Variety (April 1920)

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VARIETY ■j59 OBITUARV I H time. Th»r«»« Bartholdl. I' linie Bartholdl died April 22 from i'^^ZnUytie itroke. She waa C2 •~^ww old and had been bedridden : Snce Aug. M. »"*. ''he" "^e wa« :.Srlcken at Weir'8. a flummcr re- «ort In New Hampshire. Mme. Bartholdl, who was known through- OTt the length and breadth of the theatrical profession through,hav- ing operated the Bartholdl Inn, Broadway and 4Bth street, for over 20 years, wa«>lw)rri In. Swlt2erland in the SwisB Alps, iind came to this country in 1888. ta 1899 she started what later becafie the Bartholdl. to taking over thd two upper floors 'of the bu'W»"K *' 1"* Broadway, ^the ground floor of which Is now 'occupied by Chllda' restaurant. '•' The rooming house was gradual- ly built up until It became neces- able attention because of his eccen- trks playing and trick manlpula- tlons, belnc always somewhat of tm added attraction with the pa- trons of the theatr« and with the artists playing the house. 2;:-- IN UEMOBT OF OVB BEU>VED FBIEND ^THERESA BARTHOLDI Who nused Ob April tSd 1M4. ~Jt each one. to whom chc has shown a klndnewi. could paaa and drop a p«(al on her bier, «lio would Bleep be- neath a bower of rosei, tonight. ■"' We h»ve lost a real friend..^ RAWSON and CLARE Hannah Leach. Hannah Leach, professionally known as "Nan" Leach, died April 21 at BloomlngtOD, III. She had been 111 but a snort time. Prior to followine Irene Castle In "Watch Your Step" she appeared In cabaret In New York, and was at Shanley's for several years. In the 'Step" show she played opposite Olin How- land, the two later teaming for vaudeville and exhibition dancing. Mrs. Samuel Charles, for many years a well-Miown dramatic star, died at the Forrest Home, Philadel- phia, April 26. She has been an in- mikte_ of the home for several years. Her "body was sent to Chicago, where it will be burled with her husband: Mrs. Charles came to this country from Australia, where she was known as Baby Quin. Her right name was Anna Maria Qulnn. She was over 70 years old. ■ Clarine Seymour, one of the youngest and most promising pic- ture players appearing in D. W. Griffith productions, died at the '~«iry in 1902 to take over the upper ~ floors of the corner of Broadway «nd 45th street. In 190e the two Vadjolnihg buildings on 45th street . w«'e added and the Bartholdl reached a total of 100 rooms. ^ . The last four or Ave years prior • "to Mme. Bartholdi's Illness, the ': Bartholdl was managed by "Polly" ;" Bartholdl, the late Mme. Barthol- -d's daughter. During the regime I vt both Mme. and Polly at- the old • Inn thehostelr/vras unique for the -^ fact that neither ever held an ac- tors' truiik for an unpaid bill. Be- sides her daughter Polly (Mrs.- Ar- thur J. Pickens) Mme. Bartholdl leaves her husband, Louis Bar- tholdl, and another-daughter,^-Mrs. Therese Rosalie Utltz. Four sis- ters. Rose, Mary, Elizabeth and KeUe, and a brother, Maurice, the ;; latter residing in France, survive J the deceased. ■ iMroe, Bartholdl was burled in ■ Rushing Cemetery. Seventy-five floral pieces, many from prominent ■vactbrs and actresses, were sertt as tokens. The funeral'was attended ;'IV over 1,000. i^-v' Catherine Powell. .' 