Variety (April 1920)

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«j.:"!?f5^.*3 VARIETY l^ BJcJtoyprof y ConchM Jr » 1^ FBAKOBCO ■vi, Qulno Co Homer Mllei Co ^or * Vincent BEATTtB Orpbown tylvestor Bc'ffer CO 'lor Tempest Co Clulre Forboi Herbert 4 Dare ri Demareit & Doll Mflt ColllD* OlMKodlu VANOOWZB, B.O. OrplMiun Cre«a7 * Dftyn* Bloiaom Beeloy C* Will M Crasar Duval * Symonds Orrllle Stamtn DeWItt Yo'DV A Sla J«ntil« Uiddleton DvminPEa Orphenm B Browne Olrla Dainty Marie Carl McCuIlouKb Vox A InEraham Anderaon * Burt Tatea A Reed Texaa & Walker WESTEEir VAUBEVnXE «Jc.Lake TIie«»tre BaUdlnc, CblMCo K.8T. LOtnS.IIX. - ' Xrbera Wllaon & Van rpEBDEEN, B. D. Orpbeom 2d bait -umpbellA Starr 'StbarDemIng Co ; JITXKVIIXB, IIX. '::. - ifiMbiBSton »ord & Hewitt Cliff Clarlt , Olbaon & Barn«t 3d baU Wilson A Van - Sn * Shapiro (%e to fill) BBAKDON, MAN. WltUa Barrr Bardell 5a K Blllott VoraVallnCo Bm Cbarblno Co Orpheam JTowall * Moat I American CMrla ' man Stanley Co Ikteft Wiley ^OiM to mi) Id bait KaloiBlMo rtbat'a My Wf«" OHICAflO . American HayeaALloyd -AabAHyams > (fMir to fill) 2d halt Jack Oeorge Duo (flye to fill) Ctaateoa ■anlllo Broa flalda A Wella Maaon A Cotea "Osionr Oemtf" (Oae to All) Id bait Tha Blala rullettePearl AW Ptwey A Rodgera Oraat Leater , The Brianta Empreae Smith A Kcefe Ovondo Dvo Coffman A Carroll VoUette Tearl AW rsubmarlne F-7" 2d halt Bell A Wood Thr'ndykeA Curr'o Vaaon A Cola low Uaff •flweetlea" Three Bartoa Bippodrame Bollo A Peggy Jebnaon Broa A X Orace Wallace A B "l*t'a Get Married" Burkbardt A Bob> arts Xarl Emmy's Peta Malroy Blatera Monroe'Brothers Arthur A Iieah Bell •Lefa Go" Vaylor A Francis Bonlus A Brown Kedsle Dake & Dncheaa Bays A Speck Daweya A Rodgora QrlndeU & Bstfaf r Weller O'Donnell A Weller the Brianta 2d halt Bkatclls Smith & Keefe Imperial Five Coirman A Carroll Aeroplane Glrla (One to mi) lineoln Angel A Fuller (Five to fill) 3d half X Mack A A Earl <nve to nil) JLoican Square Diaz Monks . H'mm'nd A Moody "At Turn Pike" P & W I-aVarro (One to fill) 2U half Ovondo Duo Worth AVorden 4 Staley & DIrbeck Jim McWIlUams Borsinl Troupe DAVENPORT, lA. Columbin S RoinanoB "Svpcctlcs" lewla & Norlln Keno Keyos A M (One to nil) «, . ^<' •»»" Jvnltcr BRher Co Howard & Plelilg Orlnncll & Esther t'two to nil) DECATUn, Il.U EmpriRs J.alo & iiiiizo "That'H My Wife" 2<1 half BurnB A Lynn I American tilrle Ash & Kyniiis Six Ui'ltordii <On<! to fill) DBS MOIKK.S, I/V, Bmitreos Seven UrownUa Devoy & Dayton MlnBes Woston Sam Ward Bottomley Troupe . ^ 2d half Arthur St Peeiry Granville A Fields Oeorite A Vall " Sipphcn Hall «UtB CHirtls Band B'nnlngton A Bcott naylord A Ilerron Imperial Five 2d half ToJettI A Bennett 3 White Kuhns Dunbar A Turner Robbie Gordon BV'NSVII.1^, IND. Grand <Terre Haute split) let halt Jonea A acorgie B Swede Hall Co Al Wohlmann The Rials (Two