Variety (April 1920)

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:^3^^P5? VARIETY 3^ ^Am drcoi «eMOii Am-U U. .»rtta- ?:jlStoMme» I ter 1- ■., ■" ir««iet Stroud, appearing at the L SSSS to tb« police that three. ^ !2«dlerln«>««^ ^'•^■JS? 'Ili ""^ ' gJ^Uje theatre. The trio was I g^ed ap on chargea ot dlaorderly ; eenduct* i:' o T Gregory "theatrical Co., of ' nSimoiid, has Increased Ita capital r fi^ <rom I2O 0.O0O t o I4O.0.O0O. ^^: nirectort of the United Exhlb- • H«r« Productions Cor., Incorporated ~~ vfrf iflit week with |l,00O,OO0 cap- '^ 5S wpJncd thia ^veek that the T-^ho^lion 18 composed of Indiana •Picture theatre owiiers, who are "S^testJiiB agalns*' prevailing high JSirees of nima. The league wlil fc: C fiUna co-operatively at -first i-ISd eventually organize Iti, own ' %ucing company with head- ^^^Sartcrs In C aliforni a. :'f students ot Notre Dame Unl- ^ ™ity ut South BeAd. the second '^ Wrt Ofctholki^vtihlverslty m the Country, ihrough a movement ^tart- S by m^n'beV o' the, ""f^J'l*^' athletic teatns. have pledged ihem- .2; ves »iot to attend performances • wh^ ^tures 6i M^rir Pickfor4 ^-^knTDo\.gla3 EalrbankB are ■■■ i-shown. The action 1b said to be In- ^••&e*":«> discourage yihe pmctice ;: Jf maUine * nv>ckery of marriage -..'"^•owa" ■-■ - ■■ : '.V- K- ' — — ■ ■ * :?vi.The Indianapolis Presbytery of Vht^Presbj-icrlaii Church,^ in sesaion : -^iLlidi.iburg. Irid.. oi-dered sent to " ttfr ueneitU-AsseroWy, to meet in, ''Philadelphia in Alay. ^an overture :r condemning Sunday picture shows a ^d asking that the church launch ?^-a nation-w-klemoyem^^nt for. their -^^'6opp»;ess'lon. :' ^^J'V:'- ■'"•'■'.'i' Vv • MajS, prem-ere dansant in D.-.W- ^^^CrltBth'd -The Fall of Ba*ylon,".ap- ^ oeared ni person during the ninoi . the photoplay at the, pplo^iftl ^laat 1^:;... J NEW OKLEASS. ,,-i,:^.;. , '/^ . ' By O.M.SAMUEU. "'. " ""yLYRrC.—QulhlaTd; Miller's Girl -?'sTnAXr>.—' The Idol Dancer." ~~ LIBEKTY.—Douglas McLean and - J)ori8 .May in 'Olary's Ankle." , •-".'•r.vTRiANON.—JJorothy Dalton .in h^r^ti^^uM •■l» WI«ite.'';;;:-':J>:V r^'^-'-j:'^;'. ' \lnins Ackvrn>ah spent Beviaral ---dJiVa ill Nfc\y Orltans :whtle en.roine to'tjau fraiiciHCO. He expressed the opinion this city was ripe for • another UigTllnie house, venturing the surmise Mwrcus. Loew might i^pUtce one liere. feji'JOWringtO"the opening of the- -Saeiiger houses on the Loew books In Alexandria, Shreveport.,31eridlan and Vicksbuig this week.' If-was necessary to send a sh6w down from K. New York to. fill ih the .first t|u'ee \-\ days at the Crescent* >,.•.•;-». I -Advance subscriptions assure auc- i- -. cess for the Scotti Grand Opera |r ,.?tompany at the Tulane next week. g-r?;-:^mething ought really be done f- about the pictures being released, f;- People here are beginning to ridi- r eule the themes, direction and r. hordes of Incompetents with which ^- the photoplay art Is ctattered, fe-1 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur White are L-^o apead the siynmer at the- While c^ mimmer homie in Forest lake/Mlnn. i-l. - Strictly Personal.—Gaston Bureau rkas a car. So has-Maurice Barr.— f^'Xeport has It Clinton and Rooney left the Joe Howard act when Ethy- r lyn Clai'k (Mra. Howard) became - peeved at the receptions and notices -given Julia Rooney along the route. ;.—Arthur White is to be end man In the minstrel show the £lks of New Orleans are giving, 22.—Gus Loew- enberg has closed "Peck's .Bad Boy" and will immediately take out a girl show with Virginia Loew fea- tured.—Carl Goldenberg, the Rlal- to's Adonis, la suffeidng from a sty. r-Betty West is spending the sum- mer in New York.—Archie Lloyd has the "plug" privilege at the local ball .park.