent GAL Garden Flo Randall Co Burke Bros A K JACKSON, MICH. Orpheani Lady Alice's Peta The Vanderkoors Johnny Keane Murphy A Lane Morphy A White League of Nations 2d half. Will Morris Williams A Taylor Mr A Mrs Melb'me John T Ray Co Smith A Kaufman (One to flll) KALAMAZOO, BUCIL Begent WUl Morrla Loula Brocades Murphy & White Marie Fitiglbbons Ambler Bros LAFAYETTE. IND. Family Sd half Lee Barth - Stuart A Kecley "Miniature Revue" (Two to fill) LANSINCi, WCH. BUon Lutes Bros Roamir A Ward Grace DeWlnters Will J Ward Girls 2d halt Grace Ayres Co The Vanderkoors Kapt Kids Kids Johnny Keane League of Nations liOOANSFOBT, IND. Colonial 2d halt Creedon A Walsh (One to flll) I>0NDON. CAN. Grand (Brantford apllt) 1st half Lee A Lawrence L Mortimer 50 W A M Rogers •Begin of Workt" (One to flll) owAsso, Mica. strand 2d half. Jesal* Miller Fie Randall Ca . O A L Garden SAGINAW, HICn. Jeffras Stmnd Harris A Harris Lubln A I.ewls itapt Kids KIda Helen Staples 'Heating A Rosa Venetiara Qypslea 2d half Edler Slaters Bernivlci Broa- Oarry Owen Oo "Ponghkeepsie" Calvin A Brooks Roy & Arthur SO. UAVEN. sqOH. SoBth Havaa 2d half Joe LeVeaux Roanir A Ward Cummina A White HAVERHILL' Colonial F George Jed Dooley A Co Bartlet Smith A 8 Kellam A OD'are HartlnetU A Syl- vester 2d haU Mlas loleen Miller A Lyle Mason A Forest Foster Bail Co "Submarine F-T" lAWBENCB Kmpire Bolger Bros Nancy Boyer C!o Harry Breen NeHko Japs 2d half S.reeney A Rooney FIskeALlnyde Nevans A Mack B Bouncer's Circus liBWISTON Music HaU Mason A Forrest Tom McRae Co Wanzer A Palmer rrlncoBs Kalama Co 2d halt Marti netti A Syl- vester Rand A Oallaway Arthur Geary Ray LYNN Gordon's Olynpia Caating Campbells Hobson & Beatty Barnes A Freeman "Submarine F-7" 2d halt Mills A Morley "In the Dark" Kellom & O'Dare Stafford A Duross ' Waldoif'> Joe Madden Amy Frances Canaris A Cleo Wllklns A Williams Lyle & Virginia Stevers A Lovejoy 2d half Holman Carrol A S Blather Vaughn Wright A Dietrich Patteraon Trio' (One to fill) MANCHESTBB Palace Fatteraon Trio Jean Barrios Anderson A Graves OKPHEUM CIECUIT Palace Theatre BuBdlar. Kew Terk atjf CHICAO(> Majeatle Wright 4 Dietrich "Ih the Dark" 2d hnlf Joe Dealy & Sister Boydo A King Clair Vincent Co Harry Breen Casting Campbells NEW BEDFORD ' Gordon's Olympla Chaa Bdenbury Randolph A Uol- comb I Flake A Lloyd I Nevlna A Mack J Byron Bros Rand ^ 2d half Arthur Hill Langton A Smith L'gd'n A Fredcrlekl Duiry A Sweeney Sabbolh A Brooks NEWPORT Opera House , Noel Lester ' Wayman A Berry Jim Qrady & Co Slsalo A Blake Black & White Rev 2d half I A B Shannon Brown & Dumont "Welcome Home" Prank Markley Zlaka A King ' QUINCT KlnkaU Mlea lolecn Van A Vernon Sabbath A D rooks 2d halt Slsalo A Blake SALEM Federul Homer Romalne Dolly Ward Dunbar's SIngsrs » Caraon A Wlllard 2d halt JAJ Glbaon Tom McRae Co Caits Bros A J3eat« trice Barnes A Freeman Nekko Japs WALTHAU Waldorf Brown A Dumont Frank Markley Hlnkle A May Ztska A King 2d halt Jos Madden Carney A Rose Jean Barrios Roode A France* ^3i ■.>!V;.-,V" '■■'■'■^i':. m. •■?i-s Oaee of TpM JONES OnO SHAFTER, Mgr. BOOKING WITH LOE\^. IMS BROADWAT. N. F. Mty. Boom 317 BOSTON B. F. ;KEITHS* Vaudeville EzcbanEe, Boston COVERS FOR ORCHESTRATION ABT BOOKBINDING OO. Ill -WB8T 4n> VT., NHW TORK CITT BANGOB Opera Honse Billy Fern Co Holman Creehan Weeks Co Henry A Bradley CellDl's Circua 2d half Homer Romatne Oumblcy A Bruwn Croch'n Weeks A Co Wanzer A Palmer Princess Karama BOSTON Boston Cornell Lcona A Z Ben tinillh Gray A Byron Bcvan A Flint Four Ortons Gordon's Olympla (Scollay Siiaoro) Conlcy & Francis 2 Chuma XlX" Geralds Cahlll A Romalne Clcmons A Bcllings