to fill) FARGO, V. D. Grand Campbell A Starr Arthur Doming Co George Wllaon WllUama A Dalay 3d halt Aloha Duo Gordon A LaUar Bdw'ds A Fletcher The Vannarsona FREEMONT, KEB, WaU td half Morrison A Vane* Christy A Ryan Melody Garden (One to fill) Cl* F'BES, MINH. Orphenm Edw'rda A Vletoher Aloba Duo Gordon A l4iMar Tb« Vanneraons 2d half Perry A Raymond (Three to fill) <m ISIANB, NKB. X«l««tie Sankua A Sylvera BAB UatJbewa ■Itelody Garden" (One to 1U1)N WaaUngten t White Knhns Newtona Twins 2d halt B'n'glon A Scott Jean Olbaon Co a'KS'imixE. nx. Gnad Bkatella Weir A Oeet Aeroplane airta 2d half P«lo ta Rose A Thorn <On»to an) KA?f8A8 CITS Globe J A J Burns Lawrence Johnson ' Cortetll A Rogers (One to fill) 2d half Wilbur A Olrllr J V Lewis Co Frank Ward Bottomley Tronp* KENOSHA, ins. Virginia Walthour a P'ceton Jean Boydell Skelley A Kelt Tata Lads A Lester Three Bartos 2d half At the Turn Plks Angel A Fuller Dot Marshall Boys (Three to fill) LINCOUir. NEB. Liberty Selma Draatz Morris A Greeley C Hanson Boys. T Linton. Girls Zd half Rialto & LaMont Argo A Virginia Sllber A North (One to fill) NEENAIIS, W9. Necnahs Adams A Taylor Huland Fad A Fancy Sutherland 6 OMAHA, NEB. Bmpreaa Rialto A LaMont Argo A Virginia Granville A Fi»ld* Ruth Curtis Band 2d half Behiia Braatz Sam K Naomi G Hansen Uoys Morris & Oreeley RACINE, vna. Rialto McBae A Clegg Worth May Ten 4 Dot Marsell Band Gardner & Revere Bovcnuc Man 2d half CinnclnFc Kennedys SkRily & Helt Submarine F7 Wilbur Sweatman BqulIIo Bros BOCKFORD, ILL. Palace Mooro A Shy MlloThea Ilollltlny & W'Ictle (Two to nil) 2(1 half Dennis Brothers Hammond A M'ody Raymond Wylle Walter Weems WyatU Lada A I« iT. MdS Oalomlite Pelota Vrank Ward Melody Monarohs Dunbar A Turner F Levan A Miller Id half Leonard A Haley Roth Mitchell A M Cliff Clark 8IOI7X FAIXS, 8.D, Orphenm RrayonaCo John T Doyle Co Howard A l«wla Reslsta 2d halt Morgan A Ray Harry Kahne OUmore A Castle Little Jim SO. BEND, IND. Orpheam Jeaslo Millar Porter J White Oo The Doughertya SO Fink Toea (One to fill) 2d halt Bayca A Speck Little Caruso Co Fields A Wells "Colour Gems" (One to mi) BPBINGFIXXD, ILI.. Majeatle Burna A Lynn Travera A Douglas Uaek A Ban SixBeltords (Two to All) . ^ td halt I Bomanos Dmbs A Alton Bva Taylor C* Newell A Most Stan Stanley Kate A Wiley TEBRE HAUTE, UJB, nippodnome (Evanaville split) lat half Russell A Hayes Romm A Haney Brneat Evans Girls Dave Manley Riding Duttona (Ono to fill) WATERLOO, lA. Mojestle Slgsbees Doga Morgan A Ray Kclloy A Post I'lttle CaniBo Ed Morton Werner Amoros t 2d halt Three Lees Bvelyn Blaine Bingham Four Howard A Lewis Sam Ward Lura Bennett Co WINNIPEG Strand Perry A Raymond Grey A Jackson (Two to nil) 2d half Marie Sweeney Clifford A Both wen Moore A Grey Skating Macks BALTIMORE Hippodrome Mason A Gwynne Jocolyn & Chapman Andrew Mack Segal A Irwin (One to