—Paul Dcdroit. with the -Orpheum orchestra. bas«wrltteh two , new songs. pittsbuiUjh. By COLEMAN HARRISON. C.R.4.KD.—Pictures. . OLYMPIC—Pictures. . ' - I-IBERTY.—Pictures.- -■" • GAV£TY.—Burlesque. ;: ACADKMY.—Burlesque; • VICTORIA.—-Burlesque. . lIAKRlii..—Vaudeville. : LYCEU.M.—Vaudeville. SHERIDAN SQUAER-Vaude- vllle. "The Little Whopper" is pL^ying a week's engagement at the Alvin, -and drawing capacity. "The Greenwich Village Follies" drew especially well all week at the •^Ivij, .Manager John Reynolds re- porting an almost capacity attend- ance. ■ ^'Tea for Three'.' Is playing a re- turn~at the Pitt, and drawing Al- most as well as on the former visit Laura Hope Crews is playing the role enacted by Charlotte Walker in the first engagement. The Pitt enjoyed one of ila best THE BEST PLACES TO STOP AT t;':f ■■'.'•,:■'•«« 500 HouseJieeiiiflg Apartments (Of the Better Clatt—Within Reach of Econofnical Folks) Oi<«r tt« <lr«et inptnhlM tA tk« twiirt. LteaM !■ «ii b(«rt.«f Ih* «lty, Jutt •« BrM4w*y, •IM* H M kMklii •I8m% prIielMl tliMtrM. Uti»z\»u>\ Horn, tnutloi iliM, "L" rcMI w^ •■tway. W* ira lb« lariMt Milatilntrt •! kowatttfliif fiiralihM ■Mrtiicnti tHaltllilii t* tliMtrtcal Mki. %ri ar* N tbi iroitnd dally. Tkli alM* lawrM »r*iiM ikvim an* ctMalloiw. xAU BUILDINGS EttUIPPEO WITH STEAM HEAT AND ELECTRIC LIfiHTt HENRI COURT tl2, 314 atd Sll Wttt 4Sth It PMm: Biyaal .UM A* ■fte-tht-ataiit*. r««, anvraaf lulMlat. arraaieA la avartnaati *f (krai ai4 taw raant •Ilk kilikaa* and «rival* katk. Pkw* Is tMk arartmtit. 117.00 U» W«aiy THE DUPLEX . HI LOON A COURT 141 t* S47 Wail 4SUi St PMaa: Biyaat I15S A kuHtflai da lina. jint eaaplrted: iltvMsr aMiimaali arraatMl <» MitM tf Ma, l«* aad Uirca »«■«. witk UImI katk aid tkawar, Iliad kitekina. Uttkiitttrt. Tkaat aaarlaaata tabtdy ««iry \\mn kaiwa ta aitdtra Kitaca. tSS.M U» Manthly: tlf.OO U» Wwkly. . YANDI8 OpURT . 241-247 Wait 49d St PtiMt: Bryaai Till Out.'Uin* and ftur raaai aaartmwti, wttk kiuiiin«<taa, arlvaM kath aad t*l<»k«««. Tha privacy tkaia. afartnaau art aatcd' tar ia aaa a( lb altraMloai. • tl2.tS U» Weakly Address all comniunlcationa to H. Clairian Principal Offlce—Tandlk Court, 841 Weat 43rd Street, New Tork Apartmenta cad be seen evenlnsa. Office In each buildldr. m>aad 330 Wall 43rd St. ~ Pftsaa: Biyaal 42t3-«ISI Tkrta aad laar ream wttk katk. foralikad ta k daartc at aiadwiiMta tkal axeall aaytklai la Ikl* ly«« *t battdlai, Tk«H aaarlMaU will •«•*•• ■adata lavr ar «Mra advlta. «.Sfl U* Wcakbr ■weeks of the season with the San Carlo Gr:ind Opera Co., presenting c:ght different opci*&s. The pophJarlty of .'"The Bird of Paradlso" here is evidenced by the fact that next week It will be playr Ing its fourth engagement at the Alvlp. and Manager John Reynolds iV confident that the usnial hieavy attendance will be recorded. ••Busineps' Before Pleasure" is drawing fairly well at the DuQuesne. U will probably remain another week. . . The Selwyns are advertising "Bwddles" in local Sunday papers, the ad running, "When In New York, see 'Buddier." • Cliaunccy .OlcStt is presenting a revival of "Macushla" at the Nixon this week. It is- the time he has ever appeared in anything above a pop hotise, A veteran of the stage, Elmer Orandin, who took a part in "Tiger Bose" which closed Its two-week stay at the Diiquesne last, week, told Charles M. Bragg recently that he was-the first actor ever to por> ti'ay the role of "Abraham Lincoln. He plavei the part in 1892 In In- dianapolis in a play written by Archibald Gorden and .McKce Uank- in, but when Robert Lincoln, then minlsler to England, wrote Mr. Grandin s-aying he believed it too early after the tragedy for the American public to witness the dramatization. It wa^ withdrawn- was