Variety (April 1920)

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COEEESPOBBENCffi. CContlnued from Pago J4.) 2.^ nronks ago to ftanCfto altaira "JTlncefwaa tendered a dinner at *"if the downtown hotels during ?*«Jk by bis frlonda In the the- ^rir^l Bftme and newspaper men In itrlcal gamo ^jjj^gy ^aj ^n Im- ''!I^ntii affair and was a great sur- *'?'^''fo smnley. Practically every •'■"'«» ?he newspaper critics-attehd- 'S'al during his stay Stanley got ;o'be well known to them, and also iretl liked. ^ . . ^" TWr« John C. Abbot of this city „Jf re-elected president of the Sfnry Jewett Repertory Theatre ?hibat the annual election held dur- r«ff the week. This club Is Interested k^the repertory idea as it is ex- LlaMcd by the Jewett Players, Ennsed at the Copley theatre. It Slso includes, some, of the leading Sfclety women of Boston In Us marobers hlp.. ■ .^ ^- BUFPAIO. ■; ^ By SYDNEY PURTON. • HHUBBRT-TECK.—"Frivolities of lo°o" Sensational advertising do- w the trick. Opened strong. MAJESTlC.-"TlEer i^se" plays fccre three days only. Buffalo do- Mrves better at. Belasco's hands. I^t half! "His Chhiese Wife." with Forrest Wlnant, Frances Neilson, l>orlB Fellows, Madeline Delmar. Leah Winslow, Mable Bert; Btyled *ii "Oriental-American drama of Morals and Manners," and takes i^other whack at the "yellow prob- lem" with some success. SHKA'S.—Vaudeville. SHEA'S Hipp.—Film, "Excuse .*'GAyETr.~"Hlp, Hip, Hooray." 'Burlesque. ' ACADBMT.-"Nlght Owls." " OLYMPIC—'Xettve It to George," ■Xeeand awrence; Harklns and Hfts*. i;kln8, BilUe and Dot, Billy Ho Trio. s.; LYKIC—"The Right to Lie." ^Vernia Mercercati, lAm Welch. 't>ougherty ,ahtl' Salvatore, Oilleri' PCirllon, Bert and-Mable Swan. ■:■ EMPIRE, -:- "Carmen Beauty^ ; Olrlg" in person* Film, "Carmen a: r.ftrJaza." ' - - '■ ir*' STRAND,—Film "The Woiti&n f'^lvcB." "HaHintcd Spiookes.": ' FAMILY.—"The Undercurrent." • i'' Some of the details of the defunct Star Theatre Col, which came tO: ^Ught this week, show.that the house, :owe8 Us •credltdt-8 close to 120.000., A settlement has been proposed on a 25-cents-on-the-dollar basia It la said that the theatre showed "a : profit for only two veeks during Its vaudeville career. JOYCE HOTEL 31 West 71st Street Central Park West NEW YORK CITY NORA NORINE FREDDUPREZ HMdlllht tItU for Mm EmiIth Hd V. C, Tcur Kew York Bepr.i BAM. BAEBWITZ IMS BioailOTBr lABJon Ifepr.: MVBBAY A UAW S Ual« 8t.. W.U. 2. Hr American Author .JAMES UA0I80N EngllBh FurTeyonot ComlcalltlcB: WESTON * IXB "RHYME AND. RHHUM" Direction JOSEI^H SULLIVAN Direction FRANK EVANS JIM AND MARION DELMAR TIME D&ection MAX HART) MEET THE WIFE ' .-'ii/i:. ARTIST'S BOEREM Buttonhole, Me-. Dear Sir:— What do Actors mean when tbey say the "TORMENTORS"? i. BORRYMORE Probably the Music Publishers. PANTAGEa CIRCUIT : FRED ALLEN Director MARK LEVY CYNICAL OBSERVATIONS An actori« favorlto exercise ia pat- ting; bimaelt on tbe back.. Prosperity for tbe actor does not de- pend bait ao mucb on the agents aa it does on the advertialnc. The more actors I meet the leas' I worry abont' the squirrels Koing hungry. In the opinion of some actors the com- mand. "Thou Shalt Not Steal" does not applir to hotel taweli or another artitt's gaga. ^ ALAN GREY ASSISTED mr—r A RIOT OP LAUGH3 AND TVS. ^^' .■•■}^*. PAULPETCHING THE MUSICAL FLOWER GARDEN Whlmsical—;Novel—-Appealing An Act that oontalns the three great.sla- ments that have made Vaudeville tbe 'Favorite Amusement of tbe American' People: BKAUTT. COHBDT and MUSIC Open for next season. Permanent addreas; 18 Packard Ave., Lymansvllle, R. L HUGH IE CLARK—Most Tim* At 2 A. M. WIZARD OF THE HARP Edward Ross. 19, and Harold Leco. 18. of Detroit and Cleveland, vOf "Ben-Hur," at the Majestic last :<*-week, were picked up, eharked with' being tramps. Ross is In the chgrus and Leco Is a spotlight knan with the show. When arrested they werei looking for a place to sleep. They found It. They were/later dis- charged and allowed to rojdln the •how. , . WEAVER BROS. . ORIGINATORS Of Hand-saw Harmony, "ABKAM8AW TRAVELEBS" Now touring thru tbe BocUet, It makA ns homesick to see the - •MOUNTAIN NEAR." DlreetiMi, JACK NOBWOBTH. V --Several prominent Buffalonians,! with the Indorsement of the Mayor and Fire and Police Chiefs, are backing a project to build a down- town garage on the alte of the old .Garden theatre. -■.i.