Oil) BnUIINGHAH, ALA. BIJoa The Perlnia Blair A Crystal Tracy A Mohr, Hugh Johnston Maalne Dancers 2d halt The Templetons Manallcld A Riddle Hearts A Flowera 2 T^dollas Nakae Japs BOSTON Orphenm Pnrcclla Girls Gulf port A Brown Octavo Milton Pollack Co Demarest A Colletto Better Bros 2d halt ° 4 Clilforda Southe A Tobin Sweet Sweeties Bobby Hcnshaw Heras & Preston (One to fill) CHICAGO Mc\lck«r'a Stclncr Trio Kennedy A Kramer University Trio Jeff Healy Co Halley A Noble Baroold'a Doga KNOXVTLLE, TENN. Stnnb Rose A Dell Mae Marvin Leila Shaw A Co Imperial Four PordoD & Gcrmalns 2d halt Louis Leo Fagg A White 4 Rence Girls (Two to nil) LONDON. ONT. I.oew Aerial Butters Jean Gordon Co Jimmy Lyons . (Two to nil) 2d halt Seymour A Jeanotte •Robert Giles Ethel Mac Hall Co Marva Rehn Fred LaRclne Co LOS ANGELES . Hippodrome Lbckhardt A Laddie Rone Garden Jack Gray & Helen Mahoncy & Rogers Oruct Gramcr A Q "Go Ahead" 2d half Horry Flaher Co Bird & Kema Geo A Mack "Which Shall I Marry" Royal Four Bmmett's Canines MEMPHIS Lyceqm Daisy & Wilson Bobby Von Horn £m Cantor offices 14ftS BBOADWAT—Suite 211 The OfBce ot Quick Results Phone Rryant 04iM UABCirSLOEW Pntn«m Balldlnar, New York City NEW YORK CITX American Robinaon A Parq'te Willy Bros Mary Haynes Co The Financiers Baldwin Blair Co PianUdosI A Wal'n LaPetlto Jennie Co (Two to fill) td halt Frank Brighton Prances A Fox 3 NItos Dale A Burch Jonla'B Hawaiian* Do|ra Hilton Co Chlsholm A Breen Willie Smith (One to mi) Victoria Wire A Walker Pealaon A Croft "Into the Light" Dale A Burch BlBotf City 4 2d halt Aerial Macks Verga A Marvin Baldwin Blair Co Mary Haynes Co Sladko's RoUickcra lineobi Sqaare Follls A LeRoy Dora Hilton Co Arthur Havfl Ck> Meyers Burns A O'B Kuma Pour 2d half Menettl A BIdelll Dorothy Wahl Eddie Carr Co Dunham A Edwards LaFollettc Co Greeley 8<iaar« Willie Smith "Beauty Vender" L Wolfe Gilbert Co Lacy Gillette Co (Two to fill) 2d half (Hias Gerard Co Gilbert Slfltera McConnell A SImp'a Morcy Senna A Lee Tony George Co (One to fill) Delanecy Street Aerial Macks King A Rose Gilbert Bister* Chlsholm & Breen Howard A Craddock Artcraf t Revue Adrian Jack Alfred 2 (One to fill) Avenue B Oafney A Stanley Burns A Garry LAM Hart (Three to flII) 2d half Tyler A St Clair M A J Dove DorothyHerman Weber Beck A P Tomaa Troupe (One to fill) ; BROOHLTN Metropolitan Thomaa A Fred'ka Gallerlnl Sisters McConnell & 'SImp'n porothy Wahl . Jonla's Hawallans 2d half SansOne & Dellla Robinson A Parq'te Stan A Mao TAurel L Wolfe Gilbert Co Fashions De Vogue DeKalb Sansone A Dellla Frances A Pox Stan A Mae Laurel Gibson A Pollack I^Follette Co 2d half Wire&Wftlker Howard A Craddock Into the Light Meyers Burns A O'B Shirley Sis A Bemle Palace Tyler A St Clalr . Dorothy Herman Weber Beck A F Casting Lamays (One to fli)l 2d half Mildred Haywood Walter Low Co Pealaon A Croft