merely a sub-station, hasi^de- parted from active film circles. Sol Baum, who for years controlcd the. Universal- branch exchange, returned to Portland-lost week after a sho^t^ i.eriod ^p California, where lie had been resting. El Rosebaum is here this week bringinn; news from Universal City, and Culver City in con- nection with thj exploitation of the Anita Sten-art feature "In Old Ken- tucky." The Guild Players, tj»e local Lit tie Theatre organization, will close Its first season on May 1, present- ing "Alice-SU-by-lhe-FIre" and "Lettie." The Pennsylvalnla College for Women here are sooif to produce an historic pageant on a gigantic scale. Librctte and lyrics of the spectacle, to be called "Viatory Through Con- flict" were written by members or the ■ faculty. • ■ , Frances Neilson, who played here recently in "His . Chinese Wife." was a former leading lady of the Davis' Stock Co.. and the wife of Corliss Giles, former leading man of the Shme organization and who recently closed a season with Ruth Cbattertun. Prof. Stevens' class In the drama at Carnegie Toch gave invitation performances of "John Gabriel Borkman" in New York last week. Al Von Tllzer and Harry Ruby, New York music notables, were both here on business trips last week. • POETLAOT), ORB. By RALPH ELLIOTT.MILLER. HEILIO.—22-23-24, Nora Bayes, "Ladies First." . ,. „ . „ BAKER.—26, "Peg o* My ITeart," ALCAZAR.—MuslcaV Comedy. PAN'rriGES.~Vaudevllle and pic- HIPPODROME.—Vaudeville and pictures. , * LYRIC.—Musical comedy. MAJESTIC—"The Silver Horde " RIVOLI.—"The Virgin of Siam- boul." LIBERTY.—" My Dust.' PEOPLES. —"Tiic Corsican Brothers." STAR.- "In Missouri." COLI/JIUIA.-'In Old KentMcky.' GLOBE CIRCLE, GRAND. NOV- ELTY, AMERICAN, CASINO. BURNSIDL, REX.—Pictures. AVanen Jnck.son, a Portland boy opens this week at the Helllg in the headline act "Ye Song Shop." B. J. Sperry, who was connected with Paihp local exchange when it I. L. Cchh has left the Telegram and has.bought Into the Casino'and Bvirnslde theatres owned by the Eortland Amusment Co> He was elected Into membership of the Mo- tion Picture Men's League. "The Twilight Kiss," is the tem- porary title of the first LIfeograph Keefe two-reel society comedy be- ing produced at the American I4fe- ograph studld. • ,.' Prank Hayward and WilHani A. Rase arc directing and training 8ixty-flv<3 people for. picture work In the Little Theatre. ■_-\.- ROCHESTEE, ». T. >": By L. B. Sheffington LYCEUM—"His Chinese - Wife," first half; "Tifeer RoSe," second. TEAIHLB-i-Vaudevllle. GAYETY—"The Best Show to Town." ~ PAY'S—"Fashions a la Carte," Marco Twins, PIsano and Bingham, the Jallons, Kelso and LaTon, Booth and Dean; Tom Mix to "Desert Love," screen feature. FAMILY —"The Corner Store," Max York's Pupils, Earle and Ed- wards, Ed Pierce Trio, Pequod and Fellows, first half; Frank Hall and Co., McCoonell and, Lockhart, Thornton Sisters, Three Rlanos, L&wrence Savoy, second half. VICTORIA—Theo and Her Dan- dles, Four Harmony Sailors, "The White Dove" (flhn), first half; "The Echo of Youth" (film), second. REGENT—"Why Change ■ Tour Wife?" - PICCADIIiTTr'TJr. JekyU . and Mr. Hyde,":. ; '■. ^':--.#;-"--^, " I. rf'"^.