^''^-^"**®"« "toclt will open at the Majestic May. « with "The Country Cousin." The company in- cludes ■William Prlngle. Claude TImball, ■William Crlmans. Gertrude Workman. Beatrice Maude, Frank w«W^"' ^'i*^'^ Savage, Letha S»i^"' yfalter Abells, Nellie g?"!!??", Corbett Morris. Walter Mn^rlv H^^ Collins.. Mary Hill, Lyona ***^w«" *"* Wallace dEVELAND. By J. WILSON ROY. 8HUBBRT-C O L O NIA U- San •«»i? S|;an«i Opera Company. Next week, "Tea for Three." OPBR.V HOUSB.--"Angel Pace." Next week. "Just a Minute." PROSPECT. — Thurston Hall Players In "The Broken Wing." KEITH'S.—Vaudeville. LOEW'S LIBBRTY.—Vaudeville. MIIiES.—"Submarine F-7," Hap- py Jack Gardiner & Co., Stephen & Bninells, Forrest & Church, De Page & Yonkovs Sisters and pic- tures. GRAND.—Gordon & Day, Fargo & Richards Five Avolons, Noodles Fagen. Alaska Duo and pictures. PRISCILLA. — "American ahrlB." ailbert & Saul, Myrtle Vernon & Co., JToo and Agnes Riley, James Morrison & Company, Lynn & Lor- ayo and pictures, EMPIRE.—"All Jazz Revue." STAR.—'Million Dollar DoUs." STULLMAN and ALHAMBRA.— All week, film "The Heart of a Child.". ■ , \.Jr^ EUCLID.—Fourth week, "Why Change Your Wife?" METROPOLITAN and STRAND. All week, "The Silver Horde." ORPHEUM—All week, "Tarn- ished Reputations." ' GAIETY.—All week, "Hearts of Men." « KNICKERBOCKER.—"The For- bidden Woman." . _ RIALTO.—"In Search of ft Sin- ner" PROf. D.STEPnEIIMll Steered a Simp Into • DELICATESSEN N One ordered Plenty of Breakfast Mate> rial; then turned to the oM>er irlth, "Can you think at anything f|)s«,..Uoy tie? ' • Uyrtie shyly ngtcsUd a Hiian JAR OF JELLY ' i. '• ■■ "■' •' ■ ■ ■■■■ Her CottipanloD silenced her by playful- ly dropping a Can of-Corn on her. Pet Bonlon, at tbe same time whispering, "A Small Jar of Jelly—'Who do ypao'x- pect for Sreakfast, one of fllngsi'a Mid- gets" T "Make that a I.arge Jar of Jel- ly."—Curtain. , > •■_ ' ^ . COOK and OAtNiUI 'l«ew Clrenlt. 'Direction, if ABK XVTY THE BRITISH NUT VIOLA EDDIE DENNYand TOURING PANTAGES CIRCUIT The Montreal "Oaxctte" eald;— "The act that stands out this IrMk "', by reason of its novelty Is Grift with ; his Individual methods of humor.'*. I pity poor Van Hoven having to stay in E:ngland at IIOOO (one tbon- sand dollars) per week when te.v? could easily get ^260 over herei. ' •',_ Open Letter to H. Fitzoerald, E$q, .' Dear 'Arr^:— ' ' Try and steal another week or twe -' for mo. EDDIE McCarthy! '■•'.'*y.' ITi., AND ULUAN (■' '..■, STERNARt)^ In-"TWO BEP^i Direction FRANK EVANS I. .1 ,v ■•■V: CHAS.ALTHOFF Headlining tlie Pantscea Ctrcolt. SOLE HANAaBMONT ; JOHN GOLDEN MALL.—All week, "The Virgin of Stamboul." ^" Joe Payton and his stock players, at the Prospect -for six months, closed their engagement Saturday, and left for Trenton, N. J. They have been succeeded by Thurston Hall and Associate Players, a com- bination working under the manage- ment of Vaughan Glaaer. . BDDIB IXROX NINA HDNTER, RANDALL and SENORITA "ON THE MEXICAN ftORDER" ' Special Scene Laughing Hit • ■ Sireotion HORWITZ and KBAUS, New York City are the arfchltecta. Work Is to be started immediately and completion is expected some time this year, and the house will play' first-class vaudeville. THEFAYNES Direction Hughes & Hanwaring Saw." Portland, Ore., The Morning Oregonian April 13,1920 PANTA0E8 CHARLES ALTHOFT'S act, "The Sherlll ot Bick Tllle." at tin Fant4i(«s theatn tlUs week, li chur- arter 'coined; of the Arxt orthr. , So ruIUUc Is bla I tn