Oafney A Stanley (One to flll) Fnlton Musical Waylands Vergo A Marvin In the Subway Eugene Emmett Jack Alfred 1 2d half Harper & Blanks Geo Randall Co OUbson A Pollack Royal Uyena Japs CLEVELAND Liberty Harry DeVora S Hampton A Blake Will H Fox Clayton & Lennie Al Golem Troupe DALIJ%9, TEX. Hippodrome Monte A Parti The McNaughtons LaHoen & Duprcece Arthur Deagon Stone A Moyer S!a 2d half . , Harry Watkins Hackett A Francis Fads A Frolics Mills A Smith Cunningham A D DAYTON Loew . Gore A Delaney Johnny Woods "Oh Aotvtle" Wilson A McAvoy Girls of Altitude DETROIT ColonlBl. Ling A I^ong Flake A Fallon Moore & Fields Ollroy Dolan A C Shea A Carroll Royal Trio FALL RIVER, MA»S. Empire 4 Cliffords Southo ATobln Sweet Sweeties Bobby Henshaw Heraa A Preston 2d halt Purcella Girls Octavo Milton Pollack Co D«mare»t A Collette Better Bros FRESNO, CAL, Hippodrome Bussc'B Doga Dellbridgn A Grem'r "Melody Shop" Powell A Worth Eugene Broa 3d halt Reckless A Arley Barra Sisters Russell & Tltua Peggy Vincent 8 Black Dota Weston A Jensen Ward A Wilson Hlte Reflow A Lobr 2d half Martin A Elliott OACKIng AIH WhIteACo Allman A Qnuld ' Ertord'B Whirl MERIDIAN I<o«w (3-4) Harry Tauda Allen A Moore ThoOrlackson Co Frank Farron PrItnrose MInstrela MODESTO, CAL. Hlppodroaie (2-2) (Same bill plays Hanfrird— t) . Reckless A Arley Barra Sisters Russell A Titus Peggy Vincent 8 Black Dota : (7-8) Russell A Beatrice Mason A Bailey Sorrento Quintet Tom Brnntford "Overseas Revue" ■ ' NASHVILLE Yoew Martin & Elliott OACKIng Al H White Co Allman A Gould Brtord's Whirl 2d halt The Plrinla Blair A Crystal Tracy A Mohr Hugh Johnston Maxlno Dancers NEW ORLEANS' Crescent Donahue A Fletcher Rice A Frances Wm O'Clare Girls Friend A Downing Theodore Trio 2d half Arco Bros Johnson A Crane Douglas Flint Co Trovato Past A Present NEW ROCHELLE . Loew Mildred Haywood Henry A Moore Walter Low Co ARTHUR J. HORWITZ-LEE KRAIV^ .nc **■*'■ "T-- nnnKINft NEW YORK CHICAGO Loop Bid Dldl.. 177 N. 2^ half Follls A I^Roy Pease A Dawaoa Cooper A Lane "Beauty Vender" Gallerlni Slaters National Frank Brighton McConnell A West Joan Solhern Adrian Royal Uyena Japs 2d half I^Pellte Jennie Co Eugene Bmmctt Arthur Havel Co Plantadosi A Wal n Orpheum Menctll & Pldolll Harper & Hianks Clarence Wilbur Co Hal Johnson Co Morey Senna A Leo Sladko's Rolllckcra 2d half Pobbs Clark A Dare Artcraft Revue BiBon CMty 4 Lucy Gillette Co (Ono to flll) Boulevard fcBRle Reed Eddie Carr &. Co Dunham A Edwnrils Tony A George Co (One to fill) 2d half Thoniaa A Fred'ka Jean Sothcrn State St. BOOKING EAST AND WEST Thii'offlee lMue« PUy er Pay Centfsele NEW YORK Ptitaim Bid;., 1493 Bretdufiy Warwick M A J Wove Shirley Sis A Bcmlo The Oaudschmldts (Two to fill) 2d half Burns & Garry L A M Hart Canting Lamays (Two to fill) ATLANTA, GA. Grand The Templeions Wansflold A Riddle Hearts & Flowers 2 Ladellas