Variety (August 1920)

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ftUKCmiUB MunniATirr iNuno imm' NKomasDoi ■m IW Raff ini Othr C#iU EITarft U (Mi CiHwtli Or- »ti A«t C •tki tbe l«rttl that N>«*Pte. •• |««l ll«««riia M ctMriM r. Tail IDEAL VAIHEVIUC tM ir«M Mti i4 %m MaAl N< VIM PS» P«BB«Vi« Hi HPr •§■■« r«tt«* t^ir. *J«v w^Hwy ^ . »*w w wv ■■■■. «Ma«r MB Mifft «Mk tfl» : art la fWU •!«•» Mi« tiM MHiS ••4 \mn^f AmM Zi. tills r< r*. • • Atim •# tli» »«r<«M tv»i^ TAB MAM mo ma Acn >7?—ri^^r^.rr'*'^**'^** »»«t l»«|*r S! '^^'^'iiil Ci-y r^JT^ Tim, •fib* •f * l»«»-r;r# W tll» rl»«4«* NEWS OF THE DAILIES PlU ImIi« 9y l^«^a ••^ f pttti ^N Ml )C«>1 at tli» Mr fliri- feff <>«•• lim^m urn flM rwN«ii. l#r in N) 9i • •m i»i> It r%m ft tiMitrr H* •i llM Itll i«irf» IB »»« Al f»|l r%ato *■«. I* til* •••«•# tW '^ws ^«i« mi IM9 l»rl««» Ml« % Mi- ll • tW«tr««if !• IMV« ktr* II MMtfC«TrM« r< tW •«•< •f M. •f tM* r*rf •Mtrv* arv •!» t y »> r Mi IM< ktfi II !.«• C»c«ik«» N IU4*r Ml !• IMittrt H»Mly^. llM UW4 fciC K UT M * •• • bMi»»i ll»V«M i Ik«ilr1ff NfMMClf »|tfe IW i«c»«4 O N I • Iton M t« MlB Mt^to ft ^1 M Mt« rifH b«li« wM r*-ti •• tlM» ffvtMMrv Ml tW f»ll •• •wmmr •f Ml • HMf MMr^ Mt teiM^ tm «r«tMi# Up J r luiiii VMM Lm T«y*» •« Al rMM rrll tmf mi Urn Xm«M bm^ T>hmi«i a Wisv Mt« •• M» w <>r tiM Items MI»M«' »!■• Hm^ !• •• to Ml "Tirnkmrn •rt? |t*IIMI Mrfr*M •» M !• A tlMiit^f to Mr I 1) |i»Ml»r Ml Jm;> s: Jil m My ry to f f larMn M 'TIN «.«tl mi •M* Mfllljllf •! p tlWMl Mr MM Mr* LmMp J T i«|f ft aMVi Mr YM«ir I •iM0V iMTpMMt*! Ml ikM WMi««fM«#4Mi Mr mm4 Mrs. W.:i.«mi U k Jm'i fi. Ml Ik*^ fciir JM y»v T«t» I Mr M* tiM nMlC.«« Mm«««MMI** Mr ft»4 M*» TH iMiM i Ke«Mi.4r Mt MaMi«f.«4ii M* itlte l I1iil>4<|. H^IM. Jm > »l. •»«. TW l*it>Mi to •'# •t ffW e«MCMrv WltltAMI A j iiw inM»«M— <^ m9W94 VMM Hm pmw ^ •• M>«»gr IMtMt Mv Mr* Mmmm » llarlAiaM Vi«Mto •! ilw !