Be r LonnUon of tho aqoealiy-Tnl^cil, chln-nlila- kercd little old man thnt tiiio Is almost Briilrriil wlKn he (Rlls to acknowl- tOgt llie trcDiendous np- pluuae at tho end of bis act, for fear any funher (xerUoii mlRht land lilni complitfly olT bis rlchcly lots Into Ibo rootlliihts. Kro-m tho »art-colorod Waistcoat that ho near* to ttni "tight aniSrt inutic" |t ho plnji on hla Bd- hia work la Inltnl- lable and . hIa nndltinn or r'KIss Me Acsln" It artliln liMlf. DETROIT. By JACOB SMITH NEW DETROIT—"See Next. "Angel Face." GARRICK—"Linger Longer Let- ty." Next, return of Wlllipm Hodge. SHUBBRT DETROIT — "Green- wich Follies." Playing to $3 top- capacity. Remains second week. It seems to bO dcllnltely decided that the Shubert-Detroit will play through tho summer. Detroit, with _ , , ». Its many tourists and transients, Week May !« Elsie Jan s and her j^ ^^„ support at least one Gang will be the,a";!:^<=Vf Ando?- legitimate house during the hot AMERICA'S HABTEB SHOWMAN BOOiUSD BOUn UNTIL !•» Addreaa VBIAB8' CLim, NBW lOBK OITI Opera house, while G. M. Andcr son's "Frivolities of 1920" are book ed for the fihubert-Colonial, In addition to the stock company at the Prospect, two more summer organizations are announced-Clara Joel and her Players at the Shu- bert-Colonlal, and Robert H. Mc- LaiKhlin at the Opera House. No hing very definite has been clvcn vet regarding either of these Sanies, although it is under- stood McLaughlin's agKregatlon 1b rcbearslng at present In New YorK City It J-'Oks as If there will be a wild scramble for patronage during the dog dcys. Announcement has been made that the contract for the construe- ion of the 3.000-seat^ theatro a^ Fuclld Avenue and lOBth Street, lo be operated by the ««"»»,^^«i"^f l'^ interests, has Jeen awarded to Uie Crowcll-Lundoff-Llttle ^?"'P?"*i and that C. W. and George L. Rap* ating the Opera house, have leased the Crescent ■r.-f- "THE iAn BOVt" Dir. HORWiTZ & KRAUS viURINO TUB lOKLS> - . : MARIpNNE FREMisn D NSBOSB .\U .i, ■ . ■ ■.-.With . ' ',.,^ '■■'":":.- JULIAN ELTINGE ^^:. ' AB R«9> Fred Beardslcc, of Sault Ste Marie, has disposed of his interest in the Temple and Star theatres to his partner, George Cook. weather. ,„„ , , At the picture houses: "Virgin of Stamboul,^' Washington: "Down on Uthe Farm." Majestic; "Why Change Your Wife," fourth week, Broad- way-Strand; "His Wife's Money.|[ Madison; "The Love ^^^PfJ',*'" | leans" at the Borchel the last three Adams; "Tho Walkofts,' Colonial, Lj^^yg ^,,,3 ^^,j Advance sale Indi- cates capacity at $2.60 top. "Three I I I DES MOINES. By DON CLARK. Mrs. Flake li. "Mis' Nelly of N'Or- NBD JBAM Argo and Verjenia ABE BRBAHIMO lit THECB ■ UTTLB It -tTUXB PAUL LAROCCA Eddie Foy is playing at the Or- pheum this week, making his fourth consecutive week In Detroit. He goes to Cleveland from here. Lonis K. Sidney, manager of the Pox-Washington theatre, has been promoted to manager of the Fox theatres in the west. He Is suc- ceeded here by Mr. McDonald, who comes from the east. Arthur W. Blankmeyer. exhibitor and formerly an exchange manager, (lied suddenly last week from heart trouble. Angell & Codd, of Adrian, oper- Wlse Fools" vDl end regular Ber- chel season next week. "Peek-a-boo" closed . Columbia burlesque season at Berchel Wed- nesday. Berchel has played burl- esque the first four days each week, alt season, and Icglt the last three. Piiillie tKum mni I lore to 10 ts ' rreemaa'Ai Aoa kear tbe ecHn Viife-r ■ While ibcria* bale ttetf nnlir wbVt, Ob, lOfb, lio* ttiet Orpheum season closes May 20 In DCS Moines. "Oh Boy," second musical comedy of season by Prliiccas Players, this week. Next week "Little MUs Brown," closing Princess ■ season. House will reopen for 13th.consecu- tive stock season corjy in August, FRED LEWIS (HIUBIBLF) ••' SoFHi A Wonrnii'B Hind le Cleaner nuUi 11 Mnn'«) Bccaose Bhe Cluwces U lt«n Often. .■■.•.:.- ..■••■■■ . ■: i:-^'-yy.'-