-' *"', - ' : *■ Jack Farron stole some of the; Pic- cadilly's thunder for his Victoria last week., The Piccadilly has been ad- vertising John Barrj-more in "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" heavily for this week. Last week Farren stuck In the Pioneer film version of the same story and packed 'em In. The Manhattan Players, under'the direction of Howard Rumsey, will begin their season at the Lyceum next Monday. "Polly With a Past" has been selected for the first of: fering. At the Gayoty during the past week,,wben a newspaper man pre- sented a pass issued by the manage- ment, be was told by the man in the box office that" it would only he- honored 10 minutes before the per- formance. The ticl^et seller said he had orders to that errect. When Charles H. Yale was manager, up to the time of his death recently, newspaper men were always wel- come to good seats, whether they bad a pass or not. Frbfn the above Incident, the news vTrltcr inferred that it Is now the policy to honor the pass with what might be left unsold at the last moment; . , Nlkitas Dlp.son, proprietor of the Family and Strand at Batavla, and James Marcus, a Buffalo man, have purchased the Ilaveils and leased the Gem at <.)lean. Possession of the Havens will be taken on June 1 and of the Gem August 1.- The Havens seats alHjut 1.400, and plays rond shows, while the Gem Is a picture house. THE ADELAIDE 1 754-756 EIGHTH AVENUE 1^| f Between 4etb sad 41tli BtiMCa One Block W«*t e( BrcadwaT '^ N ThfMv Vonr Mad nve-BAom .HlKh-CUua Bornlalicd Apartnient*—f 10 Vfl ''"'^ -. Etriettjr rrofeaalAoal. MJB8. OBOltOK BXEOEI,, M«r. rhoneai Brraat MW-S ' mS¥^5SoS?8 pelham heath inn : '. Pel bam Parkway, at Eaatcheatar Avtnut; and - - BLOSSOM HEATH INN Vcrrlck Road. Lmbrook, I<; I, .Vaaaualad la Culalna and 8«rvio« ^ / ' Open All T*»». -^jv, ; V - tjader fllractlon o< H. * X SiMkinA . m XM. Bryiuat SS4-SS8-78n i|»M ^k t* KakM 8«mM The Edmonds ITurnisti^ Apsgrfanei^ t MBS. OEOBOE DANIBI,, Proprlotnta Catariai Cmtoihaly ta tka PrafaailMi. Spetial Samaiar Rati* fraa Jma 4i la^ltilMk . 774l-7a-M EIGHTH AVENTB, Between 47tb Md 48th StcMts. ■': Frirata Bafh aad'ffbone MEW TOBK 01B««i ' la Each Apartment 77S BIOBTH ATBAn Phone't Bryant 1044 Qeo. F. Seluiald«»..Vnv. -:.-;j '-*-;.i . '.-V Jj THE BERTHA FURNISHED APARTMENTS Complete for Housekeeptno. Clean knd Airy. '■.;.;'.';;'; 323 Wwt 43rd StreeT NEW YORK CITY V- 'Ic.J!-^ v^ Private Bath, S-4 Booma. Catering (o the comfort and (onveniMw* of ibe pfofaMfMb '''■ Bleam Beat and Electrle ijcht • • > * |9.S0 Vp ' IRVINGTON HALI. 35S t^ 359 West 51 St street. Phom Cirol* 6M0 An elevAtOT, lltfproot baUdbav of the neweat type, havlac evary devlea aa4 «•«. vcaience. Apartiacnta are beaatlfolly amuiKcd, aad eoaaltt «( t, J aad 4 »ie»f, wlUt kltcheaa iaad Utchcaettea, tiled balb and 'pbone. I17.M Dp Weekly. Addnsaall cammoaicatloiis io Chariea Tenenbanai, Inrlnftoa ItaB, ■- ,, .. '-• .-■ : Vo ooaaMttoo with aaj etber.lieaaa. ' ' ' ST. I0UI8. RIALTO—Always a hard audi- ence they failed to warm up to any great" degree of enthusiasm until Moses and Frye got them with their fast line pf. classic nonsense. The laugh started the minute these boys "showed," and It didn't subside un- til they began singing, then the crowd was held breathless. The act went across like a whirlwind from 'start to finish. The show opened with Jack Hanley, a drunk Juggling act, that did fairly weU. Newell and" Most, with their pleas- ant personalities and well blending voices, made a good impression, better early in the act than at the finish. Frawley and Louise ha:d easy going from the get off. The snappy, wise cracking hotel clerk put his lines over well ahd got out all the laughs there were In them. Closed .very well liked. Murl«»l Morgan and Mlnple Kloter gouged laughs out of them "whether they would or not." Muriel Morgan is built to get laughs, and she gets away with' an awkwardly robust mannerism in an easy, . likable way. Her "Dream" song number, In which she does an impression of EJadld Leonard, in ,one chorus and (jKilli; Curci -io another, 'was. very well received. Then came Mot'gan and Frye, and they finished what Morgan and Kloter started. Wel- lington Cross and Co. closed the show, and Wellington asserted his showmanship a dozen ways in this tough spot. His''prologue" won the audience over to his side, and he and his company kept them there to the finish. The dancing is great, the music Is good and everybody works hard and well. Registered big with the audience. GRAND.