NaUaeJaps 2(1 half Rose & Del I Mao Marvin Leila Shnw Co Imperial Four Gordon A Ucrnialno BAKBRSFIBLD, CAL. Opera Koitiie Vee A Tully Alan Grey Hart & Holene Roberts A Straw Eight Dominoes 2d half DURse'B Dogs Dell brill go ft Orein'r "Melody Shop" Powell A Worlh Eugene nroB nOBOKBN. N. J. Loew Masters & Dale Telephone Tangle CbaH Gerard Co (Ono to nil) 2d half Ilnnlnn & Clifton Hal Johnson Co Henry A Moore Chns Abeam Co (Ono to fill) nOlSTON, TEX. Loew DrPH.Hl/T & Wilson S&O Harris Harry Cakes Co Payton & Lum •'Girl In Baskol" 2d half Donnhus & Klolther Rice & Fran Ola Wm O'Clare Girls . Frlond * Downing Theodore 3 KANSAS crrir Garden >' The DlliUios Henry J Kelly Jimmy Rosen Co Walnidoy A Kcnt'g Mona A(]i>1|ihuH Co 2a half Fox Uennon Co Gordon Duo Leon Stanton Co Brewster BoudinI A Bernard 2d half Sutter A Dell "4 Jacka A Queen" , (One to nil) OLRA. CITY, Okla. Liberty TheFlorlnIs Arthur Lloyd Cook A Oatinan Hal A Francis 4 Volunteers 2d half LInlio A Mnho Driacoll A Wcstcolt Mullaly McCarthyCo Benny Harrison Co Military Revue riTTsncRoii Lyerom Beth Stone Co Hlhbert A Nugent "Nine o'clock" Davis A Rich Bert Bros rnOVIDENCE Emery Aerial La Valla Al B Whito O Ilandworth Co Tllyou & Rogers Lee Art Sextet (Ono to nil) 2d half Mona Herbert Gulf port A Drown Ethel Kellrr Chums Mr A Mrs N Phillips DR. miAN SIEGEL Official Dentist to the N.V.A. 1491 Oreadway (PuWan BnlWIng), New Verk Otto Bros Powell Troupe BACRAMRNTO, CAL. Hippodrome Fred Ferdinand De Lite Sisters "Half Past Two" Weston A Kline Le Claire A Sump'n ii\ halt Dalley Bros Harry Gilbert "Mimic World" ST. I.OCIS Carriek Col Diniond Co Bonner A Powers "I'll Say So" Arthur RIgby Montambo A Nap 2d half The Bimbos Henry J Kelly Jimii^y Rosen Co Walmsley A Keating MonsAdoIphus Co SALT I ARE Canino Andrieff Trio Morton liros Martha Urbank Co Haines & Avey 2 Edwards Phllipsnn A Mae 2d half The Sptartans Hanley A Fritz Stanley & Wilson S Knight & Sawtelte t Royal Hussars Durtlnl's Dogs SAN ANTONIO rrlneess Jewell A lioymond Frank Juha« Uray:A Orabani lilongh A I.ockard Allen's Minstrels 2a half Dressier A Wilson SAG Harris Harry Cakes A Co Paylon & Lum •■Girl In Basket" BAN DIEGO Hippodrome («-») Lockhardt A Laddie Rose Garden Jack Gray A Helen Mahoney & Rogers Gruet Kramer A O "Go Ahead" SAN FRANCISCO Casino (Sunday opening) Cross A Sartoro DoTrnlng A Bunin "Perfect Day" Peslr Duo Uirschoff (lypales nippodrome (Sunday opening) TbeRenellas Hodge A Lowell' Cnrlo Khop Will J Evans BImmons A Uardley SURRTRPORT (1-4) (Same bill plnya Alexandria i) ■ Arco Bros Johnson A Crane Douglas Flint Co Trovato Past A Present (5-7) (Same bill plays Alexandria t) Harry Tauda Allen A Moore Thus P Jackson Co Frank Farron Primrose Minatrcls SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Rroadway (kfons Herbert E Keller A Chunis Mr A MrsN Phillips Otto Bros I'uwetl Troupe 