Co Gordon's Olympla (Washington St.) Selblnl & Grovtnl Daniels & Walters Bond A Wilson Co Meyers A Uantord BROCKTON Strand La Toy's Models Miller & Lyle Calts Bros & D'trlce Daffcy A Sweeney 2d half Charles Edlnbury LAM Hunting Randolph A Uol- eombe Caraon A Wlllard Byron Broa GAM BRIDGE Gordon's Central Sa> Sherwin Kelly Langton A Smith Foster Ball Co < ' Musical McLarens 2d halt Bolger Bros HalSprlngford Van & Vernon Black & While Rev DORCHESTER Codman 8q. Bddic Badger Fanhy Rice Fentvlck Olrla LAB Shannon 2d halt Amy Frances ' I.ylo A Virginia Wlltlns A Williams Ccllnl'B Circua FITCHUBRO Colonial Joe Dealy & Sis Ethel Vaughn Clalr Vincent Co Adams A Orifnih Fcanlon t)onno A S 3d half Noel Lester Wayman A Mary Anderson A Graves Jed Dooley Co Stevcrs A Loveioy - HALIFAX Acker's (■) Dervin Maud Iloekwell DIngley & Norton Mann Trio Koolcr & Burnctte Strand (8> Rose A Mattle Pagana Orr A Hager Wilkens A Wllkena Great Richard 4 Mortons Josephine A H'nlng Ruth Budd Fay Courtney . . Shaw A Campbell . The SUverlakes Marino A Malay Hehrj Santry Band Steele A Wlnslbw Palaee Bernard GranvlIIs Rdth Roye • Chaa Grapewln Co Lyo'na A Toioo Moss A Fyre Ramsdells A Dey» Thos B Shea Co Kennedy A Nelson Dippy Deers Co State-Lake ' V S Jazs Band Barry Cooper Du. For Boya Master Gabriel Co Herbert Clifton AmoroB Sisters Swor Brothers 4 Roses The Hennlnga CArOART. CAM. Orpheiua- (2-5) (Same bill playa Victoria <-8) Mason Keelcr Ce Bert Ber) Co Ned Norworth Ce Henri Scott 2 Rozedalea Rudlnoft DENVER Orphenm (Sunday opening) Wm Hock Girls Choy Ling Hee Tr Mahonoy A Auburn Alexander Kids Phil Baker . O'Donnell A' Blair Lynn A Howland DES MOINES OrplieuM-' (Sunday opening) J B Howard's Rev ' Kinney A Corlnne Harry Jolson Maria Lo Co Rary & Enry Spencer A Williams DVLUTU Orplieum (Hunday opening) "Touch In Time" "Last Night" Lazier Worth Co Nora Norln'ne Morgan & Gates KANSAS CITV Orplieum (Sunday opening) Morgan Dancers JAB Morgan Ed Morton Ames A Winthrop Lucille & Cockle Leo Zarrell Co Jack Kennedy Co LINCOLN, NEB. Orphenm (6-8) Hilly Shaw's Rev Emma Cnrua Co Avcy A O'Noll Barnes & Gchan Sdrah Paddcn Co Xlbby A Nelson •LOS ANfiELES Orplieum Rita Mario Orch "And Son" Nltta Jo MIrano Bros Sandy Shaw Montgomery A A Wilbur Mack Co 4 Marx Bros Co Chaa Ho word Co MII.WAUKEB BfatesUe Harry Fox Co Frank-Conroy 0> I A J Connolly Deiro WllUng A Jordaa Bee Ho Gray Cbas Irwin Paul L.evan A II Palace Fashion Minstrels Bernard A puffy McLallen A Carsoi Edith Clifford Asona Trio Stuart Girls Brady A Mahoney lONNEAPOUS . Orphenm Alexander Carr Cs Ryan A Orlob Merlin Joale Heather Co Marconi A F'agtb'oB Bradley A Ardlne NEW ORLEANS Orphenm Alice Lloyd Mrs Wellington's B Kennedy A Rooney Bob Mllliken OAKLANb, OAlk Orpheom (Sunday opening) Mme Olga Petrova Gone Greene Valente Bros Frank Wllaon OMAHA, NEB. Orplieum Chic Sale Dreascr A Oardnor Harry Roao. Bruce Duffett Co Mower A Avery Baraban A GrobS LIgbtncra A Alex PORTLAND, ORB, Orphenm "Flashea" Ncwhoff A Phelps William Cutty Hart A Dymond Wallis Clarke Co RInaldo Bros BACRAMRNTO, CAL, Orplieum O-S) (Sum* bin plays Fresno S-8) Mpyera Moon Co Ford A Cunningh'm Bret Hayes 3 Stewart Sletera Samstod & Marlon SALT LAKK Onilieuiii (.Sunday opening) Burk & Sawn Uostuck'a School John B Ilymer Co Ashley A Dietrich Shclton Brooks Co . Ben Bcrnlo LnMonl Trio ST. Loris Orphruiii Rooney Bent Ilcvue Mnric Nordstnun Swift & Kclley Libonati Walter KIshcr Co Bi Rpy Sin Tusciino Bros Rialto L McDorinott Co Grace OeMar Everest's Monks Hendrlcka & Htone Chody Dot A M Lakoin. A ICiiwana BT. PALI. Oritlienin (Sundny otn'ningl "Little (•nltniie" Morgan A Klol.c>r Sam llcarn