—Alf RIppon. Tentrilo- qu)8t, working with a man-sized oummy. pleased both with the chat- ter he carries on with the dummy and with his ballads, Laura Rennet, and Co., three girls and a man, working with a sea-side drop, do some fancy athletlo stuff, bag punching, boxing and wrestling. The Athletics goes well, but the talk in the act Is flat. Ovando Duo, man and woman, get a good share of recognition with their xylo- phones. "On .Manila Bay," a big spectacle with boat and battle ef- fects took the honors. The comedian In the act gets laughs a-plenty with his fly conversation and rather good mugging. Gaylord and ■ Herron pleased but had rather touE-. going In spots. Hall and Shapiro gamer the laughs of the show. Shapiro's funny, falls and slide tickled the crowd mightily. Kate and Wiley closed the show with a neat athletic act, pleased mildly. Melroy Sisters and Jerome and Kewell not re- viewed this. show. BerbcH M«y«rfeld * - "Mr CEIXAB'* V *»•" EandeaMos of ' Bekeulaiu. '. f THE GRIDDLE M Eddy tt, tu rm^lltf , ' xutceot «> mniriittt iy Oven all tlia tine. . ^^J Wafflai, h»t Cakta, Haai ft'^KMib Aocoaunodator Eta. "MMC OOFFEL" yellow-trimmcd purple drop«and purple wardrobe of the old minstrel ishow type, Raymond preceeda t» exemplify his versatility. He open» with a trick piano playing number* does* a head stand on the piano, • llttTe pad tumbling, and goes into bis Juggling. Closed his act with an-impression of Scott playing the "Campbells Are Coming." usSg « un whistle and a chair to take the place of the bag pipes. Took » couple of bows. Dorot^ Roye^ singing popular numbers, pleased. Bertram May and company, sketch, pleased ihildly. The idea conveyed is that of a couple of performers sliding . on the way toward'tto, rocks who are offered-five hundred- dollars by a budding authoress' to- furnish.some atmosphere. The at« mosphere to bo that of a brute husW ' band heating his wife. The wif© beating scene is fairly good, but In the early part of the act the "loving wife might modify her tones and take on a more pleasing persohali^ Ity. As It stands, the beating Is al« . Justified. Leroy and Dresdner get the laughs. Leroy's "Rainbow'*, song number put over in the char- acter of a dope fiend went very well! Six Tasmanlan Girls closed . the show with some acrobatic and pyra« mid tricks, going into their neck<4 hang finish, on an Iron Jaw rigging'.. Pleased, , . i ^—-, .. .•■„.;■-:■ ERBEB'S — Nodalnjr opehs tb6 last half show with a Juggling and balancing act. La Rose and Ad^« have a good appearance and aiiBg well. Pleased. Coffman and Car* roll, black and tan, get laughs early in the act with their chatter. CofCman does a laughing Nigger that is funny and well handled. The act loses the good start It gets. with a speech Coffman does too close to the finish. The speech might be substituted for a good nigger blues song or some rewrite ton lines with a story in them. The dancing flnisb wine - them back again somewhat, but not with tbo punch the first part of. the act earns. Btan Stanley, working here ■■r.1 % '■A 1 1 m '^ LOEWS—Lester Raymond and Co. opened the last half show with an elaborate diversity. Using a OPERA CHAIRS 'I WAMTEB lanrEDIArrEIiV '.;^ TOC opera cbalra. leather covered prefer* able. Roply atating full partlcnlara as to n&ke, condition, .color, where'located and price. Terms caab. Addroes Box 49/ VAltlBTy, New Tork. SCENERY BY EDWm H. FLAGG STURIQI '■ ■ 'r;'.i« •■m ; ^« ii;"'r'ji •>iS.- it--iM^'