'Catherine Powell,age 22,tQe danc tr, died April 24 In Syracuse. N. Y., .'tollowing an operation for ap- ' pendlcltis. Mies Powell had headed her own act In Taudeville for some IN MEMORy or iix VAh VICTOR LE ROY Bon luBe 11. It84. SUd Attn 10,1930. MAY HIS SOUL REST.IN PEACE CARL C'JUDD time and was looked, upon as a very yromlslng artist. The young woman established. herself after a hard iitniggie. She was taken ill In ^rracuse while playing there a few weeks ago and removed to a local bospitaL Mother and brother sur- vive. IN MEMORIAM HANNAH LEACH Where tall, sweet flowers bloom,! A strange and subtle perfume !s. | JOBYNA HOWLAND Misercordia Hospital, 531 East 8Cth street, New York city, April 26, following an illness of four days. Alexander Henderson, composer and musical director, at 474 Central Park West, after 10 days' illness; April 25. The deceased made.his home with hia daughter and son-in- law. Alfred T. Colony. Mrs. Colony is Beatrice Booth (Booth and A'il- larreal). ' Felix de Lang (Musical Stuarts), father of Arthur Stuart (Stuart and Keeley), Louisville, Ky., April 15. Last stage appearance in Chicago 16 years ago. Mrs. E. J. Scarlett* Ford, Provi- dence Hospital, Washington, D. C, April 18. She is survived by her son, Le Rol Scarlett, daughter and husband. R. R. Ford. Lillian Lewis (McVey), contor- tionist and acrobat. New York, April 17. Mrs. Carl Tnlowltsskl, 74, mother of Theda Bara apd nine ether cbll- drea, at Dn Bols^ Pbl, April 16. Clyde AliMrt HofTmanii. 4i, gen- eral breakdown. Canton, O^ April 1. Was pianist with Tirglnia Beauty," musical comedy. , Marjorie Benton Cooke, writer and monologist, succumbed to pneu- IN LOVINO MKMOBY Oy.A'DARUNO, DKVOTED ' WIFE, MOTHER. PARTNER tmt PAL Mrs. Clara E. Littlejohn (Or THK UTTUOOHMS) DlEa MARCH IITH, l*M. ■ ii tbe Central Hoenltal, PtklDi. Cbloa. HER HUSBAND, . PRANK P. LITTLEJOHN HER SONS. Billie, age 6 Roby, age Z'/z monia in Manila, P. I., April 26. She was 44 years old. She lived at 102 East 62d street, New York. Qus Bostvvick, 68 years old, who was in the "Rip Van Winkle" cast for many years, breathed his last at Hospital, following an operation for internal trouble, April 24. The mother of Edgar Selden died Aprjl 27 at her home in Huntington, L. I The deceased was over 70. Mrs. (Mother) Brown, who con- ducted Family Hotel, Milwaukee, pneumonia, April 1. John T. Morse, a brother-in-law of Eddie Darling, died auddenty April 24 In Baltimore. LETTERS When MadlBf for mall t* TABnCTT. •ddreai Mail Clerk. P0BT0ABP 8, AD VKBTIBIKO OR CIRCULAR LETTBBB WILL NOT OR ADVERTISED. LETTERS ADVERTISED Of Ol'K I88UB ONLT. HANNAH "NAN" LEACH - A Real' Girl Always TEARS OlIN HOWUND Flndlay, Ohio, April 22, following a long illness of complications. Clarine- E. Seymour, leading wo- man in several of D. W. Qrtfflth's, at Mlsericordia Alexander Klda" Aritrong Franela Atena Vertical AtlioiPercjr Aubrey Jbdm > Bans a Oajr Baptlate John Beattle Bob Bell Betty Belmont The Bedner LlUUn Bemie Louie Bit City 4 BInKharo Uarle Black Roie Biles Bobby Bolaer Helen Borrloi Jean Boyland Rom Bradley Jay Brinn Uarlon Brotatis Ida Bttsey Babette Byren A Weil Calvin A Thornton Campbell ConstSACe Carbrey Jack Garde J Caster Mile* . CaUlano A Wlll'mi CUire Nell Clareiiden Trixle Clark Bobby Clark Don Colllna Juanlta Coniray Harold Oomell Prances Croteau Diana Crosby Harry Caleb Sidney Dale Peggy Dalbanie Oe« 'Davenport Paul De Oant Oliver Delmar Harry De Motts Rldins Act De Vamey Vera De Woit Vivian Dolce Reslna Dolce eiitcra Oort Blleon Doen Anthony Dove Itoy DoKnIe Blepbaats Dreiw Clias Duddy James Duffy Tom Dugan Mr* T Dumont RotMit Dumont Evelya D«ttoaMr*lCrs Biar) Bessie Eastman Vlrftala Edmonds Jos Blaht Black Dots Bills Cecil Evelyn Verra Fallen Jimmy Fallesen Eddio Fanst victor Fearelle Besalo Ferguson & Francis Field Joan Pilling Helen Finn Lillian Flint Douglas Foley Che* Pox Uae Franks Bert PrillinK Frieda Frlineda rurman & Naata Olbbs Joyce Qlbaon Hardy OlfAn B Faye , Giles PC ^ Gordon Jean Goes Virginia Ooutbom C H Granville & Stack Gray Grace Green & Dean Grey Bbbbs Halls Frank Hamben Louis Hanley James Harklns Jim Harris Donny Hawaiian Royal Hayes Edward Haynes Alice Henneques Helene Henry Nora Hopkins Bthel Howard Jedd Hudson Helen Hnfford Julia Hume Edward Jackson Warren Jardys Les Johnson Miss — Jordan Josephine Keller Ukrgr Kendall Burks Renhy A HolUs Kent Stapleton King Violet Ktn« Margaret Klrkwood Jaek KHohie 81 RrsmkB Bros Ktaemer Mae Lamhs Msnikina La Vaasar Ladyer Lampina Lawlor Mabia Leonard Marie Leonard Helen 1,0 Roy ft Cooper Le Roy Barl Loomi* Dora I.