••# UmM • VM r»r<ii»rM L llM«l4aMI. mIm ••■ klMMl Ml I^MMt mi tM» I IMM Mtatvv mMtm IMS • llto f^<HM af tlw lMM» M f»n •• tiM Mrvrl. ainbiMS MB MS k« IMS 9>» «'• »%• Mr. tw 'nil Hsf r Ml M^ sm«#4 Ml tliU riMt»*4 fW r*lM«v •4iM-LMrM9 fiv A ► '%•! W rn»*^ f%tl*r. tito «1 »ir w s W X'a^M mi Ifes • W»li»«Mi K.wt M*Mrs4 N»rli N-lMl Hm m mm. i«lMI rrtr* Ja.Ii M^» * r»> Mil4r^ K«aU •t*rt« M MM Mm to •• «• sl r«ffilr« sf «ki4li srs 4*1»«« IMS tM*i to t* frsMSMt llto pto TMs «^fc. C Tflsr •t IMS 4rsMMtlBStlSM sf iIm tIto Mr»l AtUikttr CMy M«si VM III MM Kl litMWlpr» L*«« ' IM» p«to« mMIiIi St c«|«il •• nt' t IMt Am AM*»r%. -m 1 •• ^••'^V! :• Ikairtorsir prm N«Ml si^ Nsiw^NNl WMlbiir« M.»i.»«i"»W* V^, f'* ."fl^^T U? "• ■9pSMr Ml IM rMsi | #sto» a»4 I 4i'^4 i Mr#to> TW Mr RSMSrtS vIMMI E^MMMHI SStr *' •"•■•^ V^ MMl SSSOTMIfl^W SV^SVMB tM« ■sir rt«ry I lrto« C« Krsi • K>4 M«4*«»*> toW VMS ltoMUt»M W« •isrt*4 Ms sriiss '|Mr hm^m Mslrrt Ar«ll» mm tW tMto mi sms sf M»« tWatrss titot iMm Mr *s4 Mr* CMU Ml nklMWr toltik s viMto iM» ll»l«ri* tMsstrr. vWrM MMi Ws IC4 «l »••» • «*«rMKsi ss *W Mk MiM IStr IMM MMM«M SKM I Ws toll tW fW Ito^t tsiig aU I f^»M sM Mitf W rr W Ai IM tW rmm to Ml Ai vru. ttstirts I *«•' !> •-! • >»«MM arr %l 1^4* rvr •MMMt tktl MS toiM toSi^M IS. •*»r* »«fti SMMHM. TW> sr« •a4 J«* ii*!*!* |i*fMi»» •M ks Ml vM«rli MMr sW to M Ml N«M Vsfi Istrr is Mi TMt iU^MItNT IMCOA^i SSMSSM lltof MtU Mmvs i tVvtol Ml "MmiMS T^r«>««ll ImmM Htms . _• sm4 WaIU^s RMMMV»r %l'«A4*iW P»«to i^* rsmtto Mi Anm>«« f IS I T i:s3r: t^BTMlir MsrMays |4i«*« P t*Hrt*t 1 »«•< !i fi • iMMM arr MwM *Hiri Ml TH* liirl IS tW lW«**ttfllt r' JmIims TsMMrs to tM W tn tlir .-■(»? sf N<r rsMiily Trs* •*» vImHi Is star M«4» r ii«r IM r»lM«r«sl All MsMt. aMfll vM Mll4r.4 I- •f THs 1^- (.^ff lasi MM- •Mi. trss 9* 1*4 ^ fr>Mi H ||- f- M. hf«-«^ SI 'Tn t i<^«.^ sM Ml IMM sf AK«n A M«ri r« fr^«» i. RMtor4 WsltsM t« li;s« %Mk iMi* Tks ^4ls«MV to M Mst ff Mir Mto4 Ml •( s • sMr^ iMm 4sr i# to tllMt sf rt^^tt'-r H sM»s liis^toMMii mt^% wm « 1 k • V«l imrr *«i • " A •'• •*•• *—t-n— 9i •!•. I* '«»•» A TiiSliM «N>^ ** «llMr««» MHI^asM CMiA . M i» ^M ^^ ^, lllfA^ ^ ll*«Htot UMhh CWm . 1^