2d half Aerial LaVaiis AS B White O Ilandworth Co Tllyou A Rogers l^e Art Sextet STOCKTON, CAL. Hippo(frome Russell A Beatrice Mason A Bnlley Sorrento Quintet Tom Brontford "Overseas Revue" 2d half (Same as Sacra- mento 1st half) TAET, CAL. Hippodrome (2-3) Geo A Mack "Which Shall I Marry" Royal Four Emmett's Canines (7-8) Vee A Tully Hart A Helens Roberts & Straw 8 Dominoes TORONTO Tomure Wilfred DuBols 8 Crelghton A Sis Frank StalTord Co Dave Thursby Julian Hall Co TIOKSnVRO lioew (•-7) Daisy A Wilson Bobby Van Horn AVestony A Jensen Ward A Wilson ^ Hlte Reflow A l^hr WACO. TEX. Hippodrome Harry Watkins Hackett A Francis Fad* A Frolics Mills A Smith Cunningham A D 2d halt Jewell A Raymond Frank Juhai Gray A Graham Blough A Lockard Allen's Minstrels E. HEMMENDINGER Jewelers to the Profession WBHRIY nOXUS ACCEPTED. Tfl. John OTl 45 JOHN RT., HKW YORIC FANTA6E3 GIBCUIT Ne^T York and Cbicaso OAlccs BUTTE, MONT. Panfagea (1-4) (Saine bill plays Anaconda 6; .Mis- soula fi) Mabel Harper Co Ichao A Sterling Thunder Mountain. Barry A Lclghton "Broadway Bcboca" CALGARY Pantagea DeWinters A Rose Corty A AlthoR Jessie Hayward Co Pete rinto A Boyle Long Tack Sam Co DENVER Pantagea "Act Beautiful" Superlative 3 Bd DIondoll Ob Mary Ann Chas Olcott "Holiday In Dixie" EDMONTON : Pantagfia Adonis & Dog WInchell A Green DIanne Bonnar "Heart of a Wood" Julian Hose GT. FALLS, MONT. Pontuges (4-5) (Samo bill plays Helena 6) Simpson A Dean Rose Valayda Arthur DcVoy Co ItoBll A Alien Adonis & IJoK Haberdashery LONG BEACH ' Puntsgea Aerial .Mavks Allen Lindsay Co "Four of Cs'' I..ornrr Girls NPli MoKlnlty Co Great I.oon A Co LOS ANGELES . Pantagea Phil LiiToska I'crronc * Oliver Patrick AUtIo Aleko I'anlhi'u A P ijulnn * (.'averly "Oh Mike" MINNEArouS Pantagee (Sunday opening) Mlsiuna Japa lioulse Gilbert F A C Deber Jan Nubini A Co Pearson Ncwp't A P Gauller's Toy Shop OAKT.AND Paiitoges (Sunday opening) Gypsy Trio Marsdcn A Manley Waller Fonner Co Gorman Bros Chas Althoft Derkln'a Doga OGUEN Pantagea (»-8) WInton Bros Gertrude Newman Bender A Meehan nualneas la Bus Texas Comedy 4 Little Hip A N PORTLAND, ORE. Panlnges Sterling A M r.4nnle Nace J C Mack Co Houch A l/ovelle Prank Mnrrell Derby REGINA, CAN. Ponlages (3-5) (Samo bill plays Saskatoon (t-8; Flying Weavers Chains A l^ambert Maggie IrfClttIre Co Senator F Murphy Doree's Celebrllleii SAN DIEGO Pantagea Fred A Anna IVOot Ueynard A Jordun Pcrlcra Sextette HiKTiiinn Van K- II Florenre Unyflcld Berto Girls SAN KRANCIKCO PantHgea (Sunday opening) llasH HriiB Lnvifl Krui'h McGrnlh A Deeds -Oljrla Ho GIrIt)" Fred Allen Aahal Troupe SALT LAKE Pantuges Rosier A Uog Danny Jamleeon Green A I'ugh M Samuels Co Jonrs A Sylvester T Shawn's Dancers ^ SEATTLE . Pantagea n A H Knvngo Ruckcr A WInnlfd Laurie Ordwny Prince & I.aurto Four Dunubca SPOKANE I'nntagea Mlllettcs Del A I'hone