>orctta Doe Loughlln a West UcConnell a L'cklll UcCunv Qllsabetb McLean Chrlstia Manly Emory Marshall Burt Martin AdeUna Martin Theresa Mason June May Jeule > Meadovre Dorothy Meredith Glpeey Miller Sam MlllerV era Uobler Roy Uontgomery M Moore Scotl Morrcli Hnudle Morris ft CampbeB Murray Crystal Murray Mr Nestor Ned , NIghtons 4 Nunn William Oakley Harry Oakley Edytha O'Dare Van Oliver Conitanee O'Raney Georgia Paramo Mr \ ^ . Parker Bvel>ii Felser Geo Peterson Hermaa Pingree Helen Plunkett James Poole Paul Potter W O Powell P B Price I.*w Fyebe Jo« Oulnlan Dan Quiccolini Guide RadlBon Blanche Rafferty Margaret r*/'^. 'k. -" :i -IS -(Continued on paere >2.) Discovered and endorsed by JOHN McCORMACK "THE BAREFOOT TRAIL" IS .M A CLEAR-CUT SUCCESS TfflS GREAT AMERICAN BALIA0'-n-^^S#^ - .. is ideal for Vaudeville Singers who have an Act to put over. Concert Singers will hnd it e<iualiy so<V^ tteiy and a melody unique. ^-' POSraVELY A ^EW '*LOVE'S OLD «WEET SONG'* ; ; .: Professional Courtesies—All Combinations. i" ,'>'' V BOpSEY&CO. THE HOUSE OF SONG FAM^ ^ . 9 East 17th Street, New York, and Ryrie Building, Toronto "V^^ X'^ Victor Le.Roy. Victor Le Roy, who was on tour j With "Oh My Dear" thl^ season,. died April 20 at his home in Ber- genfleld, N. J. He was 3« years of . age and was well known In musical yComedy circles for his tenor voice of extraordinary strength. His deatli Was caused by bronchial asthma. He was a njember of the A. E. A. and appeared under many of the largest managements. Three sisters survive him./ Milton Dawion. .■ Milton Dawson, stage manager of. ■Sunshine." heart trouble. New. York, March 7, though a record of his death was missed. The de- ]i ceased had been with Richard Carlo for two years. He was sent home from Newport News after bccom- tog ill. From CalSorma Jump EM Through Mpine Fairyhnd wlwn you go by way of toe Canadian Pacific RaOway You see quatot EngUah ^Tdorlaand charming VaKOTW-tte ISt MilyoM of STFraeer, ThompeoB. ICSddng Hoiwwd centgIacJet«-c1oB«5ttWi ol big fiamftto«Pperfci«Ddre*«Jteo Northwest Mounted Pohce. You stop la Canada a leaniog citiee at excellent Canadian Pacific Hotels Nopsssporta-ard to Bununer onlySOboonbytliioaJhtialn from Coast to Coast. Feserrationa-caU write or telephone. Hmw Yitfk. 1231 Broadway, MadisoaS«>aMM40 gSj?V40So»d. Clark i^J^i^^,^^^ SrftUr I58S Ue Aasalaa, MS Se. Snkg Sb Pice 3490.64323 f. t— nui ciud Atitfii Emile Stein. Cmile Stein ("Stelnle"), drummer •f the orchestra of the Palace, New Orleans, passed away .n Xpt South- ern city the other day. a victim of tuberculosis, stein gained consider- V I Um tm mtk A* i lu'liii. Tw '^, I'. I..l''ilif 3 -c— '^^ ■^S.,! "' hi. (, WHAT THE CRITICS SAY :■-.,:'■'.'■'":'' ■'•:/' about •;,-^^ ' '''"- When Your Ship Conu^ h Sung at Keith's Palace Theatre, New York, hst week. ^ \, Sam MeKee in Morning Telegraph, Tuesday^ A^rU 20th t ^ "When Your Ship Comes In*' a delightful number for the tutored and lututored lovere of music. TheBmboarJ,AprU2lMt'iMue: "When Your Ship Comes In" is a popular song of the, better grade. ' I"' ■ • The cupper, AptUZltt issues ;! ' '^hen yotir Ship Comes In" is a charming song and scored a hit. Variety, AprU 23rd issue: •'When Your Ship Comes In," a pretty nimiber sung in pretty fashion. • • ^ _ If you can put over a good high class ballad—wire, write or call for professional copies and orchestrations. Published in all keys; also a won- derful double arrangement. - ^ Hinds, Hayden & Eldredge, Inc. , 11-15 Union Square New York City -