Variety (April 1920)

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If''-:;■■■.■ I Iltfj-v.-'" ill ALL^AR PROGRAM WwkHard : ^ Plan Before ,;^;- .3:^^ You Spend 3 ' C 'Spend Less Than YouEarnl 'S^MVe'JUgviUirlr^M^ •t: ■ '■ : »• Invest Yoat Savings in ^ -iiC^' .:•■;• •.--• •■••.':,• • ■/;• .: ^^.'f'.-f:^. .9'- '':';*A-:\j-v :. . :' PrlcM ill May'' '• ' I • Thrift-SUmp* f»r 2B CMto' 18 *'Qoytrtinunt fUiying* SUmpt' f 100 -TrMtury Savings CtrtilieatM |1,(M0 freatury Saving* Ccrttfioat** nit "••••.••••••(• ••.•••••••■*• .foaZiOO ,.;.••.. ._Vv.•' .'-^^v-:/''^. "'^T"■'•.■••.■• ■ JETxcAanire'tioentir ^G^ertiiiwnt Sdv- MUfi' Btakpt (W. S. B.). for a %1W VreHsilurv Bavino* Certificate. ,. '' . vFor Mtle of Banks and Post Office :. all week, gets them golns and lag. Substituting tlie ventriloquist dtkettlng- for the ''Wdrrlef Improvea t$e «ot very mucb. -Stanler as pl&nt is a sure Are lauKti constantly. He works without overdolns a charac- ter. Is straight from the street and h^ - a natural line of talk that oomes right off the street with him. Got away big. Harry Pearl, who has been in St Louis tor about 21 years, in charge of the office of Irving Berlin, Inc., has a new Chevrolet csir tn which he rolls around to the theatres. "While playing a piano In a soft« drink establishment Friday night, Zjeonard McLelland, 43 years of age, an actor, was shot in the left leg. He said that several men standing about the bar became boisterous, winding up by drawing a revolver and shooting into the floor. One of the bullets glanced and bit him in the leg. He treated the wound him- self until it became too painful; then he was taken from the Wind- sor Hotel to tjie city hospital, where t^eleg was dressed.'^ ;'>;r -^'iv,^ .SYRACtlSE, If. Yi i By CHESTER B. BAHN. EMPIRE—Second week 'of the Knickerbocker Players, presenting "What's Your Husband Doing?" WIETI>rG—27-28, "Katchy Koo." amateur spectacle; 29-1, Eagles Minstrels, amateur affair. B. F. KEITH'S—Vaudeville. BAgTABLE—First part, "Oh Girl," burlesque. TEMPLE—Vaudevine. CRESCENT—Final week cf vaudeville. . STRAND—"The Greatest Ques- tlbn," film, first half. ECKEIr-"A Girl. Named Mary." film, first part. SAVOY^"Dangeroua Days," film, first part. - .. TOP—"Judy of Rogue's Harbor," flbn, first.'part. • " ... - SubB^rlptiOB; ticket sale for the Syracuse Music Festival, which will be bold at Keith's. May IQ-IS, o0en< ed Monday.' 7be sale la a beavy one. The featured soloista Include Tltla Ratfo. Rose Balsa and Ed- ward Joh&son. The Chicago Smy- phony Orchestra will also l>e here. Forc«<l by bis height to sit all the way from New Xprk to Texas, where ha will Join a circus, Johan Van Albert, tallest man In tiie world, left the train here to stretch his legs. Van Albert says he'had to use a specially constructed bed in a companlonway on the "Maure- tania" while coming to the States.' The freak tried to buy some over- alls, but when be found they would have to be made to Order and would cost 124 he drew the line on Joining the overall movement. Northern New York may add