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Mi F. MfifiE, President J. J. MURDOCE; Gtoenl Manager F, F, PROCTOR, Viee-Presid^ B.E. Keith's Vaudeville Exchange^^^^^^ •;; '(Palace Theatre BuiMing; New Yorky^ .'"'-' -""^ .'^•!:^:'■i ^?^I.:-^^^ fcF. KEITH EDWARD F. ALBEE A. PAUL KEITH ■ C " V F. F. PROCTORii • •' ■• ■'■ •• -■■■:■•■;■.■. .'■'-*'■' , ' .. ■■■■•■■:■:'■■.'-: '^•/;--v'^ ■.■■■".■■ :■;':• "-^ ; ■ -^ ■ " .' Founders ' .'. : ■""."■"•">" ' -'- v.. '- - Artiste can book direct by addressing S. K. HODGDON ^ ^^^ ' ; -ft ; '=:^l s^--.;: W^'- I ^v: Marcus Loew's BOOKING AGENCY General Executive Off ices «■■■■'•» . ■ PutnamBuiiding,Times Square '1 New Yorli [. H. LUBIN General Manager «;^t||r..?I^^ Interriews Artiste Dailf <-"J-li ■ :!. .CHICAGO OFKICU ):..■■. Mttsonie Teiinple Building J. C. MATTfiBWS in Charge The Western Vaudeville ers John J. Nash, Business M^nnager. TKomat J. Carmody, Booking Manager 5th Floor State-Lalce Theatre Bldg. CHICAGO, ILL Elbert and Getcliell have anaounced. Filma this wepk: "In the Heart of a. Child," at Dos Moines; "Sin- ners." at Rlalto. and !'Ia Search of vi Sinner," Garden. The lease on the Bmpreas, former- ly held-^hy Elbert & Getchell, has been purchased by the Adams Theatre Co., opera.ting a chain of twenty-two film houses in small lovr-a cities. It la the first Adams house In Des Molnea. The new management will take charge June 1, and continue the policy of four- a-day vaudeville and pictures for a time at least. The lease runs for thirty-three years. The house was built In 1913, and has been operated by Klbert & Getchell ever since.' It is the largest house in Des Moines, with •Oft capacity, and has been an immense money maker. It is the only vaudeville house open in the summer. Manager Everett Hayes will retire June 1. The building is owned by Coffee ^ Rawson, Des Moines. J. L. Adams of the Adams Co., (headciuarters in Des Moines), says the company will control fifty Iowa theatres by Jan. 1, 1921. Elbert & Getchell now have but three local houses, the Princess . stock, Berchel, legit and burlesque, and Unlciue, five cent pictures. Construction of the Loevr Alham- bra, to open in September with pic- tures and vaudeville, is thought to have had some Influence in tlie Em- press de!\l. The amount paid by Adams for the lease waa not an- nounced. • Elbert & Getchell, following the, •nnouncemcnt of the sale of* their lease on the Emt>res8, have an- nouncefl they will remodel the Vaique, their flye-cent picture house, into a big time, first run pic- ture theatre. Worfe wUl start early in May. The Unlciue is on Locust street, opposite A. H. Blank's Oar- den, and has one of the best loca- tions In the city. The house is one oX tbe largest, in the city and has been a money maker with short shows and low jtriccs. . B.S.IVIOSS Theatrical Enterprises VAUDEVILLE AGENCY M.D, SIMMONS, Generd Booking Manager ■^* ■ ' General Executive OflSces . BROADWAl^ THEATRE BUILDING . 1441 BROADWAY, N. Y. CITt Phone aryant 9200 ■'. -'I .: Feiber ^ Shea Theatrical Enterprises ■ 1493 Broadway V (PUTNAM BUILDING) . \ ; New York City c BEN and JOHN FULLER AUSTRALIAN ENTERPRISES ilbsmarb Kansloiis, ritoMilr, London, W. L Bead Office, Grand Opera B»asa, Sriloer. Ben Fuller will be locsUd la Mew York June n«t. I - toe W. ▼. H. A. ia Ohlcaso. Se« BlU Vorphy. Aekemaa-BanU, Saa IVaacbeo. Hariy Rickard's Tivoli Theatres iilaiia HUGH D. McINTOSH, Governing Director BecUtcMd Oabto Address: "HDOmiAC," Srdney. Head Office: TITOU TQEATBE, Sydney, Anstialla Unericaa BepresentaUre NORMAN JEFFERIEO ^eal Estate Tntst Bide, rUIa. Philip Sheflleld. juvenile with the Princess Players for the past six seasons and one o£ tho most popu- lar actors who has ever been in Des Moines, has written a new four- act play which will have its premiere at the Berchel, Des Moines, the week of May 17. The play deals with the psycho- logical effect of music on a young American miinwho has suffered a nervous breakdown as a result of work in a German aalt mine as a German prisoner during