Seven Bell Tones Jennings A Mack Early A Latght Rfding Ltoyda TACOMA Pantagcs Four l>aure)a Henry Frey College Quintet Foley ,b Oneill Brltt Wood "On High Svae" TANCOUVEB, B.O. Pantagea Carina A Lowla Abrahaina A Johu W H Wakerteld Nevtna A Gordon Walyera A Wnitorg "His Tuklng Way" -VICTORIA, D. 0. Pantagea Nelson's Katland Alexander A Mack Harry Gernrd Co Wnlxer A Dy^r Japnnrnr! Revue WALLA WALLA, WASH. Piintages (3-B) (Same bill play* No Yakima 6-S) Fashion's Dovogua Miller A Capman Piplfax A Panio Weaver A Wcover "Oh That Melody" WINNIPEG Pantagea Degnon A Clifton Manning A I.eo Perlere A King Conklpy Dunl'vy Oo Alice Manning - The Weasel ;-^i"^ DENTISTueVkker'a Theatro Bidr. DR. m; J. CARY. CHICAnO 8P«clal Ratea to ths V/AAAV/^VIVy PROFESSION : Hodhlns-Pantafes Booklnts DALI.A8, TEK. yefTcnKiB Love A Wilbur Nalda Norralne Haynes Montg A H LaFrance A Ken'y Tip Tap Taphank EASTLAND, TEX. Coaoell^ 2d halt, ■ Henry A Adelaide Great Howard 7 Ola'agow Matda Chung llwa 4 The Mellows RANGER, TKX, - Opera Honaa lat halt • - Henry A Adolalds The Great Howard v; 7 Glasgow Maids Chung Hwa < The Mellows. ' SAN ANTONM. TEX. Royal Mori Brothers Bert Stoddard ' Eldrldga DarlowA 11 Ooetf A Duffy DcSerrls Models' ^:m ■^.x^i-i.^iR-l* ^ 1*.*» i ABE I. FEIN BERG I4aa Bnadvay, Salt* J04-aryut 3««4—N. V, C. Thirty week*' flay ar »ay la Setkakle Mb INTEE8TATE CIBGUIT ;.' Palace 'theatre DIdg., New Tork' CMy . DALLAS. TEX. Majeatle. Lawton Nelion A Barry B T A K Omera A A F Stedman "Onoe Upon Time" Bob Hall Howards Anluiala Ft, WORTH, TEX. Majeetle Feilx A Fisher Jack Oaterman Oreeno A I>eari II Watson Jr Co Blaa Ruegger Co Isblkawa Broa (One to All) nOt'STON, TEX. Majeatle Samarofr A Sonia l^achman Bis Imlkof Conn A C Ray W Snow ■ Brown A Weston Bowman Broa Oscar Mirano S UTTLR BOCK, ARK. Majeatle Bartholdl's BIrda Ellse Schuyler "Whirl of Variety" James Cullen s Palfrey Hall A B 2d half Dancing Dorans Stanley Galllnl "Magic Glasses" (TWO to flll) MEMPHIS Majeatle "Man Hunt" Emmett Briscoe Co Murray Girls (Two to flll) 2d halt RC Faulkner . ' Follls Sisters Betty Bldrld da . Palfrey Hall A a .; MUBKOOEB^ - OKLA.' ■ td halt ■', Majeatis '' Alex Melford •■ -^ Tom Mahoney "i- Green AMyr» ..' •'' "MxtraDry'* ■ .'!'V fNE BLVF, AUK. Majeetle Ward A Dooley - - > •■ Betty Bldrld Ce Dancing Dorans - 2d halt Bartholdl's Birds ' Rllae Schuyler JaraoaCulleii SAN ANTONIO^. TEX. Majeetle Herbert's Doge '< Temple 4 Jean Adair Co- '■■ Lane A Harper. „'.. Tilcer A Douglas ' Stuart Barnes N Nazarro Jr Band TCLSA, OKUL ; Orphenm Aerial Eddya The Crelghtoha "Honey Boys" ' '., I'letro "Indoor Sports" Lydia Barry ' '■ Sully Rogers A 0 - WICHITA FAUA TEX. ^^ Majeetle Faber A Burnett . . Allman A Nally Jazzland Navy t (Two to fill) y^ If YouDont Advertise in VARIETY Don't Advertise LEO BEERS Pln}lng rriiir'piil ('idea In (he World vl:h Julian KHIngi- Co.