another of Its fair daughters to the etring of film queens. The work ot Mildred Gauthler oC'Gouvemeur, daughter of a picture palace owner there, tn a film recently made tor the American Plctorei; Asso., has attracted the attention of several producing concerns, whose repre- sentatives have been In'Gourer- neur. The Strand. Binghamton, has in- augurated u new performance schedule, and In the future will ronage at the house, whioh plays both vaudeville and pictures^ has mode the new schedtjle Imperative. Hadie SUIea has Joined the Kan- sas City Symphony Orchestra as scfolAt., H^ (Irat appearance WM^ Sunday -at the NewiDaaii< there. - ,VAirCOUV£B, B. C. By H. P. NEWBERRY. EMPRESS. — Empress Playera wlth.Edythe Elliott and Ray Col- lins in the leading roles. Business .continues good. AVENTUB.—19, aH week Percy Hutchinson arid his company of English players, return engagement. First half "The Luote of the Navy." Ijast half "General Post" ROYAL. — Film, "Behlhd the Door," Also at Maple Leaf, ORPHEUM.—Vaudeville. PANTAGBS.—VaudevUle. ■ COLUMBIA.—Vaudeville. . DOMINION.—Film, "Male' and Female" (second week.) COLONIAL.—»HlH Wife's Friend." BROADWAY.—"Scarlet Days." GLOBE.—PiQtures. BEX NATIONAL, PRINCESS, PROGRESS. GRANDVIEW. KIT- SlLANO. FAIRVI?rw.—Pictures. NEW FRENCH MODEL' STYLE 3«»0-0*« liny 8ui«il |i F)a» QmoJ Ifif 8atl>, FrM«h Nh(. c»l«n: WMI». eUrfT '. R«tf. ri»k, CiMnIC GrMt. 8I«M '■•'• itTi" nmr. Uim: I U », fl to EE. |7.5a ' ^ ;-; 611 Sth Avenue near 31tt Street "^ 2M Bth Avenue, at Slet Street - f Pupils of Lee Morris' Dramatic Academy will make their first ap- pearance at the Avenue, May 4-$, operate from 1:16 to 11 P. M.,. glv- in "Are You A Mason." ing five shows daily. The manage- I Last week's attraction at the Em- ment explains that the large" pat-1 press was "Jho Unknown Voice." ;<■*■. -* ,• *■ } y' Organiization 120 Broadway NEW YORK A special train took a large delie- gatlon of Syracusans to Auburn on Thursday (this weeJs) where they attended the minstrel show staged by professionols now doing tbne in Auburn State Prison. The show was produced by the Mutual Wel- fare League, and had its premiere Wednesday. Thursday night was designated "Syracuse Night." UJy Eltinge, head of the company owning: the Avon at WatertOwn, as the remodeled City opera house wilt be designated, was in the Garland City this week to look over the work. He announced that the open- ing date has been set ahead until June. Sidney Beaumont Whipple, for some time managing editor of "The Journal," left that paper WMnes- day for New York, where he will become assistant general mana^rer ot the United News, the evening service of the United Press. Mr. Whipple, who also contributed dramatic reviews, will be succeeded on "The Journal" by Louis D. Bur- rill, son ef the publisher, who has been city editor. May Irwin .nay bring her "On the Hiring Line" compAny to Watertown next Monday, to give a final performance at the Olympic therck May's husband, Kurt Eis- feldt, was in Watertown thip week looking over the Olj-mplc, now de- voted to .the nxovies. Kurt inci- dentally announced that a bungalow wlH bcerected-this summer on the Irwin farm, near Clayton. The Eis- feldts will summer again at .the farm, 1 leaving Invihlsle closed, as they c^d last summer. Edward P. Albee paid his first visit to the new B. P. Keith house here since its completion Friday. Confined home by illness at the time. Mr. Albec.was unable to at- tend the opening _i»erformance on Jan". 