the war. Three titles are under consideration. There Is much incidental music in the piece, also written by Sheffield. The cast will be entirely profes- sional and will Include a number of former Princess favorites. Ar- thur Vinton, who was leading man at the first of the present season, and one of tho most popular lead- ing men who has ever been at the Princess, will play the lead. Shef- field will direct the play and will play a rolo. George Waters, former manager of the Princess will be manager. I The American Legion and wo- I men's clubs are backing the play, and the week will Include a number of big society functions. Sheffield read the play before fifty ropreaent- atives of the different clubs this week and It was given a moat en- thusiastic, reception. Three New York producers ore' interested in the play, and it is en- tirely probable that it will be pro auced m the Bast this talL BERT LEVEY CIRCUIT VAUDEVILLE THEATRES ALCAZAR THEATRE BUILDING SAN FRANCISCO MARIE JAMES ARTIST REPRESENTATIVE UANAGEB AND PBODVCER EAOBI>ORN STUDIO AND OFFICB SUITS M. Stein Ceemetlo Ce. ISO w»ii «■« etrjst. Mm» v«a nr «•*■; Oecitlac U advertlM la TABIBTT aay Ball^adVMrtiilac copy dlreet t« TAKIKTT, Mew Tork, and depoalt the amosnt la payneiit for it to VABIET1*B' emdlt at the PaO MaD Deposit Co. PARLTOI^ STREET * REGENT STREET 8. Wh LONDON ' < For miUormllr la eictitiice. lb* Pali lUB Co. wlU S&tpt dwodU for X^BWrt it \tu pnTaUlncnlM, ^ Ihioucb ikli mum«r «r tranimliiinn til df - « U ICM to th« pltTK is Bfoted. VABICTT MtUBM nui rijk »nd edoevlMlfn the PaU lUO CSo.'e netWa u tti own nceisu for til Booei ^ced wail the nu Hill U TABIXTrs CRiUt •■"?! BEAUTIFUL EYEBROWS & LASHES SPIRO'S COLOUilA DARKENS EVEBROWS AND U8HE* One ipcUnUon Uita tm to four weeks: wuhlag or cnuiu do not iSict; tIJO par box. Entaoei and laahai peifocUd. Ste. per treatmast, at cat parlors. PERMANENT HAIR WAVE. Ouaniiteed ( months or refund moaey, treat WsTtd. It earls, lit. SPIRO'S HAIR SHOP M Wett 4itfe M. IS Wait 88UI m. WARDROBE PROP. TRUNKS, $10.00 ' Brr Bargains. Have been used. Aim a few Second Hand Innovation and PIbra Wardrobe Trunks, $10 and $1S. A few extr* largo Proportr Trunks. Aloo oH Taylor and Bal Trunks. Parlor Bloor, 28 Weat Slat St., Kew York City. 917-20 Lyon & Heaty Bldg. Phone Wabash 6388 Jackson Blvd. at Wabash Ave. CHiCAG^ EMILE DeRECAT, Inc. THEATRICAL ENTERPRISES. NOW IN PREPARATION Rivervlew Park (4th Year) White City (2cl Year), Both Open With DeBEC.lT Shonrs'. MAT 18. FOR SUMMER fcNGAGEMENT. WRITE — WIRE — CALL •—' PHONE. 1212 MASONIC TEMPLE, CHICAGO. Phone: RANDOLPH 364-5 ShofBeld was at the Princess dur- ing the days of Fay Balntor, now star of "East Is West," and the two are intimate friends. INBIAKAPOLIS By VOLNEY. B. FOWLER. MURAT.—'Amateur performances first half; The tliddle womaa last. BNOLISH'S.—"Clarence." PARK,—Musical Extravaganza. KEITUA—yaudevill*. BROADWAY.—Vaudeville. LYRIC—Vaudeville. KIALTO.—Vaudeville and pic- tures. CIRCLE.—Pictures. Popularity 6f Gregory Kelley and Ruth*'Oordon of tho coat of "Clar^ ence" and the fact that this ia the home of the author, Booth Taritlng- ton, caused tlie piece to go strong all week: at Bnglish'B. For Rent or For Sale» Star Theatre, Buffalo, N. Y. . Opposite site of new )7,obo,000 Statlar Hotel. Seats 1400 on three floors. In perfect condition and fuU^ equipped for road shows, stock, vaudeville or pIcturcK For particulars, write or wire > L A. FENTVESST. Strand Theatnw v Bocliester, N. t. Music Friniing Wa da printinf sad dupllntlng of muile by latait nethodi. Prices right. Alia siuile ar< ranging, L. L VotBiirgh. Mr» 3M Gaiety Bldg., New York City. Bungalow Sites Hastings-on-Hudson Nigh Ground, $G0O Up^ Easy Tertna. (Near BlUy Burke) Write or Call tor Full Particulars, Sir. T. Carroll, Boom 803, No. 7 Weat 45th St., NfBT York. Tel.iPryaot 2728_ Hagent>eck-!WallHce cracked open Stock Co. for summer with Arst-class cast can rent tha SAXON AVDITORIVM, Toledo. O., ^ta Reawnuhle Rent. The house plays road attractions during the seasoiv