27. . ■.'•..-,■•■ -N*.*^.*? .••.-•■■•.,'"*■• *-i'^:?-V ---. >. .- y ■' >.• -"-.,».-• f .-.»..,».• > .-..^- . «. ...- . A>! '-V-ii^ ^J Mfkm iftkL ANNOUNCE THE REMOVAL OF THEIR :■■-■; XJ--;^^ •:^^LAW:-OFnCES.TQ-"^:v"'y- "'^' Oiie Sixty West Forty^fifth Street The Commonwealth Club will hold a benefit at the Empire, May 3, with a performance by the Knick- erbocker Playera. ONE DOOR EAST OP BROADWAY f ^; NEW YORK CITY ^^ - :*^?i-:.:-?• "t^':^^ >*" -■■;..,■-•• >• i^^^m^-' V- •■';":•??••:*"• .'".~v.^v-^ -.:•??-•«'.■-.- ,. ■ : • "^ - ••■•■' ■-•■■. ^ «.- • > • • -.-,•. . .'•-."■ ■ > : :% ' •. \ -i I > . . ; • \. ■ .. 1 . * ^" .; •>: V ^. : ~: • '.:■ > • ■..• r .■: -'■ - /iv-v HARPER> Formerly SMITH and TOSEL DArPER DARKTOWN DAHDIES IN : UEONARD HABPE« PEP. GINGER AND JAZT DirectioiT tiORWteX WAUg l ARSCIOIA BLANKS The world*a largest manufacturers of tlie' atrical footwear We Fit Entire Companies' Also Individual Orders ll»» Yfrt ChlciM ISM B'ray bT 4tlb Sf. Stit* utf »nim Mk-: ■ i Gaemm&Cr 'lit Lndiif nt \ iriift" Accordion ,-;I Factory ^ ' '■ tk* UatM Etat» ■'< e" ODl> Ftctoiy OmI,, xalita •!); Mt of nodft',:' made h} hand. "'•-. ZTl'in Calvaka «it« Su FnacJte*. cai. • -' Beautify Your Facer ■ m ■>«*! tMk Kotf t« mtk* tH«. "' Muy of ttii "Pnttuint". hnt cb.^ talned mtf rcttlattf bttttr niK If felirUf ■■ eMKMt tiidr (utonl la.'' MrfMtlon .aai nmvit bhaUMI, : CfamltatlM frtt. Ttt r(MM»Mt. ' F. E. 83UTH, H. D. M7 Fifth Ave., N. ¥. C. . <Opp. Waldorf) W^kROROBE RUNKs.::^^;' ALL MAKES .- • » Ter Cent Obcoiut to tlw Fnfa- ■ Matt. llA^iT BABOAQS IN SUGETr- * LT V8EO TBUNBH AMD BiOS PH.HOTLER $» SCVENTH AVE. HEW VORH (B*t Mtk aai 4lit St«.) E. Oalizi & Bro. Greatert VKtt$- ' itonal AcconUtn.. ; Mimifirturen and- Incompirsblt Spa-') cl»l workj. Sew;-. Idea Paleoted Bhlft Kejj. 215 Cuil 8(r«t . Nan York City - W. JHrauUla sU ,- i I TRUNKS STEAMER and WARDROBB ALL STANDARD MAKES SPECIAL DISCOUNTS TO THE raOFESSION ^OTHAND LCOOAGE SHOP, 15T3 Bro«d»ij At 47tk St. (Stnmd Ibestn BIdg.) Kew T9t|l M INERS .-.K AKE-UP J Est. Heniy C. Miner, \s£i ";r Typewriting-MuJtlgraphing Miniucrlpta-Scenirloi—ThMtrtol Utten Bush work • ipscWtf. DeUvered sam< dir. ■ 3597 Bryut, EXTRA LETTER CO.. IM W. 4M 8t' :^;V EDWARD CROPPER THEATRICAL WARDROBE TRUNKS 208 West 42d Street New York Plione: Bryant 8678 I—MUSIC PRINTING- la any Style or QuRntity. Our * Equipment Insures best rcsttUs. I Sample Copie* and Prices submiucd on request. PROMPT DELIVERY HUSIO PUBUSHEfiS FSESS liOS West 40th Strcft. New YoTk City ■f I \ •J i i ■ i feiXJiiii-^&t,:;/;' 'Ui&^^iSM^LiS-^-c •i-ay-'x'rf'-.i.i-. ;r»i^- i\'.ii?jX-l-'."ivT>^:/-"-'v